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A Very Alien Christmas

Page 27

by Skye MacKinnon

  It’s difficult for technology to compete with magic reindeer.

  I slammed the wrench I’d been holding onto the floor, the metal echoing in the hangar bay.

  “Okay,” I said, scratching an itch on my cheek with the back of my hand. “Try it again.”

  Jaxar stood and slid easily onto the seat of the sleigh. I admired the way he gracefully moved his body. He did it subconsciously. I don’t think he was even aware of how attractive he was.

  He pushed the button on the dashboard, and we both held our breath.

  When nothing happened, I slapped the floor with my bare hand wanting to spew a string of non-Christmas curse words, but I bit them back. I didn’t want to embarrass myself in Jaxar’s company.

  “Well, that’s it then. That’s all that I can do.” I drew my knees up to my chest, wanting to curl my head down and cry my eyes out. Instead, I forced the tears away.

  I knew if I began to cry, my eyes would get all red and puffy and snot would fill my nose. Not an appealing look for an elf.

  It wasn’t like I was trying to impress Jaxar or anything, but…

  Well, yes.

  Yes, I was trying to impress him.

  I wanted him to see me as the genius elf that I hoped to be one day.

  Clearly, that day was not today.

  “It’ll work,” he said, not wanting me to give up. “Just not tonight. You need more time. But you’ll get there. You need the right parts. I don’t seem to have everything you need to get the job done.”

  “No,” I said, staring at the remainder of the satellites and junk he had scavenged. “But I thank you for trying. That meant a lot.”

  “It’s the least I could do.”

  “Yeah, well…” I struggled to stand as my foot had fallen asleep from my awkward position on the hard-tiled floor. “My time is nearly up. I guess, I’d better get going. Do you think I can get a ride with you to the North Pole? I’d rather not walk.”

  “You have a little time, yet.” Jaxar said, checking the time on the panel above the drawer filled with tools. “Come on, I’ll help you clean up. I’m not taking you back to the North Pole looking like you lost a battle with a droid.”

  I smirked, looking down at the dirt and grease smeared over my vest and hands.

  He was right. I was a mess.

  He held out an equally dirt-smeared hand to me. He wasn’t nearly the mess that I was, but I let him take me by the hand. With my fingers clasped gently within his, that curious warmth again grew. Almost like an inner glow, burning its way through my veins.

  I wanted to curl up beside him, but I was afraid he’d think that too forward.

  Still, at times while we worked together, I thought I glimpsed something heated in his eyes whenever he looked my way. I wasn’t really certain, as he’d avert his gaze at the last second, but I swear on my egg nog that he might be thinking of me in the same way I was thinking of him.

  I mean, we were both grown adults for our selective species. We were both single. There was no reason we couldn’t admire each other physically.

  It didn’t take long for him to lead me to what looked like his personal quarters. There was a bed with blankets and pillows strewn across it, and clothing littered the floor.

  “Excuse the mess,” he chuckled bashfully as he hurriedly picked up the clothes off the floor. “I wasn’t exactly expecting company.”

  I smiled, but my gaze kept straying to the soft mattress of the bed. This was where he slept at night.

  I wonder if he slept naked.

  Stop that, Noelle!

  “There’s a shower in there.” Jaxar’s deep voice intruded upon my thoughts. “You can get cleaned up.”

  I glanced down at the front of my vest, my fingers lifting the dirtied fabric.

  “I don’t really see the point,” I admitted. Even if I showered, I’d only be putting these back on. “I’ll just wash my hands.”

  “If that’s what you want,” Jaxar said, nodding. “Or I could clean your clothes for you. It wouldn’t take long.”

  “You don’t have much time before your window closes.”

  “I have an Iryllian cleaner. It’ll only take a few minutes.”

  “Oh,” I said, not knowing anything about that kind of technology. Must be an alien thing. “Okay, then. If you don’t mind.”

  I fingered the lock of blonde hair that had fallen in my face not long ago which was now coated with grease. It would be nice to get this gunk out of my hair before I went home.

