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The Elite Kings Boxset Vol. II

Page 102

by Amo Jones

  He chuckles, but it’s low and dark. “You’re fucking wet for him?”

  I freeze, fear slipping into my bones. “No—” I start to say, but he brings the finger that was inside of me to my mouth, shoving it between my lips. I bite his finger and his eyes slant as his other fingers wrap around my cheeks forcefully.

  “Bite it again and see what happens.”

  I bite it again.

  He drops me to the floor and spins me around, pressing me into the bathroom counter.

  He lifts my dress from the bottom and slaps my bare ass. Grabbing at my hair, he yanks my head up.

  “Look at yourself in the mirror, Tillie.”

  I feel as his fingers slip into me again from behind. I blush at the invasion. Not because it’s embarrassing, but because it feels so good. “Next time you think you want to get your pussy wet for someone else, I want you to remember this moment…”

  I tense around his fingers, and he grins from behind his mask. He unzips himself and rubs the tip of his cock over my opening before sinking inside.

  I moan, finding something to grip onto on the counter but failing and reaching for the tap. His other hand comes to the front of my throat. “Is this what you wanted? To be fucked in a bathroom like a cheap bitch looking for fresh cock?” His words sting, but I block them out. “Then I’ll fuck you in a bathroom like a cheap bitch.”

  He thrashes into me relentlessly, his cock hitting my cervix with every movement. I feel my stomach curl, my orgasm so ashamedly close. My muscles tense briefly before my tension releases, my cum dripping all over his dick. He slows, emptying himself inside of me. He pulls back, and now that the tension has changed, I stand up straight, smoothing out my dress. Shit. What have I done? My throat throbs as I realize I’ve just let him have his way with me, but I don’t have to be a victim to my feelings, because I’m not a fucking victim.

  I run the tip of my finger over my eyebrow and turn to face him as he zips himself up. “You’re right, Nate, I was wet for him.” He stills, but I remain strong. “And you fucking me in a bathroom like a cheap bitch isn’t going to stop the fact that I might fuck him too. Excuse me.”

  I shove past him, but he yanks me back by my arm and slams me back against the wall again, with his hand pressing against my throat. I don’t give him anything.

  “You go near anyone else and I’ll kill them.”

  I smirk. “Fine by me. Just make sure it’s after I’ve fucked their brains out.”

  Then I shove him out of the way and straighten my shoulders. Time to get back to why I’m really here, and the answer to that is—I stop once I reenter the ballroom, seeing Madison and Bishop gone from the table.

  “Fuck’s sake.” I quickly make my way back to the table and grab my clutch. Stopping, I lean down to talk with Brantley.

  “You smell like sex and I’m feeling left out.” Brantley smirks behind his glass.

  Hector is no longer talking shit, now it’s another man dressed in a suit and looking like another rich fucker in this world.

  “Where’s Bishop and Madison?” I ask, ignoring his jab.

  Brantley shrugs. “Madison ran out and he chased her, I think.”

  I see Nate take his spot back at the table, but I ignore him, standing and making my way back to the main lobby of the hotel. I dial Madison, but her phone goes to voicemail.

  “What the fuck!” I bring my phone back down just as Madison’s name flashes over the screen. “Thank god!” I answer. “Whe—”

  “—Tillie. I need you to help me.” Her tone is impassive, which is a contradiction to the words she used.

  “Done. Where are you?”

  “Take the elevator to the twenty-first floor. And come alone, okay?”

  “Okay… are you alone?”

  “…No,” she answers, and I hang up quickly when I catch Nate and a few of The Kings coming my way.

  I quickly run to the elevator, pressing the ‘up’ button one-thousand times in a second.

  “Come on. Come on.”

  Bishop must be with her, that’s why she’s not alone.

  The doors ding and open in the slowest time ever. I turn to the left to see Nate and Brantley glaring at me, and then jogging fast. I quickly push level twenty.

