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Ascension Vision- The Levels of Ascension Box Set

Page 68

by Amy Proebstel

  Amanda immediately felt a sense of reverence when she stepped into the narrow room which was illuminated by a high window on one side. She quietly walked over to the bookcase across from the entrance to the room and knelt in front of a cupboard. She opened the left door and pulled out an ancient-looking text. Never before had she actually held the book in her hands, she had always seen Riccan touch it. She stood up, turned, and walked over to a small desk where she gently set it down.

  She was almost afraid to open the cover. Who knew what words it might contain which had not been there previously. This book was not only old, but it was also mysterious, said to have been written by Jehoban Himself. Riccan had once told her it was the most important item in the room which should be returned to his father should anything ever happen to him.

  Letting her hands caress the soft leather, she read the ornate script on the front: Elder’s Instructional Guide. She carefully opened the hardbound cover and let out a soft sigh of relief as nothing went wrong. She had imagined the spine crumbling apart as she lifted the front, but her fears were unfounded. Even as old as it was, it remained perfectly intact.

  Her eyes immediately found the addition she had told Riccan about from her dream. She knew the words by heart:

  ‘Take comfort in one another, combined you will see. Believe in what you Understand, Know what you Do, then you can Be.’

  “What is this? When did this get here! Oh, my goodness,” Amanda looked around her in a panic. She desperately wanted to write down the new words, but she was afraid to leave the book and have the words disappear. Reading the two new sentences over several times and saying them out loud to enhance her ability to recall them, she reluctantly ran from the room. She ransacked the library tables for a pen and paper only to be frustrated by the lack of supplies.

  In utter despair, she ran back down the hall to the office and grabbed the first piece of paper and pencil she came across. She raced back out of the room, and her foot slipped on the hall runner causing her to fall sideways and crash her shoulder painfully into the wall. With a grunt, she pushed herself upright and continued her mad dash back to the secret room.

  Her breathing was hard, and her hands were shaking as she bumped into the table in the center of the room. “Thank goodness!” she cried out as she saw the words were still showing on the page. Meticulously she copied the words exactly as they appeared, including even the unusual capitalizations. She had no idea what might be significant with what she was starting to feel were instructions for action. As she got to the last letter, the pressure on the pencil became too much, and the lead broke off and shot across the room.

  Amanda stared at the pencil dumbly and then burst out laughing. She had been so intent on accuracy; she had not taken care of her tools. If anyone had been around to witness her actions in the last few minutes, they might have worried about her mental stability.

  She put the broken pencil down and then carefully closed the cover of the book. With more care than she’d shown herself, she returned it to its resting place on the shelf and shut the cupboard door. The prophecy must be moving forward if Jehoban had decided to give the next set of directions.

  A sense of panic rose in Amanda as she realized they still had the final three samaras to find before they would even be able to think about proceeding with His plans. They were going to have to be more diligent than ever to keep up with His timeline. She picked up the pencil and paper and quietly left the narrow room. Her attention was not too distracted to forget to close the secret passage into the room, however, and she made sure it was sealed before she left the library.

  “Maybe I should go see Rasa along with the kids,” Amanda mused to herself. As soon as she finished the statement, the familiar clicking sensation in her head made it known she had hit upon the correct thing to do. “Alrighty then. I guess I should get myself ready to take a trip!” She went back to the office and found another pencil. She wrote from memory the first part of the prophecy which, she believed, spoke about herself before she folded the paper to keep it in her hand for safekeeping as she walked through the house to get to her bedroom upstairs. She would change into more traditional clothing for Tualan custom and then she would surprise Willian with her change in plans.

  Chapter Sixteen

  EVEN THOUGH PETRE wished he could return to his water craft, he needed to stay near Tirsha. His connection with her was stronger than anything he had ever known. It was even more than when he had kept Jinya with him so many anons ago.

  He shook his head in wonder at even having Jinya come to mind considering how much had happened since he had last been spying on Captain Ahn’s house. No longer was he interested in pursuing the woman whom he had mistakenly thought he was in love with. What he had felt for her paled in comparison to the heart-stopping pain he had for Tirsha.

  This was such a new experience for him since he had always considered his own needs first. It was just a fact of life for the line of work he had chosen. Of course, he would have to change that part of himself, as well, if he intended to create a new future. Nobody would ever have believed how much he had changed from his experience between dimensions. Heck, he hardly understood it himself.

  He was not even interested in where Ahn had spirited Jinya off to on the last day he had followed them to the telepod landing field. At the time he had been angry, but now he was relieved to not have to deal with an awkward situation between the two women. Although, if he were being honest with himself, he had to admit he did not think Jinya had wanted to get back together with him after all.

  Turning around, Petre looked back toward the docks and wondered when he would be able to get back to his own vessel. He would love to be able to give Tirsha a tour of his humble home on the water. It would be a struggle, but if Tirsha wanted him to give up his water craft, he would actually consider it. Petre nodded confirmation to himself since he would gladly give up anything he had if it meant keeping her by his side.

