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Leather and Chrome Boxed Set

Page 12

by Sky McCoy

  This had never happened to me before with other men, but it was something about Ethan that every time I thought of him and that was every minute of the day, I got hard and I had to be careful of the pre-cum. I didn’t want to have to change clothes during the day, therefore, every time Ethan crossed my mind, I thought of my sisters.

  Now there is a group of girls that could make your dick soft for life. I had to wake up in a house full of women for half my youth with them competing and bickering over who had the best looking boyfriend.

  When I made the mistake of telling Sophia that her date for the prom was gay, she said that she would hate me for life. If she’d been a hunter like my sister Abigale, she would have shot me on the spot not because of the message but because I was the messenger.

  It upset Sophia to learn from me about her date. I wasn’t trying to hurt her and I didn’t envy her with a boyfriend because at the time I had none. I’d tried to protect her to keep her from making mistakes. That’s what a brother does protect his sisters at least that was my notion especially since my father had died.

  Sophia had said she didn’t care if he was gay she wanted a prom date because he was a gorgeous guy, and no one had ever been that nice to her before.

  She thanked me later, much later when she got married. And that was another fiasco. She always picked the wrong men. This time he wasn’t gay but a loser. And that’s the family I’m bringing Ethan to meet for Thanksgiving. I will probably traumatize Ethan for the rest of his life every time Thanksgiving rolls around.

  I’ll make the visit short and bring along Daniel as an excuse that we can’t stay long and head back to San Francisco the next day.

  Finally the day is done and I’m on my way to see my cutie. I arrive in less than a half hour and I park my SUV. I called Ethan to let him know I’m downstairs.

  I looked around the area, seeing it for the first time. The house is a beautiful quaint building that’s been renovated. The property alone could go for millions and it’s in the middle of expensive high rise apartments. I wondered how the developers didn’t get that home.

  “Hi, baby.” I’m so happy to see Ethan, I wrap my arms around him, he loops his arms around my neck and our lips meet in a smile. My tongue slides effortless into his full parting lips. The embrace is heated and arousing. My hard length bangs against his equally stiff one, we pull apart breathless because we know where that will lead.

  Ethan glanced down at the small bag I’m carrying. “It’s not Christmas yet.”

  “Loving you is always Christmas,” I vowed. My face heated when I looked into his beautiful green eyes. “Did you know green eyes are rare in humans?”

  He laughed and replied, “Another piece of information that few people know about. You missed your calling, Lou. You could win millions on Jeopardy.” We stand beaming at each other. His eyes flickering and mine taking in this handsome man who will soon be mine to pamper.

  Ethan aimed one of those lopsided smiles that make my heart flutter where I know I’m alive and in love every time I see him. That’s why I need him around me. My body tingles with excitement. I feel something I’ve never felt before in my life. I can’t imagine what I’d do without him.

  I will do whatever is necessary not to have to live without Ethan.

  “Come on, Lou. Come see where I live.” We walk up the stairs and the place is beautiful. Natural wood throughout the house, but it has a touch of modern and old world combined.

  “Who are these people who gave my boy such a wonderful environment where he’s so comfortable that he doesn’t want live with me? I’m jealous.”

  He takes my hand. “That’s just not true about me not wanting to live with you,” Ethan said meeting my glance.

  As we walk up the stairs, our hands are laced together and we’re like two teenagers who are so much in love that we can’t take our eyes off each other. I know I feel like a teenager. We stop on the second floor and Ethan opens these double doors, and we’ve entered into another world.

  The area is large with a fireplace and the scenery is better than anything I have at my place. It overlooks the city and parks. The room is huge and Ethan has it decorated in an eclectic style with some modern furniture I recognize as his, and old antique pieces probably belonging to the owners.

  We stroll and sit at the bay windows and watch the sunset. “Do you want a drink,” Ethan asks.

  “No. If I take a drink I will want to stay longer, and I’m respecting your wishes. Although I must say that I feel at home here as much as I do in my place maybe more because you’re here.”

