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Matters of the Heart

Page 13

by Helen Colella

  He closed his menu and placed it on the table with deliberate force. He gazed deep into her emerald-green eyes. “Amanda Conifer, you are the only woman in my life, the only one I want in my life. Jennifer Harmon is only a memory, a bad one, at that.”

  “It’s okay, Nick. I do believe you.” She savored the moment.

  He heaved a deep sigh. “Good. Because Jennifer’s got a new beau.”

  “Guess you’re officially off the hook.” She continued to tease him.

  “Never was a hook. However, I do feel sorry for this new guy, though. Poor soul doesn’t know what he’s up against.”

  “I suppose she told you who he is, right?”

  He picked up his menu again, nodded then added, “Yup. Some Internet-guru-guy named Michael Tremont.”

  Amanda felt her blood turn to ice. “W-who did you say?” she stammered.

  “Michael Tremont. Don’t tell me you know him?” He looked over the menu at her. “Mandy, are you all right? You look as if you’re about to pass out.” He moved to her side of the table. “What’s wrong?”

  She waved him off and fanned herself with her napkin. “I’ll be fine in a minute.”

  She wet her napkin in her ice water then dabbed her face and took a few deep breaths.

  Nick felt helpless. He didn’t move away from her until the color and breathing had returned to normal. When she motioned him back to his chair, he sat in silence.

  The onset of the panic attack surprised Amanda. Nausea filled the pit of her stomach. Disgust swept over her at the unmistakable fact that he had once again managed to invade her private space, her life, again. She also had a rush of concern for the flamboyant Jennifer Harmon and what she might be facing.

  After a few minutes, Nick finally spoke. “You look don’t look well. Maybe we should get you home so we can figure out what’s wrong.”

  “That’s not necessary, Nick. I know what’s wrong. It’s Michael Tremont.” She let out a heavy sigh. “And yes, I do know him.” She sipped on her water. “Like you say, a bad memory. One you want to forget but can’t.”

  Nick’s jaw dropped open. “You mean to tell me Jennifer is dating one of your old boyfriends? How bizarre!”

  “And when you referred to him as the poor old soul,” she paused for another drink of water. “Let me tell you, she’s not in any better position. Believe me.”

  “What does that mean, Amanda?”

  “Long story short. He’s intelligent, charming and attractive. He can be impressive, able to finesse and confuse the best. He’s what they call a player and successful in the computer world.” She sighed and went on, “But when it comes to women, as attractive as he can be, it’s all an act. He’s nothing but a fraud. He turns into a man who thinks women are there to serve his every need, by request or on demand.” She swallowed hard. “And he’s not afraid to use force.”

  “You mean he physically hurt you?”

  With a quick nod, she continued, “Once, and only once. Took me by total surprise.”

  Nick swore under his breath.

  She gestured an erasing motion. “All in the past. No need to ever talk about it.”

  “Did you have him arrested?”

  “No. I left immediately and never looked back.”

  He straightened his shoulders and pounded his fist on the table. “Perhaps a meet and greet with someone more his size who would adjust his attitude.”

  She couldn’t help but smile. “You’re very gallant, Mr. Dalton, and I do appreciate the thought. But that’s not like you, either, is it?”

  “Of course not. I know violence is not the answer, to anything. But just so you know, I’d like to beat the hell out of him.”

  “Thank you for wanting to defend me. You are my hero.” She blew him a kiss across the table. “I only hope your friend Jennifer doesn’t have to experience any bad times with him.”

  “I doubt she’d stand for anyone making demands on her.” He shook his head. “As for taking any kind of abuse, that’s a no-brainer. Like you, Amanda, she’d be out of there faster than he could take his next breath and have him behind bars before he knew what happened.”

  She smiled and patted his arm. “I hope you’re right, Nick. Some women, no matter how much they excel in their jobs or how much bravado they appear to have, often blame themselves for the abusive actions of their partners. They’re rarely able to muster up the courage to leave. I think that in some irrational way, they consider themselves a failure and don’t want anyone to have that impression of them. Then one day, it’s too late.”

