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The Checkpoint, Berlin Detective Series Box Set

Page 10

by Michele E. Gwynn

  They came to a large double wooden doorway, the kind a person expects in an old castle. “This is Mistress Elsa’s dungeon, liebling. She’s just finishing up with a customer, so be very quiet. You can watch, but don’t let her Sub know you’re there. There’s a chair in the corner,” Hans said, and then they quietly crept inside.

  The ‘dungeon’ was a large room with walls painted black and decorated with gilt mirrors and frames around what must be copies of famous works of art. Sconces lit the room in a warm, but not quite fully illuminated glow. It smelled dank and moldy with a hint of sandalwood. She noted incense burning on a shelf above a free-standing table toward the back. On the right was a large mirror in the wall. Next to it in the far corner was a plush throne-like chair. Hans indicated this as the place where she could sit and observe. He turned to leave but stopped to have a quick peek at the flesh on display. On the left-hand wall was a rack. A naked man wearing a leather hood over his face was tied by the wrists and ankles spread-eagle. There was a zippered opening over his mouth for breathing. He had gray chest hairs, and his genitals were exposed for all to see. His penis stood at full attention and his legs quivered at the knees as her new friend, Mistress Elsa, attached medieval metal clamps to his nipples. Elsa wore red leather boots that rose to mid-thigh, and a black bustier and thong. The mask over the upper half of her face reminded Sarah of Mardi Gras masks. It was black, red, and gold, and made her look mysterious. It probably also helped protect her identity. She glanced back at Sarah and gave an almost imperceptible wink. Sarah smiled. She noticed Hans standing and staring and shooed him out the door. He left with a flounce and a pout, making it difficult for Sarah to not laugh at his antics.

  Elsa stood back and picked up her flogger. She began speaking in a commanding voice. “Ich glaube nicht, dass du meiner Peitsche würdig bist!” (I do not think you are worthy of my flogger!)

  She flicked and snapped the tethers against her boot. The man shook with excitement and moaned, “Bitte, Herrin, Ich bin Ihr würdigster Sklave.” (Please, Mistress. I am your most worthy slave.)

  Elsa reached out and pinched her fingers over his left nipple clamp. He screamed. Then she ran the leather tethers softly over his engorged member. He whimpered and pleaded with her, “Bitte, Herrin! Bitte.”

  With that, Elsa whipped the man across his belly, then his thighs, and belly again, leaving red, angry welts to rise on his skin before actually swatting his genitals with the flogger. He moaned and screamed in equal delight. Sarah was fascinated. It was intriguing to be watching this man’s pleasure/pain without his knowledge. Voyeurism wasn’t something she’d ever thought about before, but there was definitely something to watching another person receive pleasure. She wondered what it would be like to be watched, as well.

  Elsa turned slightly and pointed her finger at Sarah, crooking it and beckoning her over. Sarah got up and walked as quietly as she could over to the rack. Elsa handed her the flogger and stood back. Sarah looked at Elsa with wide eyes. The domme tried not to laugh but pointed at the man’s stiff rod and mimicked flicking the flogger. Sarah blushed, but took a deep breath and swung the tethers in a snapping motion, catching the man across his testicles and thighs.

  “Ja! Bitte, Herrin, wieder!” (Yes! Please, Mistress, again!)

  Sarah flicked him again across his thighs, then focused on his small, quivering, gray-haired member. After five good swats, the man shot gooey white fluid out like a fountain.

  Elsa indicated Sarah should swat him several more times. Apparently, the man enjoyed it. After leaving several red finger-like welts on his chest, abdomen, and legs, he slumped over and cried, “Nicht mehr.” (No more.)

  Elsa took the flogger back and pointed Sarah back to her corner. She walked back, feeling powerful and strangely excited. She sat down and waited.

  Elsa spoke softly to the man as she untied his wrists. She lifted the hood on his head up enough to expose his mouth as she bade him to bend down and kiss her boot. He did so with reverence, or as much reverence as he could muster wearing the leather head covering. He licked the boot and lavished his mistress with praise. When she’d had enough, she kicked at him to make him stop. He rose, and she told him to go and not touch himself at all until their next appointment. He promised he would not and wandered out of the room to another where he would change out of his bondage gear and back into the three-piece business suit he arrived in.

