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Prisoners of Love (Second Chances Book 1)

Page 4

by May Gordon

  We climax together, and I fall onto his chest. “We’re getting married tomorrow,” Royce demands while breathing heavily. “You can plan a wedding later, but I need this now.”

  I guess that’s a fair compromise. Marriage is about give and take, and I can agree to this at least. “Deal, soldier,” I smile at him. He leans in and kisses me again, “Michale and Ruth aren’t bringing Rowan home until four, so we still have the rest of the afternoon,” I practically purr in his ear.

  He smiles, seeming calmer now. “I know exactly know how we can spend that time.” He nips my neck, then stands and carries me to our room.

  Chapter 8


  I’ve never been so nervous in my life.

  Over a decade in the military, eighty black ops missions, six years as a POW, and it’s a beautiful five-year-old girl that has me so anxious I feel sick.

  “Royce, relax. She loves you,” Alice says from the kitchen while making dinner.

  “You can’t know that,” I mumble and fall on the couch.

  “I do. Like I said, she prays and talks to you all the time. She knows exactly who you are,” I feel her arms wrap around my neck from behind.

  “What if she doesn’t like me, the real life me?”

  “That’s impossible.” She kisses my check then goes back to cooking.

  There’s a knock and I’m on my feet in an instant, but stay where I am. Alice opens it and lets the Commander in, but no Rowan or Ruth. He gives Alice a hug and a kiss on the check before joining me.

  “I thought I’d come over before the girls to see how you’re doing,” he says after giving me a hug.

  “Nervous, excited. I’ve heard so much about her, and she sounds amazing so I’m feeling intimidated,” I tell him truthfully.

  The Commander laughs “Never thought I’d see Havoc intimidated over a little girl.” I roll my eyes at him.

  Then the door opens, and the little beauty herself walks in, Ruth not far behind.

  “Mommy, I’m back!” She gives Alice a hug.

  “I can see that! I missed you.” She kisses her head.

  “We went to the zoo and butterfly garden! I saw so many,” she beams at her.

  I can’t get over how beautiful they are. She’s like a mini Alice. God I’m in trouble.

  Alice sets her down and when she finally spots me, I freeze. We stare at each other for what feels like forever, her big blue eyes burrowing into my soul.

  “You’re my daddy,” she states.

  “I am.” I know my voice sounds gruff, but I can’t help it.

  “You live in heaven. I talk to you before bed.” Again, it’s another statement.

  “I don’t anymore.” I’m trying to make things simple for her.

  “Where do you live now?” She walks toward me.

  “I want to live with you and your mother. Forever,” I tell her. She gets closer to me and I drop to my knees, so we’re at eye level.

  “Now I can talk to you at bedtime and not your picture?” She asks, looking excited.

  “Yeah, honey. You can every night.”

  “And you’ll read me stories?”

  “I will.”

  “And you’ll love me from here, not heaven?”

  “Yeah, honey, I will.” I feel tears running down my face now.

  “Daddy, don’t cry. I love you.” She wraps her arms around me and I do the same, sobbing like a damn baby. I look up and see Alice crying too. I pull back and brush Rowan’s curly blonde locks behind her ear.

  “Honey, why don’t you help Grandma set the table and we’ll all have dinner,” Alice tells her with happy tears.

  “Okay, Mommy.”

  I take a moment to get myself together, then stand up. Ruth walks to me and gives me a hug. It’s the first time we’ve met.

  “I’m so glad you’re home. Michael and Alice have missed you so much.” She pulls back and kisses me on the check before leaving to help the girls.

  “It’s ready,” Alice says.

  We all sit and enjoy the food.

  After dinner, The Commander and I are sitting next to Rowan as she talks our ears off. I think I could listen to her all day. She has such an innocence about her, it’s so bright it shines on all the dark corners of my heart.

  “Dear, do you want to help your mom and I make cookies?” Ruth asks Rowan.

