Hard Bargain: a Billionaire Suspense Romance (City Sinners Book 3)

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Hard Bargain: a Billionaire Suspense Romance (City Sinners Book 3) Page 22

by Kenna Shaw Reed

  Life couldn’t get more complicated, or simple.

  He loved me.

  I loved him.

  He’d screwed things up with the Garrison deal, but he’d also gone out of his way to fix it.

  I crawled up to the bed head, knowing how pathetic it seemed to want to hug Ibby’s pillow and pretend we could go back to when things were perfect.

  My pillow still had three long blonde strands. A stark contrast against the chocolate brown satin. Ibby’s pillow still had the impression from his head. I should have just laid down and not disturbed his pillow. Pretended to myself that he’d gotten up early and would be back soon.

  Instead, when I went to hug the pillow to my face, my fingers touched cardboard.

  What the?

  Okay, I’d already crossed a line going through his house. Could it really hurt opening a manilla folder?

  Why would he hide or keep a folder under his pillow?

  With only a moment’s guilty hesitation, I opened to see a typed list of Ibby’s assets each with a book price and fire sale figure handwritten.

  Dozens of post-it notes and scribbled slips of paper, with names and phone numbers.

  Interested, confirm valuation.

  Interested, send last year’s accounts.

  Almost all had been interested, but each then crossed out.

  FUCKING GARRISON STRIKES AGAIN written in large text with several underlines.

  Ibby was trying to offload his nightclubs or property as extra security.

  Two names kept appearing without any commentary: Lachlan and Darius. I’d already tried to talk to Darius, but Lachlan?

  “Hi, can you please call me back? It’s about Ibby Mercia.”

  I didn’t blame the man for letting an unknown number go through to voicemail, but I also didn’t want to leave my name. Not yet. Yes, Ibby said Lachlan was a friend, but he was also the man to put together the Garrison deal.

  An hour later, Ibby hadn’t returned and my phone lay silent on Ibby’s pillow.

  Damn this waiting around.

  Is this how soldiers felt the day before battle? Energy and adrenaline, fear and anticipation?

  As the sun dipped below the mountain range, I swapped over Ibby’s black shirt, now dry, with one of his old training sweaters. Yet another item borrowed from his dirty washing, it went well with his track pants.

  Seriously, I needed therapy.

  Or Ibby.

  Perhaps both. Therapy could help me get over the fear of concrete floors, and Ibby could help me, well, we could figure that out together.

  If he came home!

  “Hi, I called earlier about Ibby. Can you please call me back?”

  Almost dinner time and still nothing. Not from Ibby or from Lachlan. Okay, I could text Ibby, but we needed to talk first.

  My security detail kept changing, but by now none of them bothered to even check in. Even Grizz seemed content to do the occasional perimeter check while making some spare change with online gambling.

  “Please, can you please call me. This is Katie and I’m a friend of Ibby’s. He’s missing and I’m worried.”

  Within ten minutes, my phone finally rang.

  “This is Lachlan, how can I help?”

  “Do you know who I am?” I asked, hopeful. After all, he’d ignored my calls until I’d given my name.

  “Ibby talks very fondly of you.”

  “He got a call yesterday and I haven’t seen him since.”

  “Did you try calling him?”

  “Lachlan, I’m sitting with a piece of paper in front of me. I can go through the list of his nineteen nightclubs, or his properties, including the restaurant his mother owns. I can list everything and the book price or fire sale numbers he’s got written next to each if you need me to prove why I’m worried.”

  “If you have the list, you’ll also know why there is no need to be worried.”

  “Why, I don’t understand.”

  “Ibby knows he needs cash to neutralize Garrison’s influence. Garrison’s threats to you and the other girl won’t stop even if Ibby makes the payment.”

  “But all of his clubs?”

  “Look, Katie, I don’t know you, but Ibrahim and I go way back. He’s put his life into building his empire and the only thing he won’t put on the line for you is his parent’s house and his mother’s restaurant. The rest of it, he’s offloading to whoever can come up with the influence to put Garrison’s threat to rest.”