  When the door closed, Elsa laughed and slipped off her mask. Her green eyes sparkled with mirth as she sauntered like a cat over to where Sarah sat.

  “Hello, my new friend!” Elsa leaned down, kissing Sarah on each cheek. “You did very well.”

  “I was so scared I was going to actually hurt him, but he seemed to like it.” She looked surprised.

  “Herr Schulz relishes pain, and especially enjoys being flogged. The first time he came to me, he begged me to kick him in the balls with my boot. I refused and wouldn’t do it until his third visit. Not because I was afraid, mind you, but because I wanted him to learn that his pleasure is dependent upon my discretion and not his pleas.” Elsa sat down on a foot stool, legs spread wide and arms resting on her knees as she continued to chat. Sarah tried not to notice how beautifully perfect Elsa’s legs were—long, shapely, with creamy skin that looked smooth as silk. She wasn’t sure why she would notice such on a woman or why noticing would cause her mouth to go dry. She licked her lips. The thought occurred that perhaps it was because she just hadn’t been around many people in an intimate setting growing up.

  Elsa watched her, a half-smile on her red lips.

  Sarah swallowed and licked her lips again before asking, “What did he do when you finally kicked him?”

  Locking eyes, the redhead responded, “He squirted all over my new black leather Ellie’s. I’d just bought them the day before.”

  Sarah laughed. “So sorry to hear that your boots were collateral damage.”

  “Not at all. I made old Schulz lick them clean and buy me a new pair which he delivered at his next appointment. His lack of control earned me an extra pair of boots in another color.” Elsa noticed Sarah looking at her legs. She gave her friend the once-over, appreciating how she looked tonight.

  A knock on the door interrupted their conversation.

  “Enter!” Elsa commanded.

  The door swung wide and two women dressed similarly to Elsa walked in. One was a blonde wearing a hot pink lacy bra and panties with white stilettos, and the other had long black hair and olive-toned skin. Her dark, almond-shaped brown eyes were lined in black kohl and her lips were painted dark red. She wore a sheer black, ankle-length negligee and bright red stilettos that had laces crisscrossing up her shins and tying at the back of her knees. They approached looking Sarah over from head to toe, taking her measure.

  “Sarah, these are my co-workers, Nadia and Nicolette. Girls, this is my new American friend, Sarah Brown.”

  Nadia was the olive-skinned woman, and she smiled like a cat at Sarah reaching her hand out to shake. Nicolette came right up and took Sarah’s face in her manicured hands and kissed her on both cheeks, and then on the lips.

  “Nice to meet you, ladies.” Sarah blushed, not quite knowing how to take it all in.

  “Sarah is on vacation all the way from Texas. She’s had a little bad luck with men, but haven’t we all?” Elsa stood and stretched.

  “That is why I prefer beating them,” said Nadia. She reached out and ran her hand down Sarah’s hair in a comforting gesture.

  “Yes, men are good for their wallets, and not much else. Women are much nicer.” Nicolette cocked her head to the side checking Sarah out. She smiled in approval.

  Sarah felt herself flush, confused.

  “Where is the Dutchman? Did he leave?” Elsa asked.

  “No. We left him in the observatory.” Nadia glanced at the large window on the wall to her left. “He said he wanted to watch us all work, but you’re already finished with Herr Schulz, Elsa.”

  “I let Sarah ha
ve at him and he popped his pecker quickly. She’s a natural, girls.” Elsa placed an arm around Sarah’s shoulders and gave her a squeeze.

  “But we need to show him something or else his trip is wasted,” said Nicolette, looking at Sarah.

  “Who is this man again, and why does he need to see you work?” Sarah asked the million-dollar question of Elsa.

  “He’s a representative of a club owner from Amsterdam, the one I mentioned in the taxi, out here scouting for new talent for his dungeon. I’m not really interested, what with Anno still in school, but Nadia and Nicolette don’t have any ties and could work anywhere if the pay is good, so I introduced him to them.” Elsa offered the explanation.

  “He’s quite handsome...for a man,” said Nicolette. She reached out and touched the belt around Sarah’s waist. “We could work on you, Sarah,” she purred.

  “Me? But I don’t like pain.” She laughed nervously as the blonde German woman invaded her personal space.

