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Hide and Seek - part 4 - Rhyming & Non Rhyming Poems

Page 4

by Nikhil Parekh

i fought like wild cats with my beloved in the day,

  causing incorrigible agony to her throbbing heart,

  kissed her forehead; saying a sorry which came from deep within my conscience,

  to see her smiling with the same intensity with which she first wept.

  24. SKIN

  When i felt the scarred and abraded skin of unripened orange,

  it caused silent tremors in multiple pores of my flesh.

  when i touched the cold skin of pale chipped marble,

  shivers of dormant jubilation made me smile.

  when i caressed rough skin of unprocessed grey stone,

  feelings of utter disdain crept slowly through cellars of my blood.

  when i felt the satiny skin of pure silk garment,

  a serene calm descended painstakingly over my persona.

  when I touched the skin of crystal flowing mountain water,

  nostalgic memories flooded in domains of longing heart.

  when I slapped the skin of languid grass blades,

  tingling sensations catapulted me to dizzy heights of ecstasy.

  when I kneaded thoroughly the skin of unbaked dough,

  circulation of red blood increased by leaps and bounds in all regions of body.

  when I licked the skin of sickening sweet chocolate candy,

  it sent spurts of energy to torn cells of anguished heart.

  When I sipped nonchalantly elastically translucent skin of brown rum,

  Waves of pungent alcohol drowned me in webs of disaster sedation.

  when I cuddled the furry skin of the striped leopard,

  I experienced overwhelming courage acting as my companion.

  When I raised the lifeless skin of my beloved to the Creator,

  I felt like charring it first, to have an everlasting scent of her divine grace


  Water seeped fast through the tall drainpipe,

  muddy pools of liquid inhabited desolate patches of the street,

  bed sheets of road dust were drenched in the inclement showers,

  smudged portions of leaf glistened with water droplets,

  a distinct aroma of freshly bathed mud rose in the air,

  the birds chirped violently amidst the drifting clouds,

  as the sky now disguised in devil black wept like never before.

  semicircular skin with coats of light red ,

  blended with crushed lead graphite powder and tinges of pink floral paint,

  fell down, on the immaculate floor polished with molten wax,

  diffusing into minute particles with the blowing wind,

  licking the periphery of Arabic marble with coal grain,

  as i sharpened my bonded pencil,

  with vociferous strokes of the razor switchblade.

  i then took a huge white canvas cloth,

  natural oil paint derived from tree bark and virgin clay,

  prepared a concoction of color paste and tap water,

  sketched the grey clouds colliding with passion,

  olive green bunches of wet tree leaf,

  the thunder showers of torrential rain pouring down,

  the backdrop of sun smiling behind the clouds,

  all i used was my sharpened pencil, and a thick water brush,

  dipped in natural extract of mixed color.


  When the olive green light enclosed in translucent sheath of glass beeped,

  it was a subtle signal for pedestrians to unanimously surge forward,

  zipping past disdainful white lines of the zebra crossing; at animated pace.

  when acres of soil sprawled on earth scorched onerously in the flaming sun,

  an infinite assembly of hollow crevice blended infectiously at several quarters,

  it was a indispensable signal for grey clouds to shower torrential rain.

  when insidious white powder dribbled in unison from the jet black sheath of

  scalp hair,

  inevitable sensations of itching cropped up at barren regions of musk brown skin,

  it was a lucrative signal for applying chivalrous coats of medicated shampoo.

  when a cluster of fish slithered haplessly on arid surface of virgin ground,

  trembling with cold shivers nibbling neglected chunks of wild mushroom,

  it was a desperate signal to inundate the ambience of fish with surplus water.

  when the passenger plane nose-dived into satiny azure cocoons of humid air,

  intricate machinery of the steel bird relinquishing to perform,

  it was an emergency signal for the passengers to strap their air bags and leap down.

  when the robust farm hen laid a festoon of pearly white eggs,

  nestling them with intimate warmth of her feathery quill,

  it was an harmonious signal from the creator for the fledglings to hatch.

  when there was a brusque interruption of the human breath,

  innumerable palpable cavities of heart throbbed with emphatic exhilaration,

  it was a sure signal for the person to evacuate this earth.

  and when she waited anxiously for me to return in wee hours of dawn,

  refraining to consume even a droplet of water in my solitary absence,

  praying tenaciously to the almighty for me to return,

  it was an incorrigible signal that she loved me as she feared to die.


