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The Rover Boys In The Mountains; Or, A Hunt for Fun and Fortune

Page 23

by Edward Stratemeyer



  "Well, Tom, this looks as if we had put our foot into it," was Sam'scomment, delivered in a whisper.

  "Don't despair, Sam," said his brother cheerfully. "We have been inworse holes, remember, and always managed to escape with a whole skin."

  "That's true, but I don't see how we are going to get away now. Isuppose somebody will stand on guard all the time."

  "Perhaps Dick and Mr. Barrow will come to the rescue."

  "If they can find the way. The wind and snow will cover the trail prettywell."

  "There's no use of crying over the affair. If we can break away, I'll befor doing so."

  "So will I."

  "Hi, you stop your talking in there!" shouted Dan Baxter. "Plotting torun away, I reckon. It won't do you any good. If you try it, somebodywill get a dose of buckshot in the leg."

  "You don't mean to say you're going to stop our talking," said Tom, inindignation.

  "That's just what I do mean to say. Now stop--or go hungry."

  As the Rovers did not wish to starve, they relapsed into silence. A mealwas being prepared by the Baxter party, and the appetizing odors floatedinto the inner chamber, where Tom and Sam sniffed them eagerly, for thewalk and the bracing air had given them an appetite.

  "Smells good, don't it?" remarked Dan Baxter, as he came in, fire-brandin hand, and confronted Tom.

  "What, the cave?" asked Tom carelessly.

  "No, the grub."

  "Oh, you are cooking something, aren't you?"

  "You know well enough that we are."

  "Well, I can't stop you, Baxter, so cook away."

  "Don't you want something to eat?"

  "To be sure we do," put in Sam. "Nobody wants to go hungry."

  "Perhaps you'll have to go hungry," said Dan Baxter significantly.

  "It would be just like you to starve us, Baxter!" burst out Tom. "I knowyou are as mean as they make them."

  "No compliments, please. I know my business, Tom Rover; and let me say Iam in this game to win."

  "I don't see what that has to do with our eating."

  "You will see presently. I know all about what brought you here."

  "And we know what brought you here," put in Sam.

  "I suppose you fellows have a map, or something like it," went onBaxter, after a pause, during which he gazed curiously first at Tom andthen at the youngest Rover.

  "A map of what?" demanded Tom.

  "A map whereby to find that treasure."

  "If we have a map we'll take good care to keep it to ourselves," camefrom Sam, before he had taken time to think twice.

  "Ha! then you have a map!" And now Dan Baxter's eyes brightened. "Whereis it?"

  "I didn't say so."

  "I'll search you," said the bully, and at once proceeded to turn out onepocket after another. Of course the map, being in Dick's possession, wasnot found.

  "You got it hidden," said Baxter sourly. "Tell we where it is, or youshall have nothing to eat."

  "Will you give us a good meal if we do tell you?" demanded Tom promptly.


  "Honor bright?"


  "Well, then, Dick has the only map we possess." And Tom grinned, whileSam had all he could do to keep from laughing outright.

  Instantly Dan Baxter's face grew dark, and he drew back his hand as ifto strike Tom.

  "You're a fresh one!" he burst out. "Are you telling me the truth?"

  "I am. He has the map, and I reckon he'll keep it. Now, if it's all thesame to you, we'll take that meal. Eh, Sam?"

  "I'm hungry enough."

  "I shan't give you a mouthful!" roared Baxter. "You can't play any gameon me."

  "That shows what your promise is worth, Baxter," returned Tom. "I didn'texpect much else, though, for I know you thoroughly. Still, we told younothing but the truth."

  With a face full of hatred Dan Baxter turned on his heel and left them.Presently they heard him sit down with the others, and all began to eatthe food that had been cooking.

  "I must say we didn't gain much," observed Tom gloomily. "I suppose Iought to have humored him, in order to get something. But I despise himso I can't help pitching into him."

  "I wouldn't humor him--I'd starve first!" returned Sam earnestly. "I amglad we weren't carrying the map."

  "So am I glad. Rather than give it to him, I would have chewed it upand swallowed it."

  Half an hour went by, during which both boys said but little, each beingbusy trying to concoct some scheme by which they might escape. Theyheard the others talking in low voices, but were unable to catch whatwas said.

  Presently Jasper Grinder came in, bringing with him a small portion offood and a kettle of water. Setting the things on a rock, he untied onehand of each of the boys, that they might eat and drink.

  "This is a fine meal," said Tom sarcastically.

  "It is more than you deserve," replied the former teacher of PutnamHall.

  "You always were a hard one, Grinder."

  "Mr. Grinder, if you please," said the man pointedly.

  "And if I don't please to call you Mister?"

  "Then you will get nothing more from me."

  "Do you know that you are playing a high game here, keeping usprisoners?" asked Sam.

  "What we are doing is our business." Jasper Grinder paused for a moment."I want you to tell me something of that treasure for which you areseeking," he went on.

  "What do you want to know?" asked Tom.

  "What is the treasure worth?"

  "We can't tell that until it is found."

  "You are quite sure it has never been removed?"

  "How can we be sure, when we don't know anything about it."

  "Baxter says your brother Dick has a map."

  "Hasn't Baxter a map, too?" questioned Sam.

  "Something of a map, yes, but it is not very complete."

  "I'm glad to hear that," said Tom quickly.

  "But Baxter claims the treasure for himself."

  "Really?" said Sam sarcastically. "Well, let him claim what he pleases.If we find it, it will belong to us--don't forget that."

  Again there was a pause. Jasper Grinder looked anxiously toward theouter cave, to see if Baxter or the guide were watching him. But the twowere talking earnestly between themselves.

  "I have a plan," began the former teacher of Putnam Hall, in a lowvoice, "a plan to aid you."

  "What plan?" demanded Tom.

  "Hush! not so loud--or they may hear you. I presume you know what sortof a fellow Baxter is?"

  "Well, rather," said Sam dryly.

  "He is planning to do you a great deal of harm. Now I think I can saveyou."

  "Then save us," said Tom. "Or untie us, and we will save ourselves."

  "You can't save yourselves. Baxter is strong, and that guide is a giantin strength."

  "What do you propose?"

  "I'm coming to that. But you must make me a promise first."

  "What promise?"

  "That half that treasure shall be mine when it is found."

  "Half!" cried Tom and Sam together.


  "We can't promise that," went on Tom.

  "You don't want much," was Sam's comment.

  "Isn't it worth something to be saved from Baxter's clutches? Ioverheard him tell the guide what troubles he had had with you in thepast, and how you had been the means of sending his father to prison,and all that. Why, he would put you out of the way forever, if hecould."

  "And will you stand by, Jasper Grinder, and see that done?" asked Tom.

  "No! no! But--but--he is his own master. Promise what I wish, and I willhelp you."

  "We can't promise you half the treasure," said Tom flatly. "But if youwill really help us, we'll promise that you shall lose nothing by thetransaction."

  At this instant Dan Baxter leaped to his feet and ran for his gun,while Bill Harney and Lemuel Husty did the same.

bsp; "Come out here, Grinder!" shouted the bully. "Somebody or some wildanimal is around!"


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