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Syren's Pride

Page 3

by Jennah Thornhill

  “No noise, remember?” I warn her.

  A mumble of some sorts comes from her lips, but I can’t make out what she’s saying. Instead I continue to stretch her by adding a third finger, only causing her to whimper even more. Making her squirm and quietly pant in her seat, my hand starts to move vigorously beneath the table. Even the tablecloth couldn’t hide what we were doing, but right now, I don’t give two fucks.

  Her orgasm is mine and mine alone.

  Chapter Five


  What in God's name was I doing?

  I’m at a friend’s wedding for crying out loud. Yet I’m allowing him to plow his fingers into me, no matter who could see us.

  In this moment, I’d let him strip me bare and let the entire room watch. It’s that hot. That's how he makes me feel. I have no shame in my current state. I’m on the cusp of orgasming in a room full of people and I love it. I want to turn and look at him. I want to see the look he has in his eyes when he knows he’s got me where he wants me, but I don’t. I know if I do, he’ll stop and I can’t have that. Not when I can see the finish line fast approaching.

  Holding on to the table and chair for dear life, I bite the inside of my cheek so hard the metallic taste of blood is on my tongue. Yet, I don’t stop him, I physically can’t. The minute he touches me, I hand over all control to him and submit to his every whim. I’ve always been a strong, independent woman, but with him I lose all sense of that. I’m a complete mess of hormones and lust.

  The feel of him curving his fingers inside of me has me going rigid in my seat. My orgasm is going to be explosive. I’m trying to prepare myself for the onslaught it's going to take on my body when Max whispers in my ear, “Let it go Queen Bea, I’ve got you.”

  With that said, he takes my hand from where I’m holding on tight to the chair, allowing me to squeeze his hand as the orgasm builds to the point of no return. My stomach muscles tighten along with my thighs, as the euphoria takes over my body and I come rather spectacular all over his fingers. I try to hide the fact I'm panting and breathless, only I fail miserably and the quick sharp breaths leave my mouth against my will.

  Without warning, Max kisses me, capturing any remaining little moans that try to get past my lips.

  “Delicious.” He says against my mouth before he pulls away, leaving me a puddle of mush in my seat. When his fingers leave my drenched underwear, he slips them between his own lips and sucks on them, before pulling them back out with a distinctive pop.

  “Always so sweet, my Queen Bea. Just like honey.”

  Throwing me a flirty wink, he vacates his seat, giving me a quick peck on the cheek. Leaving me sitting there totally flabbergasted.

  What the fuck just happened?

  I continue to sit there with my mouth hanging open, how could I just let him do that to me then walk away?

  Because you love him. A voice in the recess of my mind whispers to me.

  “Your drooling, woman. Sort yourself out will ya? You look like you’ve just been thoroughly fucked.” Allie so crassly says, as she plonks her delectable rear in the space Max just left.

  Trust that bitch to notice something was up.

  Finally picking my jaw up from the floor, I swallow hard before I turn my head in her direction.

  “Oh Allie, you have no idea, girl. I’m fucked alright and I have a very bad feeling it’s not going to end up with me having a smile on my face at the end of it.”

  Slamming a fist on the table, I hear a growl come from the tiny woman sitting beside.

  “What in god's name did that knobhead do now? I swear to all things holy, I’ll rip his dick off and feed it to him, oh so very slowly and I'm going enjoy every minute of it.”

  There isn’t any sarcasm in her tone, no sign she’s joking at all. She would actually do it. She may be small, but this woman would fight to the death for her friends and family. Let me put it this way, I wouldn’t like meet her in a dark alleyway. She’d rip your head clean off and she’d show no mercy at the same time. That is why I cannot tell her what just happened, if only for Max’s safety.

  “He didn’t do anything, Al. It’s all me. I’m just not feeling quite like myself at the minute.” I quickly tell her.

