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Friends Without Benefits

Page 11

by Dena Blake

  She ripped her mouth from Dex’s. “We need to move somewhere else, or you’re going to have me right here on this counter.”

  Dex pulled her lip up into a grin before she ran her hands down Emma’s thighs to her calves and moved them behind her. Emma took her cue and wrapped them around Dex’s waist, and then Dex slid her off the counter into her arms. She carried her effortlessly across the living room, and when they reached the bottom of the stairs, Emma attempted to release her legs to stand.

  Dex held her tight. “Don’t worry. I’ve got you.”

  Emma kissed her urgently and then clung to Dex as she carried her up the stairs. She’d never been with a woman so strong, so confident in every way, the total opposite of herself.

  When they reached the bedroom, Emma dropped her feet to the floor and began trailing her tongue down Dex’s neck to the sweet space between her breasts. She pulled at the neckline of her sweater. “This has to come off.”

  Dex grasped the hem of the sweater and tugged it off. Without delay, Emma started kissing the skin just above the top of Dex’s bra line again. When Dex let out a tiny whimper, confidence surged through Emma, and she unfastened Dex’s jeans and pushed them to the floor. She dragged her hands up her legs and stopped to kiss the sculpted belly before her as she moved up Dex’s body to her mouth. The sparks zapping through her were unreal, and they’d barely touched each other. How could a woman do so much to her so quickly?

  Dex reached around and popped the hook on Emma’s bra before she backed her up to the edge of the bed, and they both tumbled onto it. She’d never been more grateful for buttonless pants as she was when Dex went to her knees, slid her fingers under the waistband of her jeggings, and tugged them off, taking her panties along with them. Movement stopped, and Emma glanced down to see Dex staring up at her as though she were taking in every inch of her again. God, this woman could melt her with one look.

  Emma sat up, took Dex’s face in her hands, and kissed her hard, sending another steaming shot of arousal through her.

  Dex kneaded Emma’s breast in one hand as the other made its way between her legs. As soon as she felt Dex’s fingers skim the wet heat of her center and then push into her, they both groaned.

  “I have to taste you.”

  Emma fell back onto the bed as Dex slipped her arms under her knees and pulled her forward. The first touch of her tongue had Emma on the verge of combustion. Not wanting it to happen too quickly, she grabbed a fistful of sheet. She wanted to savor every moment of pleasure in all its intensity as it happened. Emma pressed herself into the mattress, and Dex came in stronger. Oh my God. This was happening…Now. She let go of her control and tugged a handful of Dex’s hair as she spiraled into a blissful pool of ecstasy. Tremors rolled through her, again and again. Dex’s tongue was the most magical experience Emma had ever felt. She twitched with every stroke. When the aftershocks finally subsided, she reached for Dex and urged her up next to her.

  “I have to say this dessert was so much better than the brownies.” Emma covered her eyes with her arm and laughed. “I can’t believe I just said that.” She’d never had a woman enjoy her so completely, and the feeling both excited and embarrassed her.

  Dex moved Emma’s arm from her eyes. “I’m glad you did. We’ll skip the brownies next time.” She kissed her softly and then gathered her into the crook of her shoulder.

  This woman was incredible. She didn’t even seem to want anything in return. If she was feeling any of the same things Emma was, she needed release. Emma skimmed her hand across Dex’s belly and under the waistband of her boxer briefs. Her breath hitched, and she closed her eyes when she felt the silky wetness between Dex’s legs. This night wasn’t close to being over yet. Emma knew a thing or two about delivering dessert.

  She captured one of Dex’s breasts in her mouth and flicked the nipple with her tongue while kneading the other between her fingers. Dex let out a moan and squirmed beneath her.

  It became clear she needed better access. The briefs had to come off. She tugged at the waistband, and Dex swiftly slid them down her legs and kicked them to the floor.

