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Bullied by Her Mafia Man

Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  Her hair wasn’t neat, and she looked out of place.

  Stalking over to her, he passed the women who tried to capture his attention, but he was having none of it.

  Grabbing Laura’s arm, he placed a hand over her mouth, stopping her from speaking. She struggled against him, but she wasn’t a match to his strength. It didn’t take him much to move her far away from the party.

  Finding a closet, he opened it, seeing a broom and a single light. He tossed her inside. “This is where you belong. Don’t ever forget your place.”

  He slammed the door closed and twisted the lock.

  “Let me out! Marcus. This isn’t funny. Let me out.” She slammed her hands against the door, but he refused to budge. This was for her own good.

  Pocketing the key, he walked back to the party, feeling a little happier.


  “You’ve got to be crazy if you think I’m going to sleep with you?” Laura held the corset to her chest even as Marcus got completely naked. There was no denying how sexy he was, and he knew it as well. There was a hint of something behind his eyes, which taunted at just how sexy he knew he was, and she wanted no part in this.

  Being around him was a recipe for disaster.

  He’s your husband.

  This is his right.

  You can’t escape.

  He didn’t know the truth, and she’d lied to him.

  “I have no intention of sleeping.” He advanced toward her. “You want to play hard to get, fine. I can play this game if you want.”

  He cupped her chin, tilting her head back. His thumb rubbed the spot where he held her, almost tenderly.

  Before she even realized what he’d done, he pulled the corset from her hands, and it fell to the floor where he threw it.

  Her heart raced, and she didn’t know what to do as he suddenly captured one of her breasts within his palm.

  She reached out, gripping his arms, but she didn’t push him away, not as he pinched her nipple. The small bite of pain startled her, but she didn’t pull away from his touch.

  Licking her lips, she kept on looking at him.

  “See, you like this, don’t you?”

  She wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction of being right.

  Marcus turned her, pushing her to the bed, and she let out a scream as he pulled the rest of the clothes from her.

  As she screamed, he buried her head into the blanket, and she whimpered. What also surprised her was the hint of arousal she felt. This couldn’t be happening to her. She had to be sick or something. There was no way she could be aroused by his touch. She couldn’t accept it as being real.

  He flipped her over onto her back and spread her legs. She wasn’t wearing anything, and now there was no hiding.

  Marcus had removed the last of her protection, and he knew it. He smirked down at her, placing a hand between her thighs and cupping her pussy.

  “You see this, sweetheart, this is the evidence of just how much you enjoy my touch.”

  “Go to hell, Marcus.”

  “You think I’m not there? You think I don’t know all about the darkness that consumes me constantly?”

  She frowned. He never talked to her like this. They often exchanged unpleasantness, but this was different.

  Before she could even ask him what was going on, his mouth was on hers, and there was no talking as he touched her clit, sliding his tongue into her mouth at the same time.

  Like all of the other times before, she was at his mercy, and there was nothing she could do.

  Just keep telling yourself that.

  He broke from the kiss, trailing his lips down her neck, not lingering in any one spot. Down her body he kissed, his lips stopping at each of her nipples, giving them a flick of his tongue.

  She cried out as he moved down, and she didn’t want to look but found it impossible not to.

  He stopped at her pussy, and she lifted up to watch him. He spread the lips of her pussy, and his tongue danced across her clit. The sudden touch was so unexpected and amazing, she cried out, dropping back as he sucked on her. Both of his hands gripped her thighs, holding her in place as he flicked her nub, going back and forth, up and down, before sucking it into his mouth.

  She arched up, wanting more, feeling the pleasure rush through her body, begging for more, but she was unable to completely take it.

  He had the power and control, and he worked her body into a frenzy she couldn’t control.

  In the back of her mind, she knew she should be stopping this. Marcus was her enemy and had been for as long as she could remember.

  There was no way she should be letting him do this.

  But it felt so good, amazing even.

  She wanted him, hungered for the peak she knew was just out of reach.

  If only he kept on using his tongue, and he did.

  She was so close.

  Just a little more.

  But he stopped, moving between her thighs. She wanted to ask him what was going on, why he’d stopped.

  She didn’t need to know.

  The tip of his cock pressed against her core, and she had no choice but to accept him. He’d worked her to a peak, to a point where she didn’t want to deny him. With the head of his cock at her entrance, her heart raced.

  She had no choice but to wait, to see where this was going.

  Marcus stared down at her. His blue eyes were sharp, watching her. He always saw way too much, and there was no stopping this. Not now.

  She’d lied to him, told him she wasn’t a virgin, and now she was going to have to pay the price for the lie.

  In one swift thrust, he tore through the barrier of her innocence, and there was no denying the pain.

  Laura cried out, gripping his shoulders, trying to get him to stop. He was a hot brand inside her, but he wouldn’t stop. He held himself perfectly still within her, and tears sprang to her eyes.

  She had always tried to be strong and not show him any weakness, but right now, there was no denying the pain.

  It was right there, deep within her, consuming her.

  She had no way of stopping it.

