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Royally Twisted (A Royal Sons MC Book 1)

Page 6

by Elle Boon

  “You know there’s two types of people in the world in my mind. There’s my brothers and sisters, and then there’s those who are a potential threat to our club. Which do you think your friend falls into, Ivy?” King let the silence linger, then he pointed to the chair again. “I suggest you sit down, little girl, unless you want to see my bad side come out.”

  It took her seconds to do as he said, her heart pounded in her chest with fear and anger she was having to go through this. “Why?” she asked.

  King sat back, his arms crossing over his chest, drawing her gaze to the cut he wore and the patch that marked him as President. “Let’s start by discussing why you’ve not answered my calls or texts for the past couple months.”

  She tried to keep her hands from shaking as she placed them on the table. “I...I didn’t know what to say. I think you said it all at—” she swallowed the lump in her throat. “You said enough the last time we spoke. I figured it would be best if I removed myself from, everything.”

  “When we took you in, I promised Luke I’d look out for you. You promised to look out for Luke. Seems we’re not keeping up to our promises. Want to tell me why?”

  “Dammit, what do you want from me?” she cried.

  King sat forward, his face inches from hers. “I want the fucking truth, and I want it now.”

  God, her throat felt dry, the need for liquid courage made her wish she’d gotten a drink before interrupting what was happening. Of course, she probably would’ve thrown it up the way her stomach was cramping. “I met Tymber only a few weeks ago. He’s not part of this.”

  King got in her face, the scent of beer and mint wafted to her as he spoke. “He’s a part of this as long as I say he is. Ain’t that right, Rooster?”

  His words had her swinging her head around. “That’s right. Want me to make him less pretty?” Rooster asked.

  “For fucksake, what did you expect me to do? I didn’t go out looking for a man. Nobody can replace Luke,” she swore.

  “In that you’re correct. Let me tell you a story, shall we?” he continued without waiting for her to respond. “You and my baby brother have been together since before either of you had grown any pubic hair. Now, my brother’s dead because you decided you wanted that pretty boy, Darian. My brother couldn’t handle your cheating on him, so he took the cowards way out.” The last was said in a near yell.

  “That’s not true. King, you have to believe me. Luke was my best friend, my only true friend in the world. I’d never hurt him like that.” She stayed where she was, her face mere inches from a fuming King.

  “I know that, dammit. Now, why don’t you tell me what my brother was too chicken shit to do, and we’ll go from there.”

  Her eyes darted around the gathered members, hating the thought of anyone but King and Duke, Luke’s brothers to hear. However, it appeared as though Tymber’s life was on the line. “King, please, tell everyone to clear out first,” she begged, her voice a small whisper.

  “These are our family, Ivy. You are family. Whatever you gotta say, just say it.” King’s hand smacked the table, making her jump back in the seat.

  She looked to Duke, hoping he’d step forward, and do what, she didn’t know, but if there was anything he could do, she wanted him to do it. “Duke, this is your twin brother’s personal business.”

  “You know the rules, Ivy. Tell us, or that one will be sporting a new scar.”

  She heard Tymber grunt seconds after the sound of what had to be another member hitting him. “Fine, you want to know, I’ll tell you. However, you need to know this isn’t something I say lightly. I promised Luke to never...” she broke off, a sob escaping her trembling lips.

  Commotion behind her made her look away from King’s penetrating gaze. The breath froze in her throat while she watched Tymber grab Rooster’s wrist, twisting and turning until he was the one behind the brother, the deadly looking knife placed against Rooster’s throat. “I don’t fucking like to be choked, feel me?” He gave Rooster a little shake, keeping the knife steady without cutting the throat he had it pressed against.

  “Tymber, what’re you gonna do, fight all of us?” King asked.

  Tymber shrugged. “If I gotta, yeah. I’ve faced bigger shit than this.” He gave Rooster a shove.

  “Wait. Just stop everyone. King, you have the power to stop all of this.” She half stood from her seat, halting at King’s glare.

  “I didn’t have the power to protect my baby brother. Let’s cut the shit, and you speak,” he growled, stabbing his finger toward Ivy.