  I used them to trample incorrigible chunks of wild clay,

  violently kick orphan splinters of soft pebble that came my way.

  i wore them while clambering up menacing slopes of the snow clad mountain,

  waded through placid waters of jungle river at leisurely pace.

  i brutally dismantled inarticulate walls of the glistening sandcastle,

  tread harmoniously; with nonchalant vigor on an army of desert crab.

  i aimlessly loitered through solitary streets of the city; a few hours preceding dawn,

  tenderly kissing pliable cakes of cow dung plaster that confronted my way.

  i assassinated transparent panes of the shop window; into a fine spray of white


  stole exquisite pieces of saffron cloth; from the dark ambience of the closet.

  i jogged incessantly across the sparkling meadow; with sporadic pants of breath,

  made cacophonic noises ;crushing withered leaves of the oleander maple.

  i stood fearlessly on a battalion of fiery red ant,

  escaped unhurt; as the animate creatures tried puncturing the leather without respite.

  i even adhered them to my feet; with long strands of shriveled rubber,

  descending to fathomless depths of the ocean; exploring blood red coral reef's.


  i traversed unrelentingly on steaming patches of barren land,

  they still seemed to hold my weight; bereft of squeaks and discordant sounds.

  i took them out for few hours; when sunk in the domains of blissful sleep,

  my twin pair of corduroy shoes still guarded me against jinxed spirits,

  exuberantly anticipating the fresh soles of my rustic feet,

  as the clock ticked a second past brilliant dawn.


  As i shaved corrugated exteriors of the deodar tree,

  the palpable object of wood shivered incessantly all frosty night.

  when i shaved the skin of rustic African leopard,

  he was left behind with a conglomerate of bones and naked flesh,

  assassinating buoyant traces of pride nestling in infinite parts of his body.

  when i shaved the thorny skin of juicy pineapple,

  ripping the fruit into triangular halves with my butcher knife,

  appetizing slices of nutrition lay lifeless for me to consume.

  when i shaved hectares of paint sticking to house walls,

  savagely rubbed every iota of polish with crystal sandp

  the structure resembled a morbid mortuary devoid of sparks of color.

  when i shaved the gaudy black skin from tinted car glass,

  punctured its doors with grey lead flying haphazardly from my pistol,

  the sedan appeared as if donated in charity,

  fresh from the dilapidated domains of the village junkyard.

  when i shaved the transparent skin of electric bulb of light,

  severed the dainty filaments of voltage inside,

  the contrivance resembled soft yellow pulp of rotten mango.

  when i shaved ornately sculptured skin of oyster shell,

  evacuated frugal amounts of saline water trapped inside,

  impeccable pearls of brilliant white bounced in my awaiting palms.

  when i shaved chunks of hair from the human scalp,

  scrubbed it hard with a concoction of oil and perfume till it shone,

  engraved it with mystical scriptures portraying the ancient era,

  the bald dome looked strikingly similar to,

  sparkling idols of God assembled in the tranquil golden light of the Temple.

  29. 100 M SPRINT

  Grey lead escapes gleaming pistol barrel,

  10 bullets soar high in the sky,

  piercing fluffy carpets of blue clouds,

  flooding air patches with dynamite stench,

  as 10 heads sport curly hair,

  crisscrossed in pools of sweat,

  10 shirts of athletic spun cotton,

  10 sweat shorts clinging to muscled leg,

  10 time pieces wound on wrists,

  10 pairs of footwear studded with spikes,

  10 bands of multicolored foam,

  fitted tightly to throbbing forehead,

  10 chains of shining metal,

  jingling against heavy chest bone,

  10 pairs of eyes converging dead straight,

  reflecting uncurbed desires of complete triumph,

  10 sets of moist palms,

  clenched tightly into blood curling fists,

  10 pairs of curved ankles,

  knelt towards saw dust race tracks,

  10 pairs of pounding hearts,

  ready to leap in heated ecstasy,

  the 100 m sprint is just about to commence.


