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Forever Together

Page 33

by Naughty Aphrodite

  "Night." Calvin decided that feeling awkward about sleeping in a woman's bed wasn't worth the trouble. Even after all that happened, Alexis cared for him as he was; that was why this was happening. He wasn't going to betray her trust again by making trouble where there wasn't any. When Alexis climbed into bed next to him, she sidled up close and wrapped her arms around him, giving him a thorough snuggling.

  This was something he could get used to.

  Chapter 6: Confrontation

  Calvin thought it was time to step things up.

  After the intimate moment he had shared with Alexis earlier, he wanted to show how much he cared as directly as possible. He realized that he had yet to buy Alexis any kind of gift, and he had no idea what she would like. He considered just giving her a gift card, but that wasn't especially romantic. He also considered jewelry, but she barely wore earrings. Unable to think of any more options, he decided that he'd get her a certain video game that had just come out. It wasn't a fighting game, but he had a feeling she would like it from what he read about it. Something about traversing humanity's shared consciousness while beating up various monsters seemed like it would be a good fit.

  After buying the video game, he decided to surprise her with it. He called to let her know he was coming out of courtesy, but left his arrival time vague for the sake of the element of surprise. He knocked on her door and she answered, looking every bit as surprised as he hoped she would. "Oh, hi, Calvin!"

  "Hey there," he said. "I made it here. Do you mind if I come in for a bit? I've got something I want to show you."

  "Um, actually..." Alexis looked over her shoulder. "Well, this is kind of awkward. There's... um..."

  Calvin felt his face fall. "What's going on?"

  "Come in and you'll see." Alexis stepped away and allowed Calvin to enter.

  When Calvin saw what Alexis was blocking, he nearly jumped out of his skin. Mathilde was sitting on the couch as though she naturally belonged there. "Hello, Calvin."

  All of the alarms went off in Calvin's head at once. "What are you doing here?!" All notion of giving the matriarch her due respect flew out the window as he stomped towards her. "What have you been doing with Alexis?"

  Alexis followed Calvin, apparently not entirely shaken by his outburst. "Calvin, wait-"

  "Why can't you just leave well enough alone?!" Calvin roared. He reached forward like he was going to shake the old woman, but aborted the action partway. "You've stalked her, you've sent your underlings to bother her and now you just walk into her house like nothing's wrong with that?"

  "Calvin, stop!" Alexis grabbed Calvin's arm and tried to hold it in place.

  "Alexis, this is my battle to fight," Calvin said.

  "No," Alexis said back. "No fighting. Won't you just listen instead of going off half-cocked?"

  Calvin sighed, letting his guard drop slightly. "What is there to listen to?" He couldn't help but notice that Mathilde didn't even flinch at him, making him wonder just how much of a waste of energy that all was.

  "Well, if you're finished..." Alexis grumbled, then resumed talking. "Mathilde and I were just having a perfectly normal conversation. All she wanted to do was get to know me. That's all."

  "Really?" Calvin was feeling the egg of embarrassment all over his face. "So you just let her in, and nothing went wrong at all?"

  Alexis put her hands on her hips. "Do you really think I'd just be standing here if something went wrong? And before you ask, no, she hasn't tried to brainwash me at all. Do you guys even have that kind of power?"

  "Alexis..." Calvin sighed and scratched his head. "So... what were you guys talking about?"

  "I wanted to know more about your friendship," Mathilde said, her tone completely even, as though the previous incident had never happened. "From what I am told, you two connected over shared interests, then stayed connected on an emotional level. The challenges you two faced brought you closer together. You learned to trust and care for each other."

  "Where are you going with this?" Calvin asked.

  "Calvin, I know that I cannot stop you from choosing a particular mate. It would be wrong of me to infringe on your freedom like that. Still, I can make sure that you choose someone who is good for you and from my assessments, I would say that Alexis is very good for you." Mathilde looked to Alexis as she spoke, "I can tell that you two have a strong bond."

  "See, Cal? Everything's all right," Alexis said. "I don't really get the 'mate' stuff, but this sounds like a vote of approval, don't you think?"

  "Yeah, I guess." Calvin looked down, feeling rather ashamed.

  "Still, I ask that you take into account my words of caution from earlier. Should you choose this woman as your mate, know that it will have consequences. Perhaps the questions from other werewolves will be easy enough to handle, but your children may suffer from being caught in the middle, neither fully human or werewolf. Be prepared for that time." Mathilde stood up, smoothing out her dress. "I wish you two the best of luck."

  "Thank you, Mathilde," Alexis said. "Are you going now?"

  "Yes," Mathilde said. "Thank you for having me as a guest. Take care, both of you." The pair watched as Mathilde left, barely making a sound aside from the shutting of the door.

  Calvin exhaled heavily. "Thank God that's over."

  "It would have been infinitely less painful if you didn't overreact," Alexis noted. "So, what brings you here? It's not like you to be weird and cagey about when you're coming over."

  "I wanted to surprise you," Calvin said. "Did you see the bag I brought in?"