  “No!” I whimpered.

  “It’s done, or at least it’s almost done.”

  No. He couldn’t. Ibby loved his nightclubs. He loved the lifestyle.

  “He’s at The Club tonight trying to talk Darius into buying it off him so it can be out of play.”

  “Lachlan, please, you need to stop him. I know how to handle Garrison. I can forgive Ibby, please, you have to make him stop.”

  “I’ve tried to talk him out of it, but either I put together this deal for him, or he’ll find someone else who will. The guy refuses to let Garrison remain a risk to you.”

  “But the money?”

  “If he offloads even one of the clubs, money isn’t a problem. It’s Garrison’s threat to you that Ibby isn’t prepared to risk.”

  “Lachlan, I’m begging you, please stop him. I’m going to find him now, but please, stop him.”

  Not a moment to waste, I didn’t even bother getting changed. At first, I even grabbed odd sneakers, having to run back upstairs and put on the first matching pair I could find.

  At least I calmed down, called a cab and casually left via the back door. My bodyguards wouldn’t even know I’d left until the next shift change. I had to get to Ibby, had to stop him from giving away his dream when I could have the answer.

  Five minutes until my taxi should be pulling up three houses down the street, I quietly unlocked the code on the side gate, making sure wherever possible, I crept along the side of the house. Too many hours in The Club office with Darius looking for blindspots came in handy as I escaped.

  Would he answer if he saw my name? I had to try and stop him from making another stupid decision, but this time for the right reason.

  “Ibby, it’s me. I know what you’re planning to do, please don’t.”

  “Oh, princess. Sometimes you have to let the boys make mistakes.”


  I screamed. I kicked out and screamed again but by the time I saw one of the security guards at the edge of Ibby’s driveway, Garrison had thrown me over his shoulder and then into his waiting black limousine.

  “Welcome to my life, princess.” Garrison only laughed when I kicked away at him again. The door wouldn’t budge, but I could at least try and hurt the man. “I’ve always admired your spunk, a real little wildcat, aren’t you!”

  The louder I screamed and pummeled the windows, the calmer Garrison got. “I’ve got to hand it to you, I knew you’d try to escape but didn’t think it would take this long. I’ve been paying every hacker I know to track any calls ordering a car to your street. I guess I got lucky, only a kilometre away when the call came through.”

  “Bastard.” Feigning exhaustion, I whimpered. Willing to bide my time. Needing to be smarter than the man who assumed he was smarter than everyone.

  “Oh, sweetheart, I can be. If you want it rough, I’m your man.” Garrison forced a sloppy kiss to my cheek before twisting my face. His short nails dug into my chin as his stench alone made me want to vomit. “But I can be kind and sensitive and ever so rewarding.”

  “The deal. He has time before the next payment.”

  “Two things you should know about me, I’m a patient man and I’m true to my word. My sources tell me that you are living in a spare wing of Mr. Ibrahim’s house under the guise of needing his protection. From what, I have no idea.”

  “Did you think it was from you? You’re the one who abducted me.”

  “Abducted or saved? Katie, Katie, Katie. I’ve been in love with you since I first saw y
ou online in a newsfeed. You have no reason to fear me or need protection from me.”

  “What about Chelle?”

  “Additional security to keep Mr. Ibrahim guessing, and you in line.”

  “And now?”

  “Ibrahim still has two days to come up with the money. You will be my guest for the duration.”

  “And then?”

  “My dear girl, then you will see what sort of generous employer I can be.”


  “Cut the bullshit.”

  My good friend and former wingman had been replaced by corporate genius Darius Patera. The same face as my friend but with a no-nonsense attitude more appropriate for the Softli CFO instead of CIO.

  “I’m not here for handouts or to give you bullshit. How many times have you told me to come to you if I need cash? Well, I’m here now.”

  “How much do you owe?” Darius pushed the half empty bottle of scotch across the office desk. “Straight up, no bullshit.”

