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Waking Up Married in Vegas (What will her Fiance Say?) (Drive Thru Marriage 1)

Page 2

by Ken Rander

  “Suppose we try a kiss,” he said. “That might jog your memory.”

  “All right,” She said. A kiss would not hurt. Kissing was the most innocent thing they had been doing.



  Donna leaned toward Daniel, their lips almost touching when her cell phone rang. She picked it up. It was Terri Beth.

  “Albert is here in the hotel. He’s looking for you.” She said. “Donna Colby was NOT listed in the register. He is very upset and worried.”

  “Oh. My. God!” Donna felt herself beginning to hyperventilate.

  “What’s wrong?” Daniel asked.

  “Oh nothing much.” Donna was feeling a bit light headed. “My fiancé is here to check on me since I haven’t been answering any of his calls for the past two days.”

  “Your fiancé?” He said. “Is here.”

  “Not a new one. The one I had just before you.” Donna said, and realized how that sounded. “I only had one. Ever. The one from before you and I were married. Just before. And during.” She was babbling again she realized.

  “I see.” He said, although he clearly did not. How could he, when she did not. She was sure a big white rabbit with a timepiece would be running through the room any minute looking for Alice.

  “Stall him. Distract him.” Donna told Terri Beth.

  “But what do I tell him?” Terri Beth asked.

  “Tell him I’m getting dressed.” Donna said without thinking.

  “You didn’t!” Terri Beth giggled.

  “No.” Donna replied. “We haven’t done anything… er … not since I woke up this morning. I just need to change clothes.”

  “Ok. Angie and I will stall him as long as possible.”

  “I have to get dressed.” Donna said to Daniel. "I have to meet my fiancé and let him down easy.”

  “Do you want me to come with?” Daniel asked.

  “No. I’ll be ok.”


  Albert stood up when Donna walked into the room.

  “I’ve been talking to Terri Beth and Angie.” Albert said. “Or rather, not talking. Can you tell me what’s going on?”

  "We have to go check email" Terri Beth said.

  "But I want to … Oh, yes. Email."Angie said.

  Donna had been racking her brain but there was no easy way to break it to him. She sat down across from him and looked at the carpet.

  “Albert, there have been some developments this week.” A six-foot tall development, with a dangerous swing she thought inanely. “I’ve come to realize that I can’t marry you.”

  “But why?” He asked. “What developments? What happened?”

  “I got married this weekend.” Donna said.

  “But we've been engaged for almost two years. When didn't you tell me that you were seeing someone?”

  “I wasn’t seeing anyone then.”

  “Nevertheless, you could have told me you were seeing someone before now.”

  “I wasn’t seeing anyone until this weekend.”

  “You married someone you met this weekend. You fell in love and got married this weekend?” He was clearly upset.

  “We met and married Friday.” She clarified helpfully. Then she realized she was making things worse.

  “I see,” said Albert. “So you fell in love in an afternoon.”

  “Apparently,” Donna sighed. She did not remember any of it.

  “And you love him?” He repeated.

  “Would I marry him if I didn’t?” Donna asked. Hmmm. She would not have gotten married if she did not love him. She found herself incredibly attracted to him.

  “You could have called. Didn’t you get my messages?” Albert asked.

  “We were so busy with … er … the arrangements that I forgot.” Donna said.

  “You were so busy getting married you forgot you were engaged.” Albert said.

  “My memories of the past few days are hazy.” Ok, nonexistent, Donna thought.

  She had gotten drunk as a skunk her Mom would have said.

  “I know how that sounds.” Donna said. “It’s just as crazy from my end.”

  “So what happens now?” He asked.

  “I hope you can forgive me and get on with your life.” Donna told him.

  "Honestly though. We have both been coming up with reasons to postpone the wedding. I think we were both comfortable with things as they were. We even joked about calling the whole thing off several times.

  "We have, but we kept seeing each other." Albert agreed.

  "If you're honest with yourself," Donna said, "Aren't you a little bit relieved?"