  Taking my hand in both of her small ones, she holds them to her chest at the same time she looks me square in the eyes and softly says, “As long as you’re okay? You're one of us, no matter what. We look after our own Bea, if he hurts you in any way, I will hurt him for you. No questions asked. I don’t care if he’s a brother to the guys or if he saved Johnny's life. You are more important to me.”

  Tears fill my eyes before a lone tear falls from my lashes and on to my cheek, I can’t stop it. My emotions are all over the place right now.

  “Oh Bea, what’s going on? You can talk to me any time, I’m here for you, always.”

  This time her voice is full of sympathy. Even her eyes have gone all soft. They are no longer filled with the anger she was expressing a few moments ago. Taking my hand from her clutches, I swiftly wipe the wetness from my cheek, giving my snotty nose a rub at the same time.

  So bloody unladylike.

  I inhale a deep breath to calm my silliness, because that's what I’m being; bloody silly.

  When I’ve pulled my shit together, I lie to my friend, and it’s not something I relish in doing.

  “Honestly, Al. I’m fine, I’m just being stupid and over emotional, please just ignore me. I’ll be okay in a minute.”

  The second those words leave my mouth, I pick my drink up and empty the clear liquid of vodka down my throat. Swallowing it all in one go, the sharp burn hitting my chest, but it hits the spot just where I need it too. Standing slowly from my seat, testing my legs first before I move them. I realise they aren’t as jellified as I expected them to be and they are actually capable of getting me out of this place. I can’t take no more of this lovey dovey bollocks. I want some loud music and a bottle of vodka before I pass out on my bed. I want to forget just for one night, that he doesn’t take up my every waking thought. Sometimes the bastard doesn’t even leave me alone in my dreams.

  Giving the chair a push back so I can slide out, I give Allie a small pat on the head before reassuring her again.

  “Al, please don’t worry. I’m fine and dandy. I promise.”

  Without giving her chance to stop me, I walk away from the table and away from the mushy shit that’s going on. Leaving the ballroom behind me, I notice there is no sign of Max anywhere. In fact, I don’t even know where he went when he left me at the table.

  Fuck him. I'm not chasing after him, if he wants me, he can come and find me.

  Two hours later, I’m still perched on a stool at one of the other bars I found in the hotel. I’m ten sheets to the wind with no signs of Max coming for me like I had secretly hoped he would. I’ve drank my body weight in Vodka and things are beginning to spin.

  Time for bed me thinks.

  Stumbling to my feet, I open my clutch bag and slap some cash on the wooden bar top, before I stagger my way to the elevator. Hoping I don't fall flat on my face.

  Chapter Six


  Watching her come apart from my fingers alone, whilst he stood and watched, had me almost blowing my load in my trousers like some randy teenager.

  Fuck my life.

  Once I was done, I had to get out of there. I know I hurt her by just getting up and leaving. The expression on her face said it all, but with the smell of her still on my skin, I needed him. I needed him to satisfy my other craving. I know if I had stayed, I would have pushed her further and shown her a side of me that even she has never seen.

  After giving him a silent nod, I made my way to my hotel suite, knowing full well I wouldn’t be alone for long. My hands were itching to get him away from prying eyes. To a place where we could be together, just me and him. Where no-one would judge me, no-one would think I was disgusting, or would look at me and think I
wasn’t normal, I’m not like them. I’m not a straightforward man, where man meets woman, woman meets man and they fall in love and live happily ever fucking after like the rest of the guys. I mean what the fuck am I doing? I’ve just had my fingers in Billie’s wet cunt making her come undone, and now, all I can think about is how much I wanna get my hands-on Vin. Rip his damn clothes off with just my teeth. I’m greedy, that’s what I am. I’m not satisfied with just the female body I want a men’s body to, every single bit of it. I am disgusting. I’m a disgusting human-being for doing just that alone. I feel like I’m using people. I’m not, I like them both. Yet I know I shouldn’t. One of them is going to end up hurt, neither them nor me know which one.