  “It’s not just about the money, I need to buy your influence, too.”

  “How bad?”

  “Bad. No one will stand up to Garrison, and with the bikers both weakened by the shit that’s going down, I’m torn in a thousand directions.”

  “Which one matters the most?”

  “I need to protect my mother’s restaurant. She’s looked after us all these years and you should see how happy she is cooking. I still get texts from her whenever the restaurant is fully booked. After all these years, she can’t accept people will hand over money for her cooking.”

  “I’m pissed you didn’t tell me about her restaurant before tonight. I mean, Tara loves that place and I would have gotten serious street cred by knowing the owner.”

  “Look out for mama’s restaurant and buy me out of this place.”

  “How many times have you knocked back my offers? You love The Club.”

  “Yeah, and if you buy me out, I know you’ll keep everyone safe. The bikers, Garrison. None of them will take you on.”

  “Why’s that?”

  “They think you’ll hack into their private lives and no one is gonna risk that.”

  “Boss,” Janet knocked on the door. “Ibby, there’s a guy here asking for you.”

  “Who?” If Garrison showed his face, I’d downed enough alcohol to hit first and ask questions later.

  “Luke or Luther or something? He’s wearing full colors and looks mad.”

  “Shit.” I turned to Darius, out of time for negotiations. “I’ve been trying to sort out Karnal and Luther all week.”

  “Fine, but the offer is on the table, you fill in the dollars and tell me what part the loan is and what’s for The Club.”

  “Thanks.” I’d expected him to make me sweat for a deal. If only I’d been willing to swallow my pride, I should have bypassed Lachlan and come straight to Darius instead of ending up with Garrison.

  “No problem, but I’d prefer if it was all a loan.”

  “Why?” I was halfway out the door.

  “Mate, if you ask me to repeat it tomorrow, I’ll deny everything. But the two of us work well together. And I’ve got a sneaking suspicion if you and Katie, me and Tara work together, we’ll make just as much fun as we will money.”

  “I told you, this thing with Garrison; Katie’s never gonna forgive me.”

  “Yeah, that’s what I told Tara. I think my exact words were about hell freezing over.”

  “Boss!” Janet reminded us.

  “Take him upstairs to my private room. He might as well enjoy the view while I’m trying to talk some sense into him.”

  “Took your bloody time,” Luther paced around the room. “My guys heard a scream but the time they got outside; she was gone.”


  I thought the peace-fire had broken.


  I stood in the doorway, frozen. The alcohol had dulled most of my senses, but Luther’s face wasn’t joking.

  “What the fuck happened!”

  Garrison. I didn’t need to waste time hearing what I already knew, luckily Luther grabbed my shoulders and pinned me against the wall.

  “Let me go,” I demanded. “I need to find her.”

  “Chill, mate, chill.” Luther let me go but still blocked the doorway. “I swear if you go off half-cocked, you’ll end up dead. Dead men aren’t heroes. You want to help the girl, calm the fuck down, sober the hell up and think with your brain instead of your cock.”

  “I need her.” To hell with my pride and ego and all the shit that used to be important. “What have you heard and what will it take to get her back?”

  “Garrison’s payment—have you got the money?”

  “Darius!” Yeah, I could have run back downstairs, but the phone was faster.

  “What? I thought you were upstairs.”

  “I am. She’s been taken. Luther’s guys heard a scream.”

  “Fuck, are you still upstairs? I’m on my way up.”

  “Take The Club. Whatever, just get me the cash. The whole debt, I want it gone.”

  Even before I’d finished pleading my case, Darius appeared at the doorway, extending his hand to Luther. “Can’t say I’m glad to see you. How many of your crew are outside?”

  “Darius. Luther’s guys were looking after Katie.”

  “She went out the back and the guys thought she was going to sit in the garden like she did the other night. Grizz thought he saw a shadow on one of the side cameras but dismissed it until they heard a woman scream.

  “Luther’s a friend. He could have called it in. He’s here as a friend.”

