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Forsaken Fates

Page 5

by S J Doran

  His hand wrapped over hers, tightening both over his cock, briefly, then he moved it to the side. He wanted this to last forever.

  He kissed down her body, soft open mouth kisses, sucking at her flesh, his tongue swiping out to taste. He’d never forget the taste of her, the sweetness of her skin, the salt of her slick body. It was everything he’d dreamed she would be.

  He parted her folds with his fingers, swiping up with his tongue and closing his mouth over her wet flesh. So hot — hotter than his mouth… and her taste. Ambrosia.

  This was bliss. Nirvana. Euphoria. His heaven, built solely for him.

  She let out a hoarse moan, her back arching, hands grasping at his hair.

  “Cass... please.”

  His teeth scraped over her clit as his tongue dipped inside of her and her hips rocked up, grinding against his mouth. The void inside of him was roaring with power, her essence feeding his, feeding off his, until they were a self-sustaining entity. Eternal in their own right, because each was all the other needed.

  He sucked at her wetness, his tongue moving roughly over her clit and slid a finger into her wet sheath, and another when the clenching spasms told him how close she was… he wrapped his free hand around himself, stroking slowly, sharpening the razor edge of his desire.

  She was making insensible noises, her hips rocking, legs tight against his shoulders. His fingers dragged slowly, in and out, his mouth suckling, his tongue working her relentlessly.

  Her lust was making him dizzy.


  Too long since he fed…

  “Going to…” she tried to speak, he felt it already, growling against her...

  With a sharp gasp, her body tightened up, her sheath clenching then pulsing around his fingers... throbbing against his tongue. She groaned low, his fingers pressing hard, his mouth working counterpoint.

  “I need…” He took out his fingers and pressed his cheek to her inner thigh, eyes closed, breathing near impossible, trying to re-gain some sense before he fucking ravished her.

  Their power pulsed around them, teasing against the other’s.

  He climbed over her, burying his face in her neck, his erection heavy and aching pressing against her stomach. He was seething with need.

  “I’m fucking ravenous,” he whispered roughly against her neck and she whimpered, her claws digging into his back. “Don’t. I’m going to lose control…”

  He looked down their sweat-slicked bodies, grasping his shaft and rubbing the tip against her sopping wet folds. His entire body shuddered with need.

  Had he ever fucking needed something so much?

  He kissed her again, near mindless with lust, her arms wrapping around his neck and pulling him against her, tenderly. Eagerly. All he ever wanted…

  He nibbled her bottom lip, soothing it with a flick of his tongue, trying to keep his darker inclinations held back.

  “Time to consummate our vows,” he whispered hoarsely, staring down at where they would soon be joined. Finally.

  Their vows had been whispered to one another in the dark, but he liked to think the goddess they’d pleaded to witness had heard their vows, and blessed them. They’d survived.

  He lined himself up with her entrance, watching as he breached her tight sheath. His hands gripped her inner thighs, fingers denting her soft flesh...

  And he fucking lost it.

  His mind rolled, flashing back.

  Bas held him secure, though it was redundant, what with every bone in his body broken. Or close to. Bony fingers dig into his jawbone, forcing him to watch… his father’s fingers digging into the much paler flesh of her inner thighs…

  He nearly jolted off the bed as he pulled away, his hands covering his face as he let out a heart-shattering cry.

  “No. Mara…” His throat closed up, strangling a sob.

  Not blessed. Cursed. How could he ever be with her after what his father had put her through?

  Her arms wrapped around his head, his body shaking with the force of the sobs he was trying to stop.

  “I couldn’t stop them.”

  Angrily, he swiped at the tears streaming down his face. He didn’t fucking deserve them.

  “I would have died in your place. I…” a sob choked out, stealing his words.

  “Cass,” she whispered, her own voice rough with emotion. “Don’t torment yourself with this, of all things. It’s past.”