  the pungent alacrity of the air strikes me,

  creating quadruples of animated breath, as i pass,

  luminated signboards, suspended cables,

  well lit edifices, lush green shrubs,

  tainted scraps of loiter,concrete skyscrapers,

  flashing signals, incoherent busstops,

  sacrosanct church spires, towering clocks,

  gaudy exhibitions, heavy bolt prisons,

  suburban railways, thick glass aquariums,

  bustling airports, chagrinned cinema halls,

  glittering coffee shops, nonchalant mad houses,

  exquisite monuments, sporadic manufacture of milk,

  disheveled beggars, unsuspecting black hoods of crime,

  plethora of beaches, desolate rumbles of junk,

  mammoth emergency wards, indiscreet abattoirs of sheep,

  looming textile mills, stagnant pools of fetid water,

  haunted carousels, brown tarts of crisp toffee,

  undulating landscape,chiselled toy shops of soft plastic,

  escalating perfumed fountains, low altitude tin roofs,

  black wisps of hovering clouds, crimson crested pigeon flesh,

  unrelenting spikes of steel wire, landlords blessed with cupidity,

  infrared power stations, chunks of gaseous evading moonlight,

  salubrious machinery in gymnasiums, corrugated assemblage of pine trees,

  i finally switch my way homewards,

  the four wheeled metallic monster probes forward,

  cutting clockwise currents of dust,

  the vulcanized rubber comes to an abrupt halt,

  shards of glass lay all over,

  metal to metal clashes hard,

  creating a screeching eerie sound,

  my head submerged in pools of thick grease,

  sticky and red in color,

  as i breathe my last breath, utter my last syllable.


  I butchered unwanted outgrowths that came my way,

  crushed thorny cactus under bare soles of my feet,

  hung freely from forked elastic branch of mango tree,

  bathed in icy streams flowing past a plethora of rock,

  screamed at full lung capacity to resemble aboriginal apes, bit my teeth in

  thick folds of green banana skin,

  covered my body with dotted fragments of tree bark skin,

  rode bare back on untamed African elephant,

  burnt a roaring fire of brittle tree logwood,

  engulfed my mouth in fleshy delights of smoked deer meat,

  slept like a demon in moist interiors of my large rock cavern,

  camouflaged from sight by thunderous waterfall,

  cascading from dizzy heights of the mountain.

  acerbic rays of the sun filtered at dawn,

  through innumerable crevices of my dilapidated cave roof,

  awakening me with jolts of unwarranted surprise,

  as i started my expedition towards the century old buried Temple.

  there were steps that led a trail into deep recesses of earth,

  at the end of which lay sprawled a dungeon of riches,

  with silver coins raining from the oval roof,

  diamond and yellow gold was stashed abundantly,

  pieces of ivory projected from the wall,

  i then lost balance, high degrees of self control,

  my weary legs collapsed on the floor,

  to roll in a bed of glittering gold, with globules of white silver pouring down.


  Transparent droplets of water rolled down my cheek,

  crusty white liquid was produced in bountiful spray,

  piercing tunes blasted from sleek sound systems,

  fountains of water oozed from the shower at electric speeds,

  hot geyser lights burned incessantly,

  coats of wall plaster glistened in dull radiance,

  tablets of green soap lay bare on the mantelpiece,

  rich spun towels hung from articulately curved hooks,

  tons of washing powder evacuated a cluster of bacteria,

  as i stared into the crystal mirror,

  suspended a few feet below the ceiling weaved with corrugations.

  i filled a large tumbler with mineral water,

  dissolved filaments of chili for pungent perfume,

  poured frosty denim foam wildly compressing the nozzle pipe,

  stirred the mixture with round sticks of silver,

  caressed hard stalks of my hair,

  with pea sized amounts of yellow cream,

  scraped untidy mass of overgrown stubble,

  with deft strokes of twin platinum blades,

  splashed my face clean with handfuls of ice water,

  slaughtered remnant traces of untrimmed hair,

  with steady applications of blow dryer gun,

  breathed a sigh of relief at last,

  sprinkling my immaculately shaven flesh,

  with revitalizing wisps of the cologne aftershave.

  33. WHY DID HE

  Why did he have to walk with a crippled leg,

  when several of his age took part in marathon race.

  Why did he beg with bruised bowls of cheap copper,

  When bulk of the population sipped peach flavored chocolate rum.