  You’re probably thinking that I should give the people who have been my whole life for over a decade a bit more credit, but the thing is, I know they would be okay with it. They’re all open-minded people. We all support each other through thick and thin. It’s just I know they’ll want me to be open about it in public. Which is something I still can’t do. They would also tell me that they won’t care about the press. That we’ve been through worse, but I’m not willing to risk it. Not yet, if ever.

  Connor nearly lost everything because he had a drug problem. I can’t even begin to imagine what they would do to us if they found out about my sexual preferences. A drug habit can be fixed, being bi-sexual can’t. It’s something you are, not something you have. It can’t be fixed with therapy or medication. If people don’t understand that, then it’s career suicide coming out to the world.

  Entering my suite quickly and discreetly, I throw my jacket on a chair in the corner of the room before going in search of my deodorant. I stink, plain and simple, but I don't have time to shower now. Heading into the bathroom, I find my can of Lynx and pull the buttons open on my shirt. Just as I'm spraying the refreshing smell, I hear a knock on my door. Not one to leave a man waiting or risk getting caught, I place the deodorant on the bathroom side and rush to open it. I'm not a nervous man normally, but right now I quivering mess. Especially after my little performance downstairs with Billie.

  Leaving my shirt hanging open, I swing the door open to a smirking Vin.

  I suddenly start to panic, thinking that he was followed up here. So much so, I found myself leaning the top half of my body over the threshold, pushing him back with one hand before looking left then right down the corridor. I know I’m being stupid, Liam's hired the whole place out just for his wedding, but you can never be too cautious.

  Chuckling slightly at my paranoia I hear Vin say, “Chill, Max. It’s my job to make sure there aren’t any weirdos about remember?”

  Knowing he’s right, I stand straight and smile at his cocky remark.


  “Just get in here will you before someone sees you.” I say, as I grab the lapels of his jacket and yank him through the open door, before slamming it shut again and shoving him up against the hardwood.

  Not once do I let go of the material I have bunched in my hands.

  “You best watch that sarcastic mouth of yours.” I warn.

  “Oh yeah? Why what are you going to do about it if I don’t?

  To prove a point and on instinct, my lips crash against his. Effectively shutting him up. Running my tongue along the outline of his mouth. I tease him slowly before I push my tongue past the seam of his lips and stroke his tongue with mine. The taste of him is divine, it’s like no other I’ve ever tasted before. It’s addictive, he’s addictive.

  Pulling my lips away from him, I place my forehead against his whilst I catch my breath back. Every time we do this, things intensify, my feelings grow that little bit stronger.

  “Mmm, someone needed that I see?” He questions, his breath tickling my lips as he speaks.

  At six-foot-two inches I’m tall, but Vin has a few inches on me. Yet somehow, he allows me to take what I want, what I need from him.

  Right now, I both want and need him.

  Clenching and unclenching the material of his jacket I still haven’t let go of, I pull him away from the door and walk backwards through my suite until I reach the bedroom.

  Finally letting go of him, I shrug my shirt from my shoulders, letting it slip down my arms and onto the carpet at my feet.

  “Did you enjoy watching me get Billie off in public?”

  I just come out with it, knowing full well he did, yet needing him to tell me himself.

  Only he doesn’t utter a single word in response to my question. Instead he stands before me and strips until he’s naked as the day he was born. His clothes are thrown all over the bedroom where he has discarded them with no fucks given.

  My eyes track slowly down his body taking every line, every muscle that he has. Committing it all to memory for the days and nights we can’t be together. Coming to a halt my wandering eyes stay fixated on the solid erection that is pointed right in my line of sight.

  With his hands on his muscular, yet very defined hips. He jerks them forward with a smirk on his face.

  “What do you think?”

  “I think, you need to get over here and give me a rather good telling off for teasing you.” I throw him a cheeky grin, just as he closes the gap between us and taking my face in his hands.

  “Oh, I have every intention of making you suffer. Now, get on your knees.”

