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The Rover Boys In The Mountains; Or, A Hunt for Fun and Fortune

Page 25

by Edward Stratemeyer



  It must be confessed that both Tom and Sam were much alarmed by theforward move of the black bear. Up to this instant they had trusted thebeast would depart with the fox's carcass, without discovering them. Nowit looked as if they were in for a hot fight, and that without delay.

  "Get behind the fire!" cried Tom, as soon as he could collect histhoughts.

  Sam had the shotgun pointed, and as the bear advanced he pulled thetrigger. The charge of shot entered the bear's left shoulder, making anumber of painful, but not dangerous, wounds. At once the beast let outa snort of commingled pain and rage.

  "You've done it now," came from Tom, and whirled his firebrand, to makeit blaze up. "Take a stick, quick!"

  Instead of doing this, however, Sam fired a second time, this timehitting the bear in the left hind leg. The beast dropped on all foursand came to a halt while yet twenty yards from them.

  By this time Tom had another firebrand, and this he compelled hisbrother to take, the shotgun being now empty. There was no time toreload the piece, and indeed, neither of the boys knew where to look forammunition.

  More enraged than ever, the bear now advanced again, until only the firewas between him and his intended victims. He had now forgotten about thefox meat, and thought only of getting at the human being who had injuredhim. He arose once more and let out a loud roar, while his small eyesgleamed maliciously. Had the fire not been in the way he would haverushed upon Sam without further hesitation.

  The pulling out of the two large firebrands was causing the fire to burnlow, something which was in the bear's favor. The boys almost expectedto see the beast leap over the spot, but bruin knew better than toattempt this. He began to circle around the flames, and as he did this,the boys did likewise.

  "Shall we run?" panted Sam. He was so agitated he could scarcely speak.

  "No--stick to the fire," returned Tom. "Bears hate that. Look out!"

  The bear had now started to come around the other way. At once the boysshifted again, until they occupied the position where they had stoodwhen the beast was first discovered. Then the bear dropped down oncemore, and eyed them in a meditative way.

  "He is making up his mind about the next move," said Tom. "I'll try himwith something new." And at the risk of burning his hand, he picked upsome small brushwood which was blazing fiercely and threw it at theirenemy.

  The effect was as surprising as it was gratifying. The burning brandsstruck the beast fairly on the nose, causing him to leap back in terror.Then he uttered a grunt of dissatisfaction, turned, and sped, withclumsy swiftness, up the gully and into the forest beyond.

  "He is retreating!" cried Sam joyfully.

  "Wait--don't be too sure," returned Tom, and, firebrands still in hand,they watched until the bear was out of sight and they could hear nothingmore of him.

  "My, but aint I glad he's gone!" said the youngest Rover, with a sigh ofrelief.

  "So am I glad, Sam. I was almost afraid both of us were doomed to bechewed up."

  "What shall we do next?"

  "I guess we had better get out--as soon as you've reloaded the gun.Wonder where the ammunition is?"

  Both instituted a search, and soon a box was brought to light,containing not only ammunition, but also a big hunting knife.

  "I'll appropriate the knife," said Tom. "It's not as good as a gun orpistol, but it is better than nothing."

  Thus armed they set forth without further delay, fearful that theirenemies might return at any moment to recapture them. As the bear hadgone up the gully they went down, and they did not come to a halt untilthey had placed at least quarter of a mile between themselves and thecaves. For some distance they kept on a series of bare rocks, thusleaving no trail behind.

  "I reckon we are clear of them for the time being," observed Tom, as hecame to a halt. "And that being so, the next question is Where are Dickand Mr. Barrow?"

  "The best we can do is to try to find Perch River, to my way ofthinking," came from Sam. "If we can find that and we stick to it, we'llbe sure to land at Bear Pond, sooner or later."

  "It seems to me Bear Pond ought to be close at hand," said Tom. "We'veseen the bear anyway, if not the pond." And at this both Sam and he gavea short laugh.