  They’ll know if I stop on the twenty-first floor. I’ll have to take the stairs up to the next level. The soft music does nothing to calm my erratic thoughts. What the hell is going on? The elevator dings and I dash out hastily, scanning up and down the long hallway until I see the stairway exit. I rush through and yank the door open, climbing the stairs while picking up the hem of my dress. My phone starts ringing again, Nate’s name flashing over the screen. I hit ignore. It starts ringing again just as I reach the door to level twenty-one.

  When I see it’s Madison’s name flashing over the screen, I hit answer. “I’m here!”

  “Room four-oh-one.”

  Then she hangs up.

  I swear to God.

  I yank open the door to the stairwell and find 401 easily, gripping the door handle.

  “It’s me!” I knock against the door softly.

  She opens it and the first thing I notice is that she’s crying.

  The second thing I notice is that she’s holding a knife.

  And the third thing I notice is that there’s blood dripping over her hands.


  “Where the fuck!” I launch my fist into the wall, pacing back and forth down the hallway of the twentieth floor. The elevator dings and both Brantley and I turn toward it, only finding Bishop, Eli, Cash, and Hunter spilling out.

  “Did you find her?” Bishop asks, his eyes flying around all of us.

  “What? Tillie? No. She fuck—”

  “—not Tillie, Madison.” Bishop goes back and forth, anger rippling from him.

  My eyes go to him, suddenly suspicious of just what the fuck these two girls could be getting themselves into.

  “Wait, they’re together?”

  “I’m guessing so.” Bishop grabs at his hair and yanks at it in frustration. “I chased Madison out, but by the time I reached the lobby, she had fucking disappeared.”

  “Remind me to not let my future woman anywhere near those two misfits. I ain’t even playin’.” Eli shakes his head, smirking.

  “She fucking stopped here. At this level,” Brantley murmurs.

  I narrow my eyes at the stairwell, the light illuminating like a beacon of fuck knows what. I take a step forward.

  “Yo! Nate!” Cash hollers from behind me, but I ignore him.

  “She took the fucking stairs,” I mutter, my feet kicking up in speeds I didn’t know I had.

  “Nate!” Bishop barks from behind me, but Brantley is right there beside me.

  “She took the motherfucking stairs!” I yell, anger gripping at my bones.

  “She’s way too fucking smart for even us,” Brantley grunts from beside me. “Fucking terror she is.”

  We climb the stairs, taking two at a time until we reach the door to level twenty-one.

  I yank it open and slowly step forward.


  Pure and utter silence.

  I turn to face the rest of The Kings as they all begin to file through one by one.

  Bishop’s eyes come to mine, his head tilting.

  “This level?” he whispers as he comes closer.

  I nod. “Yeah. Pretty sure.”

  I point to each door and set them all at a door each, and then press my ears to number 401.


  “Jesus Christ,” I pace back and forth in the bedroom, dangling the knife in my hand. I don’t know why, but I feel the need to whisper.

  I stop and turn to her. “Did you kill him?”

  She shakes her head. “No. I just cut him a little…”

  My eyes search her blood sodden hands and then land back on hers. “Sure.” I fling the knife up and down her body. “Just a little.” I sigh. “Where is he?”

  Madison looks up at me with d
oe eyes, pointing toward the master bedroom that’s behind a sliding door that separates the lounge and bedroom. “In the bathroom. Bleeding out.”

  I wander toward the door. “Can I ask why you decided to cut this man?”

  Madison’s face falls. “It’s him, Tillie…”

  “Wait.” I stop, turning to face her. “You mean him him?”

  She nods her head. “Yeah. It’s him. I still don’t know who he is working for or why, but it’s him.”

  I flip the knife between my fingertips. I’ve heard of the crazy shit that Madison did to Brantley’s dad, so I know the actual cutting isn’t what actually upset her. It’s what happened to cause the cutting.

  I stop flinging the knife and slide the doors open with my feet, not wanting fingerprints. Sighing, I head straight for the bathroom. I can smell the metallic tang of blood well before I reach the door, but I kick it open anyway, the loud crashing from it hitting the back of the wall echoing through the bedroom.