  "You brought in a bag?" Alexis looked over to a nearby table. Sure enough, there was a bag from a certain game store sitting there. "Oh. It must have gotten lost in the chaos."

  "Let's go with that." Calvin retrieved the bag and held it out to Alexis. "Take a look."

  Alexis took the bag and reached inside. When she pulled the game out, her eyes went wide. "Oh, wow! How did you know I wanted this game? I don't think I even mentioned it to you. Did you peek at my wishlist or something?"

  Calvin shrugged. "I had a hunch that you'd like it."

  "Well, your hunch is right," Alexis said, giggling and throwing her arms around Calvin. "You are so good to me."

  "I want to be good to you," Calvin said, returning the embrace. "I love you."

  "Oh, geez." Alexis was already turning a bit pink. "I didn't want to be one of those girls that melt over those three words, but I guess I am."

  "It's all right," Calvin said, giving her a soft kiss on the lips.

  "I love you too, Cal." Alexis returned the favor with another kiss before separating to inspect the game more thoroughly. "There's no two-player mode on this, though."

  "That's all right," Calvin said. "I'll just watch you play."

  "All right then." Alexis strode over to where her game console was and started setting up. "How about we give it a shot now?"

  "Sounds like a plan."

  Chapter 7: All’s Well That Ends Well

  The time seemed to be right. Calvin wanted to make tonight the night where he would claim Alexis as his.

  They'd had a nice dinner at a decent restaurant (decent enough to motivate both of them to gussy up a bit, anyway), coupled with a little wine. Everything seemed to be in place for events to reach a peak. When they got back to Alexis's house, Calvin decided the best course of action was to be forward. Communication was key. He took a few steps towards the bedroom and held his hand out for Alexis to take. "Well? Shall we?"

  "Shall we what?" Alexis said, her brows knitting in confusion.

  "Shall I escort you to the bedroom?" Calvin looked over towards the bedroom, then back to Alexis.

  "Lemme think about that," Alexis said, pausing to weigh her options. "You know what, yes. Let's do this."

  "Consider it done, my lady." Calvin took Alexis's hand and escorted her to the bedroom like a true gentleman. He gave her a mock twirl, then dipped her onto the bed. One by one,
he tossed his clothes aside, cutting to the chase as quickly as he could.

  "Wait, wait! You're going too fast! Give me a chance to do things," Alexis mumbled as she wriggled out of her dress.

  "Purple," Calvin said, noting the color of Alexis's bra and panties. "Cute."

  "Does it really matter?"

  "Nah." Calvin leaned over onto her, planting soft kisses along her neck, pressing himself against her. He took a deep breath, taking in her scent. "You smell perfect. Delicious, even."

  "Is that a werewolf thing?" Alexis giggled and kissed Calvin back, her hands tracing down his chest. "Damn, I didn't really notice how ripped you were till now. I feel inadequate."

  "Kind of," Calvin replied. "And don't worry about it. A little fluff is just perfect." He cupped her breasts, gently massaging, kissing between them and working his way down.

  "Damn," Alexis repeated. "We're not even at the main event yet and I already feel amazing. How do you do it?"

  "I don't think you need to think about that too hard." Calvin nuzzled Alexis gently, hooking a finger into the waistband of her panties. "Let's just enjoy ourselves."

  "Roger that." Alexis shuddered, tingles going through her. She continued teasing touches down his chest and stomach; she wasn't exactly at a good vantage point to go any lower. Instead, she occupied herself with unhooking her bra and discarding it, something a bit more difficult to do while lying down than she thought it would be.

  "Let me help you with that." Calvin assisted Alexis with removing the offending undergarment, throwing it into the same pile that his clothes had gone into.

  "Such a gentleman," Alexis said.

  "We'll see if you still think that when we're done here," Calvin teased, tugging Alexis's panties down and preparing himself to go in for the kill.

  His underwear went off and Alexis could see that Calvin was raring to go. "Whoa," she said.

  "What did you expect?" Calvin chuckled and positioned himself over Alexis. "Are you ready?"

  "I don't know what I expected," Alexis said. "Wait, shit, do you have a condom? Sorry, not ready for your weird little half-beasties yet."

  "Of course, I do. And I'm going to pretend you didn't just call my future children weird." Calvin reached for his pants, pulled out a condom packet, and unrolled the sheath down his shaft with a practiced deftness. "Better?"

  "Yeah..." Alexis sucked in a breath and braced herself for impact. "I'm ready."

  Calvin decided to dispense with the chatter and ease himself in. The noises Alexis made delighted him; he barely needed to look at her to know that she was enjoying the experience. She clung to his back, nails digging in ever so slightly and that spurred him on. He kept his thrusts regular as he enjoyed the rhythm of action and response. He would go deeper and Alexis would moan in pleasure. As he went, he made sure to keep his contact regular, massaging her and sliding in the occasional kiss and nibble. He knew that he loved her, and he wanted to convey that to her in a way she could feel. He focused on his feelings with every thrust, every touch and he hoped that Alexis felt the same.