  “Yay!” Rowan cheers and leaves the table. I watch her go to the kitchen where Alice and Ruth are gathering ingredients.

  “Let’s have a drink,” The Commander says. He pours us both some whiskey and we head to the back porch. “I never thought I’d be doing this again.”

  “Neither did I,” I tell him honestly.

  “I’m so happy you’re home, son. I know the girls are too.”

  “I don’t know how I can ever repay you and Ruth for all you’ve done for them. I’m truly thankful.”

  “When you came to me all those years ago, saying you were in love and were retiring after the mission, I thought I understood and was happy for you. But then I saw the hurt Alice went through, and realized that I never really understood, not until I met Ruth. Love from a wife, daughter, and granddaughter is powerful.” He pauses to look at me. “It sounds fucked up, but what you went through led me to this.” He waves to the window where the girls are baking cookies. “So, I’m grateful to you. I just wish I could’ve found it without you going through that.” He sounds sorrowful.

  “I understand, Commander.” I really do. “I guess this makes us family now,” I smile at him.

  “Son, we were long before now.”

  I take a sip and say, “I was thinking we should start a family business.”

  “Really?” He seems interested right away.

  “I know you retired after our unit was wiped out, and Alice said you’ve seemed bored the last few years. Let’s do what we always talked about.”

  The Commander chuckles. “You’re serious?”

  “Yes. A construction company makes sense. We’re both good with our hands. Alice can design, and Ruth can handle the books if she wants.” It’s all coming together in my head.

  “The local one left last year, so there’s a desperate need for another. Businesses are tired of overpaying for outside help.”

  “Fisher and Harwick Construction.” I like the sound of that.

  “F&H Construction sounds better, Son,” he says.

  “You’re right. But before we get started, we have an important mission to finish.” The Commander raises an eyebrow at me. “I need to marry Alice first.”

  He laughs. “I told Ruth you wouldn’t make it a week before dragging her to the courthouse. She’s upset with the notion because she wants to plan a wedding.”

  “I told Alice we’re getting married tomorrow, then she can have all the time she wants to plan a wedding or party later. I’ll give her whatever she wants.”

  “You mean anything besides waiting to marry her.”

  “Yes, thanks for clarifying.” I glare at him and finish my whiskey.

  We hear the sliding door open, and turn to see Rowan standing there.

  “Daddy, Grandpa they’re ready!” She grabs our hands, dragging us inside.

  The house smells like cookies, and I see Alice in the kitchen, her face flushed from baking, and she’s wearing an apron. I stop and realize I dreamt about this during my captivity. And now I’m living it, or I’ve died and gone to heaven. Either way, I’m never leaving.

  Chapter 9


  I watch Royce from Rowan’s door. He’s sitting on her bed reading a story. They’ve been inseparable all evening. Rowan took Royce’s sudden appearance so easily. I’m sure one day I’ll have to explain it to her, but for now I’m fine with her thinking her Daddy lived in heaven, but now he doesn’t.

  I walk away and head to our bedroom. I strip out of my clothes and start the shower. The warm water runs over my body. I feel lighter, happier than I have in years. I yelp in surprise when I feel Royce’s strong a
rms slink around my waist.

  He chuckles. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.” He moves my hair to the side and kisses my neck.

  “I’m so used to being alone at night.”

  “Well, you won’t be now so get used to that.”

  “I’m sure I’ll manage to.” I turn in his arms and he leans down to kiss me.

  I wrap my hands around his neck and he grabs my ass to lifting me. He pins me to the wall as he kisses down my neck then latches on to a nipple. I moan and arch my chest. He growls and switches sides.

  “Royce, please. I need you now,” I beg him.

  “Mine.” He pulls back and enters me in one swift motion.

  “Yours,” I moan. He pounds into me relentlessly, consuming all of me.

  “Alice,” he roars, and I feel him fill me as we find release together.

  We stay there for a while, just letting the water fall on us.