  Marcus leaned in close, his lips right next to her ear.

  “Don’t ever fucking lie to me again!”


  Her virginity wasn’t a surprise to Marcus. He’d known she’d been lying, but he had no choice but to teach her a lesson.

  Tears leaked from her eyes, and he relished them as a reminder of what could happen if she lied.

  He stayed perfectly still.

  The woman who taught him sex long ago had warned him of his bride on his wedding night. All made men had an innocent woman. They were by far the best kind of bargaining chip, and the men in his world, they loved a virgin.

  He had no idea why Laura had kept her virginity, but either way, tasting her pussy for the first time had been exquisite. He never went down on a woman. He knew where most of them had been, and he had no desire to suck on another man’s dick.

  Laura was as pure as they came, and now there was no denying it.

  Wiping away her tears, he felt the tightness of her cunt. She felt amazing on his dick, and all he wanted to do was ram home and fuck her into oblivion. Instead, he held himself perfectly still and watched her, waiting to see if she’d change. If the tears would stop and the pain lessen.

  She wouldn’t even look at him.

  He gripped her face and forced her to look at him.

  “Why did you keep it for so long?” he asked.

  “You really want to talk about this now?”

  “My dick is balls deep inside your ex-virgin cunt, Laura. You’re my wife, and seeing as you lied to me, you might as well tell me the truth.”

  “I don’t owe you anything.”

  “Then how about I fuck you until you beg me for it.” He made as if to move, even though he had no real plans to hurt her.

  Hurting her wouldn’t accomplish anything, not to him.


; He knew she was still in pain, and he wanted to fuck regularly. If he had to knock her up and soon, he didn’t want to see her flinching from his touch.

  No matter what some of the men he worked with were, he wasn’t a rapist.

  He never forced a woman.

  He had a certain level of standards.

  Killing them, he didn’t mind. Loyalty meant a great deal to him, and anyone who fucked with his family would have to pay the price.

  “I … there…”

  “I’m getting bored.”

  “Well, what was your first time like?”

  “Easy. I had a whore who sucked me off until I came, and then I finished in her pussy and ass. What do you think?”

  She gasped.

  Her face was red, and he smirked.

  “Have you never been told about sex, little Laura?”

  “Don’t call me that.”

  “Or what?”

  She gritted her teeth and tried to pull out of his hold, but he still held her face. There was no running from him. She could try, but she’d always fail.

  He was an expert tracker, and now Laura belonged to him, he’d find her. There was every reason to keep her close. He couldn’t risk her death, not that he ever wanted to.

  “I hate you.”

  “You can hate me all you want to, sweetheart. It’s still my dick inside you, and in no time at all, you’re going to have my kid.” He smiled down. “Against all the odds, you and I, we’re bound to each other. So, seeing as I’m being all gentlemanly and the men downstairs want to know when our bloody sheets are done, I’m happy to wait. Tell me why you didn’t fuck anyone else.”

  “It’s none of your business.”

  “Could have fooled me. Now I’ve had your first kiss and your first fuck. I’m going to be every single one of your firsts.” He let go of her chin, stroking a finger down her body. “I can make this easy for you if you’d like.”

  “I want you to leave me alone.”

  “Not going to happen. You’re a rich woman. I’m sure a lot of men would have loved to show you a great time.”

  She snorted. “You think the only kind of men who’d want me were the gold-digging kind. Thanks.”

  He smiled at how hurt she looked.

  “Believe it or not, I didn’t mean it like that. No, I was thinking of the men who would breathe around your father. Begging for a promotion, willing to show his daughter some attention. I know men sniff around your father, wanting a piece of the pie, desperate to get the power and wealth he wields.”

  “Exactly like you,” she said.

  “I don’t have a choice.”

  “Neither do I. I had no interest in any of those men. Money and power, I have no desire for. I wanted to be happy. No amount of money could bring my mother the chance to have more children, and she wanted a whole family of them. She was desperate to love another human being, to fill the house with laughing kids, but no money would bring her that gift. I know how corrupt it can be. Look at your family. I’m not part of you, but I got to grow up and watch you all fall.” She shook her head. “I have no desire for wealth or power or anyone in search of it. The men around me, all they wanted was more of it. Why didn’t I rid myself of my stupid virgin status? I wanted to give myself to the man I loved because I had no intention of bringing a fortune with me. I don’t want to talk anymore. Get this over with so you can get off me.”

  She had lifted up to growl each word at him.

  The fire was once again back in her eyes, and he relished it. He had no desire to fuck a corpse, and seeing her now, all powered up, accusing him, he knew she was ready. She didn’t even realize she’d been wriggling on his cock and her tight cunt squeezing him.

  He took hold of her hands, placing them above her head, and he pulled out of her, watching for any sign of discomfort or pain.


  He slammed every inch of his cock back inside her, working into her cunt, feeling the pleasure rush over his body.

  There was no way he was going to allow her to win this argument.

  With his dick still balls deep inside her, he pulled back so he could touch her pussy with ease.