  The shudder beneath her lips as she trailed them across Dex’s stomach made all kinds of senses come to life in Emma. This was absolute paradise. She continued farther and glided her hand over the soft patch of hair, letting it tickle her palm. She glanced up to catch Dex watching her with scorching desire in her eyes. God, she was beautiful. Emma nestled herself between Dex’s legs for more contact, just skimming Dex’s center with her lips. Dex opened her legs wider, allowing more access. One swipe, then another. She watched Dex’s stomach ripple with each subtle touch she made. It fascinated Emma that she could make Dex react so intensely. She swiped at Dex’s center, just barely gliding her tongue through the slickness, and let out a growl. She tasted incredible.

  “You’re not being fair,” Dex said, grabbing a fistful of sheet.

  She laughed and Dex squirmed. “What would be fair right now?”

  “I need more.”

  “Like this?” Emma pushed two fingers into Dex.

  “Oh my God. Yes.” She reached down and held Emma’s head in her hands, arching into her.

  With that, Emma sank her mouth into Dex’s center, and in no time, Dex’s fingers pulled at Emma’s hair and her thighs came together against her cheeks with surprising strength. Emma took in everything about her. The way her body shook with each pass of Emma’s tongue, her tangy taste, and how tense her muscles became when Emma finally sent her over the edge.

  The whole glorious scene cemented in Emma’s mind just how breathtakingly gorgeous the woman beneath her was and how she was seeping her way into her heart.

  Emma crawled up Dex’s body and kissed her before she settled into the crook of Dex’s shoulder again. This, right here, was something Emma could do forever.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Dex was still asleep when Emma came out of the bathroom. She hadn’t wanted to leave the warmth of Dex’s arms. They’d spent every night this week together, and she’d woken up in Dex’s bed every morning. Her body was screaming “slow down” loud and clear, but what was happening with Dex just felt so right. She didn’t want to leave at all, but everything between them was happening with lightning speed, and Emma wasn’t quite sure how to handle her intense feelings for Dex.

  She glanced around the room like she had once or twice before and, for some reason, was still surprised at the decor. She’d expected dark colors to accent the maple hardwood floors she’d stepped out of bed onto this morning. Even though the muted purple walls went perfectly with the flooring as well as the turquoise-and-white comforter that lay halfway across the bed, the color scheme still puzzled her.

  She crossed the room, sat on the side of the bed, and watched Dex sleep. Her face was calm, without a single crease stressing it, just the tiny laugh lines around her eyes, which Emma was coming to adore. Tracing a circle on the back of Dex’s hand, she shuddered at how they’d made her feel when she’d touched her last night.

  Dex’s eyes fluttered open, she stared up at Emma and immediately smiled. “What time is it?”

  “Time for me to go.”

  She threaded her fingers with Emma’s and kissed the back of her hand. “You don’t have to. I’d love to fix you breakfast?”

  “That sounds wonderful, but I have a date with the woman who tries to run my life.” And very often succeeds.

  Dex appeared confused as she propped herself up on her elbows.

  “My mother. I promised to take her shopping today.” She grinned. “Sorry. I meant to tell you last night.” She glanced at the ceiling. “But somehow you made me forget.” Dex propped herself up and Emma kissed her.

  “Oh, sure. Blame it on me.” Dex moved a swatch of hair from Emma’s eyes. “I totally understand. The most important woman in your world.” Dex seemed relieved, which made Emma happy. “For now anyway.” She raised an eyebrow and hopped out of bed. “At least let me walk you out.”

p; Emma watched the naked, sculpted, muscular body cross the room, and her heartbeat doubled. Dex was stunning. She pulled on a long-sleeved Henley and sweats that were slung across the chair in the corner. Emma’s stomach dipped as Dex’s mussed hair sprang through the neck opening of the Henley. She had to look away, or she’d end up across the room kissing her and find herself right back in bed ravishing every bit of her again. Emma was thoroughly amazed at Dex’s body and her confidence. Emma would’ve taken the sheet with her and headed straight into the bathroom to change. She’d even attempted to do just that earlier, but Dex had been so wrapped up in it she couldn’t get it free, so she’d made sure Dex was still asleep, grabbed her clothes, and raced across the room instead.

