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Charming Hannah

Page 8

by Kristen Proby

  He sighs, but smiles at his wife. “We’ve got this.”

  Jennifer doubles over in pain and starts to breathe, leaning on Trent’s arms.

  Yeah, no. No babies for me.

  Chapter Seven


  “THANK YOU,” JENNIFER SAYS twenty-three hours later through tear-filled eyes. “Thank you for staying with me all night.”

  “I wasn’t going anywhere,” I assure her and smile down at one of the babies in her arms. “I’m sorry we had to deliver them by cesarean after all.”

  She shrugs and smiles at her daughter. “They’re here, and they’re safe, and that’s all that really matters.”

  “My colleague is here now, and I’m going to do a few things to finish up and head home. I want you to rest today. I know your family will be excited to be here, but I want you to limit visitors today. I’ll give instructions to your nurse. Let her be the bad guy, Jenn. All of you need rest, and I mean it.”

  She nods. “I know. I’m pretty tired.”

  That makes two of us. I close my laptop and walk out the door to the nurse’s station.

  I’m still in my scrubs. I’m so damn exhausted I’m surprised I’m still walking. I want to curl up somewhere soft and warm and sleep for about four days.

  Maybe five days.

  I’m going to finish up my notes and go home. I’m not going to talk to anyone because I’ll get stuck here for longer. Do not make eye contact with anyone at the nurse’s station. Just keep walking to the office.

  But when I approach the nurse’s station, everyone is grinning at me, sipping coffee and munching on bagels.

  And my stomach immediately growls.

  “If you tell me none of that is left, I might throw a temper tantrum here and now.”

  Lucy, a nurse that I’ve worked with since I moved here, grins and passes me a coffee and a note.

  “This was delivered,” she says with a wink. “All of this is for you, but it’s for all of us, too.”

  “You’re speaking in riddles,” I reply, my exhausted brain not able to keep up. So I open the note and feel everything in me soften.


  You have to be exhausted and running on empty. Here is some fuel. Call me later.


  “He brought me coffee from Sips and bagels from Little Deli.”

  “And thank the good lord for it,” Lucy replies. “Because he brought enough for everyone.”

  “And then some,” another nurse, Betty, says.

  “He was here?” I ask.

  “No, Mrs. Blakely delivered them.”

  “I’ve always liked Mrs. Blakely,” I murmur, speaking of the owner of Little Deli. “And he got my usual coffee.”

  “You should call and thank him,” Lucy says.

  “Do you guys even know who he is?” I ask.

  “Honey, this is a small town. We’ve all known for a few days now that you’ve been dating Chief Hull.” Betty takes a sip of her coffee. “And I’d like to say, you should keep dating him if he’s going to bring us treats.”

  I shake my head and laugh, walking toward my office. I need to call and thank him.

  “Hull,” he says into his phone, sounding distracted.

  “I’d like to report a disturbance at the hospital amongst the nurses over a bagel delivery,” I say and smile when he chuckles in my ear. “Thank you, Brad.”

  “You’re welcome. I figured you’d need something.”

  “I do.” I could use you. “I’m almost wrapped up here, and then I’m going to go home and sleep, then wake up and eat another bagel for dinner.”

  “Don’t eat a bagel for dinner, sweetheart. I’ll bring something.”

  I rub my chest, just over my heart and the slight ache I have there whenever he speaks to me in this soft voice.

  “I’ll be so out of it, it won’t matter.”

  “If it doesn’t matter, then I’m coming over,” he says and I just smile, already excited to see him.

  “Okay. There’s a key under the flowerpot in the corner of the porch. Just let yourself in because I probably won’t hear the doorbell.”

  “Are you okay to drive home?”

  “Yeah, it’s not far.” I yawn and then take a sip of my delicious java. “And I have coffee to sustain me until I get there. Thanks to a handsome police officer I know.”

  “Who is he? I’ll kill him.”

  I snort. “You’re no killer.”