  “I – I'm not sure," Albert said. "I am kind of in shock. I need time to process this.”

  “Tell me about it,” Donna thought.

  “Here is your ring.” Donna said, handing it back to him. "Regardless of how things work out, I hope we can still be friends."

  “I hope so too. I think I’m going to go for a walk.” Albert said.

  Terri Beth and Angie came into the room as Albert left. They were both reserved but expectant.

  "How did it go?" Terri Beth asked.

  "Not bad considering." Donna said. "I think we were both subconsciously looking for a way to get out of this without hurting the other person."

  “Donna. Are you and Albert really through?” Angie asked.

  “I think I’m going to try to stick it out and see how things work out with Daniel.” Donna said. “At least until I get my memory back. Or I see if this attraction I've been feeling is real.”

  “Can I have him?” Angie asked. Then she realized what she had asked and turned a bright red. “I mean, would you mind if I dated Albert?”

  “No. He’s all yours.” Donna said. Whatever happened, she was sure Albert was done with her.

  “You’re sure?” Angie asked.

  “Yes. Go for it.”

  “I’ve had a crush on him forever.” Angie said.

  “Really?” Donna was surprised.

  “She never told you,” Terri Beth said. “She figured that it would make you feel bad if you knew.”

  “Wow!” Donna said. She never suspected.

  “I’m going back up and talk with Daniel some more.” Donna said. “We have a lot of issues to work out.”



  “Did it go ok?” Daniel asked.

  “It went as well as could be expected.” Donna said. “When you’re telling your fiancé you got married without him.”

  “I can sympathize.” Daniel said.

  “As I recall, we were about to see if kissing would help jog my memory.”

  Daniel took her into his arms. Looking deeply into her eyes, he leaned over and … RING!

  Ring? It was Donna's cell phone. It rang again.

  “Your MOM is here.” Said Terri Beth. “She’s on the warpath. She went ballistic when they told her you had checked out yesterday. She’s about ready to call the police and report you missing.”

  “Oh, no.” Donna said, heart pounding. “My mom will take one look at me and know the whole story. She’ll know that I am married. Without inviting her to the wedding. Without her meeting the groom. I’m a dead woman.”

  “Just take your ring off. She won’t know you’re married. How can she when you don’t remember it?” Terri Beth said.

  “She will. She’s part gypsy. She will take one look at me and see the MARRIED LOOK, and then she will kill me.”

  “You’re panicking.” Terri Beth said. “Just calm down and take your ring off. Act cool.”

  “It won’t help. She knows I’m going to do things before they ever happen.” Donna said. “She took one look at me and knew about Teddy Smith as soon as I walked in the door.”

  “Teddy Smith?” Terri Beth asked, confused.

  “Long story.” Teddy Smith had been her FIRST behind the bleachers before homecoming her freshman year at college.

  “I’ve got to go meet my mom. You stay here. We are not marri
ed. We’re engaged. Understand?”

  “No. But if that’s what you want, ok.”

  “Ok, Donna. What have you been up to?” Mom said. “I just saw Albert in the lobby and he didn’t recognize me when I bumped into him.”

  “We broke up, Mom.” Donna said.”

  “You broke up.” Mom said. “So where are the grandchildren going to come from if you’re single?”

  Donna almost said, “From a wild weekend of unprotected whoopee with my new husband – what’s his name.” Then she remembered there had been no invite to the wedding.

  “I met someone else, Mom.” She said. “We’re … er … planning to get married instead.” Now if Donna could just get Daniel to go along. She sensed they were destined to see Elvis again.

  “And who is this person?” Asked Mom. “Is it anyone you’ve introduced me too?”

  “No, we met here.” Donna said. If only she could remember it. “He’s really nice.”

  At least he seemed nice for the few hours she remembered him.

  “You’ll be introducing me, I assume?” Mom said.

  “Of course,” Donna said. “We’ll be having dinner with him tonight.”

  “There are other things you are not telling me.” She said.

  “A girl has to have some secrets, Mom.” Donna said. Like getting roaring drunk, marrying a total stranger, and holding him hostage for two days. Naked. To save time. Then forgetting his name.


