Syren's Pride

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Syren's Pride Page 8

by Jennah Thornhill

  Connor and Johnny don’t say anything to her, their gasps of shock were enough.

  Sliding from the stool, I stride straight up to her and with one hand I take a hold of her face and stroke her cheek with my thumb. At the same time with the other I hold her in place by the back of her neck, wincing slightly when pain shoots up my hand from what I think are my broken fingers. Without any hesitation on either of our parts, we come together is a mass of lips and tongue. Both of us fighting for what we don’t know, reassurance maybe? Either way, right now it’s just us two and everyone else is just a blur.

  “Erm, yeah. We’re gonna leave you two pair of love birds alone now, as long as your both okay?” Johnny says, as he and Connor try to slide past us in the doorway.

  Me and Billie both mumble something that resembles a goodbye to them, neither one of us really caring. We’re too lost in each other right now. That is until we hear a distinctive cough coming from behind Billie. I don’t need to look to see who it is and neither does Billie.

  Pulling apart our mouths, we lean our foreheads against each other’s. Looking each other in the eyes as a silent agreement passes between us and we both whisper, “Together,” at one another. Taking a deep breath, Billie peels herself out of my clutches and turns around to face Vin.

  He’s hurt, it’s written as clear as day all over his face. We’ve just shared an intimate moment and he wasn’t a part of it when he should have been. Regret churns at the pit of my stomach, especially when I see one lone tear glide down his cheek. Holding on to her shoulders as a sign of support when in reality I’m holding on to her to keep me upright, I go to say something… anything to comfort him, but I don’t get the chance when he gets in there first.

  “Please tell me that what I heard you just say isn’t true?”

  His question is clearly aimed at Billie. I’ve never seen this man show this much emotion, looking at him you would think he wasn’t capable of it.

  I guess he’s just proved me wrong.

  Chapter Eighteen


  Sometimes this job sucks donkey dick.

  The guys have kept me on my toes I’ll give them that for the years I’ve worked for them.

  The thing is, I never once thought I would end up here.

  In love.

  With not one, but two people. One being one of my bosses.

  I started this job because I could get in and get out. Job done, right?


  I got it oh so very wrong.

  Getting the call from Connor to get my arse to Max’s sharpish almost killed me. The thoughts I had running through my head don’t even bare thinking about. I swear to god, I broke every traffic law possible in my race to get here and make sure he was okay. What I found when I walked in almost had me losing my stomach on his pristine carpet.


  Blood everywhere.

  Panic seized me, but I had to keep it professional until I knew he was okay. When Connor and Johnny dragged some rough, middle-aged looking dude out of Max’s living room my whole body sagged in relief. That was until I saw the state of his face.

  Did Max do that?

  Surely not.

  “Make sure Tim and Gary take him somewhere. We don’t care where, just get him out of here and as far away as possible. He can’t show up here ever again. It’s your job to make sure he doesn’t.” Connor instructs me when he comes back into the house after dumping the bloke in the back of the waiting Range Rover. Giving him a sharp nod of my head in understanding, I head out to the front door but stop instantly in my tracks. I have to know who he is first and that Max is okay.

  “Not one to poke my nose in, but who is he? Is anyone else hurt?” I keep my voice steady and strong the best I can right now.

  “It’s his dad and yeah, he’ll be fine. Cheers Vin.”

  Just like that he disappears around the corner and into the kitchen.

  Jumping into the car, I instruct them to go to the nearest hospital. I’m not that heartless and whatever are Max’s reasons are. I know deep in my gut he wouldn’t just want me to leave him in an alleyway somewhere.

  I mean come on it’s his dad.

  How fucking wrong was I?

  I should have just left the prick to die.

  After I’ve lied through my back teeth to the hospital about not knowing who he is or how he ended up in that state. I get the two lads who work with me to take me back to the house. All under the pretence that I’m just making sure that our bosses don’t want anything else from us.

  Making my way up the steps, I go to knock on the hardwood, but notice the door isn’t shut completely. Now anyone else would be suspicious of it, not me, because I know if there was anything wrong, one of them would have been on the phone straight away.

  Pushing it open all the way, I step over the threshold and it’s then I can see the back of Billie in the doorway of the kitchen. Her cute arse is sticking out from behind the door frame. My dick starts to twitch, bad timing I know, but when I’m around her and Max it has a mind of its own.

  Any thoughts I had about her arse or Max’s are soon squashed when I hear, “He raped me,” come from her lips. My body freezes on the spot. I can’t move, I didn’t hear that right surely? I want to cry, I want to punch something. God, I don’t even know what I want to do or how I feel right now, apart from the fact I feel sick. My gut in churning over like a washing machine.

  That animal raped her?

  Max’s dad?


  The questions start whirling around in my head and I can’t bring myself to take the extra few steps in her direction to ask them. I don’t know how long I’m rooted to that spot for, I just know I snap out of it when I see Max. He takes her in his arms and kisses the life out of her.

  I feel like I shouldn’t be here, that I’m a third wheel and they don’t need me because they have each other.