  Jaxar led the way into what I would call a bathroom area and directed me on how to use the shower. I was amazed at the set up. It was nothing like what we elves had at home. Nothing like the humans either, I’d wager.

  After I deposited my dirtied clothing on what served as a sink, I shouted to let him know I was safely ensconced in this wonder of a shower room. I heard the door open and watched his silhouette retrieve the clothing. He paused, and I had a moment to wonder if he could see my naked body through the frosted glass, but no. If I couldn’t see him, surely he couldn’t see me.

  He left a few seconds later, and I immersed myself in the joy of the alien shower.

  The water was hot. Not so hot to burn me, but deliciously warm, making me think of those many ice-cold nights working outside at the North Pole. If only I had a shower like this to welcome me home. The spray of water wasn’t only from the overhead faucet, but from the walls, as well.

  The pressure of it made me feel like I was enjoying a wonderful water massage. Everywhere I turned, there was spray directed at my body.

  I wished to stay there forever, but I was conscious of the time. I didn’t want to place Jaxar in any danger of missing his window of opportunity to get home, nor did I want to risk being stranded on this ship with him either.

  Although the thought did have its appeal.

  When I emerged from the shower stall, I found my clothing folded neatly on the edge of the sink. I hadn’t even heard Jaxar enter, I’d been enjoying my shower far too much.

  I dried and redressed quickly. When I stepped into his sleeping chambers, I saw no sign of him. I didn’t receive any answer calling out for him, so I wandered from the room, heading down the corridor, hoping I didn’t get lost on his ship.

  It turns out the largest part of the ship was the hangar bay, and I soon found myself in what I could only call the captain’s room. This must be where Jaxar controlled the ship.

  Jaxar was seated in one of the two chairs with a display of controls and screens and flashing buttons that did I knew not what.

  He turned when he sensed my presence, smiling.

  “You were in there so long, I thought I might have to join you.”

  The tips of my ears flushed pink with the thought of Jaxar joining me naked and wet in the shower stall. The water spraying both of our bodies. My heart leapt, and I swallowed with difficulty.

  “I hope I didn’t mess things up for you. You’re still on time?”

  Jaxar nodded. “We’re on course for the North Pole. It won’t be long now.”

  “Jaxar…” I closed my eyes as my voice cracked. I couldn’t bear for him to leave without expressing my feelings for him. Most likely, I would never see him again. And I’d never met anyone who made me feel the way I did while I was with him. “There’s a tradition on my planet…”

  My gaze wandered the room, searching for anything I might use as a substitute. Then I remembered the little sprig of holly that I kept buttoned on my vest. It was still there, clean and intact.

  It wasn’t mistletoe, but it would do.

  “There’s a plant, not exactly this one, but I don’t have anything else right now. We have a rule on my world that if you stand beneath this particular plant, you are required to kiss.”

  Jaxar’s eyebrows rose, then he nodded. “I’ve heard of this rule.”

  My smile was tremulous, but I lifted the sprig of holly above my head. Jaxar stood, and my breath caught with the heated look in his gaze.

this was the same gaze I’d caught in his eyes a few times earlier. I hadn’t imagined it.

  “I just want to… you know… thank you for helping me… and for… for… you know… saving my life.” Typically, I was never at a loss for words, but suddenly I couldn’t keep a coherent thought in my brain. Words dribbled from my mouth. I wasn’t exactly certain they made any sense.

  All I could focus on was the look in his marvelously colored eyes.

  “Noelle.” The way he spoke my name made my insides tremble like jelly, and my knees grew weak. “You don’t need to thank me.”

  “I want to,” I said, licking my lips nervously. “I want this.”

  He glanced at the sprig of holly, then his fingers trailed up my arms to retrieve it from shaking fingertips. He lowered my arm and placed his lips on the back of my hand. Smiling, he took both my arms and looped them around his neck. Then he gathered me against him, holding my body close to his so I could bask in his intense warmth. My quivering insides melted as soon as his lips touched mine.

  I never before kissed an alien. Sparkling snowflakes, I’d only ever kissed two other elves in my entire life, but that was nothing compared to the way Jaxar made me feel.