  I look down at the man in the bathtub. He’s good looking. Young too.

  When he sees me, his eyes go wide.

  I kneel down to his level, running the knife up and down his chest while attempting to keep my anger in check.

  He hurt my friend.

  “What’s your name?” I ask, kicking the door closed with the back of my foot. I lean back and hook the latch to lock it. I know what Madison is capable of, but I want to make sure she doesn’t need to carry it all. What’s one more sin to add to the ever growing pile of reasons why I’m so fucking mentally unstable?


  “Joshua.” I run the pointed edge of the knife down his chest and then smirk. “Hmmm, and you like getting girls naked, Joshua? Hmm?”

  I stand, placing the knife on the towel rack while stepping backward. The bottom of my dress has already been smudged in the blood that’s on the floor.

  He doesn’t answer, but that’s okay. I don’t need him to answer. I slowly zip the dress down until it falls to a pile at my feet. I didn’t think this through, how am I going to leave with no clothes on? Too far in to back out now.

  “Do you like this, Joshua? Hmmm?” I ask, my head tilting while I gesture to my half-naked body.

  When I say half-naked, I mean half-naked, wearing nothing but a bra, courtesy of my slutty dress that didn’t allow me to wear panties.

  Madison knocks on the door.

  I ignore her.

  “Am I not naked enough for you?”

  My arm twists to the back and unclasps my bra. It falls to the floor. Now I’m standing here naked. Completely.

  “Is this better?” I ask him, but blood is coming out of his mouth so he can’t answer.

  I lick my lips, stepping into the bathtub with him, letting the deep tang of metal drift over the top of my head. I can still feel Nate’s cum dripping down my inner thighs.

  But everything is blank.

  I don’t care.

  I run the tip of the knife down his pretty face.

  “Why do you look so familiar?”

  I continue down past his jaw and to his throat. I press the blade to it.

  “Why did you rape my friend?”

  He doesn’t answer, more blood spilling between his lips.

  He’s dying.

  He’s not going to say anything.

  I lean forward, my ear to his lips. “Why?”

  He whispers one word. “Cataclysm.”

  I lean forward just as his eyes flutter closed. I know that he’s about to die, but he’s not going to die on Madison’s conscience. So I press the sharp edge of the blade against his throat until it sinks into his flesh like a hot knife to butter, and blood squirts all over my hands. I maintain my calm.

  Breathing in and out as the blade sinks deeper.

  He stops moving.

  When I pull the blade out, blood squirting everywhere, that’s when I register the heavy banging on the door. Suddenly it bursts open and Nate is standing at the threshold with Brantley and Bishop behind him.


  “Oops,” I sigh, dropping the knife onto the corpse.

  “Oops!?” Nate whisper-yells in frustration before turning around. “Everyone but Brantley get the fuck out.”

  They all disappear through the two big, bossy men in my life. Nate breathes in and out, leaning against the door once it’s closed. A few seconds pass before he pulls his phone out and sends a text, putting it back into his pocket.

  “My little terror,” Brantley smirks, coming closer to me and grabbing my hand to help me out of the tub. “I’m a little proud, and a lot fucking turned on right now.” His eyes darken. “Red is definitely your color.”

  “Don’t take her out,” Nate grunts, not meeting my eyes. He ambles forward and turns the faucet to the shower on. “Rinse the blood off you.”

  I stand under the head, watching as water rushes over my skin and falls onto the dead body between my legs.

  Once it’s running clear, I turn it off and step out, just as Brantley cleans the obvious blood from the floor and tosses the towel into the tub with the dead fuckwit.

  “Come here,” Nate murmurs, taking my hand in his and pulling me out.

  “It’s cold,” I shiver, grabbing for the towel he’s handing me. My body shakes uncontrollably, gripping onto all of my nerves before I can take control.

  Nate dries me as Brantley shuffles around the room, making sure everything is in the tub.