  “I love you,” Royce says after giving me a sweet kiss.

  “I love you, too.”

  We finish, slowly washing each other, kissing and touching the whole time. We dry off and lay down. Royce tells me about his plans for F&H Construction.

  “So, what do you say?’” He asked me to be their designer. I’d help with remodels and architecture.

  “Are you kidding? Of course! This is amazing. I can’t wait!” I kiss him passionately.

  “Before we get started, we need to get married.” He brings me closer to him, reminding me as if I have forgotten.

  “Will I have time to pick a dress if it’s a courthouse wedding?” I ask with a frown.

  “Yes. I talked to Ruth before she left. She’s taking you and Rowan shopping tomorrow morning. I’m not a complete animal.”

  I giggle at him. “I like your animal side,” I whisper, nipping at his ear.

  He lets out a low growl and rolls on top of me. “Good, because I’m feeling very primal right now.” I laugh and he shows me just how pleasurable his primal behaviour can be.

  Chapter 10


  “So, Mommy and Daddy are married now?” Rowan asks.

  We’re out to dinner celebrating. We just left the courthouse.

  “Yeah, honey.” I stroke her hair.

  “What does that mean?” She asks me.

  “It means that I will love you and your mother forever.”

  “What about Grandma and Grandpa?” She looks concerned.

  “I love them too.” I smile at her.

  “It was a lovely ceremony,” Ruth says. “But we’re still planning a second.”

  “Agreed,” Alice says.

  “Well, now you have all the time in the world to do so,” I tell them.

  “I was honoured to walk you down the hallway,” The Commander smiles at Alice.

  “You’ve been like a father to me, so it was only fitting,” Alice says sweetly.

  We finish eating and walk to the park. The four of us play with Rowan, and it’s something I never imagined having before Alice, but now I can’t picture life without it. After an hour, we go home and the three of us enjoy a quiet night. Once Rowans in bed, Alice and I cuddle on the couch.

  “Do you feel better now that we’re married?” Alice asks me.

  “Yes. Thank you for giving me this.” I kiss her lightly on the lips.

  “Oh, however will you repay me?” She gives me a cheeky smile.

  “Loving you forever. How’s that for a start?”

  “Sounds like a dream come true,” she sighs. We stay that way for a few hours while discussing our future, Rowan, and the new company. And from our plans we’re going to have an amazing life.

  Chapter 11


  Two Months Later

  “The Coleman house is finished. Not bad for our first job,” the Commander says.

  We’re in our office at F&H Construction. We got the company up and running quickly, and it’s been a huge success so far.

  “They also mentioned how much they loved Alice’s designs,” he continues.

  “That doesn’t surprise me,” I say with a smile.

  “Yeah, she’s brilliant. She always knows what the client wants.” I nod.

  I gather the paperwork we‘ve been looking at, then check the time.

  “Shit, its already five.”

  “Don’t worry about it, you’ll make it back before dinner.”

  “Do you guys want to join us? We haven’t had you over the last few weeks.”

  “We wanted to give you guys some space.” He stands and gathers his coat.

  “Michael, you’re a part of this family. You don’t need to,” I demand.

  “I know, son, but you needed time alone with your family.”

  “Well, the girls miss you. So, I except you to stop this space bullshit.”

  “Sir, yes, sir.” He gives me a salute, making me laugh.

  We say goodbye and I drive home. The last two months have been a dream. I thought I’d have nightmares, kept preparing myself for them, but every night I fall asleep with Alice in my arms and they never come. I’ve slept blissfully.

  I have some triggers when it comes Alice and Rowan. Like with that single Dad from Rowan’s school. The first day I went with Alice he was all over her. It took everything in me not to rip his face off. I gave him a good scare, so he won’t make that mistake ever again. Alice’s beauty brings a lot of attention to herself. I already had to fire a few guys for not keeping their eyes to themselves even after I warned them. She’s too beautiful for her own good, and Rowan will have the same problem. The thought of some shithead coming to my door for my baby girl makes me growl in anger. I definitely need to replenish my firearm supply.