  She licked her lips, her focus bouncing from King to Tymber. “Won’t you let him leave first. This is club business, and he’s not...”

  “I know what he is and what he ain’t, little girl.” King placed his hand over hers, stopping the nervous twitch.

  “I’m sorry, Tymber. I didn’t mean to bring you into this...mess. King, can I ask you a question?” At his nod, she inhaled deeply, the familiar scent of booze, sex, and smoke filling her lungs. “Would you love your brother no matter what?”

  “Just spill it out, or so help me, I’m not going to be responsible for what happens.”

  A grunt followed by cursing had her tensing, attempting to stand again, only to be pushed back down by Traeger. She glared at the big bastard, then finally, realizing there was no getting around her telling King what he wanted. “Darian wasn’t my boyfriend, King. He was Luke’s. I loved Luke, and he loved me, but it was a brother and sister love.”

  Silence greeted her announcement.

  Chapter Six

  Tymber didn’t want to hurt a member of the Royal Sons, but he’d be damned if he allowed one hair on Ivy’s head to be hurt. It was a lesson in control he was sure he didn’t have, to allow Rooster with his big ass knife to hold him. His control snapping as the man decided to wrap his big beefy arms around his neck. Tymber was many things, but a fool or pussy wasn’t one of them. If the Royals wanted a fight, he’d give ‘em one.

  “If one more fucker tries to sneak up on me, I promise I won’t play nice,” he warned.

  King’s warning completely ignored as he twisted at the last second, missing the punch aimed at his head. He grabbed the bastard who tried to sucker punch him by the arm, flipping him over his back so that he landed in front of him, a look of shock on the younger man’s face. The knife he’d taken from Rooster was big, but he avoided cutting the fucker, barely.

  “Settle,” King uttered the one word.

  Tymber stepped around the sprawled man, walked up to the one named Rooster, keeping his focus on what was going on around him. He flipped the knife around, handing the blade back by the handle. “I meant no disrespect, but having shit like that shoved in my face, brings back memories I’d rather not have.”

  “Ivy, you telling me my brother never stuck his dick in you?”

  He wanted to punch King in the mouth for the way his question made Ivy jump. “What’s it matter now? I’m sorry your brother died, but what the hell does Ivy have to do with it?”

  “My brother killed himself because he caught her with another son-of-a-bitch. Ain’t that right, Ivy?” Duke, the quieter of the brothers spoke up. Menace and anger filling his features, twisting what was probably a good looking guy, into something ugly.

  Ivy was shaking her head, her hands still trapped under King’s. “No, that’s not what happened. Your brother...Luke thought you knew about him and Darian. He said you caught them together?”

  King jerked back like he’d been struck. “Are you telling me it was my fault he offed himself?”

  This time it was Tymber who jerked, looking toward Ivy for confirmation. He’d first seen her outside the suicide meeting and had thought it was her who was contemplating killing herself. He ran a tired hand down his face, sighing loudly. “King, its nobody’s fault for Luke’s choice to end his life. Fuck, I should know. If I had gone through with my dark thoughts, I could’ve done the same thing. I had to pull myself out of depression and decide that liv
ing was better than being six feet under. I did that. I would’ve been the one to end my life, same as your brother.”

  Ivy’s whispered, no was the only word uttered for minutes.

  “Everyone out except Duke,” King ordered.

  Traeger, the Sergeant of Arms grunted. “Do you think that’s wise?” he questioned.

  “I ain’t scared she’s gonna slit my throat or afraid of that one leaping across this table. I got this.” King stood up as he spoke, each word coming out from between gritted teeth.

  Tymber stayed where he was, listening as Ivy told them about her and Luke’s bargain. From where he stood, she didn’t gain shit, except a bullseye on her chest.

  “You look ready to spit nails. Fuck, my brother was gay and was scared to tell me.” King shook his head, his hands scrubbed down his face.