  He kissed me like I was the most precious thing he ever beheld. He worshiped my lips, tasting, teasing, plundering my mouth. His tongue swirled against mine and I moaned in response as I opened for him.

  The responding growl in his throat sent fire through my veins. Heat spiraled within me. Suddenly, I wanted more from him. I knew I had wanted more to begin with, but I couldn’t imagine an opportunity where I would take what I wanted.

  Jaxar was leaving my life within the hour. Not much time at all. But it was enough to experience pleasure, and I was determined to have it.

  I ran my fingers through his dark hair, marveling at the silky texture.

  His hands in return slid slowly down my back, centering on my bottom where he squeezed, gently lifting me to brush firmly against his hard body.

  I wasn’t even certain aliens and elves were compatible. Could we do those naughty and nice things that were flashing through my imagination?

  My lower belly rubbed against his groin. I felt a distinct hardness right where I hoped it would be. I moaned, again.

  Slipping my arms free from his neck, I ran my fingertips down his firm chest, marveling at the muscles beneath his green skin.

  “Do we have time?” I voiced my concerns against his lips while we kissed. I didn’t want him to become trapped here, and I certainly wasn’t ready to travel to his world. But I truly didn’t want to stop with just one kiss.

  “We’ll make time,” he mumbled back, then pulled me forward as he fell into the seat he had occupied when I first entered the room. His hands were pulling at my vest as I was struggling to slip out of my shirt. Our limbs became a tangle as we each sought to free ourselves from our clothing.

  At last, my shirt was free, and his mouth found my breast. Heat blazed from my nipple to my core as his tongue danced around me. I threw back my head with joy.

  Then he helped lower my body onto his lap where he waited for me, rigid and ready. I slid over his body, his hardness entering me. Slowly, I lowered myself onto his lap, his hips arching to meet me.

  We both groaned together as we became one. The heat of him intensified, I felt like he was scorching my skin, but it was a pleasant, erotic sensation.

  He thrust his hips as I kept a strong grip on his shoulders for balance, kissing him as I worked my body over his.

  I’d never made love in a captain’s chair before, and the thought thrilled me that I was experiencing this with Jaxar.

  He made me feel unique, special and powerful.


  The words were never said, but he showered me with attention, touching me in places I’d never been touched before and showing me what pleasurable things could be done between an alien and an elf.

  It didn’t take long before the pressure built within me, growing taut with each caress, each kiss, each thrust. I felt myself nearing the edge, closer now, closer...

  “Noelle,” Jaxar moaned my name, his deep voice rumbling from his chest, sending vibrations through me. “Noelle… I… Oh, Noelle…”

  The sound of his voice, the sheer pleasure I heard in his deep tones sent me over.

  “Jaxar!” I cried out his name as my orgasm hit, my inner walls trembling and quaking.

  He followed where I led, a burst of heat blossomed within me as his hands gripped my hips.

  My muscles clenched around him, milking the heat from his body, urging him to remain deep within me.

  I wanted to sob from the joy I felt growing in my heart. I’d never fallen in love with someone, but I wondered if that was why Jaxar’s body excited me so much.

  No, it wasn’t simply his body. It was his very presence. His soul. His smile and his deep, deep voice. The way he looked at me when he thought I didn’t notice. The things he said to make me smile.

  I might not be in love with him, but I could be. Or maybe I already was, I couldn’t be sure. Everything was moving too fast, too quickly. I was trapped in a whirlwind of emotion that I never wanted to end.

  Chapter 6

  “I don’t know what I’m going to tell him,” I admitted, biting my lip as Jaxar and I exited the ship.

  He had landed his spaceship at the North Pole, directly in front of Santa’s workshop. Already, a crowd of elves had gathered around the ship, watching as it landed, and the doors opened.

  “You don’t have to come with me,” I added, looking up at the green-skinned alien beside me.

  He squeezed my hand and smiled.

  “And miss an opportunity to meet a legend? Not a chance.” Jaxar shrugged. “Besides, I want to see your home before I leave. See where you live.”