  Not realising they were still here, Connor and Johnny shuffle past them and walk past me. I give them a stiff nod, as a silent exchange that the job was done. Me being here doesn’t faze them. All us security lads were assigned a band member each when my company got the contract. For my sins I was given Max. Which is something I might come to regret. Inching forward slightly when they’ve gone through the front door, I get choked up. When for the first time the love that pours out between them when they’re together is made so obvious it hurts to look at them. Making my presence know I give a fake cough, only they don’t turn around straight away. Instead they pull apart and then lean against each other. Clearly, they both need the support of each other as they whisper something to one and another, but the minute Billie faces me I can’t hold back.

  “Please tell me that what I heard you just say isn’t true?” I ask, as a tear I didn’t even know was building, runs down my cheek. She looks worn out and pale. This isn’t the woman I’ve got to know over the weeks we’ve been all together.

  “Vin.” She sobs, as the tears start to fall from her eyes. It’s then I know it’s true.

  “I didn’t know myself until today, as you can see, I didn’t take it very well.” Max holds his hands for me to look at it and they aren’t pretty. No wonder his dad was in such a mess, but then again, the fucker deserved that and more in my eyes.

  Billie takes a few short steps forward, wiping her eyes as she goes with the back of the jumper that I recognize as Max’s. Taking a hold of my hand in her small one, she looks up at me and gives me a weak smile.

  “I’m okay Vin, it happened years ago. Today was just a shock. I didn’t know until today he was Max’s dad or I would have said something sooner.”

  “That bastard put his hands on you though baby, how can you be okay with this?” I ask her.

  Squeezing my hand to reassure me, she pulls her shoulders back and juts out her chin to prove to me she’s actually okay.

  “I’m fine honestly, it happened four years ago, just after I started college. I never told
anyone and I’m still not telling anyone, apart from the people that matter. So, before you get any notions of me going to the police, let me stop you there because I’m not going. Max gave him beating and for me that was enough right now. If anything, we should be more worried about him.”

  With that she cocks her head back at Max.

  “It looks like the dumbass as broke some fingers and he’s supposed to be going into the studio in the next few days. The guys will freak out if he can’t play.”

  Just like that, she disperses the situation. Making me and Max laugh.

  This woman is incredible, I don’t know how she does it.

  These two amazing people are my life and without them in it, I’m nothing.

  Biting the bullet, unable to keep it contained a moment longer. I look back and forth between the two of them and pray to god that I’m not going to put my heart out there for them to trample all over it.

  Here goes nothing.

  “I love you… both of you.” I tell them. Their response is not what I was expecting though.

  Like a pair of fucking hyenas, they start laughing and my stomach falls through my arse.

  So, this is what rejection and a broken heart feels like.



  “I’ll just get going now then, tell Connor…” I go to walk away as I’m talking, only to be stopped when Billie tugs on my hand. Max comes up behind me and clasps my shoulder turning my slightly, their laughter now replaced with deadly serious looking faces.

  “You aren’t going anywhere, so don’t even think about walking out that door and not coming back.” Max states, his eyes boring holes into me.

  Billie looks up at Max and smiles, again another silent exchange is given between the two of them. It’s starting to piss me off because I just wish they would stop it and put me out of my goddamn fucking misery.

  Both with Cheshire cat grins spread widely across their faces, they both shout, “We love you too.” Their smiles stay in place, as Max declares, “You belong to us.”

  Chapter Nineteen


  In all my life I’ve never seen anything like it.

  I know there’s worse violence than what I’ve just witnessed out there in this cruel world. Hearing the crack of ribs and the crunching of Max’s dad's nose, when his own son pounded the shit out of him will stay with me for a very long time. Not just because of the mess he made of him, but because he did it in my honour for what he did to me. Max’s actions will always speak louder than any words he could say to me.

  The way Connor and Johnny came running when I called them, also showed me that these guys aren’t just band mates. They’re a family. A family who will and would go to any lengths for their members of said family. When I dialled Connor’s number and he picked up, I couldn’t talk, only sob down the line. Instantly he knew Max needed him and like I knew he would and with no questions asked him and Johnny were here in minutes. I always knew they were a close-knit group, but them doing what they have today just cements it for me. They love him more than he will ever know.

  When his dad was driven away by Vin, who looked so confused by everything, I couldn’t even look at him. I couldn’t face any of the brooding males in the house. Connor and Johnny would want answers. Answers I didn’t want to have to give, so I hid upstairs in Max’s bedroom. In doing this it gave him time to calm down, to try and come to terms with everything that’s happened in the last hour.

  Unable to hide out any longer due to the fact I had to know if Max was okay, I tiptoed down the stairs. Only to stop half way when I can see Max sitting a stool at the kitchen island. He was inspecting his blood-stained hands and in deep thought. I could see he was blaming himself. He wanted to tell Connor and Johnny, his two best friends in the whole world why he did what he did, but out of respect for me, he hadn’t.

  I wasn’t being fair on him.