  “He was scared you’d kick him out of the club. I tried to tell him you wouldn’t, but he wasn’t prepared to listen. I don’t know what you saw with him and Darian, but it was enough to make him think you knew. Combine that with his depression, he felt he had no option. I...I have a letter from him to you. Don’t do that.” She stopped speaking as King ground his teeth loud enough he could hear it as well.

  “Where’s this fucking note, Ivy?” King squeezed her hand, pain reflecting on her face.

  “Get your fucking hands off of her or so help me God, I won’t be responsible for my actions.” Tymber took the few steps separating him from Ivy. “Baby, do you have the letter?” he asked in a soft tone.

  Ivy nodded, looking toward the floor where her bag had fallen. King walked around the table, bent, and then dumped her purse’s contents onto the smooth surface in front of her. Her hands fumbled for the letter, sifting through a few pieces of mail she’d had in it before pulling it out. “It’s right here. I didn’t read it, though.”

  The charged atmosphere heightened as King read the note with Duke looking over his shoulder, both men freezing for a few minutes, their shoulders lifted and fell. King balled the paper up. “Motherfucker,” he roared, his fist slamming into the table, making the bottles on top fall off, shattering glass echoed around them.

  “Why have you skipped out on us if you weren’t guilty? Why’d I have to virtually kidnap a man to get you here?” King asked, moving around to take his seat back.

  “After you had a couple members break into our apartment and beat the shit out of Darian, I felt it was in my best interest to make myself scarce. I’d planned...I mean, I thought about leaving, but...” she trailed off.

  Tymber stared at Ivy, then King. “You were at the center because you were thinking of killing yourself, weren’t you?” The knowledge had his gut rolling.

  She shrugged. “I didn’t have anything to lose or to live for. My family has always been Luke and his family. Without them, I had nothing.”

  He didn’t care about protocol anymore. His arms moved with no fear of consequences, pulling Ivy into his embrace. “You have so much to live for, Ivy. You hear me?” He gave her a shake, wanting her to acknowledge his words.

  “I thought he was bi, not gay,” Duke muttered. His head in his hands as he spoke. Bent over in the chair, he looked gutted. “He was my twin. How did I not know what he was going through?” Duke stood, the chair scraping loudly behind him, falling on its side in a crash. “Who’d you have go rough up their place?” he asked King.

  King held his hands up. “I didn’t.”

  “Yes, you did. Darian said the guys had on their cuts and told him he was gonna pay for Luke’s—his death.”

  “Either Darian,” King spat the name out. “is lying or someone took it upon themselves. You know who I believe, don’t you?”

  She reached for her phone lying in the middle of the table. “Darian saved them coming and going on our security camera. I didn’t look, but I know he wasn’t lying. My door didn’t just get broke down on its own, King.”

  King grabbed the phone with the glitter shit of a cover on it. “Show me,” he ordered.

  He almost felt bad for the fear and anxiety he could see stamped on Ivy’s little face. Almost being the key word. Once she put her code in, she handed him the phone. He opened the app for the security company, his thumb hovering over the key that said Event History. One push and the dates began to pop up. He scrolled down, stabbing at the date in question. “Fuck,” he muttered as he watched two prospects enter the building. The next saved event was over an hour later. Again, he hit the button, watching Frog and Groot swagger out. From the looks of the two men, they were proud of whatever they’d done. “Duke, get Frog and Groot in here.”

  He barely controlled the urge to bust the phone held in his palm, anger surging through him like lava. If he wanted to see his brother alive again, he knew all he had to do was scroll back a couple more weeks and see if there were any saved events. Instead of following through on the impulse, he sat the phone down, the last video still displayed.

  “Have a seat, fuckers,” Duke growled.

  Ivy looked toward the two men, her hate clear as the green in her eyes. King knew then if she’d have had a gun, she’d have shot the two bastards. He wasn’t far behind in his thoughts. “You need to tell me anything?” King asked, breaking into the silence.

  It took the two idiots less than two minutes to turn on each other, each blaming the other for their actions. “We were going to tell you, but then we noticed some things,” Frog muttered.

  “Well, don’t stop now.” King waved him on.

  He listened to the men explain how they’d began trashing the place after beating the shit out of the man who’d been there. “So, you decided to fuck up my brother’s home without asking me for permission?”