  “Ethan leaned over, placed his palm behind my head, kissed me as the sun rays covered his face, and his green eyes were like two gemstones. My breath hitched, I opened the bag, and pulled out a small box, then turned to see Ethan watching my hands.

  I flipped open the small blue box and I heard Ethan say with his hand to his mouth, “Wow. Oh shit. It’s official. You bought me a ring.”

  “When I asked you to marry me, I’d caught you at a vulnerable time.”

  “No shit,” he joked.

  “You were in the middle of an orgasm.”

  “Fuck yes, and there you were, my cock about to explode, and you asked me to marry you,” Ethan uttered, then chuckled. I couldn’t help but let out a hearty laugh. His words and laugh had been infectious, and filled me with pleasure every time he smiled, and I could see the smile reaching his eyes as he brought his fingers to slide over the ring.

  “Oh my god Lou, it’s beautiful. But I have nothing for you.”

  “That’s why I bought two rings. I want everyone to know that you belong to me and I belong to you. And I bought something else.”

  “Where is it?” He glanced around and looked inside the bag.

  “You’re not ready for it. It’s your Christmas present.”

  “I hope it’s not a car because I don’t need a car.”

  I smiled at him, “No. It’s not a car. You will have to wait until Christmas.” Then I leaned and gave him a warm kiss. “There is something I’d like to ask of you.” I paused and watched as Ethan slanted his head and narrowed his eyes. Then he gave me a closed smile.

  “What? Are you going to ask, or do you expect me to read your mind. I wish I could but I wasn’t born Kal-El, I’m not from the planet Krypton, and my father isn’t Jor-El. In other words I’m not Superman.”

  “You’re my Superman,” I assured him, palming his cock. It was so hard I knew I had to leave because we’d both be sorry in the morning, and Ethan had warned me that he needed to walk upright for his new job. It wasn’t good that a man his age would be limping around while men much older would pass him in the halls.

  Not being able to walk or sit wasn’t good, he’d insisted.

  The men at his new firm would probably sense weakness in him, and lawyers are like predators, they would pounce at the first signs of weakness in the young and inexperienced.

  “Baby, I have this family gathering that I want you to attend.”

  Ethan didn’t wait for me to say anymore. “Of course I’ll go with you. I’m an only child and my parents are in Florida for Thanksgiving. You would think they’d get enough sun in Arizona, but they bought a home at the beach, and they have friends and won’t miss me. So yeah, I’ll go to your family gathering. But you have to promise me to give me the heads-up on everyone. I want them to like me.

  “My mother is old and she likes everyone. You don’t have to do too much for her to love you. Just smile at her and tell her you love me, and she’ll love you for life.”

  Then there are my sisters Claire, the eldest and her sick husband, Erik. We have the middle child, Abigale you know what they say about them, and her husband Luke who’s probably the biggest dick ever created, and Sophia who carries her drama around like an expensive purse. And we can’t forget her goldbricking husband, Andrew. But don’t worry, I asked Claire if we could bring friends and she agreed. Besides she likes Daniel.”

  Ethan raised an eyebro
w, “Not that way. He gave her pointers about her husband.”

  “Well that clears that up. In other words, I’m more confused than ever.”

  “Don’t ask Ethan it’s a long story. Do you think Hayden will be available for Thanksgiving too?”

  “Why Hayden?”

  “Because Daniel wants him to come.”

  “Do you think that’s a good idea under the circumstances? Do you know what he told Hayden?”

  “I know some of it, but that’s just the way Daniel gets when he likes someone. He’s distant and says hurtful things. That’s just on the outside. I assure you he’s having a problem with his emotions now. He can’t fathom how someone as young as Hayden got under his skin.”

  “Daniel, the master is having problems with his emotions. I doubt that.”

  “Trust me I’ve known him longer and I’ve never seen him behave the way he has with any man. It’s just that he thinks that Hayden is too young...”

