Book Read Free


Page 13

by Bliss, Chelle

  Tamara’s eyes widen and her body stiffens, but I keep my face where it is, figuring I’m at least covering her body with my mouth, which is better than nothing.

  “Fuck!” Gigi screams before slamming the door, going back outside.

  “Jesus,” Tamara mutters, lifting up on her elbows, tits glistening in the morning sun, and laughing softly. “She’s a buzzkill sometimes.”

  I pull away, licking her wetness from my lips but staying on the floor, hiding my dick in case Gigi decides to make an appearance again.

  “Do that shit in your bedroom. Not in the living room! I eat dinner on that couch!” Gigi’s still yelling outside, and Tamara’s rolling her eyes.

  “Go back to Pike’s!” Tamara yells back, not moving from the couch. “We’re not done yet.”

  “I don’t have time to wait while you two bang for hours. I need some things in my room. You have thirty seconds to get yourself out of the living room before I walk in there and see you both fully naked.”

  “She’s already seen me naked,” Tamara tells me, still not fucking moving.

  “She hasn’t seen me,” I reply.

  “She might like what she sees and finally realize what a real man looks like.” She waggles her eyebrows. “She’d probably have a heart attack and die if she saw the size of your cock.”

  “Fifteen seconds!” Gigi screams.

  I leave our clothes and grab Tamara off the couch with one arm, tossing her over my shoulder. “She ain’t seeing my dick, princess.”

  Tamara’s thin fingers find my ass, pinching my cheeks. “I’d have that thing as my screen saver if I could.”

  I grunt, swatting at her pretty little ass. “No pictures either,” I tell her as I stalk down the hallway, carrying her into her bedroom.

  “Too late,” she says, laughing as I kick the door closed, giving us privacy. “I have more pictures of your dick than your face.”

  “How?” I ask, tossing her onto the bed.

  She squeals, grabbing on to the comforter as she bounces. “You sleep naked, Saint. You sleep hard, and I take advantage of that time to take some photos for my spank bank when I’m away at school.”

  I stand at the end of the bed, looming over her, my cock still hard as fuck even if Gigi walked in and saw more than I ever wanted her to. “You love my cock that much?”

  “It’s your best feature.”

  I slide between her open legs and hover above her, staring down at her beautiful face. “I should be offended by that statement, but I’m not.”

  She reaches down, grabbing my cock, pumping the length in her fist. “It’s not why I love you, but it’s just so damn pretty.”

  “My manhood should never be called pretty.”

  Tamara chuckles, still stroking my dick. “It’s a work of art. I’d frame it if I could.”

  “Baby, stop talking,” I grit out. “Put my cock in you.”

  She smiles, gripping tighter as I move closer, lining up our bodies. When she guides my cock to her pussy, her hand falls away and I push inside, feeling at home again as the pleasure of her body wrapped around me settles in deep.

  I take her lips, soaking in her moans as I slide my length in and out of her over and over again. She locks her ankles around my ass, holding me to her and meeting my thrusts. She moves her hands to my lower back, digging her nails into my skin and sending shock waves of pleasure and pain throughout my body.

  I kiss her rougher, pump harder, stroke her deeper until my one good arm is shaking and our bodies are covered in sweat.

  She breaks our kiss, staring up at me with her nails still in my skin but her ankles falling away from my body. “Roll over,” she says, being bossy and taking control, which at times, I more than fucking love.

  I roll to my back, taking Tamara with me, my cock still buried deep inside her. She straddles me, back straight, tits pushed out and on full display. She’s absolutely beautiful. Every inch of her light-brown skin shimmers in the sunlight streaming through the bedroom windows. Her hazel eyes shine with so much fire and hunger, I’m more than happy to sit back and enjoy the ride.

  She rests her hands on my chest, gripping my biceps as leverage as she starts to grind on me, pressing her pretty pussy against me. “So fuckin’ deep,” she moans. “So fuckin’ good.”

  “Ride me, princess.” I grab her hip with one hand, using my other to toy with her nipples. “Show me how you like it.”