  On the way out to the car, Dex took Emma’s hand in hers, and the gesture felt totally natural and wonderful all in the same moment.

  When Emma reached for the car door handle, Dex frowned. “I got it.” She pulled open the door and motioned for Emma to get in.

  “Thank you,” Emma said softly. She wasn’t at all used to having someone take such care with her. Her previous girlfriend, Amy, had never opened doors for her. Emma had been the chivalrous one in that relationship.

  “You’re very welcome,” she said as she leaned in and gave Emma a scorching kiss that made Emma immediately want to call her mom and cancel.

  “You’re really making it hard for me to leave.”

  “My secret plan.” Dex’s lips tugged into a half-grin before she captured Emma’s mouth again.

  Emma took out her phone. Dex swiped it away from her and threw it back into her purse. “No. You should go. Mom time is important.” She smiled softly. “Come back later, and we’ll have breakfast for dinner?” Her lips spread into a sexy grin.

  “Deal.” Emma gave her a quick kiss, and Dex closed the door. She couldn’t take her eyes off the beautiful woman watching her drive away and couldn’t wait to get this day of shopping done so she could come back to her.

  * * *

  Emma parked in front of her parents’ house and grabbed the box from the passenger seat before she hustled up the driveway to the open garage. The floor was covered with sawdust, and her dad stood at his workbench building something, as usual. The small flat-screen TV mounted above the bench had one of the Sunday football games blaring through it.

  “There’s my girl,” Bill said as he spun around on the stool, stood up, and hauled her into a bear hug. She was surprised he’d heard her in the midst of the crowd and commentators from the football game.

  “I brought doughnuts.” She opened the box she’d been carrying.

  “I knew you were my favorite daughter for a reason.” He slipped a hand in and took out a glazed doughnut. Glazed was his favorite, and bread and sugar were all he needed. Well, maybe a little jelly once in a while, but he was an easy dad to satisfy.

  She snapped the box shut and rolled her eyes. “I’m your only daughter.”

  The doughnut was in his mouth immediately. “That too,” he mumbled as he chewed.

  Various sizes of wood lay strewn across the bench, and Emma couldn’t imagine what her dad was creating. “What are you building there?”

  He pushed a piece of paper toward her with a design scribbled across it. “A charging station for my cordless tools.”

  “Oh, wow. That looks awesome, Dad.” Her dad was crazy good at woodworking, even without plans.

  Another bite of doughnut went into his mouth, and he grinned.

  “Is there coffee left?” Emma asked.

  “Brewed a new pot just for you.” He’d known she was coming. Emma and her mother had set up the shopping date weeks ago. Her mother was a planner and intended to get all her Christmas shopping done early, just as she did every year.

  “Awesome.” She headed into the house. Her mother was settled in her chair in the living room, feet up on the ottoman, relaxed with her nose in a book. “Whatcha reading, Mom?”

  Glo glanced up and smiled. “The new Lisa Gardner.”


  The chair creaked as she got up. “Her stories fascinate me. From what I’ve learned in her books, I could’ve plotted to kill your father hundreds of times.”

  She let her mouth drop open. “Mom. Do I need to keep an eye on you?”

  “I would never.” She waved her hand as she crossed the room. “He’s too handy. Do you know he’s building me a bird feeder for the backyard?”

  “Is that what that was?” The image of the plan for the tool-charging station popped into Emma’s head. She guessed the bird feeder would be her father’s next project. “Are you hungry?” She lifted the doughnut box slightly.

  Her mother kissed Emma on the cheek and took the box from her as she trotted into the kitchen. “I knew you were my favorite daughter for a reason.”

  Emma chuckled and shook her head. Her parents couldn’t be more alike if they tried. She guessed that was from being married thirty-plus years.

  The cabinet stuck halfway when Emma opened it to get a mug. “Hasn’t Dad fixed this yet?” The hinge had been broken for months, but her dad had jerry-rigged it to work until he got around to fixing it.

  “It’s on his list after the bird feeder.” That could be a few months down the road. Apparently, her mother hadn’t seen the real list.