  “And yet he doesn’t want to let go,” Ethan said.

  “Something like that. And he doesn’t want anyone else to have him. Just like I didn’t want another man to have you.”

  “It’s not the same thing. Hayden is an innocent young man who doesn’t have anyone and he’s out there. Daniel could have taken him in and showed him things. Help him navigate the world of men.”

  “Daniel was afraid that he would teach him things that would harm him in the future. Hayden wasn’t matured enough to know what to avoid.”

  “So Daniel threw him out for the wolves. Did he inform you that he told Hayden to get the fuck out, and come back when he’d been fucked a few times and opened up so he could teach him a few things?” Ethan’s voice sounded bitter, or maybe protective of Hayden since he was older than him and never had a younger brother.

  Does Daniel want someone like himself to get a hold of Hayden, then why didn’t he do the job? Is he too afraid that breaking in Hayden will elicit feelings and warmth for a submissive?” Ethan’s eyes were blazing with resentment for Daniel.

  “Daniel can’t appreciate what he has in his hands—a young man in love with him and willing to do anything to please him. Your friend is a jerk, a prick and a dick.”

  “Well said. You’ve proven your point, Ethan. He knows that Hayden would be willing to do and be whatever he dictated. I don’t think Daniel wanted that. He wanted some resistance.”

  “Yeah so he could punish Hayden whenever he got the notion.”

  “Daniel would never be that way with Hayden. I know my friend.”

  “Well you have more confidence in him than I do, and I’m not going to sanction bringing Hayden along so Daniel can toy with him and drag him into his web.”

  “Shouldn’t Hayden make up his own mind?” Lou questioned.

  There came a light tapping at the door and we both looked up.

  Chapter 6


  “I PASSED YOUR DOOR several times on my way to the laundry room, and I heard my name and wondered who beside Ethan could be discussing me. Lou stood and extended his hand.

  “I never met you, Hayden, I’m Lou, Ethan’s fiancé, however, I heard a lot about you,” Lou chatted with a warm smile.

  “Daniel discussed you with Lou,” I added. Hayden turned to me with a furrowed brow and curious look in his eyes.

  “I asked Daniel if he would join me for a holiday dinner and he asked if you were coming since you’re a friend of Ethan’s,” Lou commented.

  I glanced over at Hayden, shook my head, but obviously Hayden didn’t catch on. How simple is it to close your eyes and shake your head no. For anyone else it would have been a message, but for Hayden he couldn’t see or hear anything but Daniel’s name and he forgot everything that Daniel had said to him, but not done to him.

  “I want to go. My family is in Los Angeles and they rarely celebrate Thanksgiving or Christmas. I’d be happy to meet your family, Lou.”

  I don’t think it was Lou’s family that put that smile on Hayden’s face and had him grinning from ear to ear. It was Daniel and that blowjob he’d given him earlier at Leather Bound.

  “Good.” Lou turned and smiled at me and added, “I have to go. My boy is busy with his new job and I don’t want to keep him up too late. He needs his rest.” Lou winked at me.

  It was good that Lou left when he did. We were ready to have our first fight in front of people. I know how much Lou didn’t like to argue in front of others, but he could parade me around like a prize cow, but when it came to a disagreement of any kind he became shy.

  Hayden dropped his basket of clothes he’d just washed, and strolled near me and sat. He glanced down at my fingers. “Look at you. You have a ring. When are you getting the collar and lock?”

  “There isn’t going to be a collar and hell no there isn’t going to be a lock. Where’d you get a notion like that?”

  Daniel said that Lou was sure to collar you and if it was him, he’d put a lock on there too.”

  “Why would he tell you that?”

  “He said that’s what he’d do me because he didn’t want anyone to have me.”

  “That doesn’t make sense. Didn’t he tell you to come back when someone broke you in?”

  “He said that of course, but he did mention before he kicked me out that he didn’t want to be responsible for taking my cherry,” Hayden whispered.