  Why did he travel long distance on rusty bicycle,

  Silver sedans with undeserving youth clambered through dream lanes of the valley.

  Why did he quench his thirst with contaminated tap water,

  His counterpart mates drank Irish spring water all night a
nd day.

  Why did he sleep with clattering teeth with threadbare sacks wrapped round his


  Affluent children snuggled tightly under the comfort of their Persian quilt.

  Why did he spend his day begging and pulling truck load,

  youth of his age swam merrily, played long tennis with cushioned racket.

  Why did he place his feet on scorched tarmac,

  The prince in the palace tread on Luke warm chips of scented marble.

  Why did he speak in a rustic village accent,

  Teenagers of his kind babbled inarticulately in different styles of slang.

  Why did he wear clothes that were stained with colored spit and mud,

  A fleet of school children attired in white shirt and immaculate tie.

  Why did he have no one to wipe his tears with tinges of blood,

  God bestowed riches on some and a mountain of horrendous difficulty on the other


  The eagle soars high in the sapphire clouds,

  a trail of holy smoke rises in the moist air,

  striped leopards sprint through bushes at high speed,

  protuberant pigeon neck submerges itself in coolant water,

  furry Eskimo bear nestles against the deciduous tree,

  agilitic monkey springs in a network of branches,

  a cloudburst of water tumbles from the sky.

  there was a draining of emotions,

  droplets of salt water rolled down my cheek,

  witnessing the grandeur as cloud waves were smeared with tea black,

  i exposed my flesh to be encompassed by moisture,

  tried to confiscate a pool of saturated vapour,

  with fingers extended, palms cupped in gusty currents of the wind.

  the ambience was enveloped with serene calm,

  ground mass was ice-cream soft, with wet patches of water,

  the sky was crystal clean, divested of ugly tinges of grey,

  birds left for their nests in exodus,

  fleshy tortoise neck receded in hard shell,

  spiders were busy mending torn threads of web,

  pin drop silence now replaced deafening sound of

  pelting rain,

  i stared in ecstasy at the starlit night,

  buried deep in my mountain cave,

  slept like a horse till first rays of the next dawn.

  35. SHADOW

  Dominating its presence right since birth,

  in sunlight, moonshine, and artificial light,

  pitch dark in color at all instants of time,

  sewn perpendicular to pair of feet,

  lurking stealthily on all kinds of surface,

  unobstructed passage of black light,

  trespassing nuclear stations, barbed wire,

  high flung walls, towering gates of wrought iron,

  mass of water ,galleries of glass cubicles,

  with utmost ease of a crowned prince,

  kissing unknown strangers with soft intimacy,

  embracing hot patches of dirt,

  with tender caress of shady moisture,

  cooling dreary passengers scorched in the sun,

  priceless comfort without a pinch to the purse,

  emanating wildly from all living and created,

  disappearing entirely at nightfall,

  and abrupt closure of switchboard light,

  twice the length of person possessing it,

  a magnified presentation of existing object,

  as i stare at the relaxed composure of my shadow.


  White granules of crushed salt,

  distilled from rash waves of saline ocean,

  mixed in adequate amount of clear water,

  filled to the brim in large beer mugs,

  along with with crushed pulp of lemon, tinge of ginger,

  is my definition of taste.


  fine threads of variegated saffron,

  adhering to shiny interiors of stainless steel,

  filled with curry of white starched curd,

  with fine sprinkle of pungent mustard powder,

  beaten to jelly with wooden battens,

  producing clouds of strong aroma,

  is my definition of smell.


  brilliant red petals of fragrant rose,

  germinating in tandem from thick center buds,

  springing from thorny, slender green beanstalk,

  deriving nutrition fertile soil,

  with a sheath of transparent dew drops,

  is my definition of colour.


  heaps of crisp currency notes,

  stacked in invincible iron safe,

  punched in a cluster by pins of soft metal,

  increasing in size by the passing day,

  with exquisite statues of pure gold,

  is my definition of comfort.