  He turned around and walked the next couple of blocks in silent contemplation of his new future. His mind still felt altered by his encounter with Elder Daven’s samara. While he had kept a samara before, it was nothing compared to the Elder’s stone. He had known it had belonged to the Elder and had gladly relinquished it to him. What was even stranger for him was the idea of not coveting the Elder’s possession of it instead of himself.

  Petre stepped onto the wide porch of the Harbor Master’s house and knocked on the carved front door. He was pleasantly surprised to find Tirsha had been the person to greet him and even happier yet when she eagerly invited him inside to visit. This feeling of being wanted was what he had been missing his whole life, and he wanted to experience it to its fullest.

  “How are you doing today, Tirsha? Have you been able to spend a lot of time with your daughter?”

  “I’m doing great and, yes, I’ve visited with Corva several hours each day when she’s not in school or studying. I just can’t believe how much she has changed. She’s so smart, and I’m so proud of her.” She led the way into the front sitting room and offered him a seat. “Would you like some steena tea?”

  “If it’s no bother,” he answered, feeling slightly strange with the formalities.

  “None whatsoever. I’ll be right back.”

  Petre wondered why Tirsha did not just create the tea for them while remaining in the room. Maybe she was unfamiliar with where things were located in the kitchen or if they even had enough supplies for her to make it. In any event, he remained seated in solitude while he heard noises coming from down the hallway.

  Tirsha entered the room holding a tray containing two cups and a steaming teapot. Petre jumped to his feet and relieved her of the burden. He placed it on the table for her. Before he was able to touch the pot, Tirsha picked it up and began to pour the hot liquid into the cups. Petre took the one closest to him and resumed his seat across from her.

  In the past, Petre would have already been drinking his tea and not bothering to wait for T
irsha to join him. Now, he wanted to share the first sip together and enjoy her companionship. Instead, he held the cup between his palms, feeling the warmth begin to radiate from the porcelain, and think about what to ask Tirsha about next to keep her talking with him. He loved hearing the sounds of her voice, no matter what she was actually saying.

  “I’m sorry to hear about your husband,” Petre blurted and then wished he had kept the comment to himself when he saw her hands flinch at his mention.

  “If you knew him, you wouldn’t have been sorry,” she murmured back. “I’m sorry, Petre. That wasn’t nice of me. You see, Filbrun was not a kind man. He…he drank a lot and he took out his frustrations in life on me, both verbally and physically. He was a hard man to love. I was always afraid of what would happen to Corva as she got older and began having opinions of her own. Filbrun didn’t like to be contradicted in anything, and he always wanted his orders followed immediately. You know how toddlers can be when they decide to do something; they won’t take no for an answer.”

  “I haven’t really spent much time around toddlers,” Petre admitted. Although, he thought, there was a short time when I had taken care of Jinya’s daughter. He shuddered as he remembered what a disaster it had been. “My career really hasn’t supported a family lifestyle.”

  Tirsha cocked her head and wondered what type of a future she would be able to make with Petre if he wanted to keep his career. She did not want to live her life on a water craft, nor did she think it would be a good idea for her daughter. “What is it you do, exactly?”

  “Nothing to be proud of, that’s for sure. I’ve decided to make some drastic changes in my life because I want you to be proud of me. I want to do everything I can to please you.” He had been frustrated by what he had said to get her questioning him, but he was glad they were having this conversation.

  “I don’t want you to change for me,” she held up her hand when she saw Petre start to protest. She continued, “I want you to change for yourself. It has to be for yourself, or it won’t last. Don’t you think?”

  Petre raised his eyebrows as he considered her point. “I do agree. I want us both to be proud of the man I am becoming. I’ve disappointed myself for far too long. It’s time I actually stepped up to go into the career I was supposed to review. I’ve dodged my lottery assignment for too long as it is.”

  “Oh, Petre! Yes, you have to follow the lottery rules. How far behind are you?”

  Petre looked down at the cup in his hands, ashamed of himself as he calculated the anons. Finally, he bashfully shifted his eyes up to hers as he answered, “This anon makes it fifteen anons.”

  “That long? Oh, no! What are you going to do to make it up?”

  “I don’t know. I hope Elder Daven might give me some advice on what to do.”

  “Good idea. I really liked him; he was so nice to us. Don’t you think?”

  “Yes. Tirsha, I have to be honest with you. I’ve had my problems with the Elders, and I’ve often criticized them and even cheated them in the past. I can only hope Elder Daven can forgive my past indiscretions and know I’m making an effort to change.”

  “I’m sure he will; he seemed reasonable to me.”

  “True, I agree.” He sipped his cooling tea, yet he had his doubts whether or not it could work out as well as he had described. It would be a blessing, but he had become used to be continually disappointed with what life handed out to him. No, he thought, I’m not going to think negatively anymore. That’s what I used to do in the past, and I’m going to change!

  “What line of work were you supposed to go in?”

  “You know, I never even found out. I didn’t show up for my assignment.”

  Tirsha gasped lightly at his complete disregard for the social structure. She did not want to make him feel worse than he probably already did, but it was shocking to hear he had not even shown up on assignment day. She would have done anything to even get an assignment, but her disability had prevented the special day from ever happening.