  His forehead wrinkled. “If this Michael guy is that dangerous, maybe we should warn her.”

  “She wouldn’t believe anything anyone had to say, anyway. They’re at the beginning of the relationship, and he’s probably on his best behavior.”

  “Bad memory or not, I don’t wish her any harm.”

  She agreed with him. “You indicated she’s spoiled, hardheaded, opinionated and controlling. All I can hope for, for her sake, is that she’s exactly what he needs to temper his lion within, if that’s even possible.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  As the weeks passed, Amanda and Nick became the hot topic of conversation among the staff. Whispers and questions about the couple’s future circulated daily. Every member of her “restaurant family” seemed delighted to see and feel her happiness again. Everyone except Charles, who didn’t hesitate to impose himself with his not-so-subtle hints of disapproval and displeasure.

  Each time Nick showed up, Charles managed to interrupt their time together with exaggerated excuses: “Amanda, you’re needed in the kitchen,” “Amanda, one of our regulars is requesting to visit with you,” “Amanda, please check in this order.”

  He had a knack for creating disruptions focusing on their brief daytime meetings. He even seemed to enjoy doing it. His fascination with “watching out for her welfare” wavered on the brink of obsessive-compulsive behavior. He even interfered when sales reps showed up to hawk their wares.

  One morning, before the restaurant opened or any of the staff arrived, he approached her. “I’m not sure about how to go about this, Mandy. But I guess I should just jump in.”

  She sighed and smiled, anticipating yet another one of his critiquing sessions focusing on Nick. “Okay, Charlie. What’s on your mind today?”

  “What do you know about this Nick Dalton character?”

  “I know enough about ‘this character,’ as you call him, and definitely want to know more about him, Charles.”

  “Don’t you think it too coincidental that he showed up right after Pete’s death?”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “No offense, Amanda, but why do you think he’s so interested in pursuing you?”

  “Probably because it’s an act of God. Plus I think he likes me. No, loves me.”

  “Well, Amanda, there’s nothing to not like about you. You’re an intelligent, beautiful young woman who happens to be very wealthy. That’s marriage bait for many men.”

  “Nick is financially secure in his own right, Charlie. You’re off base on that call. We have chemistry.” She felt her face warm over and paused. “You know what I mean.”

  An impish smile creased her lips.

  Throwing up his hands in total frustration, Charles shook his head and sighed. “This is about you, Amanda, not me. All I want to know is what you think your grandfather would say about this hormonal romance?”

  “Same thing he said about you and Sarah. He’d be thrilled that I, too, found someone who makes me happy.”

  Charles frowned. “Leave me and everyone else out of this discussion, Mandy. We’re talking about you and this Nick person.”

  She placed her coffee cup on the saucer. “You’re a dear friend, Charlie, and I love you like a big brother, you know that. But this is a part of my life that’s private, until I decide otherwise. Me and ‘this Nick person,’ as you so glibly refer to him, are off-limits to you.”

  “I’m only
looking out for your welfare.”

  “Yes, I believe you. But frankly, mind your own business.”

  Realizing his defeat, he added, “Okay, I get the message.”

  “You’re like Poppy in many ways, especially concerning me, and given the opportunity, you will be in my business as often as you can. Real big brother or not, how can I not love you and tolerate the loving meddling you’re offering?”

  “Just one more thing, and we’ll say no more.” He walked around the desk and stood in front of her. She looked straight into his eyes and said, “Nick is my once-forever.”

  “Ah ha,” he paused. “Now that’s a different story.” He leaned in and kissed the top of her head. “I’ve never heard you or Pete say that about anybody in your life. And believe me, I do understand finding one’s once-forever. Pete taught me well.”

  He caressed her cheek with the back of his hand. “Okay, Miss Amanda, I acquiesce. But, as your only family member, I want you to remember I’ll be keeping my eye on him.” A warm, loving smile crossed his face. “Please know I’m available any time, whether it’s to celebrate, discuss a problem—about Nick, or need me to have a man to man chat with him. I’m always here for you, Amanda.”