  None of this was his fault, he didn’t know what an evil man his dad was.

  I had to do something.

  Just as I was coming down the rest of the stairs, I notice Max look up and I know the guys are still here. I can also hear the crunch of someone eating and that’s when I know Johnny is definitely still here. That man never stops eating.

  Standing in the doorway of the kitchen, I look around and see him and Connor leaning against the kitchen side. Coffee cups in one hand and an apple in the other. So, bracing myself, I stand tall and give them what they are waiting for.

  “He raped me.”

  They both inhale sharply at my words, but I don’t care. The only thing I care about is the man who’s silently ripping himself to shreds. When he hears my voice, he looks up at me and I see nothing but love in his eyes, and if I’m not mistaken a little admiration.

  When he gets up off his stool and kisses me, he almost knocks the wind out of me.

  No words are needed right now.

  It’s just us two.

  That is until Vin makes himself known and I know I have to tell him as well now.

  Seeing the two men I love the most in the world hurting because of me, is soul crushing.

  Me and Max didn’t need to talk about him telling Connor and Johnny he loved me, the feeling was mutual. If he didn’t know by now that I loved him too, then the man was seriously clueless.

  He knew.

  Then Vin came back and seeing him slowly break in front of me, because he found out what happened the way he did. Well let's just say for argument's sake me and Max both knew how he felt.

  We couldn’t wait a minute longer to tell him that we loved him.

  So, when the words came from both our mouths it was like there was finally light at the end of a very dark tunnel.

  All of us are still standing in Max’s entry way of his house, we all just look at each other with smiles as big as China. I’m pretty certain none of can believe this happening.

  Coming up behind me so that we’re practically joined, I feel Max take a hold of my hip in a vice like grip. How he isn’t screaming in pain with the state his hands are in is beyond me. He really should get them checked out, but I know he’s going be stubborn and say “He’s fine.” Sometimes he gets on my last nerve, but I do love him for it.

  I see the look on Vin’s face and instantly I know what they are thinking. It’s like I’m wired to the two of them, the throb between my legs hits me hard. I want nothing more than to be between the two men who have become my whole world. Right now, I need to forget about the disaster of today and the fact that for the first time in years I’ve faced my attacker.

  I just need to lose myself in love and passion.

  Pushing my arse back so it brushes the front of Max’s groin, I immediately feel the evidence of his arousal in his jeans. Even though I’ve seen it plenty, I’ll never get used to the size of him. That man is lethal to my lady parts.

  They both are.

  Brushing my hair to one side and over my shoulder, I feel his lips connect with the soft spot behind my ear. That’s when a whimper leaves me and my knees start to buckle.

  “Shh, sweetheart. We’ve got you.” Max soothes, as he threads his hands through my hair. Holding me in place as he kisses my mouth gently, coaxing me to open up to him, which I do without hesitation.

  The sensations that are running through me are hitting me, left, right, and centre. I don’t know where I want them to put their hands on me first. What I do know, is that with these wonderful and strong men at my side, I know I can accomplish anything. I’m a stronger person because of them and I would fight for them with everything I have.

  Without a second thought, all kissing and touching stops. Taking each other by the hands, we lead each other up the stairs. No-one is in control. No-one is just going along with things. Most importantly none of us are second guessing what the other person is feeling.

  We’re all equals, who love each other.

  Chapter Twenty


  Feeling hot and sweaty, I try to move my weary body. Only to find I can’t.

  Peeling my heavy eyes open, I see why.

  I’m lying on my back with Billie on one side and Vin on the other. Both of them have their arms and legs wrapped around me and entangled with each other. It’s quite the sight to behold and I would enjoy it if I could move a little. Moving my head to left of me, Billie is in total slumber and giving off little snores. Her jet-black hair is fanned out all over my bare chest and she has creases on her make up free face where she’s been sleeping.

  She’s never looked more beautiful to me.

  I daren’t wake her, she looks to peaceful. When I move my head to the right, I’m faced with a wide-eyed Vin. He gives me a small smile as he pulls himself up slightly, detangling himself from Billie’s arms and legs, then places his elbow on the pillow before resting his head in his hand.

  “How long have you been awake?” I ask him, my voice scratchy from just waking up.

  “Not long, I’ve just been lying here and thinking.”

  “Oh, yeah? About what?”

  If he’s anything like me, he’ll be thinking how amazing last night was once we got past the shit storm that happened in my house and revelation that we all love each other.

  Stumbling into my bedroom, we’re all a mass of limbs as we all fight between us to get each other naked. None of us unable to wait any longer. When we fall onto my bed, I look to Vin who has a look of longing in his eyes that’s aimed at Billie. We both love it when we take each other, but now it’s all about her and making her feel like the Queen she is.

  Silently between us, we decide that we’re both going to take her and make her head spin at the same time.

  Oh boy did we make her head spin. I’ve never heard her scream or mewl like that in pleasure… ever.

  Hearing Vin chuckle next to me, I’m snapped back to the here and now, as he says, “It was amazing.” Clearly reading my mind.


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