  An hour later found them tramping along the edge of a cliff overlookinga broad valley, in the center of which was a winding stream almosthidden by the woods on either side.

  "Now, if we were only sure that was Perch River, we'd be all right,"said Sam. "But unfortunately all rivers look pretty much alike uphere."

  "We might as well go down to it, anyway," answered his brother. "It'spretty cold up here."

  Finding a break in the cliff they descended, and started through thewoods for the watercourse. It was indeed cold, and only their briskwalking kept them warm. A stiff wind was rising, and overhead thebranches swayed mournfully.

  When they reached the river they came to another halt, not knowing whichwas up and which was down.

  "Guess we had better chop a hole in the ice and see how the water isflowing," suggested Sam.

  "Let us walk in this direction," said Tom. "I think this is right, and,anyway, we may soon come to an air-hole, which will save us the troubleof cutting an opening."

  As they advanced they had kept a sharp lookout for the Baxter crowd, butso far none of their enemies had put in an appearance.

  "Hurrah!" suddenly shouted Tom. "Here's a signal of some sort!"

  He pointed ahead, to where Dick and John Barrow had planted their firstsignal pole. Both made a rush forward, and soon had the cooked meatwhich had been tied in a cloth and the note pinned on the outside.

  "A letter from Dick," said Tom, and read it aloud. "We are on the righttrack, Sam, and if we only continue to steer clear of Dan Baxter and hisgang we'll be safe."

  "Dick asks us to fire two shots, a minute apart, as a signal," came fromSam. "I'll do it at once." And without delay he discharged the shotgun,waited sixty seconds, and then discharged it again.

  Both listened intently, and from a great distance came back two othershots, also a minute apart.

  "They heard the signal!" ejaculated Sam joyfully. "It came from up theriver, didn't it?"

  "Yes; come on!"

  Without stopping to eat the food which had been left for them, the boyshurried forward just as rapidly as their now tired legs would carrythem.

  They had brought their skates along and these were put on, after whichprogress was easier. It was now growing dark, and they began to wonderif they would be able to rejoin Dick and Mr. Barrow before nightfall.

  "I hope we meet them," said Sam. "I've no fancy for remaining in thisopen, alone."

  "Try another two shots," suggested Tom, after an hour had gone by, andSam did so. Immediately came answering reports, directly to their left.

  "Hullo!" yelled Tom, at the top of his lungs, and Sam at once took upthe cry.

  "Hullo!" came back faintly. "Tom! Sam! Is that you?"

  "Yes. We are on the river!"

  "All right!"

  The yelling now stopped, and Tom and Sam came to a halt and sat down ona flat rock to wait. Ten minutes passed, when they saw Dick rush into aclearing, followed by John Barrow. As soon as the eldest Rover saw themhe waved his hand enthusiastically.

  "Where in the world have you been?" came from Dick, as soon as hereached them, and saw that neither was injured. "We've been looking highand low for you."

  "We've been prisoners of the enemy," answered Tom. "By the way, have youseen anything of Dan Baxter and his party?"

  "No. Do you mean to say Baxter made you prisoners?"

  "He and his crowd did."

  "How many are there with him?"

  "Three men, Bill Harney the guide, Lemuel Husty, and Jasper Grinder."

  "Jasper Grinder!" burst out Dick. "Impossible!"

  "It is true, Dick. I was as much astonished as you."

  "I suppose Baxter promised him a share of the treasure if it wasfound." />
  "More than likely. But I don't believe they'll find the treasure."

  Tom and Sam soon told their story, to which Dick and John Barrowlistened with keen interest. Hardly, however, was the tale finished thanthe guide urged them to move on.

  "It's quite a few miles to camp," he said. "And, unless I am mistaken,it's getting ready for a big fall o' snow."

  John Barrow was right about the snow. Less than quarter of an hour laterthe thick flakes began to fall. Then came a finer snow, which the windblew around them like so much hard salt.

  "We are in for a corker!" cried the guide. "The sooner we git back toour supplies the better it will be for us!"


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