  “This has turned into an odd conversation.” He pulls the phone away from his face to talk to someone in the room with him and then comes back. “Sorry, Hannah, I have to go. Be careful getting home and I’ll see you later.”

  “Thank you for all of this. Sincerely.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  And with that he’s gone and I’m left sitting in my office, barely able to keep my eyes open, despite the caffeine kick.

  I need to go crash.

  After quickly finishing up a few last notes, I gather a few bagels, a tub of cream cheese, and my personal things and then head toward home.

  When I pull into my driveway, someone pulls in right behind me.

  “Hey,” Grace says when I get out of my car. “I saw you drive past me at the four-way stop a few blocks back, and thought I’d stop by for a second. How are you?”

  “Exhausted.” I lead her up my porch and into my house. “I haven’t been home since yesterday morning.”

  “That’s a long shift,” she says and peers inside the bagel bag. “Are you willing to share one of these bagels from Mrs. Blakely?”

  “Sure. Let’s do it. I’m starving.”

  I reach for a knife to spread the cream cheese. “What are you up to today?”

  “Well, that’s the other reason I came by. Jacob and I are leaving later today for New York. I guess he has a couple of meetings, and a swanky party to go to. I have a dress and shoes, but I don’t have a pretty clutch, and I know you have that Gucci one that Drake got you for Christmas a few years back.”

  “Never been used,” I confirm. “You’re welcome to borrow it.”

  “Thanks.” She grins and takes a bite of her bagel. “How are things with you and Brad?”

  I smile, the thought of Brad waking me right up. “Really good.” I nod. “Like, really, really good. He’s such a good guy. He’s sweet and strong. He cares deeply about his friends. His dog is the best.”

  I take a sip of my now almost cold coffee, thinking of him. “He’s a gentleman. And I mean he’s a gentle man. Sometimes they’re not the same thing.”


  “I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone like him. The sex? Holy shit, Grace.”

  “Wow,” she says, watching me avidly. “That good?”

  “I didn’t even know some of the things he’s done to me were possible, and I’m no virgin.”

  “Atta girl,” she says, holding her fist out for a bump. “I don’t care what anyone says, sexual chemistry is super important.”

  “Absolutely. And he also likes to hold me. He’s always touching me. And he recently told me that the only thing in the world that calms him down is me.”

  “Jesus, Hannah, you’re in love!”

  I stop and stare at her, blinking rapidly.

  “Well, no.”

  “I’ve only ever talked this way about the man I love,” she says reasonably. “And I think it’s fantastic. I’m so excited for you.”

  “Wait.” I stand and pace the kitchen, thinking about this. “Maybe this is too good to be true. I mean, I haven’t really known him that long.”

  “Only a few years,” Grace says with a smirk.

  “I mean really known him. What if he’s not at all what I think he is? What if he’s an alcoholic?”

  “He’s not your dad,” she reminds me and I shake the thought off.

  “You’re right. Besides, I don’t think he could function at his job as well as he does if he was drunk all the time.”

  “Definitely not.”

>   “But what if he’s secretly a serial killer? Or has other wives? Am I going to be a sister wife?”

  “I haven’t heard any talk about any wives, and I don’t see a ring on your finger, so I’m going to say no.”

  “He could have kids. I’ve never asked him if he has kids.”

  “No kids,” she says and tilts her head to the side. “What are you trying to do here?”

  “There has to be another shoe that’s going to drop,” I reply and sit across from her. “Everything is too perfect. He’s too perfect.”

  “Is he really perfect? Does he never have bad breath? Maybe he leaves his socks on the floor? Certainly he must fart.”

  I smirk. “I’ve never stayed at his house, so I don’t know if he leaves his socks on the floor. He’s a human being, so I’m sure there are faults in there somewhere that I just haven’t found yet.”

  “Right, because you’re still discovering each other. This is the best part of the relationship, when all of the butterflies happen and you can’t stay away from each other. It’s exciting.”

  “Are you saying you don’t feel this anymore with Jacob?”