  I shriek at high pitched tones in discordance,

  mumbling words unnaturally formed,

  stretching minute chords of my vocal tract,

  i was a sight to stare on the bustling street,

  irregular hair mass pivoting from my scalp,

  thick outgrowths of beard stubs sprawled across face,

  a breeding place for minuscule street insects,

  feeding in comfort, on unwashed dirt ,

  adorned in threadbare sac, reaching my ankle,

  i felt like an official prince of the poor,

  being mentally traumatized since i was born,

  brutally whipped at all quarters of life,

  utterly bereft of a shoulder to droop upon,

  looked upon in contempt by all passing me,

  a large slate of wood to perch on all day,

  cold stone pillows the armory for sleep,

  a meager consumption of hard bread and contaminated water,

  i spent all my life by the fountain side,

  with droplets of misery showered in plenty,

  an empty begging container my proudest possession,

  dangling from my skeleton shoulders,

  i have to make an early exit friends,

  there seems to be a traffic jam, luxury cars seem to be the majority,

  where in lies the crux of my begging activity


  The painted strand of fiber is held rigid,

  as its variegated counterpart clings to the air,

  the cocoon of sapphire mist encroaches upon,

  the sun dazzles amidst network of intermingled wrists.

  the thread surges with upsurgent fervour,

  the canvas races still further.

  slow staccato movements of the hands,

  nimble turning of the feet,

  blaring noises kiss the air,

  multicolored strips of plastic cut the glare,

  with daintily adorned straw brimmed head gear.

  the fibers collectively come abreast,

  chorus in unison for equal strength,

  the canvas sways wildly,

  as the savage battle is put to true test.

  the canvas finally snaps into multiple fragments,

  floating with gleeful anticipation,

  amidst the pulsating tension,

  descending with effusive velocity,

  with the backdrop of oleander being its lone saviour.

  i mull quietly over the proceedings,

  the four winged canvas falls with a thud,

  gently caressing my large feet,

  puts me in a trance; an everlasting sleep.


  Thick sheets of raw cardboard paper,

  sewn from dried pulp mixture,

  processed and woven in looming mill machine,

  a commodity manufactured at threadbare costs,

  desert brown in color, and rough in texture,

cut to various shapes of

  square, rectangle, triangle, penta and cone,

  with steel cutters piercing its hard flesh,

  particles of golden sawdust floating in air,

  transforming barbaric paper to trimmed angel,

  rendering it feasible for further treatment,

  the prime of which is an overlapping fold,

  followed by rich wax paint,

  printing designs befitting all occasions,

  like marriage, love, laughter and examination,

  with finely calligraphed captivating quotes,

  accentuating magical conversion of raw paper, into royal greeting card,

  a carrier of fluctuating emotions,

  a cheaply procurable object of desire


  nightmarish solitude envelops them,

  as mindless monsters in flesh encroach upon,

  hooded in deadly black witchcraft drapery,

  clutching steel tubes with twin nozzles,

  incorporating lethal bundles of gunpowder,

  angularly carved pointed iron,

  brittle green shells pinned at ends,

  heaps of razor sharp long shears,

  heavy metal gleam of savage crowbar,

  brutal wailing of siren bombs,

  indiscreet flashing devilish smiles,

  a cloudburst of mangled voices,

  sharp shots of blood curling fire,

  a plethora of hard grey lead flies around,

  biting acridly into cool sheaths of cabin air,

  making gaping holes into splinter proof glass,

  dissipating plush upholstery into threadbare


  toppling multiple cutlery with scalding water,

  disarming monitoring switchboards of electricity,

  horrendous blackness descends all over,

  living entities run helter -skelter,

  hushed silence pervades all commotion,

  a saga of epidemic bestiality,

  prompting contorted panic ridden reality,

  blotches of blood, strips of cloth lay astrew,

  the two winged airbus finally changes course,

  as obstreperous demands strike eardrums of the air navigators,

  shocked by a network of gun barrel,

  ready to explode at instants of denial,

  the most bizarre act on humanity,

  as the hijackers formally announce their arrival


  There was nothing else to ponder on,

  minutes and hours went whistling by,

  days sped into pitch dark night,

  acrid rays of sunlight shone on hilltop roof,

  bird music was the only confrontation,

  with high pitched gurgling of mountain stream,

  deafening sound of dry gusty wind,

  mammoth bedspread of tree leaf cover,

  sapphire blue puffs of drifting cloud mass,

  canvas tent cloth shielding me in darkness,

  perched right up at the conical precipice,

  grey striped lizards gliding through rock crevice,

  deciduous forests sprawled down the slope,

  stretching into silver lining of distant horizon,

  thick grass cover cushioning soil,

  candle wax transiting to white grease,

  as hot flames douse its periphery, provide orange light,

  fleet of fighter jets leave trails of white smoke,

  the fluffy camp bed sinks with my weight,

  red cloth ceiling embarrassed by my continuous gaze,

  the atmosphere enveloped with silent melody,

  emanating from vocal chords deep down my throat,

  advocating my penchant for omnipresent peace,

  my unending tryst, for obsession with nil work.


