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Matters of the Heart

Page 18

by Helen Colella

  Jennifer focused on Nick. “Right about us knowing each other and being close.” She winked at Nick. “As for wishing him happiness, well, of course, it wouldn’t be anything else, would it, Nicky?” She flashed Amanda a condescending glance and added, “I’m happy for both of you.”

  With the grace of royalty, Amanda enthusiastically thanked her then offered a pleasant acknowledgement to her social standing, as well. “I understand you have a new man in your life these days. Surely, you wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize that, especially if someone mistakenly interpreted your actions to be somewhat objectionable in nature.”

  Jen reached over to the kitchen island, grabbed a bottle of wine, and filled her glass to the brim. “Oops.”

  She leaned over, sipped it until it was safe to pick up, and then took several gulps. “That’s kind of true. There is someone in my life.” She paused and checked her watch. “Michael should be on his way. He had business out of town and couldn’t break the appointment, so we planned to meet me here.”

  Michael. The hairs on the back of Amanda’s neck prickled. A wave of nausea passed over her. In that instant, her headache pain exploded. Michael. She had to leave before he showed up. The mood she was in might prove embarrassing for all of them. And if Jennifer found out about her connection to Michael, who knows what would be exposed.

  Nick’s reaction was polite. “I’ll finally meet this mystery man you’ve talked about, Jen.”

  He glanced toward Amanda as soon as he realized what he’d said. She stood with her eyes closed. He reached for her hand and whispered in her ear. “So sorry, sweetheart. It just popped out. Let’s say our goodnights and get out of here a.s.a.p.”

  She nodded her approval.

  Jennifer stepped next to Amanda and lowered her voice. “I don’t want you to think Nick and I have anything to hide even though we did spend an evening together.”

  Hold it together, Amanda. Don’t let her get away with this nonsense again. You’ll be out of here in a few minutes. It’s almost over. You’re practically out the door. She glanced up at Nick and held his gaze but spoke to Jen. “You must mean the night of the blizzard when your car broke down and you showed up at the condo? Yes, I heard all about it.”

  Somewhat annoyed, Jennifer shifted from one foot to the other. “I hope he told you everything.”

  “Why wouldn’t he?” Amanda’s eyes narrowed with sarcasm. “Just as I’m sure you told your gentleman friend. Michael, right?”

  Jennifer ignored Amanda’s question and sauntered away into another room.

  She let out a sigh that sounded like a balloon losing air. “Nick, let’s just go. Please.”

  They thanked Nancy and Phil for the wonderful evening of celebrating their good news then said their goodnights to everyone else. Then before getting their coats, Amanda sought out Jack Haliway.

  “I came across some papers belonging to Poppy. Something about gambling, silent partners, buyouts, and a few other things. All notes are cryptic. I couldn’t make sense out of anything. Do you have any ideas?”

  “Can’t say off the top of my head, Mandy. I’d have to read them over. If you want, why not come down to the office when you get a chance. I’d be happy to sort things out for you.”

  She gave him a farewell hug. “I’m going to have Nick look them over first, and if he can’t make sense, I’ll call and make an appointment with you, Uncle Jack.”

  “Perfect.” Then turning to Nick, he added, “Take care of my girl, young man.”

  They left immediately.

  Amanda hastened to get her coat in silence. All she wanted was to get into a safe space. This party, the unnerving conversation she’d overheard, Jennifer’s antics, and the thought of Nick being involved in some maniacal plot against her was overwhelming. Her mind raced. Her emotions reached overload. She felt like she’d explode any minute.

  Run, Amanda. Run.

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  “I’m glad you gave her a piece of your mind. Maybe she’ll back off now.”

  “I didn’t have much of a choice, did I?”

  “I like your feisty spirit, Mandy. Is that a sign of what lies ahead for me?”

  She didn’t appreciate his jesting. “Not likely. I’ll defend my opinions, but it’ll never escalate to a verbal brawl.”