  “Hell no, the man still gives me butterflies after a year of marriage,” she says with a smile. “And, would it be weird if I’m your patient?”


  She just sits there and smiles, and I feel like I’m missing something. Finally, she rolls her eyes and points to her stomach, and I feel my eyes widen in surprise.

  “Oh my God! Really? You’re pregnant?”

  “That’s what the stick said,” she replies and pats her belly. “But we’re not talking about me. We’re talking about you and the perfect Brad.”

  “He’s probably flawed,” I say and frown. “Maybe.”

  “It sounds like you’re deciding whether to stay with him, or run.”

  “Why would I run? I don’t want to run.”

  “Good, because that would be really stupid. So maybe you’re just, I don’t know. What are you?”

  “I’m dumb.”

  “No, you’re not,” she says with a giggle.

  “I can’t describe how I feel. It sounds weird to my own ears, but it’s like I already know him. It’s a connection that I can’t explain, and when I’m with him, I feel so calm. It’s scary.”

  “If it wasn’t scary, it wouldn’t be real,” she says with a shrug, and I narrow my eyes at her.

  “You’re smart.”

  “I know.”

  “And if you think anyone but me is delivering that baby, you’re on crack.”

  She laughs and reaches out to squeeze my hand. “Good. Because I don’t like strangers looking at my hooha.”

  “It’s a vagina.”


  “Repeat after me.” I grab her face in my hands. “Va-gi-na.”


  We dissolve in giggles and then I take a deep breath and push my hair over my shoulder. “I’m glad you came by. Since we don’t live together anymore, I miss you.”

  “I miss you, too. Did I mention that we’re having a big party at the lake house for the fourth of July?”

  “That’s a month away.”

  “But do you work?”

  I check my calendar, and smile with excitement. “I don’t! So unless someone has a baby, I’ll be there.”

  “Cool.” Grace smiles. “I’ve invited Jenna and Max too, so bring Brad with you.”

  “Yes, ma’am. Who else is coming?”

  “Not anyone else I can think of. It’s going to be on the smaller side. I invited the King family, but they have their own traditions for the holiday. We’ll go out on the lake and eat a ton of food and we have a great view of the fireworks from our deck.”

  “Sounds like fun.”

  She checks her phone when it pings. “This is Jacob. I’d better go.”

  “Oh, I’ll grab the clutch for you.”

  I hurry back to my closet and pull the small handbag out of its protective covering and take it out to my friend. “Have tons of fun, and send me photos.”

  “I will.” She hugs me tightly. “And stop stressing out about this Brad thing. Just enjoy the super hot sex and being with someone nice to you. One day at a time.”

  I nod and then hide my smile behind my hand when she runs into the doorframe.

  My sweet Grace is anything but graceful.

  She rubs her shoulder where I’m sure she’ll get a bruise, and waves from the car.

  I should go crash, but now that I’ve talked about Brad and finished my coffee, I’m surprisingly not sleepy. Exhausted to the bone, but not sleepy.

  Damn it.

  I glance around my small house, wondering if there’s something to clean, but my housekeeper was here yesterday and it’s all done.

  I can’t exercise. It might kill me.

  I could read, except my eyes are tired.

  Why won’t my brain shut off?

  “I need a pet,” I mutter. “Something to talk to and snuggle up to when Brad’s not available.”

  And then an idea forms in my head. I reach for my phone and dial Brad’s number.

  “You’re awake,” he says with surprise.

  “I am and I’m wondering if I can borrow your dog.”

  There’s a pause. “Is everything okay?”

  “Yeah, I just want some company and all of you normal people are at work. So can I please borrow Sadie?”

  “Sure, she’s here at my office. I can bring her to you.”

  “I’ll come get her. It’s not far.”

  “You’re sure?”

  “Yes. See you in a few.”

  Excited at the idea of seeing not only Sadie but her sexy as hell owner as well, I grab my keys and bag and hurry out to the car. The police station is only a five minute drive from my house.

  When I pull into the parking lot, Brad is standing on the sidewalk with Sadie on her leash.