  She plants her feet on either side of my hips, lifting her middle from my body, careful to keep just the tip of me inside. With all her might, she slams down on me, gasping when I fill every inch of her until there’s nowhere left to go.

  I force myself to keep my eyes open, watching her pleasure herself, using me the way she wants for her own satisfaction.

  I could do this for a lifetime and never get sick of her. I could do this forever and still want more. I could do this for an eternity and feel like, somehow, it wasn’t long enough.

  She curls her fingers into my chest, nails biting into my skin as she rides my cock so roughly her breasts bounce, but I don’t move, letting her suck every ounce of pleasure out of me.

  “Oh God, yes,” she moans, rocking against me harder than before, squeezing her hazel eyes shut as she falls over the cliff, chasing her orgasm.

  When she collapses forward, I roll us over until she’s on her back and I’m on top of her again. I lift her leg, pounding into her, finding the rhythm I need to achieve the same release.

  I collapse onto my side, rolling onto my back again, Tamara next to me. The only sounds in the apartment are our gasps for air, as we try to steady our breathing and fail.

  “This is the best way to start a day,” she says, still breathing heavy. “May can’t come soon enough.”

  No truer words have ever been spoken. I am ready to start our life together. I’ve finally gained as much freedom as I can from the club, but now it is a matter of waiting for her to graduate until we can have this every morning and be there for each other every day.

  “I know, princess,” I whisper into her hair as she curls in next to my side. “It’ll be here before you know it.”

  “I was thinking about what you asked earlier.” She peers up at me, hand on my chest, hair flowing over my arm. “I think we should try it.”

  “Yeah?” I ask, wondering which thing I asked her about earlier that she is finally agreeing to.

  “I want to work with you. I want to build something together.”

  My smile is immediate and unstoppable. “Just when I think life can’t get any better, you find a way to make me even happier.”

  “I’m still not living above the garage, though,” she replies without so much as a smirk.

  “No garage for you. You deserve the best.”

  She closes her eyes, humming her approval, and moments later, we both drift off to sleep.



  Lily yells for us to come in, but as soon as I walk into the living room, I freeze, and Mammoth bumps into my back.

  “What are you doing?” I ask, staring at Jessica and Lily as they sit near the coffee table. They’re surrounded by hundreds of little pieces of paper cut out of dozens of magazines that are scattered around the floor, glue sticks everywhere, and a few pairs of scissors.

  “We’re working on our vision boards,” Lily says, not even looking up from her work.

  “Our?” I ask as Mammoth steps around me to get a better look at their new art project.

  “Yeah.” Lily looks up and smiles, holding a glue stick. “Jessica wanted to make one too. So, we have been working on ours all afternoon.”

  “Ma, what the hell is this?” Mammoth asks as he stands over them, staring down at the big white boards on the floor.

  Jessica peers up, tucking her legs farther underneath herself, with a cut-out picture of something in her hand. “My dreams for the future, honey.”

  Mammoth’s eyes scan the poster board, and I creep closer out of sheer curiosity. “It�
��s filled with babies,” he says, and my eyes widen.

  “Are you going to have another baby?” I whisper to Jessica, shocked by the dozens of little babies and all the baby things glued down around them.

  “No, sweetie. You are,” she replies, and my belly flips at the ease with which she says those words.

  “I…I…” I stammer, feeling winded and unable to think, let alone form a complete sentence.

  She’s wishing into life grandbabies—and lots of them. Not just a few, but she literally has dozens of them in all different skin shades, looking all cute and happy.

  “Aren’t they beautiful?” she asks us, looking from me to Mammoth when I don’t reply because my mouth is gaping open and no words are coming out.

  “I think you have about twenty too many, Ma.”

  Jessica laughs and presses another baby to her board, smiling the entire time. “One can never have too many babies. My biggest regret in life is only having one child. I wish you had at least one brother or sister. Someone besides me to lean on. If I could get a do-over, that would be the one thing I’d change.”