  “Some friend,” Darius snorted, still in intimidating businessman mode. Luther could made people disappear, but Darius could buy and sell their souls. I tried to take comfort that they were both my friends, and I could use whatever currency they preferred to trade in. “Ibby might call you a friend, but while Luther’s been conducting his fight in your clubs, you’ve been bleeding the money that would have stopped this in its tracks.”

  “Fair call, but do you want to hear what I’ve got to say or not?”

  I’d seen Darius blow his cool before. My friend had already made it clear how he felt about the bikers. Darius was as fair as they came, but when it came to the safety of others, he’d been known to lose his shit. As Darius chested up to Luther, I was forced to become the voice of reason.


  Fuck, life was insane.

  “Mate, please. Don’t even think about doing it for me, think about Katie and Chelle.”

  “Chelle’s fine. I checked in on her an hour ago.”

  “Your woman has some serious balls,” Luther grinned at me.

  “She’s not my woman.” Her choice, not mine.

  “Whatever. By the time Grizz got outside, he saw Garrison being kicked by the woman you say isn’t your woman. Garrison had her over his shoulder and was taking a pounding to the gut before he threw her into the limo. The girl has balls, taking him on like that.”

  “How did he know she was outside?”

  “Dunno, lucky break or maybe it was another taxi that didn’t show. That’s how we think he got her the first time.”

  “Darius, I need that cash. Write it up however you want, I’ll sign.”

  “I thought you wanted influence not just the cash.”

  “Will you buy The Club or not?”

  “Look!” Darius pointed downstairs.


  I’d tried to hide within the plush leather seats. Willing them to swallow me because they sure as hell couldn’t protect me from Garrison’s gaze or grip on my knee.

  Pinning me in place.

  As if jumping from a moving car had been my life’s goal and about to be fulfilled without Garrison’s restraint.

  Too angry to cry, angry with myself and the world.

  How could I have been so bloody stupid?

  Then again, Ibby hadn’t come home for over a day and I couldn’t just let him throw everything away. Not with
out knowing I still loved him.

  In the movies, escape was always possible, but the limo doors were locked. When I tried to get attention by hitting the windows at traffic lights, Garrison’s grip tightened until my cries drowned out the classical music being pumped into the back.

  If I’d been dressed for work, at least I could have used high heels as a weapon. But nothing about my sweater, track pants and sneakers screamed self-defense.

  Slowly, I ran my hands between the seat cushions, hoping for a pen or something sharp.

  Cold metal.


  I lay back into the seat, closed eyes so Garrison couldn’t see hope forming. Yes, I wouldn’t put it past him to lay a trap, but it felt like a small handgun had been stashed between the cushions.

  It couldn’t be Garrison’s, or he wouldn’t have let me sit there. Possibly one of his goons? Whatever. I didn’t care and it probably didn’t matter if the gun was loaded or not. We’d made it to the city and if I didn’t escape soon, Garrison would have me stashed away until—

  All the fears from my first abduction came flooding back.


  I’d die first.


  I’ll fight my way out of this. Using Garrison’s weakness as my strength. He had underestimated me, and how much I’d fight.

  Easy I warned myself. Carefully turning the metal around until I felt the flatter hand grip. To pull it out quickly or slowly?

  Without thinking, I’d bitten down on my lip in concentration. Stupid. I released and faked a sob. Let him think what he wanted. The sounds of muted traffic increased, and I rolled my head to the side, chancing to open my eyes.

  Tonight wasn’t the night for taking any more chances. I saw the familiar city outline ahead. Timing would be everything.

  I kept my muscles relaxed, throwing out the occasional sob while I watched street signs herald our direction. Towards the city, but not through it. Just when I thought we were heading to The Club, the limo turned right. I could feel Garrison looking to me for a sign and gave him another sob.

  Timing would be everything. Traffic lights were notoriously slow, and I had to trust karma to be on my side at least this once.

  As the limo pulled to a stop, I mentally rehearsed my steps.


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