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Nick phoned Amanda from his office in Denver. “Phil Bristol asked me to help him prepare the bi-annual financial report. We’ll grab a quick bite to eat then probably work until midnight.”

  “I’ll miss not seeing you tonight, but since Charles asked to leave early, I’ll stay and take his shift.”

  “I’m sure Charles will appreciate it.”

  “Then, when I get home, I’ll soak in a nice hot bubble bath and head straight to bed.”

  “Speaking of turning in early, I’m going to crash at the company condo he and Nancy occasionally use for weekends in Denver.”

  “How convenient.”

  “It’s small, but centrally located. And on occasion, makes my life easier. Been thinking about buying one myself.”

  She told him how she sometimes missed her condo and living in the city.

  “Knowing that,” he said. “I’ll make it a priority to find one where we can get away for special weekends in the city. Fancy dinners, concerts, and of course, the ballet and theater. In the meantime, I’ve got to get a move on. Phil’s pacing around the office waiting for me. I’ll call you in the morning. Happy dreams, sweetness. Hope they’re all about me.”

  He turned his attention to Phil. After a couple of hours shuffling paperwork, reviewing monthly statements, double checking numbers, and organizing their thoughts, both men agreed it was time for dinner.


  “Mexican. Any objections?”

  Nick grabbed his jacket. “Not a one.”

  Phil headed toward the door. “Since I know a great place downtown called El Taco Rita. Come on, I’ll play chauffeur.”

  In a few minutes, they arrived at the restaurant. “If you’ve never been here, you’re in for a treat. Great food.”

  The dim lighting couldn’t hide the festive decorations. Nick checked out the main dining room—six booths lined the sides of the room, ten tables of various sizes filled the center of the space. A small alcove set off to the side of the serving bar housed two more tables.

  “Nothing fancy, Nick, but your taste buds will be forever grateful.”

  “This is a great location. I imagine they do a big lunch….” He paused, straining to see the small party of diners in the alcove. Will you look at that! Charles, Sarah and Jack Haliway meeting in this out-of-the-way spot. Must be important, huddled together as if it were a top-secret meeting. Maybe it is. Guess that’s why old Charlie wanted time off. Bet he’s up to no good. Probably didn’t mention this to Amanda. Nick decided he’d snoop around and see what he could find out.

  No sooner had the two men ordered their dinner when Jennifer Harmon came out of nowhere and made herself comfortable at their table. “Good evening, gentlemen.”

  “Are you following me, Jen?” Nick’s attempt at humor didn’t hide his annoyance.

  “Jennifer, what a surprise. What are you doing here?” Phil stood and kissed her cheek. “Sit and have a drink with us.” Then turning to Nick, he added, “You don’t mind, do you, Nick? We’ve all been friends for too long a time to miss a chance like this to reminisce about the good old days.”

  “Of course not.” Nick gestured for her to sit. I can’t imagine what this is all about. I’ll just play along,

  Once she’d settled in the booth, close to Nick, she ordered a margarita. “I’m here with Jack Haliway and some clients. We’re trying to generate additional support for the gambling project.”

  Nick wondered what that was all about and just how “good old” Charlie fit into things. He still didn’t trust him.

  Jennifer skootched even closer to him. “Still seeing the redhead?”

  Phil broke the tension. “Oh, you must mean Amanda, his latest. I hear she’s a beautiful redhead.”

  “Heard? You mean you haven’t met her yet?”

  “No, but I’m hoping to, real soon.”

  The tiny hairs on the back of Nick’s neck sprung to attention. He didn’t like his personal life being bantered about. Take it easy, Nick. Phil’s an old friend, and Jennifer is just being herself.

  After tasting her drink, Jennifer said, “You’re going to be charmed. She’s absolutely lovely. Isn’t she, Nicky?”

  He picked up his drink, ignored her question without facing her, but said, “Now, Jennifer, let’s not pretend to be interested in my private life.”

  “Oh, don’t worry about that, Nicky. I’m too busy with my own love life to have time to keep tabs on anyone else. Besides, my only interest in the lovely Amanda is purely business.”