  I returned his smile, though it didn’t last long once I saw Santa’s tall figure exit the workshop.

  Santa wore his typical red suit and black boots. His long white beard was fluffy and trimmed. Mrs. Claus often griped about him shaving the beard, but she admitted to me once that she thought it looked good on him. She just wanted to keep him on his toes.

  “Noelle!” Santa’s booming voice matched the round cheeks and bright blue eyes. He struck an impressive pose as he swept me into his arms. “We thought we lost you, girl.”

  “You almost did, Santa.” I hugged him tightly. The man wasn’t only my boss. He was like a father to me. Santa set me back on my feet, gazing at me from head to toe to assure himself that I returned in one piece. Only then did he take notice of the alien to my right. “This is Jaxar. He saved my life.”

  “Hello, Mr. Claus,” Jaxar said, bowing deeply, his hands running from his head to his heart and then spreading wide in greeting. It reminded me again that there was much I needed to learn of Jaxar’s culture and his people. That tiny yearning to go with him to his home world blossomed again inside me.

  But I couldn’t. My place was here. Santa and the elves needed my help.

  “I thank you, Jaxar,” Santa was saying, his voice penetrating my thoughts as I again found myself thinking of Jaxar. “Thank you for saving our Noelle. I can never repay you for such a deed.”

  “I would never ask for payment. It was my pleasure.”

  My gaze flashed to Jaxar’s to find him staring at me with that heat in his eyes again. I knew the tips of my ears must be pink as a rose, but I was grateful my red hat covered them so no one saw.

  “Santa, I regret to inform you that the sleigh malfunctioned. I won’t have the engine ready for Christmas Eve. It’s going to take time for me to figure out what went wrong.”

  “Oh, dear,” Santa grumbled. “That’s not good. That’s not good at all.”

  “What?” I asked. Santa shook his head, his gaze cast down with dismay. “What is it?”

  “It’s the reindeer,” Santa said. “Blitzen, specifically. He’s come down with a cold. Some kind of virus. It seems to be spreading. Comet and Cupid are showing symptoms, too.”

  “Oh, no!” I covered my open mouth with my hand. This was horrible news. Horrible! Devastation pulled my heart down to my stomach. While I enjoyed such tender moments on the ship with Jaxar, I should have been working even harder on getting the engine fixed.

  “What is it?” Jaxar said, stepping closer to my side. I suppose he sensed the sudden tension. “What’s wrong?”

  “Without the reindeer, Santa has no sleigh. He can’t deliver the presents to the children of the world.”

  Tears threatened to spill as grief enveloped me. Other elves in the crowd were crying with the news.

  I’d failed Santa. I’d failed Christmas. It was my responsibility to get the new engine working in the sleigh. I hadn’t succeeded. And now the children were going to pay the price.

  My knees shook.

  Jaxar took my hand, tugging me closer to him. I leaned against him, tucking my face into his shoulder. Tears leaked from my eyes.

  “How much time do you need?” Jaxar asked, rubbing my back with one green hand.

  “It’s too late. I don’t have enough time. Tonight’s Christmas Eve.” I shook my head, wiping the tears from my cheeks. I lifted my head to gaze into Jaxar’s multi-colored eyes. “And you have to go. You’ve wasted enough time by saving me and bringing me home. If you don’t go know, you’re going to miss the wormhole when it opens.”

  My chest tightened. Now, that the time had come, my heart felt like it was breaking. Not only did I fail Christmas, but now I had to say good-bye to the alien I loved.

  Yes, I was sure of it in that moment. I don’t know how it happened so quickly. None of it made any sense, but I loved him. I loved him with all my heart. I didn’t want to see him go, but I knew he couldn’t stay either.

  “What about you? What about Christmas?” Jaxar’s brow furrowed deeply as he glanced from me to Santa, then to the growing number of elves that were still streaming out of the workshop.

  “There’s nothing to be done.” Santa answered when I couldn’t find my voice. I simply stared sorrowfully at Jaxar, my grief evident and undisguised.


  “You’ve got to go, Jaxar. Your family is waiting for you.”


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