  They were all together at dinner except for Albert who begged off.

  “Where did you two meet?” asked Mom.

  “At the Blackjack table.” Angie said.

  “She won $3000 and was so happy she turned around and kissed. Daniel.” Terri Beth added.

  “Then Daniel kissed her back.” Angie added. “She said it curled her toes and … er … lit a fire in her.”

  “I was thinking of asking her out for coffee when she turned around and threw her arms around my neck and kissed me.” Daniel said. “I was so surprised that I just did what came naturally and kissed her back.”

  “And you had no thought of your fiancé at the time.” Mom asked. She really liked Albert.

  “It was an impulse thing.” Donna said. At least she thought it was. She had no memory at all of the events her friends were describing.

  “We went somewhere quiet and started talking,” Daniel said. “The more we talked the more we realized we had a lot in common and were very compatible.”

  “I see.”

  “Then we started kissing again,” Daniel said. “We kept kissing and talking. The next thing I knew were getting marr- ... er … engaged.”

  “I see.” Mom said. ”But you love her?”

  “With all my heart.” Daniel said, putting his hand on top of Donnas and squeezing it.

  “And you love him?” Mom asked.

  “Of course,” Donna said, putting her other hand on top of Daniels. All her friends told her she did.

  “And you both want children?”

  “Yes, we want children … er … after we get married.” Donna said.

  “Oh, good!” Mom beamed. “I was starting to wonder if you’d ever get married.”

  “If she only knew.” Donna thought.


  Some Resolutions

  After dinner, Donna dragged Angie and Terri Beth to the bathroom.

  “See, I told you it would go ok.” Terri Beth said.

  “I am amazed.” Donna said. “I guess it worked out for everyone but poor Albert.”

  “Albert was so sad.” Angie said. “He’s up in his room all alone.”

  “He doesn’t have to be.” Terri Beth said.

  “Right, he needs someone to console him.” Donna agreed.

  “I tried talking with him.” Angie said. “He told me he needed to be alone to work things out.”

  “You didn’t tell him how you feel?” Terri Beth asked.

  “No, he was so despondent it didn’t seem like a good idea.” Angie said.

  “You aren’t going to let him get away are you?” Terri Beth asked.

  “What do you mean?” Angie asked.

  “He’s liable to meet someone and marry them on the rebound.” Terri Beth said.

  “You think he’d do that?” Angie was frowning. “I never considered that.”

  “People do stupid things when they are in love.” Donna said. Like me, she thought.

  “And men are the worst.” Terri Beth studiously avoided looking at Donna.

  “But he didn’t want me.” Angie said.

  “Are you going to let him get away?” Terri Beth asked.

  “If anyone is going to get him on the rebound, it should be you.”

  “Do you think so?” Angie asked.

  “Yes!” Donna said. “You need to go console him.”

  “But I couldn’t.” Angie stammered.

  “Yes you can.” Terri Beth ordered. “Angie you march yourself in there and kiss him. Don’t take no for an answer.”

  “You think that will work?” Angie asked. “Donna you won’t be jealous?”

  “How can I be when I’m married?” Donna asked. “You don’t want me to become a bigamist do you?”

  “Noooo.” Angie said.

  “You love him don’t you?” asked Terri Beth, knowing the answer.

  “I love him with all my heart.” Angie said.

  “Go for it.” Donna advised.

  “I’ll do it!” Angie said with fire in her eyes.

  “Things just might work out for Albert after all.” Donna said.

  “I think Albert is in for a big surprise.” Terri Beth giggled.

  “I’m going back up and talk with Daniel some more.” Donna said. “If I’m going to get my memory back we need to spend time together.”


  Donna sat down on the bed beside Daniel.

  “Ok, you were going to kiss me.” She murmured.

  He took her in his arms and leaned over, but paused … glancing toward her cell phone.

  “I turned it off this time.” She said, grinning. He grinned back.