  A different life

  “Past?” He growled, rolling to his side and pulling her head to his shoulder. “I went to kill him. I couldn’t even succeed in that.”

  He brushed his lips against hers, then again until her lips softened, then deepened it, hands grasping her tightly, afraid to ever let her go.

  “I couldn’t stop him then, and I couldn’t make him pay for it now.”

  “Don’t do this now.” She placed her hand on his cheek, her thumb swiping under his eye. “Please.”

  “I need to see him suffer,” he groaned when her hands ran up his chest. “Watch him die by inches,” he hissed in a breath when the tips of her claws sunk in.

  “How many more fun surprises will I find lurking in my memories?” He closed his eyes, trying to get himself back in the moment, to revel in the feel of her.

  “No more, Cass. You’ve stolen all my secrets. I warned you demon, that you wouldn’t like them...”

  Point of no return

  Thumbs stroked along well-defined cheekbones, collecting each precious tear he spilled, knowing he shed them for both their sakes. For a life which had been stolen from them.

  “I don’t know if I can do this.”

  The warmth which had settled within her chest began to cool. Her confusion only building. Was he… rejecting her?

  Stupid Mara. Of course he was. He’d watched… he knew… and now remembered.

  Something in her expression must have shown, for the next instant she was locked in his arms, his lips by her ear as he cradled her to him. Too intimate, too good, too painful. She needed to think.

  “Damn it demon, let go of me.”

  She couldn’t recall ever feeling more exposed, it went so far beyond the physical it left her reeling, and furious. Angered by nothing more than her own vulnerability to him. She kept struggling in his hold to no avail, he wasn’t letting her go.

  “I can still hear those soft whimpers you made trying to hide your pain from me. Your scream when you realized what he was doing. The light in your eyes dulled as he...”

  His shoulders shook and his words broke.

  “Cassius please don’t do this, I am begging you.”

  A different girl, a different life — Not her.

  “I can’t… you were mine. He broke you to punish me.”

  She stopped her struggle, her fingers instinctively moving to brush through his hair, the feel of those soft strands anchoring her as she forced herself to meet his devastated gaze, and held it.

  “Do I look broken to you, demon? During all those years your father couldn’t hope to break me. So don’t you fucking dare let him succeed now.”

  Asmodeus could never hope to manage such a feat, but Cass could. It was a lesson he himself had taught her on that fateful day when the sin-eater had come to recruit his priestess. She’d dared him to kill her back then, he’d broken her instead.

  “Help me.”

  With an almost inaudible sigh, she pressed her palm upon his chest, their sigils joining, sending a pulse of pleasure through her upon contact. Though part of her wanted nothing more than to flee this room, hide from his pain and his memories, she stayed. She’d been strong for so long, surely she could be strong a little longer. After all, she’d lived their nightmare for five hundred years, he’d only now awakened to it. Over time, he would learn to suppress the memories, the pain. She could help him.

  “Open to me, Cass.”

  Those haunted eyes drifted shut at her command, his body relaxing as her power enveloped him. Black magic cocooned him in a lover's embrace a
s her essence brushed along his consciousness. From there she took it from him, siphoning away his pain, all the tormenting guilt.

  “Yes…” Slowly, agony faded into relief, that relief soon burning away for pleasure. His arms circled her waist, guiding her back to him. She allowed it.

  Moving to straddle his hips he didn’t resist when she gently pushed him back down upon the bed.

  “Be at ease demon, and watch me sin for you.”

  She placed her finger against her tongue, snagging his gaze, then sucked it into her mouth, his lips parted. She traced her wet finger around one peak of her aching breast, his pupils ate up all the color in his eyes. Back to her mouth, his eyes following her hand like a predator locked on prey, his breath coming out in a huff when she treated the other hardened nipple to the same, only slower.

  “You were the one who taught me to caress my breasts. I remember cupping them within my cold hands, imagining they were warm, pretending it was your touch I felt.”