  “You never know what you will like until you try it once,” said Nadia. “And we could go easy on you. Simple things like a good spanking, nipple clamps, a little roping...” She seemed to be warming up to the idea while Sarah felt nothing but fear and apprehension at being placed in bonds.

  “Please, Sarah?” Nicolette stepped closer and wrapped her arms around Sarah’s waist while Elsa stood back watching the American closely.

  “I won’t let them hurt you, Sarah. If you say yes, you’ll be helping them out, and I can promise you will truly enjoy the experience.” Elsa’s tone was sincere, much like their conversation earlier that evening.

  “But this Dutchman will be watching the entire time?” Sarah’s voice trembled, both with fear and excitement.

  “Yes. He will be watching. We will be watching you too.” Nadia smiled knowingly. Somehow, she sensed that Sarah secretly found the whole idea quite erotic.

  She looked at all three women one at a time, hesitating still, then answered, “Okay.” Nicolette hugged her tight, and Nadia clapped her hands together, proclaiming, “Sehr gut!”

  Elsa took Sarah’s hand and disentangled her from Nicolette’s arms. She led her to the center of the room where silken cords hung from the ceiling. She looked toward the large double window wall mirror and nodded, indicating that they would begin.

  Elsa picked up a black scarf from a side table and proceeded to wrap it around Sarah’s head, covering her eyes. She tied it tight. The blindfold would help her new friend feel less self-conscious. If she couldn’t see the expressions on everyone’s faces, their reactions, then hers would be more natural, uninhibited. “Now strip.” The order to take off her clothes made Sarah rethink going through with this whole thing, but before she could chicken out, hands began to unclasp her belt and slid down her waist to her thighs where they reached under the hem of her sweater dress and lifted upward beyond her stomach, tickling her breasts as the material was pulled over her head carefully so as not to remove the blindfold. Another pair of hands came from behind and hooked into the sides of her thong, sliding the panties down. The boots were left on and Sarah stood naked and blindfolded while hands tied silk cords around her wrists, raising them up and outward over her head just enough to immobilize her, but not uncomfortably. She could hear them breathing, feel them moving around her, but could do nothing as she was stretched forcing her to stand on her toes.

  She noticed the air cooling her skin, could smell Nicolette’s perfume on her left, and she even felt body heat at her back, but she didn’t know if it was from Elsa or Nadia. A foot kicked her feet apart exposing her to the air and all who cared to look. Nicolette whispered in her ear, “Du bist ser Schön, Sarah.” Manicured nails skimmed over her left thigh, leaving a trail of tingles.

  “I don’t understand, Nicolette,” she replied, not understanding the compliment.

  Smack! A hand spanked her buttocks hard. “Ouch!”

  “That is Mistress Nicolette to you, and you will speak only when ordered.”

  Sarah realized they were quite serious now. What did I get myself into? The hand that spanked her began rubbing that spot in soft, circular motions. Then it smacked her again three times more before returning to the caressing movements. Sarah tried not to be vocal, but she sucked in her breath with a hiss.

  “Do you like that, slave?” Nadia’s voice asked the question.

  “No, Mistress Nadia. I don’t.” Smack, smack, smack! Three more spanks landed on her backside, followed by more rubbing. The heat that began to build up on her bottom spread and Sarah realized she was getting wet.

  “I did not say you could speak, slave. Perhaps you need more punishment?”

  Sarah wanted to scream no but feared she would get spanked hard again. The caressing motion was beginning to feel good, and then she felt something pinch her nipples simultaneously. Nipple clamps!

  The pain was tolerable, so she said nothing. As Sarah hung suspended by silken ties, Nadia picked up a fine suede riding crop. She smacked it against the table and watched as Sarah’s head turned in her direction, trying to figure out what would happen next. She didn’t have to wait long as she felt something soft slide up the inside of her thigh, moving ever so slowly toward her slit. There, it rubbed gently. Sarah sucked in her breath, feeling her nipples harden, which increased the pressure from the clamps. Smack! Another hand spanked her naked bottom while the soft thing tickled between her legs. Sarah moaned.

  “I see you are warming up to us, slave. You like this, don’t you?” Nadia asked and Sarah knew not to respond this time. She hadn’t been ordered to speak.