  “Did you send out the text?” Brantley asks Nate.

  “Yes,” Nate says, his hand coming to the back of my neck. “Why did you do that? What happened from the time that we fucked downstairs, to here?”

  I open my mouth, wanting to tell him but still shackled by my loyalty to my best friend.

  “Why do you hate me?”

  Why did I just say that?

  “He doesn’t hate you,” Brantley whispers from behind me, drying my legs.

  I focus back to Nate’s gaze, who is staring at me with enough intensity to burn a hole into my head. “You hate me.”

  Nate doesn’t answer.

  My eyes close as Brantley’s hand grazes up my inner thigh and I whimper, my head falling forward, onto Nate’s chest.

  Nate stiffens.

  Brantley continues up, and then his lips press to my shoulder. “Breathe, my little terror, you’re okay. You’re fucking safe when we’re around…”

  I hold my breath, my fitful heart still jumping around in my chest.

  I killed a man.

  Someone who raped my best friend.

  The smell of blood lingers with my lust, but the feeling of Brantley dropping kisses on my shoulder blades makes my head spin. I moan again, inhaling Nate’s smell. He hasn’t moved, his hard body still stoic.

  I rub my bare ass into Brantley, who is rock hard behind me. He licks me across the back of my neck as his other hand reaches down between my legs, his thumb coming to my clit. I moan again as it circles me, my legs shaking. My eyes come up to Nate, who is watching me closely, his jaw set in stone. Just when Brantley’s finger dives inside of me, Nate’s hand comes around and wraps my chin, tilting my face to his.

  He presses his lips to mine. “I don’t hate you, baby.”

  I wrap my arm around the back of his neck as my other reaches behind me to grip onto Brantley’s cock through his jeans.

  Brantley unzips his jeans until his heavy pierced dick falls into the palm of my hand.

  Nate grips onto my legs as I wrap them around his waist. His kissing slows, his tongue licking mine softly. Every flick, every caress, every thrust of his hips.

  I tug on Brantley’s cock as Nate grinds into me in circles.

  “Fuck,” Brantley groans from behind me. “I don’t know how much I can take without actually putting my dick in her.”

  Nate stills, searching my eyes. He drops me, along with the mood, to the ground.

  “Fuck!” Nate punches the wall. “Why the fuck can’t I share you!” He yanks the doo
r open and disappears, leaving me and Brantley in the bathroom alone.

  “For both our sakes, we need to tuck up,” Brantley laughs, shaking his head.

  I swipe my cheeks. “Yeah.”

  We leave the bathroom, with Brantley giving me his suit jacket. I wrap it around my body closely, realizing it looks like a dress. The room is dark, but I can hear talking in the other room.

  “You asked me why he hates you…” Brantley says, his hand coming to mine.


  “It’s because he can’t hate you.”

  “You make it sound so simple. So relatable.”

  “Because I do relate to the feeling. Well.”

  I don’t ask. “One day, I’m going to want to know what you mean by that…”

  Brantley chuckles. “I bet.”

  I pick up my heels and slip them onto my feet, piling my wet hair onto the top of my head to fall into a long ponytail. We enter back into the main room to see everyone there, Nate included.

  “Nate called it in. We need to leave so everything can get handled,” Bishop murmurs, his eyes on mine. A thousand questions lay in those eyes, questions I won’t answer.

  Madison is sitting alone on a chair, her eyes on the floor. Nate is talking with her, but I can see everything is going in one ear and out the other.

  “Do we have to talk about the fact that y’all were about to have sex in a bathroom where a dead body was, right after our little queen off-ed him?” Eli asks, his eyes going around the place. “Or are we just putting that in the bucket of things we don’t talk about?”

  I ignore him, heading straight for Madison.

  Nate glares at me, standing back to his feet defensively. I don’t care about his feelings right now. I just want to make sure my friend is okay.

  My hand comes to her knee and her eyes flutter to it. “Do you want me to take you home?”


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