  His eyelids grew hooded, his eyes black and glittering under thick lashes, the muscles across his beautifully sculpted chest taut, shoulders tensed and his teeth sunk into his bottom lip with a groan. She hissed through clenched teeth, nearly swooning as he tentatively began to rock his hips beneath her, as if to test himself, or her. Her view of her demon in the thrall of lust was a sin in itself.

  She kept her hand moving, lower still, trailing down her stomach before brazenly stroking between the folds of her soaked sex, lips parting on a moan when she made contact with her swollen clit, her hand jerking with every lazy circle over the raw, throbbing nerves. Wet heat began to trickle down her inner thigh, and her breaths strained, his dark gaze turning feverish at the sight of it. Still she held him down.

  “You were the one who taught me how to touch myself here. The first one to ever make me cum, with my own finger and your whisperings. I came while watching you stroke yourself and imagined it was you touching me.”

  His fingers dug into her waist, pressing her closer into him, again she resisted. “Hells... Mara, I remember, I remember using my tongue to clean your fingers, tasting you. The desperation to take you. Your taste made me spill all over my pants.” His cheeks flushed as if the admittance embarrassed him. Not possible. The Prince of Lust had no shame. They stole that from him.

  His hands lowered over the rounded swell of her hips, and this time she allowed him to guide her up his body and nearly came when his rigid shaft pressed firm between her legs.

  “Ah gods!” Her surprised cry echoed through the bookshelves that partitioned his bed from the rest of the room.

  The swollen head of his cock nudged her fingers out of the way, as he bucked, thrusting along sensitive flesh, and stroking her clit.

  “So wet, hot. I want...”

  She rocked over him, gripping his forearms when he again bucked up, pressing deeper, burying and bathing himself between her need slick folds. Small claws dug into his skin with the effort as she struggled to push back her own release.

  Not yet…

  “Where it matters, you were my first Cassius… no one else but you.”

  His rocking grew nearly frantic beneath her, his grip on her hips turning punishing, as she still refused to give in.

  “End this my amata, take me inside of you.”

  Sweat glistened off his toned body, beads of it trailing down her own neck and stomach from the sheer effort.

  Another slow rock of her hips and the crown of his shaft nudged against her entrance. Her breath caught at the divine pressure, the ache inside her unbearable.


  “Hmmm, you want to talk now? I’m going to expire if you don’t start moving soon.”

  “Are you all mine now?” No more memories, no more pain, no more past. Just them. “Just you and me?”

  “Uhn... Yes, Mara.” His thumb brushed across her lip, his other hand running through her hair.

  “Ahh…” She shivered as she lowered herself on him, his length impaling her slowly, stretching her to the point of pain. Sweet, sweet agony.

  His hands released her hips as soon as her heat began to glove him, his fingers tangling through hers, holding her as inch by slow inch he buried himself inside. Completion. Belonging.

  “Made for me.”

  “Home.” Neither moved, neither spoke. The intensity of the moment filled with stunned reverence, both of them having imagined it repeatedly, both having failed miserably at envisioning the true reality.

  “Cass, you need to breathe…”

  His lips found hers. “Don’t need air...” What they shared was no longer a kiss, it became so much more.

  Their bodies found that ancient rhythm, the dance they each instinctively knew the steps to, and she was lost to him. Salvation.

  She was vaguely aware of the building energy imprint within the room, coming from him. He was feeding on her lust, causing his power to hum through the air.

  “Yes... ah, gods YES!”

  Her magic was still connected to him, still pulling from him. And the overload of power spilled from his essence into her own magic, flowing back to her. This level of connection was one that nearly every warlock and demon avoided, a merging of consciousness. A joining of mind, body, and spirit.

  Her legs clenched around his hips. Everything she had been up until that moment fell away, as they consumed each other. Connected as they were, she wasn’t even sure if the pleasure she felt was his or hers. All she knew was that somehow the blood flowing through her veins had turned to liquid fire, a jolt of electricity sparking through every nerve ending until she felt like a live wire.