  Mammoth runs his fingers through his hair, exasperated. “I’m fine, and I’m not alone anymore. I have Tamara, Lily, and all the Gallos.”

  “That makes me so happy,” she tells him as she shifts the paper around on the floor, searching for something. “I’m so glad you found such a wonderful family filled with so much love and so many people.”

  “She’s putting another baby on the board,” I whisper to Mammoth, transfixed by what she’s doing and unable to look away.

  Mammoth reaches behind his back, finding my hand and giving it a light squeeze. “Tamara and I will start a family someday, but first, we have a business to start.”

  “Life is about more than money,” Jessica says, peering up from the board again. “Don’t wait too long. You’re not getting any younger.”

  Jett walks into the room from the back of the house, ignoring the fact that Lily and Jessica have made a complete mess of the living room. “Hey, guys,” he greets us. “The ladies have been busy.”

  “See that,” Mammoth deadpans.

  “Can I talk to you for a minute?” he asks Mammoth, ticking his chin upward. “Outside.”

  “Go,” I tell Mammoth. “I got this.”

  “You sure?” he asks over his shoulder before turning to face me.

  I nod. “I’ve had a lifetime of Lily. I can easily handle Jessica too.”

  Mammoth gives me a smile. “I have no doubt you can handle anything thrown your way, princess.”

  I smile back, popping up on my tiptoes to give him a kiss. “Go,” I say softly. “I’ll be fine.”

  He gives my hand another light squeeze as he returns my kiss. “I’ll only be a minute,” he says and then follows Jett out the sliding doors lining the back of the house.

  “Come sit,” Lily says, pointing to the one free spot near them that isn’t covered by paper. “I can get you a board too.”

  “I’m good,” I reply as I plop down on the floor, watching them like they’re one peanut short of a Snickers bar. “I keep all the inspiration I need up here.” I tap my temple.

  Lily laughs, shaking her head at me. “You’re crazy.”

  “Yeah,” I mutter, rolling my eyes. “I’m the crazy one in this trio.” I scan Jessica’s board again, finally seeing other things besides all the little cherubic, happy babies scattered everywhere. “Are you going to go back north?”

  Jessica sets down her glue stick and leans back against the front of the couch. “I don’t think I want to go back. Too many bad memories and I don’t have a house to go back to now that I sold the one I loved.”

  “That has to be hard.”

  “It is, but maybe it’s for the better. I think it’s time for me to live closer to my son again. And now, he has you, and someday, you two will get married and give me grandbabies.”

  “Not dozens, though,” I correct her, and she smiles.

  “Even if it’s one grandbaby, I don’t want to miss a moment of their life.”

  “We’ll have more than one.”

  Her smile widens. “You’ve made this old lady’s day.”

  “You’re hardly old.”

  “I had Josiah when I was young. We weren’t even twenty when we got pregnant. We were married and living in base housing, trying to fit six months’ worth of sex into a short time period because he was about to be deployed.”

  “Well, you two had to be busy, then.” I cover my mouth, laughing.

  “They were some great times.” Jessica winks at me. “But we were probably too young to have a baby. I did the best I could.”

  My heart aches for her. It’s been decades since she lost her husband, and the pain is still etched all over her face when she speaks about him.

  “I’m sorry,” I whisper.

  “I didn’t think I’d be in my early twenties and be a widow.” She brushes her brown hair back and away from her shoulders as her face grows more serious. “He gave me one beautiful, strong son. I don’t regret my life or my choices. I’m glad we had Josiah when we did, or else I would’ve been alone. The only way I made it through those dark days was with the happy, smiling face of my baby boy.”

  I gaze down at the papers, moving them aside with the backs of my fingers. I can’t look at her. She says she’s fine, but the pain I can easily see is too much for me in that moment after what just happened to Mammoth. “I can only imagine.”

  “I think, if it’s okay with you, I should find a place to live nearby, so I can be there for Josiah, you, and someday, my grandbabies.”