  “I’ll be on the alert, that’s for sure.” He gave her a quick kiss. “All kidding aside, Mandy, you were great. You came out swinging—with class.”

  She shook her head. “I’m not proud of how I reacted, Nick. I’m not into any kind of a cat-fight. I would have rather not had that encounter, but she pushed me one time too far, and I had to defend myself.”

  He kissed her forehead. “Whatever it was, it was fun to watch. Sexy, too.”

  He opened the door of his truck and waited for her to get in.

  “Fun? Sexy?” She stared at him. “You thought that was fun. You like women fighting over you, do you?”

  He closed the door and hustled around to the driver’s side. “What man doesn’t?”

  “Maybe it’s entertaining for an observer, but not for the participants. No one wins, and those involved only appear to be catty and tacky. I should have known better.”

  He started up the engine and turned up the heater. “On the contrary, you did what was called for and came across, crisp and clear.”

  “Let me make another crisp and clear point, Nick.” She took a deep breath. “I can guarantee you’ll never see me act like that again.”

  He revved the engine. “Ouch.”

  She gasped. “Listen, Nick. Jennifer has a lot of problems. From what I gather, I’d say somebody hurt her, badly. That’s why she’s so uncontrollable.” Looking up at him, she asked, “Did you do that to her? Did you make her bitter?”

  “No, no, no,” he protested. “When we were hanging out together, she was the same way. I thought all women were like her. Then I met you, and my perspective on the female mystique took on a new persona.” He drew her close. “One that showed me how a relationship should unfold and what it means to love and be loved by someone special.”

  “I’d have to say those were life-changing words, Nick. I hope you understand the consequences of uttering them.”

  “On that note, I think it’s time we leave.” He eased his vehicle out onto the road toward her house. After a few minutes, he pointed out that she’d seem to have been a little on edge most of the night. “Want to talk about it?”

  “I don’t think so. Not tonight. I have to sort out a few things for myself first. Okay?”

  “No, Amanda, it’s not okay. You’ve been squirrely all night, inferred I’m an insensitive, lying clod, and accused me of being a liar.” His resentment came across loud and clear. “I think we do need to talk this out. If we can’t do this now, what kind of a marriage will we have?”

  Oh, Nick, I hope you are every bit who you espouse to be. She didn’t want Charles to be right. What would she do? She couldn’t handle losing another person she loved. And I do love you, Nick.

  He didn’t press her for any conversation until they’d pulled into her driveway. “Well, Amanda, do you have anything to say?”

  She held back her tears. “Are you coming in?”

  “Think I’ll take a rain-check. I’m kind of beat. Besides, you’re pre-occupied and seem to need some alone-time.” When she didn’t respond he said, “Let’s just call it a night.”

  He stretched across her to open the door. She clenched his arm.

  “Oh, Nick. I’m sorry I can’t bring myself to tell you….” She couldn’t finish her thought or hold back her tears any longer.

  “Wow.” He gently wiped them away. “That bad, is it?”

  “I-don’t-know.” She gulped, struggling with her answer.

  “Are you upset over Jennifer’s stunt tonight?”

  With her thumb and index finger, she indicated a little. “Watching her deliberate seduction scene with you made me feel insignificant.”

  “Not to me, A
manda. Not ever. I love you. You’re my world.” He caressed her hair.

  “But that’s the point, Nick. I shouldn’t have had to do that. It was so out of character for me.”

  “That well may be, but you were great, and she needed someone to pull her up short. Besides, you know she’s all performance—shock value, nothing else.”

  “I don’t understand why she wants to place a wedge between us. Surely, she’s smart enough to know you’re not interested.” She fiddled with her ring. “You’re not, are you?”

  “Amanda. Amanda. Amanda. That’s the craziest idea you’ve come up since I’ve known you. What am I going to do with you?” He reached for her ring hand and gently waved it in front of her. “Do you think I’d ask you to be my wife if that were a possibility?”

  “Truth?” She paused. “I don’t know what to think, Nick.”