  I pull my truck into our driveway and get out. I glance at the street and see a blacked out SUV. The window is slightly rolled down and I can see a man with sunglasses and a baseball hat. He gives me a weird feeling, so I start to walk toward it but he rolls up the window and takes off. I watch it leave, my suspicions boiling to the surface. Shaking my head, I go inside the house.

  “Daddy! You’re home!” Rowan yells and comes running to m., I pick her up and give her a big hug.

  “Hey, honey. How was your day?” I ask her.

  “Good, I learned about seasons,” she says.

  “Interesting, you’ll have to tell me all about it.” I unload all my stuff and walk to the kitchen where Alice is cooking. I give her a kiss.

  “The Colemans told us once again how much they love your designs,” I tell her as I sit at the table. Alice serves dinner the, she and Rowan sit too.

  “I’m glad they did,” she smiles at me.

  Alice and I work side by side every day. She has a large studio where she meets clients. Most days we pick up Rowan together, but sometimes Michael and I stay late to catch up on work.

  “So, Rowan, tell me all about the seasons.”

  She talks my ear off, like usual, but it’s music to my ears. We finish eating and have a relaxing family evening. Later that night Alice and I get ready for bed once Rowan is asleep.

  “I’m meeting with the Douglass family tomorrow about their design. I think they want an update regarding zoning,” Alice tells me from the bathroom.

  “Yeah, I got their info prep for it,” I say back while putting some clothes in the drawer. I look out the bedroom window and see the same SUV on the street. That feeling hits my gut again, so I go to the nightstand on my side and grab my gun from the drawer. I bolt downstairs and open the door. Walking towards the SUV, I raise my arm, planning to shoot the tires but once again it takes off before I can.

  “What they fuck is going on?” I mutter to myself.

  “Royce?” I turn to see Alice standing on the porch in a robe.

  She gives me a confused and worried look when sees the gun in my hand.

  “It’s nothing, just my mind being paranoid.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yeah.” I guide her into the house and shut the door making sure its locked. I close the
blinds and double check the windows. I’m worked up and on high alert.

  “Royce are you sure you’re okay?” Alice takes my hand and drags me with her.

  “Yeah, sorry, darling,” I tell her and sit beside her on the couch.

  “Well, it can’t be easy to transfer from captivity to family life so quickly.”

  “I know,” I sigh and relax into the couch, rubbing my hands over my face.

  “I think I know something that‘ll calm you down.” She smiles and sits on my lap.

  I chuckle and tell her, “This will definitely not make me calmer.”

  “Well, by the time I’m done, you’ll have the best night’s sleep ever.” Alice leans down and kisses me. I growl into her mouth then pick her up and walk to our bedroom. She was right, I had the best sleep of my life.

  Chapter 12


  “Grandma, can we pick flowers for Daddy and Grandpa after school?” Rowan asks Ruth as I pack her lunch.

  “Sure, dear, they would love it.” Ruth finishes putting Rowan’s hair in a ponytail.

  “Okay, my beautiful girl, I better go help your Dad and Grandpa.” Ruth kisses Rowan, then walks to me. “I’ll see you after you drop her off?”

  “Yup, I’ll be right over.” I tell her zipping Rowan’s backpack.

  “See you in a bit, sweetheart.” She kisses my check. “Rowan, dear, have a great day at school, and I’ll see you tonight at dinner.” She also gives Rowan a kiss.

  “Bye, Grandma.” Rowan gives her a hug and Ruth leaves the house.

  “Mommy, when will I see Daddy?” Rowan asks me.

  “After school. We’re having a BBQ with Grandma and Grandpa as well. Doesn’t that sound fun?” I help her with her coat.

  “Yeah, and I can give Daddy and Grandpa flower,” she tells me.


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