  Fingernails that once lightly skimmed over her legs now raked down her back just enough to be this side of painful. Sarah arched her back. One of the mistresses repeated the act, and the soft piece of leather that had been rubbing her gently began, instead, to tap at her flesh, each time a little bit harder. She pushed her hips forward ever so slightly, seeking the pleasure/pain. Smack! Her bottom was spanked and then rubbed again. It felt hot. So did her entire body. She felt swollen and completely engorged. She remembered that behind the mirror, a supposedly handsome man was watching as she was stretched, spanked, and tortured. Her nipples were painfully hard now. Five hard taps against her swollen folds were followed by momentary rubbing motions from the riding crop. Three more taps were accompanied by two hard spanks on her bottom. Receiving the hits on both ends at the same time nearly put her over the edge. Sarah was panting now as a fine bead of sweat broke out over her entire body.

  “Tell me what you want, slave. Speak your desire.”

  Nicolette finally gave her permission to speak and all Sarah could think to say was, “More, please.”

  They stopped. Her body screamed at her to be released from all the pent-up desire. She wanted to cry. She arched and wiggled, trying desperately to reconnect to the crop or a hand, anything that would help end this sexual frustration. Nothing. Then she remembered what Elsa had told her about Herr Schulze, about how he begged her to give him what he desired so she withheld that very thing to keep him on the edge, to keep him coming back. But she wasn’t a regular customer. She was on vacation and wouldn’t be here long. Sarah didn’t know what to do. She was tied up and at their mercy.

  The nipple clamps were taken off. Blood rushed back into the sensitive peaks and they begged for attention. Soft hands began to massage her breasts and then, miraculously, she felt a warm, wet mouth wrap around one while a hand continued to rub, massage, and tweak the other one. From behind, she felt someone kneel at her feet, and fingertips ran up and down her legs from the outside to the inner thighs. Lips kissed her heated buttocks and a tongue licked a slick line from that tormented area downward to the part of her that begged to be touched. The first flick of a tongue on her anus shocked her, and then it traveled forward circling like a hungry predator, finally delving deep which made Sarah’s knees go weak. She slumped, held up only by her wrists. She grabbed at the ties with her hands, holding on. The two women worked her over while Elsa watched from the co
rner chair previously occupied by the lovely American who was now displayed so provocatively in the center of the room. It was incredibly erotic, so much so that Elsa couldn’t watch without reaching down to stroke herself with her leather-clad hand. No one paid her any attention as she pleasured herself. The perks of the job, some might say.

  Nadia worked Sarah’s nipples hard, biting just a little while Nicolette lapped at the moaning girl. As Elsa watched, Nicolette reached around and used her fingers to take over the rubbing motions and slipped her tongue deep inside Sarah. With her other hand, she inserted one finger into the innocent woman’s anus and with all areas covered, the two professionals brought Sarah to a magnificent shuddering climax.

  Nadia and Nicolette left Sarah hanging as they wrapped around each other, kissing, licking, and touching while they sank to the floor and maneuvered into 69, pleasuring one another.

  Elsa stood and walked to Sarah where she began untying her wrist restraints. Sarah could barely stand. She reached for her blindfold, then felt Elsa’s hands stop her. “Not yet,” she said.

  “What? More? There can’t be more! I don’t know if I can take it.” The small smile on Sarah’s face showed she was not displeased at all, but rather, incredulous.

  “Just lean on me. Now sit here.” Elsa led her to a table up against the back wall. It was, like everything else, covered in leather. She could feel it against her skin. She sat. Elsa indicated she should lie back. She did. Then she felt the beautiful German woman climb on top of her and straddle her hips. Sarah could hear the wet kissing and moaning coming from Nadia and Nicolette. She tried to imagine how they looked entwined together. She also wondered how she looked with a beautiful redheaded woman sitting on her hips, and how it all must look to the Dutchman watching from behind the two-way mirror.

  Lips touched hers in a light kiss. The kisses were soft and sweet, but then deepened as she felt Elsa’s tongue slip inside and explore. Her hands moved down her arms and skimmed back up. She tasted good, and Sarah couldn’t believe how urgent her body began to feel again. Those lips trailed down over her cheek and to her neck where they licked and gently bit.


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