  “He didn’t want the responsibility because he’s nothing but a slut.”

  “Don’t talk about Daniel that way. He wants the best for me. He said that he couldn’t be responsible for breaking my heart too. He knows that I fell in love with him the moment I saw him, but he wanted me to know what I was in for. At least he told me not to expect much. He didn’t promise me anything.”

  “Well you can tell him for me that if he hurts you, I will give him a taste of his own medicine. I will tie him to one of his tables and beat his ass.”

  “You’re just saying that, Ethan. You don’t have a mean bone in you.”

  “Sometimes people can bring out something you thought wasn’t in you, and Daniel has a way of bringing out the worst in me.” Hayden leaned in and gave me a kiss on my lips and then leaned back and smiled. “I’ve never been loved before. Thank you for loving me as a friend, and for introducing me to your fiancé and Daniel. Now I think I have a family.”

  That made two of us never having a family until I met Luca Summer. I’d been an only child and so had Hayden. We were now brothers but closer—friends. He was now my younger brother and I felt the need and responsibility to protect him from Daniel.

  “You should stay clear of Daniel. I don’t think he’s good for you.”

  “Didn’t you tell me how to get him interested in me?”

  “It was before I knew you were eighteen and had false ID. Is there anything else you need to tell me before we head out to Oregon?”

  “Not that I know of.”

  “You’re not really a sixteen year old, a runaway or anything like that, are you?”

  “No. Why did you ask that?”

  “Just trying to cover my basis.” I exhaled and rolled my eyes.

  “Well the only thing I’m guilty of...” Oh for fuck’s sake here it comes, “I’m guilty of loving Daniel, and I hope you won’t hold that against me.”

  “As long as you don’t have sex with him. If you have sex with him you might be more under his spell then, and I don’t think you will be able to handle your emotions. I’m thirty and when I met Lou, I went crazy over him. When I got to San Francisco, I was ready to get a private detective to find him and then stalk him.”

  “You. You didn’t tell me that. I thought you had it all together. You look so cool and confident. I never would have thought that you would become a stalker.”

  “Thank goodness I didn’t have to be one, but I still don’t know how to deal with the Leather Daddy thing.”

  “If Daniel asked me to be part of that as much as I want him, I would do anything he asked.”

  “That’s becau
se you’re young. If he had any sense he’d break you in and not let someone else do that. If I’d met Lou at your age, I wouldn’t have been so hesitant about anything that concerned his lifestyle, but now I can’t even accept wearing a collar and a fucking lock in public. In the privacy of our bedroom yes, in public, he can forget it if that’s his thing.”

  “But you love him don’t you? And you’re planning on marrying him aren’t you? Then how can you not participate in that part of his life. He’s clearly the dominant in your relationship, even with his soft manner and talk. I’m not referring to sex. He’s rich, tall and handsome. You should have heard the way some of the boys at Leather Bound spoke of Lou. They would kiss his feet, let him parade them around with a collar and leash if he’d looked at them. Do you want Lou to find someone else that’s willing to wear the leather and occasionally go to a club like Leather Bound wearing a collar and lock to let the men know who you belong to?”

  “Out of mouths of babes...” I chuckled because Hayden may have acted like a child, but he’d just helped me question my position on the collar and lock, and made me realize what I stood to lose.

  Chapter 7


  We rode along the Pacific coast highway on our way to Portland Oregon. There had been a change with Ethan and I noticed it. When we stopped for gas and I walked into the store, he’d come inside, and in front of everyone he’d kissed me.

  We’d gotten a few strange looks, but before now, it appeared to bother Ethan when I’d been open with our relationship and kissed him in front of people. Now he wasn’t shy about displaying our relationship for the world to see. And he’d look at the ring I gave him, close his eyes for a second, and smile at me.

  Before I’d have to pull him to my side, lately, we’d walk to the car with our fingers laced together kissing stopping long enough to keep from being run over by an unpleasant driver shouting at us.


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