  He flashed her puzzled look, ignored the love-life statement and asked, “Business problems for Amanda?”

  Jennifer took two full gulps of her margarita.

  “I don’t think so. Just a situation her business might be involved in.” She gulped down another mouthful. “I’m sure her dear Uncle Jack will take care of the details when the time comes.”

  She chugged the rest of her drink, rose, bent over and kissed Phil smack on the lips. “See you later at my office.” She wiggled her fingers at Nick. “Ta. Ta.” She then headed straight toward the clandestine meeting in the alcove.

  Appalled by her behavior, Nick asked, “You’re not involved with her, are you, Phil?”

  “No way, bud,” he vehemently protested. “I have a last-minute meeting with her, Haliway and my dad later tonight. That’s all. Nothing else.”

  “That’s not what she inferred, is it?”

  “You know her, Nick. That’s just Jennifer being Jennifer. Besides, I think all that was for your benefit, not mine.”

  He shrugged. “She did tell me she had a new someone special in her life. Know anything about that?”

  “Haven’t heard a word. But I did pick up a hint of jealousy over Amanda.”

  Nick shook his head. “Are you kidding me? Jealous of what? We went our separate ways years ago.”

  “Some people hang on to the past no matter where they appear to be in their lives.”

  “I guess.”

  After their hurried dinner, Phil checked his watch. “It’s already eight-thirty, Nick. Let’s plan on another hour then call it quits. I do have another meeting. We can finish up tomorrow morning.”

  On the way to the car, Nick took the opportunity to thank Phil for hiring him. “Quality Foods has proven to be the job for me. I like the route, the people, the hours, and I’m making good money. You’re a great boss.”

  “The thanking door swings both ways. So far this year, you’ve generated more business than any other rep.” He gave Nick a thumbs-up sign. “You’ve become a valuable asset to me, in more ways than you’ll ever know.”

  They shook hands, then Phil added, “So as I see it, I’m your friend, your boss, and now your personal cupid.”


  “Well, didn’t I hire you? Didn’t I lead you to Italian Farmhouse? Wasn’t that where you and Amanda reconnected? Aren’t I Cupid in disguise?”

  Nodding, Nick laughed. “You’re funny, too.”

  “Speaking of Amanda, why haven’t I met her yet? You’re not afraid I’ll expose some of your secrets, are you?”

  “You know I don’t have any secrets.”

  “All the same, why not bring her over for dinner when I get back from Vegas next week? Nancy and I both want to meet the woman who took Nick Dalton down.”

  “Took me down?” he asked as they opened the car door.

  “Yeah. You know, ambushed. You’ve been a bachelor for too long now. In addition, my ‘love meter’ indicates that there’s more to this relationship than just dating…perhaps a wedding in the picture. Maybe I should be offering congratulations?”

  Burning heat rose on him from the neck up. “Slow down, partner. Congratulations are not necessary, yet. We’re still getting to know each other.”

  “Gotcha. Just can’t admit it. That’s okay, but take heed to what I’m saying, friend. Married men know all the signs and symptoms. You haven’t got a chance. It’s a done deal.”

  “I’m not denying my feelings for her. So if and when there’s any breaking news, you’ll be one of the first to know.”

  Phil laughed. “There’s an old song that says it all, my boy. ‘A Man Chases a Girl Until She Catches Him.’ And from where I’m sitting, you’re caught.”

  After a few stories about him and Nancy, Phil offered, “Don’t fight it. If it feels right, go for it!”

  Nick slipped inside his thoughts wondering if he should go through with his plan to ask Amanda to marry him. He had to admit it did feel right. In fact, perfect.

  Phil’s next comment took him off-guard.

  “Who knows, Nick? Maybe you can convince her to sell the business and just be Mrs. Nick Dalton. Bet she’d get a pretty penny for it.”

  “The sale of her family business, under any circumstance, would be totally up to her. Personally, I think it’d be difficult for her to let it go. It’s one of those undefinable connections she has to her grandfather.”


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