  “You must think I’m a horrible person.”

  “No, I think you’ve just been misguided. I’m really glad you want to turn yourself around. And I think Elder Daven will be able to help you. When are you going to see him again?”

  Petre had not really considered leaving anytime soon. He had been afraid to be too far away from Tirsha in case she needed him. After visiting with her today, it was apparent she was happy where she was living and getting to know her daughter again. There really was no good excuse to delay his future. Besides, the sooner he began working in an honest profession, the sooner he would be able to entertain starting a relationship.

  “I wanted to wait until I talked with you before I made any plans. I had to be sure you were okay, you know.”

  Tirsha blushed and tried to cover her embarrassment by taking a quick sip of tea. The fluid went down the wrong way, and she began to sputter and cough. She spilled the tea on her legs and jumped up to keep it from burning her skin. Her fear of burning swept through her mind causing her to start having a panic attack. She struggled to catch her breath even as she coughed more violently.

  Petre slammed his cup down onto the table and jumped up to try to help her. He held onto her arm and thumped her back, but her coughing just seemed to be getting worse. He looked around to see if there were anyone else who could offer assistance. Intense relief washed through him when he saw Barla heading toward them from the kitchen. “Barla, please hurry!”

  “What’s going on Petre? What’s wrong with Tirsha?”

  “She swallowed her tea wrong, and then I think she started to panic. I don’t know how to help her; please do something!”

  “Step aside, please.” Without waiting for his compliance, Barla pushed Petre away to be directly in front of Tirsha. She could see the panic in the other woman’s eyes, and she had to agree with Petre’s assessment. “Easy now, Tirsha. You’ll be fine once you calm down. Let me help you.” She began to pull elemy from around her and move it into Tirsha’s body to help soothe her.

  Almost instantly, she could tell it was the right way to handle the situation. Tirsha’s odd expression changed back to normal, and her breathing slowed down. She still coughed from the irritation in her throat, but it was a normal cough. “That’s better, Tirsha. Do you feel more yourself again?”

  Tirsha simply nodded since her coughing prevented anything further.

  Barla looked down at Tirsha’s wet clothes and again used her newly acquired crystal skills to dry her clothes. She had never known how gratifying it could be to use elemy to fix things rather than having to do them manually. Her gratitude to Jehoban multiplied because He had given her the birth crystal to let her know He approved of her in Tuala. It was her most prized possession, and her hand reached up to touch it reverently.

  Barla had left them alone to continue their visit. As soon as Tirsha’s coughing subsided, Petre decided he should take her advice and seek out Elder Daven as soon as possible. Petre cleared his throat and said, “I think I’m going to head out now if you don’t need me.”

  “Go, I’m fine. I promise.” She smiled up at him as he rose from his chair. She stood when he came up beside her and put her hand in his. Together, they walked to the front door.

  Petre turned to face her and took her other hand in his. He looked down at her upturned face and allowed himself to follow his impulse to kiss her. When their lips parted yet they remained close; he whispered, “I don’t want to leave you ever.”

  “Well then hurry and get your life together. We can be together when you’re ready.”

  Wishing he could honestly say he was ready now, he had to content himself by simply nodding his agreement with her statement. “I’ll hurry.”

  “Thanks,” she whispered back and smiled up at him.

  Petre’s heart melted even more at the blind trust she had for him. He could do anything as long as she believed in him. He could see it in her eyes; he would prove himself worthy. It was hard, but
he tore himself away from her and rapidly turned to leave. Seconds later, he turned at the gate and saw her waving sweetly at him. Raising his hand to wave back, he smiled with renewed confidence in his future. His next stop would be a visit with Elder Daven.

  Chapter Seventeen

  THE CAR DOOR slamming outside alerted Amanda to company. She was ready to go and rushed to open the front door for the kids. As she had suspected, Willian had arranged with Valentina to go to Manzanit in less than an hour. “Good morning, you two. I hope you won’t mind my slight change of plans.”

  Willian looked slightly alarmed even as he tried to hide it. “Did you need for us to reschedule? We totally understand if something else came up.”

  “Something has come up, but I was hoping I could go with you to Manzanit. I have something to discuss with Rasa which would be better done in person.”

  “Oh!” Willian exclaimed, relief evident in the tenseness releasing from his shoulders. “Sure thing, Amanda. Do you want to navigate then?”

  “No, I can be co-pilot. You’ve flown to Manzanit before, and I haven’t yet, so you’re the more experienced one for this flight.”

  “Sure thing! Are you ready to go now or do we need to wait?”

  “No, I’m ready whenever you are. I’m as eager to get going as you, I’m sure!” Amanda grinned at Willian. “How are you doing, Val? We haven’t seen you since the girls went to their grandparents’ house.”

  She promptly looked over to Willian and then back at Amanda before she replied quietly, “I wasn’t sure I’d be welcome.”

  “Oh, Val; of course, you’re still welcome here. You’re one of Juila’s and Jena’s first friends. Just because there’s been a change in circumstances, it doesn’t mean we don’t still care about you!” She pulled Valentina off to the side and spoke quietly, “Besides, Jena has told us she’s happy for you.”


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