  His head fell back on an anguished groan. “Feels so fucking good.”

  His mouth devoured her scream as she began to spasm and clench over him.

  She reeled from the sudden spike in power, staring in amazement as tendrils of deepest black sprang free from her to envelop him, her breath catching as a set of blue flamed wings flared up his back to wrap around her in turn.

  Our powers are... merging? Impossible.

  Her head fell back, heat flooded her, pushing her past the orgasm her body had been climbing towards, something new… frighteningly intense.

  “Too much.”

  Her arms wrapped around his neck, grasping, grounding herself to reality, his hands closed around her nape, pressing her tightly against him. Covering her body entirely with his own.

  “Not enough...”

  She hadn’t realized she had said the words aloud until he answered.

  “Never enough.”

  That frantic need for release they had both been at the mercy of but a moment ago had now evolved into something bigger, expanding with every heartbeat. Energy merged and expanded, growing in power so quickly she wouldn’t be able to sustain it, causing it to backlash. Together they were creating something new, an energy both terrifying and agonizingly beautiful. And even though she could not sustain it, she would not see it destroyed. Instead, she opened herself to it, and sent it out into creation.

  “Forever, my Mara.”

  Maybe one day she could learn to forgive the gods and the realms for their cruelty, as long as she clung to this happiness. “Always, my Cassius.”

  Power cocooned them, cloaking them in the darkness from which they came. Here they had nothing to fear and no one could ever harm them. In this small world they claimed for themselves everything else fell away. Here there were no Realms or races. Here was nothing but them, all else simply ceasing to exist, as if creation itself had been consumed in their fire.

  You will destroy us all.


  Whispers intruded the safety of their little world, their words growing louder till her head was filled with screams. The heavy sense of dread breaking through her euphoria. The screams were coming from the ether. The ancient gods pleading, their voices a chorus of words she could not catch.

  “You hear that, Cass?”

  “Come back to me. The gods no longer have business with you.�

  A groan escaped him as he sank into the heat of her body, and thrust hard, planting himself deep inside of her.

  “We let them burn.”

  Ashes to dust

  He heard Jez’s panicked cries, so clear in his mind.

  His body trembled, sweat beading at his temples, heart racing with panic… no. Never giving her up.

  Everything had been taken from him. Four centuries as his father’s puppet. He had no reason to give any consideration to anything else, not when everything he wanted was in his arms. She’d suffered. He had suffered, and no one had cared.

  He groaned against her neck, moving back to take her mouth once more. Everything he’d ever wanted could be found right here, with her.

  I never stopped loving you.

  Euphoric bliss had filled his soul with those words. Acceptance. Completion. She was his, and he was hers.

  What could be stronger than their fury? Only their love.

  “Is love only meant to destroy?” His own words floated through his mind.

  “Perhaps for us, it is.”

  Her answer rang true.

  Together they would raze the realms to ash and watch the worlds burn around them. He’d known it the moment she had set them free, their energy released into the realms still expanding, their flames scorching the very threads of creation.

  He covered her completely, his cock fully ensconced by her throbbing sheath as he ground his hips against her, thrusting slow and deep, her arms around his shoulders, one of his hands holding the back of her neck, the other gripping her ass.

  “I won’t be able to reverse it.” Her hands dug into his hair, her breaths still short and panting, both of them still chasing down their release.

  “I made my choice.” He sobbed, pulling her tightly to his chest. “I’m suffocating without you. I can’t live without you.” He thrust hard. Deep. Trying to reclaim what was his.

  This was right. All that was right. Nothing else mattered.

  He pressed kisses, hot and wet, a little desperate, down the column of her neck, rasping his unshaven cheek along the side of her breast as she arched up toward his mouth. His tongue circled her nipple before he drew it into his mouth. Still, he could feel her pull back.


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