  Deep frown lines creased his forehead. “Damn, Amanda, maybe I better come in and we straighten this out, right away.”

  He opened his door, hurried around to her side, and reached to help her out.

  “It’s not only Jen. It’s other stuff, too.”

  “This is sounding all too serious. Let’s see if we can figure out what’s upsetting you so and causing these doubts and fears.”

  * * *

  While he put a few logs on the fire, she went and took some ibuprofen. Before long, they were sitting comfortably in front of the fireplace.

  “Now,” he said with a deliberate tone. “Let’s start with the most important issue: you and me. Do we have a problem?”

  “I’m not sure.”

  “Not sure you want to be with me? Not sure you love me? Not sure you want to marry me?”

  “It’s not any of that! I love you more than I can say. And I do want to marry you, but….”

  “That ‘but’ doesn’t have a good connotation to it. Mind telling me what it means?”

  She opened her mouth to speak, but second thoughts prevented her from saying anything.

  He inhaled deeply then exhaled a worried sigh. “It’s obvious this is hard for you, and I can understand that. But if we’re going to be husband and wife, you’ve got to trust me. Trust me so much that you tell me anything, no matter how bizarre, serious or devastating you think it is. We can and will work it out—the operative word here being we.”

  After a few seconds, she whispered, “I don’t know where to begin.”

  “Give it your best shot. We’ll piece it together and try to make sense of it. Okay?”

  She nodded. “Wait one moment. I want to get something from the kitchen first.”

  She dashed to retrieve the papers she’d dropped in her catch-all-basket on the counter and placed them on the sofa between them. “These are a part of the puzzle, too.”

  He reached for them. “The ones from your grandfather’s desk you wanted me to check out for you?”

  She nodded. “Before you read them, Nick, let me try to explain where I’m coming from.”

  “Whatever makes it easier for you. I’m not going anywhere until we get a handle on what the problem may be.” He gave her hair an affectionate tug. “Now, tell me why you believe there’s something unusual going on and why you think I’m involved. Okay?”

  “Only if you listen with an open mind and not interrupt until I’m done.”


  “There have been so many unusual coincidences in my life lately, I’m beginning to think I’m paranoid. I’ve tried to make sense of it all, but it’s so overwhelming. I can’t get past go, yet the mounting apprehension and my sixth sense is sending me a warning. I feel I’m being compromised—even placed in danger. I can’t put my finger on what it is yet. I’ve been looking for the missing link—that something to connect all the loose ends. I may have discovered it, but I’m not ready to accept it. That’s my problem. I don’t want who I think it is being the force directing these suspicious events.”

  Nick stood and blurted out, “Sorry, Amanda, I can’t let that one go without a response.” He sat close to her. His deep concerned gaze seemed to be searching her psyche. “And you’re thinking I’m the ‘who’ of this missing link?”

  She turned away. “Maybe,” she whispered.

  “Maybe! What does that mean?” His sharp reply jolted her back into his gaze.

  “I don’t know what that means,” she mumbled. “I just know what I overheard tonight, and I didn’t like it.”

  “Exactly what did you hear?”

  She took a deep breath and without looking at him said, “You were their ‘ace in the hole.’”

  “Sweetheart, I don’t have any idea what that’s supposed to mean or why it was even said. If you do, please tell me.”

  “I don’t know either, but it sounded... menacing, and I felt threatened.”

  Nick pulled back, totally thrown off balance at what Amanda inferred.

  “By me?” He shook his head, leaned close to her and cradled her face in his hand. “Look at me, Amanda. Really look at me.”

  After a few seconds, he gently placed his hand behind her head, slowly eased her close, and kissed her with such a deep passion, she had to push him away to catch her breath.

  “Is that a menacing threat?” he whispered. “I love you. How could you, and why would you doubt me?”

  She couldn’t answer. She was still reeling from his kiss. How could she have ever doubted him? Tears trickled down her cheeks, but she managed a hushed response. “No menacing threat from you at all. I should have known better, but it was all overwhelming and confusing.”