  Corrugated branches of live wood,

  oozing bitter colored milk when sliced with axe,

  sprouting from infinite spots of tree trunk,

  slender ,thick, long ,strong,

  angular sticks of dark brown,

  irregular planks of breathing timber,

  tapered at ends with several offshoots,

  alongwith tiny buds concealed in darkness,

  awaiting encounter with rustic breeze,

  bearing bunches of fresh green leaves,

  spiraling down towards the earth,

  compressed by sheets of torrential rain water,

  tumbling from black moisture laden clouds,

  drenching completely foliage and tall tree,

  a breeding palace for,

  bushy squirrels, migratory birds,

  camouflaged lizards, black ants,

  sharp witted fox, night watchman owl,

  red beaked parrot, grey crested pigeon,

  an essential commodity for crackling firewood,

  spreading its roots in deep tunnels of soil,

  growing fast and wide through dispersion of seed,

  a soothing sight to the human eye,

  its branches whistling with the wind,

  the neem tree is granted the status of the, oldest uncrowned king.


  I had hands roughened with passage of time,

  calcium nail coat with irregular indentation,

  supple skin with pores of youthful endeavor,

  fresh dark lines on palm, ruddy in complexion.


  i dreamt of luxury cars with Dunlop seat,

  spacious rooms with filtering Sunlight,

  appetizing food served in silver,

  arrays of crystal adorning ceramic polished wall,

  pure ivory cutglass made from elephant tusk,

  Persian satin cloth draping my bare flesh,

  ice cold water for euphoric summer swim.


  i sliced tree bark with butcher knife,

  collected grey stone sprinkled with ash,

  blended sticky clay with pitchers of water,

  rolled spiked wire to form a fence,

  crushed marble chips, sparkling granite, to flat tiles,

  dug deep wells for extracting pure ground water,

  clipped cable wires for transmitting current,

  set the hands of gold watch at my favorite nine,

  snatched all finance from blood sucking population,

  built a two story house with red baked brick.



  A full day of Sunshine provides truck loads of dazzling light,

  evaporating traces of imprisoned water with blemishes of grey.

  a full day of Sunshine revitalizes dead nerves,

  imparting fortified strength to frayed network of shoulder bone.

  a full day of Sunshine stringently fumigates households of moisture,

  tenaciously baking slip-shod exteriors of feeble edifices.

  a full day of Sunshine makes morbid waters of the river sparkle,

  instigating animate fauna to creep up uninhibited on the translucent surface.

  a full day of Sunshine would decimate clusters of venomous mosquito,

  releasing scores of humans from the captive jaws of epidemic.

  a full day of Sunshine provides fodder to sprawling acres of green grass,

  reinforcing their lack-luster appearance with blossoming stalks of lotus pink.

  a full day of Sunshine ensures a ravishing time at the beach,

  engulfing shriveled white patches of pale skin with masculine streaks of tan.

  a full day of Sunshine is a rare commodity on jagged peaks of the snow clad alps,

  initiating fountains of perennial happiness to pour; from the eyes of those privileged to witness these welcome beams of warmth.


  a full day of Sunshine prompts sagged clothes in blended water to dry,

  transforming its wet demeanour into crispy texture of uncreased garment.
  a full day of Sunshine inspires individuals with premonitions of art,

  rendering them versatile enough to scrupulously achieve mounting tasks.

  a full day of Sunshine leads to intense perspiration dribbling down,

  highlighting the optimistic effects of confronting life.

  a full day of Sunshine offers respite from nail biting cold,

  a reprieve from abhorrent sins of the previous night,

  filtering feckless prejudices into oblivion,

  chalking out innovative plans and fresh directions in adventurous life.



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