  Spreading her lips, he stroked over her clit, and felt the answering quake around his length. She moaned, and he saw her hands clenched into fists. She didn’t want to feel any kind of pleasure at his hands, but there was no fighting this.

  He was the one in control. He would always be the one in charge, and now she belonged to him in every single way.

  Marcus didn’t give up.

  Stroking her clit, he watched her orgasm start to build, and when she came over the edge, crying out his name, it was such a beautiful sight. She was so beautiful, calm, tranquil, and so ready to be fucked.

  She tightened around his shaft, milking him, wanting his cum, and he was more than ready to give it to her.

  In and out, he fucked her, holding her hands to the bed as he rammed every single inch of himself inside. He took possession of her mouth, and she already melted against him. Clearly her body knew fighting this would be pointless.

  Keeping both of her hands in one of his, he slid his hand down to cup her generous ass, holding her in pace as he filled her. Over and over, he fucked her harder, wanting to fill her up, to have her ripe with his child, and ready to take more of his cum.

  Even as he hated her, he wanted so many fucking things, it was unreal.

  This wasn’t supposed to happen.

  When he slid into her a final time, he’d never experienced an orgasm quite like it.

  It made his balls ache, and he felt every single wave of cum as it flooded her pussy. She wasn’t on any kind of contraceptive pill, and the doctor’s appointment she’d tried to get in the past few days had been thwarted. The moment The Boss made a decision, they all had to abide by the rules, and well, Laura had to pay the price.

  He collapsed over her, not letting her move, making her take his weight.

  There was no fighting this. She would be his, just as he was hers, and the sooner she accepted it, the easier it would be.

  Chapter Four

  Eight years ago

  Laura watched as Marcus and his boys walked down the long corridor of the school. At twelve years old, she had no choice but attend the special boarding school. Her father had said all children from the family attended, and no matter what, she couldn’t approach them, but had to live her life as if they didn’t exist.

  To most, she was an outsider, especially to the family.

  She wasn’t even allowed to mingle with families similar to her own. She was all alone, and her parents had said it was the way it had to be. Where other girls were enjoying sleepovers, she had to turn down party invitations. It wasn’t like she got any anymore.

  Some of the girls only liked to talk to her as a way of getting closer to Marcus.

  As Marcus and his boys moved past her, he glanced in her direction, and she quickly averted her eyes.

  Opening her locker, she slid her books inside, reaching for a couple of her English books when she was suddenly pulled away from her locker and thrown to the floor.

  She always wore shorts beneath the school’s customary skirt policy, so even as her skirt flew up, no one got to look at her panties.

  Getting to her feet, she glared at Ryan Billiard. He was one of the most popular guys in school, a jock and all-around asshole.

  He was Marcus’s age and thought he was some special kid because his dad was a powerful lawyer. Most of the girls were impressed and tried to gain his attention. For her, she wasn’t interested.

  “Well, well, well, if it isn’t the little fatty. You know, I have to move you out of my way to slide past your large ass!”

  “Large ass!” A couple of the girls laughed and pointed at her.

  She was already on her feet, hands clenched.

  “You know, I can’t believe they even allow ugly people into this school.”

  Laura hadn’t wanted to go to this boarding school. This was h
er first year and she’d only been there a couple of months, but she hated it. She would never fit in.

  Ryan grabbed her shirt and lifted her up, slamming her against the locker. She cried out as the sudden pain startled her. Clearly his friends didn’t care she was younger than they were, or smaller. She’d been picked as the target, so they took out all of their frustrations on her. She hated them for it.

  He pulled her away and shoved her back against the locker, and within seconds she was let go.

  The action was so unexpected, she fell to her ass.

  She watched in amazement as Marcus was there, slamming his first against Ryan’s face.

  The boy went down.

  Why was Marcus defending her? He hated her.

  Marcus walked to her, his friends keeping an eye on Ryan and his crew. He leaned down, holding out his hand, and she took it, knowing better than to embarrass Marcus.

  “No one in this school hurts her, understood? No one from my family, my crew, or under my protection. Got it?”

  “What the fuck, man? Everyone knows you hate her,” Ryan said, getting to his feet, blood pouring from his nose.

  Marcus got into his face, grabbing his arm. “Exactly. She’s mine to hate.” With a flick of his wrist, he snapped Ryan’s throwing arm, and the entire corridor froze. This was the first real act of violence, and now, anyone who touched her would have to face him.


  The following morning, Laura felt sick to her stomach. The women were giving her a wide berth, which she knew wasn’t normal. After a wedding ceremony and the bloody sheets, the women tended to offer their love and support. This was just another stark reminder of how she wasn’t one of them, and would never be.

  She played with her food, not really hungry, wanting to leave. Her parents had hugged her but disappeared.

  When she couldn’t take the rejection anymore, she got to her feet and left the dining room. The men were in their office, enjoying the show. Marcus wouldn’t allow her to wash or change them. He’d made her sit as their combined releases mingled on the sheets with the evidence of her virgin blood.

  She’d been so humiliated as he’d watched the lies she’d told spread on the crisp white sheet beneath her.

  She hated him so much.


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