  He held her until her tears subsided. When he felt, she had settled down he asked, “Are you sure that kiss was totally non-threatening?” he teased. “I hoped you’d not only understand my message, but maybe feel an urgency to want follow your natural instincts.”

  Her loving gaze said more than she did with her, “No comment at this time.”

  “Figures.” He gave her a quick peck. “Now for the record, I’m not anyone’s ace-in-the-hole or missing link.”

  “Yes. I believe you, Nick.”

  “Good!” Pleased he’d made his point, he continued, “I’ve told you there’s never been another woman in my life that’s made a difference. I meant it then, and I mean it now. I love you, Amanda Conifer! I would never do anything to jeopardize you or our relationship.”

  She nodded her agreement.

  “Now that we’ve settled the most serious problem of all, and we have, haven’t we?” He knew her answer and kept going. “Tell me the rest of the story, but please remember that we’re in this together. And we will find a solution and take the appropriate action needed.”

  She began her account of all the events that had led to her current fears and anxieties she couldn’t stop. The list was long. It covered the condo attack, Poppy’s sudden death, and Michael Tremont’s strange reappearance in her life. She mentioned Jennifer’s connection to him and the Farmhouse. Next, she talked about the Bristols’ condo at Aspen Peaks Complex and their long-time association with Poppy. At this point, she stopped and took a deep breath then continued with Jack Haliway and Charles.

  “You didn’t let anyone escape the scenario, did you?”

  She shrugged. “And you, Nick, are connected with everyone involved. What was I supposed to think?”

  He listened intently. By the time she finished, he agreed there were too many coincidences to ignore.

  “Then you don’t think I’m blowing this out of proportion?”

  He shook his head. “No. There is a peculiarity surrounding your theory.”

  “That’s a relief, Nick. I thought I was paranoid.”

  “You’re just fine, Mandy. I’m not sure what’s behind this, but when I see how upset you are, I know I’ll have to investigate.”

  She handed him the folder with the papers she’d found in Poppy’s desk. “Here’s another bit of strangeness. None of this makes sense, either.”

  He read the information. “Hmmm. This is turning into a real myste

  “Thank you for believing me.”

  He tossed the folder onto the coffee table, refocused on her, and promised to try to find the underlying cause of it all. Then in his inimitable style, he offered her a challenge. “But for now,” he paused, searched her face absorbing all her beauty and added, “Are you sure that kiss was totally non-threatening?” he teased.

  “I’m sure it wasn’t menacing. I’d categorize it as sensual, engaging and poignant. All of which sent a different message.”

  Pulling her close, he whispered, “That’s exactly what I hoped you’d feel.”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck. “It worked.”

  “Hmmm,” he said and kissed the tip of her nose. “I think it’s time we work on that message and take this cooperative resolution to a new level.”

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Early the next morning, Nick skillfully moved about the kitchen. He set the table with red and green placemats and holiday china, made a fresh pot of coffee that filled the house with its aroma, flipped and stacked pancakes, and browned the sausage. Turning his over-easy eggs, he caught sight of Amanda at the doorway.

  “Perfect timing, Mandy. Breakfast is ready. Sit yourself down and enjoy.”

  “It looks and smells wonderful, but you’ve made enough for company. Are you hosting a brunch?” She laughed. “Who’s going to eat all this food?”

  “Me and you.” He pulled out a chair, facing the backyard that overlooked the freshly snow-blanketed wooded greenbelt area that separated her land from Ponderosa Estates. “Better come and get it while it’s hot.”

  He poured her a cup of coffee when she sat down.

  During breakfast, they briefly revisited their conversation of the night before, both still concerned with the possibility that there may be something strange going on, and both in agreement they needed to be more observant.

  “I’ve come up with an idea I’d like to pursue, Amanda. Can I borrow the files you showed me last night?”

  “Of course. I want your input. Care to share?”

  He shook his head. “Not yet. I’m going to do a little private eye work of my own and consult with a third party. But I want to review the documents again before I go any further.”


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