  “Hey,” I say when I climb out of the car and join them. “Thanks for letting me borrow her.”

  “I’m beginning to think you’re just with me for my dog.”

  I’m feeling sassy, so I reach up and fist my hand in the back of his hair, pulling him down to kiss me. It’s quick, but it’s hot, and when he pulls away, I lick my lips.

  “Well, I guess as long as we understand each other,” I say and he frowns, as if he doesn’t understand what I mean. “About Sadie. I’m just sticking around for her.”

  “Right.” He passes me her leash and Sadie nudges my leg, ready to be petted.

  “Do you want to go home with me, sweet girl?” She smiles up at me sweetly. “I think that means yes.”

  “I’ll bring some food for her when I bring you dinner,” he says. “She’s done her business not long ago, so you’re good to go.”

  “Great.” I smile up at him and turn away, leading her to my car. I open the door and she happily jumps in, settling into the passenger seat. “She’s done this before.”

  He laughs. “Go get some rest. I’ll see you this evening.”

  I nod and take us both home. Sadie is excited when I open the front door for her. She runs for the couch, but I stop her.

  “No, girl, we’re going to bed.” Her ears perk up and she turns her head to the side, listening. “Follow me.”

  I walk to my cool, dark bedroom, strip out of my clothes, and collapse onto the bed, pulling my big, heavy comforter over me. I have an extra heavy comforter that is supposed to help with anxiety.

  So far, it works.

  I also have blackout shades for the windows because I work at night so often, and I keep the AC low. I need a cold bedroom.

  Once I’m settled in, I pat the bed next to me and Sadie jumps up with me, laying her head on my arm. “Thanks for hanging out with me today, sweet girl.”

  She whines happily, and I decide to send Brad a selfie of us. We both smile at the camera and I shoot it off to him.

  Several moments later, he replies with, “Wish I was there with you.”

/>   I just send back, “Soon” and snuggle up to this sweet dog.

  “Did you know you’re very cuddly?” I ask her, petting her super soft head and ears. “You are. And your fur on your head is so soft. You’re such a good girl.”

  Sadie’s eyes are blinking heavily, and I can feel mine starting to get heavy too. Finally, the exhaustion is catching up with me and I can sleep for a long while.

  But I can’t help but continue to murmur to the dog in my arms.

  “Your daddy is pretty great. I’m sure you already know that. You’re quite loyal to him. I think we have that in common already. Can I tell you a secret, Sadie?”

  She just snores, oblivious to the serious conversation we’re having.

  “I’m falling in love with him. Grace is right.” I pet her belly, my mind on the man across town. “I don’t know how he’s stayed single all this time. And the anxiety in me wants to tear that thought apart, pondering if he has mother issues, or daddy issues, or any other issues that have sabotaged all of his relationships before me.

  “But I don’t think I’m going to do that this time. I trust him, Sadie, and that’s big for me. I admire him. And my God, I love him.”

  I kiss her head and close my eyes, letting the heavy blanket and snoring Sadie lull me to sleep.

  Chapter Eight


  THE KEY IS WHERE she said it would be, under the planter in the corner of her porch. I should talk to her about the dangers of having a key in such an obvious place. It’s not safe.

  I have lasagna from Ciao in my hands, along with a bag of food for the dog, which I’ll leave here.

  I have a feeling Sadie will be spending a bit of time here.

  And frankly, that’s okay with me. She may seem like a big teddy bear, but if there’s danger nearby, Sadie is a fierce protector. If I can’t be here with Hannah, it makes me feel better knowing that Sadie is.

  The house is quiet as I walk through. I set the pan of lasagna in the oven and set it to low to keep it warm, then go in search of my girls.

  The bedroom is dark, even though it’s still perfectly sunny outside. The light from the hall casts on Hannah’s sweet face. Sadie immediately sees me and jumps off the bed to greet me. I kneel to pet her and kiss her head, then point for her to go to the living room, which she does without hesitation.


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