  Again, each of them spoke over the other until he had enough. “Groot, shut the fuck up. Frog, what made you decide your actions? Let me warn you, if I don’t like what you say, there’s going to be consequences.”

  Frog’s words brought his mind to a hard stop. “You didn’t share a bedroom with Luke?”

  Ivy shook her head, tears leaking down her cheeks.

  “This Darian, he was important to Luke?” King asked, his hand balling into a fist. Control, he needed to get his shit back under control. Ivy’s dark head nodding up and down pissed him off. “Why did he hide from me what was essentially his life?” he breathed out loudly.

  “He loved you both, worshipped you. He just...he was scared.” Ivy lifted her hand, placing it on top of his.

  “Tymber, sorry you got pulled in the way you did. I know how stubborn this one is, and one of my guys said he’d seen you two together on several occasions. I took a chance and, well shit, here we are.”

  King could see the war raging in Tymber’s eyes. On one hand, he knew the bastard wanted to punch him, yet he also didn’t want to show too much disrespect. He put his other hand over Ivy’s. “You two get out of here. I’ve some things to take care of, but Ivy,” he said, waiting until she met his stare. “You’re still family. You’ll always be family.”

  Ivy’s chin wobbled, more tears flowed from her eyes. “Thanks, King.”

  He sat back, waving his hand, he dismissed her and Tymber. However, the man didn’t seem to be mollified. “You got something to say?” King raised one brow.

  Tymber leaned down, so he was on the same level as King. “What happened tonight wasn’t cool, but I know you were doing what you felt was right. Next time you want a meet and greet with me, call first. I don’t like having my chain jerked even by someone I liked and respected.”

  “That sounds past tense, Tymber. I suppose I owe you an apology?”

  He grinned as time ticked by. Frog and Groot shuffled their boots in the ensuing silence.

  “Was that your apology?” Tymber asked, pulling Ivy into his side.

  “That’s as good as you’re gonna get. Now get the fuck outta here. Ivy, don’t be a stranger, girl.”

  When the two walked out, he speared his prospects with a glare. “Now, let’s have a talk, boys, shall we?”

>   Tymber walked out with Ivy under his arm. He was shocked to see so many standing around, waiting outside for whatever they were anticipating happening. He’d be damned if it was a show of him getting his ass kicked.

  “I suggest you stand the fuck down,” Tymber warned.

  “Let them through, King’s orders.” Traeger moved away from the crowd, coming into the circle they’d formed around Tymber and Ivy, speaking loudly enough he could be heard over the murmurs.

  “I’ll follow you, Ivy.” Tymber didn’t take his eyes off of Traeger.

  His breath stalled in his throat as she did what he said. He then proceeded to where he’d parked his bike, happy to see they hadn’t fucked it up. “Thanks for the hospitality.” Tymber fired his motorcycle up, using his feet he moved it backward. The red lights from Ivy’s Bronco flashed, showing Tymber she was stopping. He lifted two fingers, saluting Traeger before he followed Ivy. Fuck, his damn heart was near to bursting. Usually he’d go for a long ride and get his head on straight. Instead, he followed Ivy as they rode out of the driveaway. A mile or so down the road, her Bronco swerved to the right, coming to a jarring stop on one of the scenic lookouts that dotted the highway. He let his bike come to a rolling stop next to her rig, waiting until she glanced his way. In his hurry to follow he hadn’t put his helmet on, which normally would’ve been his first move. Now, he set the stand down after turning the key, The cool night air ruffled his hair while he sat, waiting for her to look his way.

  When her head turned, and those eyes that were so green he swore he could get lost in them met his, he knew then and there he’d fallen in love for the first time. He dismounted the bike with ease, moving toward her. The driver’s door flung open, and then he found himself holding onto a sobbing Ivy.

  “You fool,” she whispered.

  Tymber palmed the back of her head. “Is that all you’re gonna say?”

  Ivy stood on her toes, her body shaking, not from cold, but the release of tension he was sure. “They could’ve killed you.”


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