  Soon, the time came for things to wrap up. "I'm coming," Calvin mumbled and the final wave of pleasure sent shudders through him. He felt Alexis shudder at the same time, and he had a feeling that he had achieved the elusive simultaneous orgasm.

  "Oh my God," Alexis moaned, her eyes rolling back just a bit. "I have no words."

  Extracting himself and disposing of the condom, Calvin said, "You don't need words." Once that was done, he plopped down beside her. "So? Constructive criticism, feedback, comments?"

  "Does your dick have a customer service line or something?" Alexis giggled, and Calvin couldn't help but chuckle at the notion. "Uh... the only comment I have is that that was amazing. Just... wow."

  "I'm glad." Calvin wrapped himself around Alexis, smoothing out her hair. "I love you. I want you to know that."

  "I love you too," Alexis said, stroking Calvin's face. "If you didn't have me before, you've got me now. I'm yours."

  "Perfect. You're mine, and I'm yours," Calvin said.

  The two laid there in each other's arms for a while, enjoying each other's warmth. After that, Alexis spoke, "I'm not trying to rush you or anything, but have you thought about where we're going to go from here?"

  Calvin shrugged. "Do we have to have a plan? I didn't think we did."

  "Eh, maybe we don't. I mean, I'm not asking for a proposal or anything, just... I don't know," Alexis brushed a strand of hair away as she spoke.

  "Alexis, you don't honestly think I'm going to leave you at this point, do you?" Calvin asked. "I've claimed you as mine. I'm not letting you go just because I got into your pants."

  "That's my guy," Alexis said, giving Calvin a smooch. "Reliable as always."

  "I try my best," Calvin said. "I'll be there for you. You can always call me. Maybe we'll move in together someday if that looks like a good option."

  "That sounds nice. I'll look forward to that," Alexis said. "I've said it before, and I'll say it again. I love you, Cal. I'm glad that we met. You've got me, and I'm not letting you go."

  "That's how I'd like it," Calvin said. He looked towards the pillows. "Should we get under the covers? Maybe I should have re-aligned you at some point during the action."

  "Don't worry about it," Alexis said. "Let me wash up and find my sexy little nightie."

  As Alexis left to take care of those things, Calvin sighed and adjusted himself to under the covers. To put it simply, he was happy, truly happy. He had found genuine love, based off a true connection, and he felt personally fulfilled from the experience. As long as he and Alexis could rely on each other, he thought they could get through anything.

  Even weird little half-beasties.


  Billionaire’s Nanny


  “You promised you’d come out tonight. You were supposed to pull your nose out of that laptop after we graduated, remember?”

  “Cheri, I’m not studying. I’m looking for my career start,” Samantha says.

  “I told you, I’m fine to cover your part of the rent again this month. It’s no big deal, now c’mon, let’s get you dre--”

  “Cheri! It is a big deal. I’m not your charity case. I’m a grown-ass woman who is perfectly capable of paying her own way.”

  “Yes, yes, and I love that you don’t take the easy way for anything. But tonight, my dear, you are my date to the SpaceMark party, and you promised you’d come no matter what,” Cheri says. “You’ve been at this all day--all month. Take one night off and start living your life.”

  Samantha knows she is right. She closes her laptop and looks at the open closet where Cheri is already trying on a little black dress and gold heels.


  An hour later they step out of a cab in front of an impressively large house.

  “Jesus, Cheri! What is this place? It looks like the Queen of England’s summer home.”

  “This, my dear, is where we are spending our evening. Welcome to the SpaceMark party!”

  “I thought we were going to some hotel or event center.”

  “Nope. SpaceMark likes to put the personal touch on what they do. It’s hard as hell getting them to buy equipment from us--their rep certainly made me jump through some hoops to make the sale--but they know how to throw a good party.”

  The inside pulses with beats. Two women dressed in all gold take their coats and bags, and lead them to the entrance of the ballroom. Samantha pauses at the threshold, a little intimidated by the crowd and extravagance.

  “C’mon! You’ll love it,” Cheri shimmies her hips a bit as she reassures Samantha. “Let’s get you a drink.”

  Cheri is right. A drink, a little settling in and chatting with some people, and Samantha was starting to have a great time. A man with a shiny suit and very tall hair asks her to dance. She remembers Cheri’s words: “You don’t need to want babies with a guy. Just dance. Just be a pe
rson with other people.” So, she dances. And she dances some more. And by the time she goes up to the bar for another drink, she is glistening with the heat of her movement.

  Just as she takes her drink from the bartender, an obviously drunk man trips and knocks her hand, spilling her drink down the front of her dress.

  “Hey! What the--”

  “Guess you should’ve been standing somewhere else little mousey,” the man says as he laughs loudly and points at her dress.

  A tall and extremely handsome man appears behind the drunk and firmly takes him by the shoulder. “Excuse yourself,” the handsome stranger says with an edge in his voice. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”


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