  Not one to argue with him, I do as I’m told and take what he gives me gladly.

  With all the sucking, licking, and fucking, we’ve totally lost all concept of time. We’re now two hot sweaty messes lying side by side on the king-sized bed with our fingers entwined with one another's.

  “I should go back downstairs before anyone notices I’ve gone.” Vin declares, but the tone of his voice tells me he would rather do anything but that.

  Looking to the bedside table, I snatch my phone up and see the time.

  “It’s gone eleven, I doubt anyone will be able to see anything by now. Let alone notice that you aren’t there.” I tell him.

  “That is very true, I have my phone anyway if they need me someone will call me.”


  Rolling over onto my side, I prop my head up on my hand and lean on my elbow, my body hovering slightly over his.

  “So, where were we?”

  I don’t give him chance answer, instead I kiss him softly and with passion.

  We both suddenly freeze when there is a knock at the door.

  “Leave it, they’ll go away eventually.” He whispers against my lips.

  Going back to kissing each other, we ignore the pounding on my door. That is until my phone starts blaring the ring tone I have set for Billie - Ed Sheeran's Happier fills the room. That’s when the gut-wrenching feeling starts in my stomach. If I’m honest with myself, my stomach has actually fell out of my arse. I know it’s her on the other side of the door and she won’t be going away any time soon. It’s my own fault, I should have known she would come and curse me out for what I did earlier. She’s not one to just lie down and take my shit.

  She can’t see Vin.

  I have to get rid of her.

  Chapter Seven


  Staggering out the lift when it finally reaches the floor, we’re all staying on, I have a light bulb moment and decide I’m not going to let him treat me the way he has done tonight. Not anymore.

  It’s time I have a few words with Mr Maxwell Lymer.

  Standing in front of the closed doors of the lift, I try to remember which way his room is. After pointing right and left with my fingers a few times, I turn left and pray I’m not going to get lost and start banging on the wrong door.

  With my heels hanging from my fingertips and my clutch bag under my arm, I continue with my staggering along the narrow corridor. Squinting my eyes at the door numbers as I pass each one.

  Reaching suite two hundred and sixteen, I’m pretty certain it’s his. I start to knock on the door. When after a few moments no-o
ne as answers, I open my bag and take my phone out.

  If he thinks he can hide from me, he can think again.


  Quickly scrolling through my contacts, I find his number that I programmed into my phone under Big Knob and press the green button. When it starts to ring, I pull it away from my ear when I hear a song playing in the distance.

  He is in there.

  Letting it ring off, I start pounding on the door, only now with more force.

  “I know you’re in there Max. I can hear your phone through the door. Now let me the fuck in.”

  My banging on the door starts again. Just as my fist is about to connect with the wood again the door cracks open and there, the arsehole stands. Through the small crack I can tell he’s not wearing any clothes, which makes my blood start to boil.

  How dare he?

  How dare he have me in the palm of his hand downstairs one minute, then bring some skank back to his room for a further rumble in the sheets?

  I can feel my cheeks getting redder by the second from my anger.

  “What’s up Bea? I was sleeping.” He even tops it off with a yawn that I know is totally fake.

  I’m not buying this shit, not even a little bit. He can treat me as if I’m stupid all he wants. I’m about to show him I’m anything but.

  Dropping my heels to the floor, I catch him off guard whilst he’s giving me another one of his fake yawns and push the door open further, putting all my weight behind me so he can’t stop me.

  “What the fuck, Billie. What are you doing? I told you I was sleeping, you can’t just barge in here like this.”

  The bastard has the audacity to carry on his charade that he was ‘just sleeping.’

  He’s talking utter bollocks and I don’t believe him for one damn second.

  “Sleeping? Really Max? Since when did you sleep stark bollock naked? Even I know you only sleep naked when you’ve been fucking. Do you really think I was stupid enough to let you do what you did to me downstairs then let you just walk away? Huh?”


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