  He kissed her. It was a long tender “I love you” type of kiss. It started with them side by side but turned into a full contact embrace. At the end, they were both breathing heavily.

  “Wow!” She thought, “That sure lit a fire and curled my toes.”

  “Did you remember anything?” He asked.

  “I feel something stirring.” Donna told him. Something was stirring, but not her memory. “Let’s try it again.”

  The second kiss was just as intense and toe curling as the first.

  “Still nothing?” He asked when they broke for air.

  “No, but that was very nice.” Donna replied, her head swimming.

  “Again?” He asked.

  “Please.” She said. This time he went all out, clasping her tightly, crushing her breasts against his muscular chest. The kiss was a “never want to let you go” type of kiss, sizzling hot and full of passion.

  “Oh, my!” She thought, feeling that one set her body tingling at a point somewhat higher than her toes. His kisses were spectacular. If the kissing was great, she could not help speculating what Doing The Deed would be like. Especially if she said it was the BEST EVER. Doing The Deed with Albert had been GOOD, sometimes GREAT, and occasionally EXCELLENT, but never BEST EVER. That was kind of like going to the prom with Shawn Mackenzie in high school or finding the Holy Grail. Both were highly sought, but unattainable goals.

  “What did we talk about?” She asked, bracing for a third kiss, her head swimming. The tingling radiated throughout her body.

  “You said you wanted a house with a big front porch that you could sit on and watch your children play.” He told her. That was true. She had an old Norman Rockwell poster depicting her dream.

  “Again?” They had another long, slow, toe-curling kiss.

  “You said you wanted a boy and a girl.” He murmured against her lips, between kisses.

  “Again.” Another terrific kiss followed. It was getting very hard to think.

  “Again.” Kiss. IT was getting VERY HARD. To think.

  “You wanted to grow old together.” He said, kissing her collarbone and kissing his way over to nuzzle her neck.

  “Don’t stop.” Her thoughts were starting to take on a slutty aspect.

  “And play with our grandchildren together.” He kissed the sweet spot just over the pulse point.

  “Don’t stop.” A very, very slutty aspect. However, it was not slutty if you were married, was it? She felt swollen and achy in all the right (very wrong) places.

  “Preferences” He said, from somewhere near her neck. His breath was hot upon her skin.

  “Preferences?” Totally. Slutty. Thoughts.

  “What felt good and what felt better.” He kept kissing and nuzzling her neck.

  “Oh. THOSE preferences.”

  “Your preferences. While we made love.” He said, continuing to nuzzle.

  “Do you think that if we made love it would help with my memory?” Did she really ask that? It would certainly help other things. Tingly, swollen, achy things.

  “I was wondering the same thing.” His voice was husky.

  “I want you so badly.” He growled in a low voice, full of passion and need. It sent a shiver down her spine that radiated to her core.

  His kisses drifted lower. A LOT lower.

  “I’m a slut!” She thought. The kiss had all her senses focused. “A really bad, slut! I’m a really bad, but HAPPY slut.”

  Somehow, they were without clothes again. She wondered if there was a record for that and whether they had achieved a new one. His kisses climbed higher and zeroed in on her breasts.

  “I’m a slut!” She was not sure if that was said aloud or all in her head. “But I don’t care. I want this.”

  Next thing she knew, she was staring up into his eyes.

  “Is this what you want?” He asked, brushing his lips against hers.

  “Yes!” She whispered, feeling a bit of apprehension at his size. Then Daniel made a few adjustments to fit things together, and she helped.

  “Here goes,” Daniel said, as he moved to merge with her. Surprisingly enough, after a few moments of adjustments everything fit together just fine. In this case bigger WAS better. Then they were Doing The Deed.

  When she achieved liftoff, she made some very slutty sounds and nearly blacked out. It really was the BEST EVER.

  “Did you remember anything at all?” He asked afterwards, when they lay cuddling together.

  “No,” but she did not care. It had been the BEST EVER. She had no doubt they had been making love before today. He knew where all her sweet spots were. Exactly what she liked and did it without her asking. He played her like a violin. She loved it.


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