  Emma poured herself a mug of coffee and refilled her mother’s cup before she sat on the stool at the counter next to her. “So where are we going?” She hoped it was just a few specialty shops. The mall would be packed today.

  “I need to get your father a pair of these jeans he likes from J.C. Penney.” She picked up the pair from the chair and handed them to Emma. “Can you read the label on these?”

  Yay! It appeared Emma had dodged the mall bullet today. “Where’s your phone?”

  Her mother reached across the counter, picked it up, and handed it to her. Emma found the label of the pants and took a picture of it.

  “Ooh, that’s a good idea.” And then her mother said, “And I need to pick up some makeup at Macy’s. They have a gift this month.”

  Ugh. She knew it was too good to be true. Her mother lived and breathed to mall-shop.

  “We can grab lunch at the food court there.”

  Even better. Emma smiled. She couldn’t change her mother’s love for shopping at this point. She just hoped she’d be worn out by midafternoon so Emma could get back to Dex. She took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and let the tingle wash over her. Dex.

  The door swung open and Bill walked through it. He stopped at the coffeepot and filled his insulated mug. “Any doughnuts left?” he asked, heading for the box on the counter.

  Glo put her hand on the box. “How many is that?”

  “Just one.”

  She glanced at Emma to confirm, and Emma nodded. It wasn’t true, but she’d learned to keep quiet about some things. If one more doughnut on occasion made her dad happy, Emma wouldn’t spoil the enjoyment for him.

  Bill gave her a sly wink. “I thought you two would be out the door by now. All the good stuff will be gone if you don’t get moving.” He laughed.

  Emma rolled her eyes. “Stop feeding her addiction, Dad.” Emma had thought they’d be long gone by now too, but her sleep last night had been interrupted in the best possible way, which had pushed her morning to start much later than usual.

  “Okay, okay. Let me get my purse.” She trotted through the living room. “I’ll be right back.”

  “So Mom thinks the thing you’re building out there is a bird feeder.” She flattened her lips and tilted her head.

  “It’s next on the list.” He took a bite of the doughnut. “She’ll get it for Christmas.”

  Emma smiled. Her dad always came through with anything her mom wanted. Someday she hoped to have a relationship as solid as theirs.

  * * *

  They’d been at the mall for almost two hours and had hit at least twenty different stores when Glo decided she needed energy to continue. If it were up to Emma, she would’ve just
powered through to get out of there sooner. But her mother liked to enjoy the whole mall experience, which meant starting at one end, getting to the other, rounding the turn at the anchor store, and then making her way back to the middle to eat at the food court. Thankfully she didn’t care for one or two stores, and they’d skipped them entirely. Emma hated the mall, but she tolerated it to spend time with her mother.

  Emma stood in line to get the sandwiches, turkey for herself and ham for Glo, while her mother staked out a table. She was good at hovering until someone finished their food, and then she’d swoop in to grab the table as soon as they left. She’d been known to try to steal a table prematurely when someone had gotten up to get something more to eat. Glo had rules about mall eating: you got all the food you wanted all at once. Then you ate quickly. You didn’t linger, holding a table when others had their food and needed to sit.

  “So what happened this morning?”

  She immediately thought about her dad’s woodworking project. “What? With Dad?”

  “You were late. You’re never late on shopping days.” She took a bite of her sandwich. “You like to get here early and get it over with.”

  “That’s not true. I love spending time with you.”

  “But you hate the mall.”

  “Yeah.” Emma nodded. “I do.” She couldn’t argue with that.

  “So why were you late?”

  “I had a date last night.”

  Glo dropped her sandwich to her plate and took a drink to wash down the last bite she’d taken. “And you’re just now telling me this? What’s her name? Did you have fun? Are you going to see her again?” Glo fired the questions at Emma without giving her a chance to get a word in.

  “Her name is Dex. Yes, we had fun, and I’m having dinner with her again tonight.”

  Her mother leaned in with rapt attention. “You had dinner, not just drinks last night?”

  “Appetizers, dinner, and dessert.” Her body warmed at the thought of dessert. “The whole nine yards, Mom.”


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