  “It’s totally fine with me.” I smile, finding a photo of the beautiful Florida sunset across the Gulf and handing it to her. “I think you’ll like it here.”

  She takes the paper, staring at the colors. “I’ve never lived by the ocean.”

  “There’s nothing more beautiful,” Lily tells her, leaning over to get a better look at the photo in Jessica’s hand. “We take it for granted because we grew up with it nearby, but the sound of the waves and the technicolor sunsets over the Gulf are the most spectacular sight in the world.”

  “Are there any condos on the water around here? I don’t want to deal with a yard, and I could use some easiness in my life right now.”

  “There’re tons of condos, and a few are on the water. I have a friend who’s a real estate agent. I’ll give you her number, and she’ll find you whatever you want.”

  The barely visible lines near Jessica’s eyes become more distinct as she smiles. “I’d love that, Lily. You’re truly one of the sweetest human beings I’ve ever met.”

  “I wish I were going to be around to house hunt with you,” I tell her, hating that I have to go back to college.

  “Honey—” Jessica reaches across the paper and grabs my hand “—college is important. I’ve bought and sold more houses in my life than you’ve bought cars. I’ll be just fine doing it on my own.”

  “Josiah will help,” Lily says, snickering. “I’m sure Josiah won’t let you do it alone.” I can tell she loves saying his name because ever since she found out his real name, she can’t stop using it.

  When I called Lily earlier, she said Josiah no less than twenty times. It was only obvious because she overused it and kept doing so until I hung up, finally over her giggle fits every time. The conversation took twice as long because she was practically hysterical.

  “I prefer to house hunt alone. I don’t need the input of a man, especially not my son. I want what I want and won’t allow anyone to talk me out of my dreams anymore.”

  I exhale, slowly blinking as a smile spreads across my face. “I like how you think,” I say to her, getting a small smile in return.

  “The older you get, the less you care about other people’s opinions, honey. You’ll see.”

  “Tamara has never cared what others think about her or what she does. She’s the rebel in the family.”

  “Ah,” Jessica whispers, “just lik
e my son. He always had to do things his way or not at all.”

  “That ain’t no shit,” I mumble.

  “How’s his shoulder?” Lily asks, placing a photo of a crib on her board, not even looking at me as my eyes almost bug out of my head. “Is it almost healed?”

  “What’s wrong with his shoulder?” Jessica asks immediately, placing the paper and scissors she’d just picked up back down on the floor.

  “Nothing,” I shoot back just as fast as she asked.

  “What aren’t you telling me?” She narrows her eyes, studying my face, trying to read my expression.

  “He’s fine. He just tweaked it doing some work,” I lie, thinking I covered pretty well.

  But Jessica’s eyes sweep across my face as her lips twist. “You’re a shit liar, honey. I won’t hold that against you, but someone better tell me the truth about my son and do it quick.”

  “He was shot last weekend,” I blurt out, feeling the weight of her stare and hating the idea of lying to such a sweet person. “But he’s okay and almost healed.”

  “Shit. I forgot,” Lily whispers, shaking her head. “Sorry.” She gives me a sorrowful smile, getting a curled lip in response.

  “He what?” Jessica pales, covering her mouth with her hand. “He was shot? You just said he was shot, yeah? I’m not hearing things, am I? My mind didn’t switch words? He was shot, and no one bothered to call me and tell me about it?”

  “He didn’t want you to worry. He forbade me from calling you. I’m sorry. I’m so, so, so, so sorry, Jessica.”

  “Ma,” she corrects me.

  Damn it. Calling her Ma is still so foreign, and I know it’s probably going to take me years to get used to calling her Ma instead of Jessica, no matter how hard I try.

  “You know how your son is. He’s always so private.”

  “Was it an accident?” she asks me on the spot.

  “Kind of.”

  “If you call getting shot by another motorcycle club accidental, then yes,” Lily says casually as she cuts out something from her Mommy and Me magazine. “I’m sure they didn’t mean to put a slug in his shoulder as he sat outside the strip club.”


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