Syren's Pride

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Syren's Pride Page 13

by Jennah Thornhill

  “We love you too, baby. Now let's get you in the car and home to bed before either one of you loses your stomach in my car and someone has to fork out for it to be cleaned.” Billie warns us both.

  Waking up the next morning my head is a little fuzzy. The light that’s coming through the crack in the curtains hurts my eyes as I slowly peel them open, forcing me to close them again. That is until I hear the distinct noise of someone being sick coming from the bathroom. My eyes flash open and I turn my head quickly to the right which was a big mistake. It’s like someone has set up a marching band in my skull. My hand instantly goes to the top of my head to try and stop it. To no avail I have no choice but to get up out of bed when it becomes clear that it’s Billie throwing up. Max is still snoring and away with the fairies next to me. Pulling on my boxers, I gingerly make my way to the bathroom calling out to Bea as I go.

  “Billie? Are you okay sweetheart?”

  I go to push the door open but as I do, she shouts, “Don’t you dare fucking come in here. Neither one of you are seeing this, it’s gross.”

  The door gets a shove so it slams shut in my face. The retching continues behind the closed door and I’m starting worry if this is normal.

  No-one should be sick this much.

  Traipsing back over to the bed I give Max a hard nudge to wake him up.

  “You need to get your arse out of bed, Billie is sick.” I tell him as he looks at me somewhat disoriented from sleep.

  “Okay, I’m up.”

  He climbs from the bed looking a bit worse for wear, but gets on with it. Which surprises me because Max is not a morning person. Tugging on some jogging bottoms that were thrown over the chair he has in the corner of his bedroom, they fall just nicely on his hips. Instantly I want nothing more than to take them back off him.

  Now is not the time to be getting turned on Vin, Billie needs you both.

  I mentally slap myself for my wayward thoughts when another big heave leaves Billie. The sound of it travels through the bathroom door leaving us both quickly marching over and pushing it open. We don’t give a shit that she’s being sick, she needs us and we’re going to be there every step of the way with her, even if it isn’t a pretty sight to see.

  “Queen Bea? You okay? Can we get you anything?” Max leans over to where she’s kneeled on the floor with her arms wrapped around the toilet bowl. Taking her long hair in his hands he pulls it back so it’s no longer hanging into the toilet. Then in slow circles I start to rub her back, trying my best to soothe her.

  “You two did this to me, I hope you’re happy with yourselves.” She somehow manages to say in between the dry heaves and retching. Me and Max both look at each and smirk. Yeah, we know it’s only possible for one of us to have gotten her pregnant, but we were all there together when it happened. So, we’re both responsible for her current state and hatred towards us.

  Twenty minutes later and Billie has finished praying to the porcelain god. Max declares that he has to go out… alone and that we are to be ready by the time he gets back. Myself and Billie look at each other and then to Max suspiciously as she tries to eat some toast.

  “When will you be back?” She asks him around a mouthful of her breakfast. Shrugging his shoulders, he looks everywhere but at us.

  “Erm, I’m not sure. A few hours maybe?” With that he’s gone and no more is said on the subject.

  Passing the time, we spend a couple of hours just relaxing on the sofa watching Netflix. Billie drifts in and out of sleep, her earlier vomiting episode taking it out of her. I managed to call her doctors for her and get her an appointment for next week. Allie also called to make sure she was okay, but she was asleep so I spoke to her, asking her if Max had been in touch with Connor. They had taken the day off from the studio whilst Liam's drums were still being fixed, but no-one had seen or heard from him. I’d tried calling and texting him as time went on, yet I don’t get an answer from him. I don’t let on to Billie that I’ve started to worry. Since he came out about our relationship, yes, the majority of the support we’ve received has been positive, but that doesn’t say someone out there won’t see him out on his own and attack him.

  Stupid, stupid Vin. Fancy letting him go out unattended.

  A few more hours pass and it’s starting to go dusky outside. Billie has now also started to fret about where he is when the front door comes crashing open.

  “Honeys, I’m home.” Max’s sing song voice travels all through the house, making us both sigh in relief that he’s back. Jumping up from our places on the sofa we both stand in the middle of the living room and wait.

  Noticing us both standing up in and with faces like thunder, we direct our glares at him when he comes to a stop on the threshold.

  “Hey, what’s up? Is everything okay?”

  He has the nerve to even sound worried.

  Taking a step forward, I give him the once over before barrelling in with a load of verbal.

  “Where the fuck have you been? You said you’d be a few hours… that was this morning. You have no idea how worried we’ve been, especially when you didn’t answer your phone.”

  I want to be angry at him, but it’s also my fault for not insisting that I go with him when he left.

  “Look, I’m sorry okay? I didn’t mean to make you both worry about me, it’s just what I went out for took a little longer than I expected.”

  His eyes show his apology, along with something else; nerves maybe?

  “So, where have you been?” Billie questions him.

  “All will be revealed when we’re out. Now can we all please just shower and get out of here before I lose the bollocks to do what I need to do.”

  Myself and Billie look at each other, both of us with the same confused expressions on our faces. We go to question him further on what he’s talking about, only he’s no longer standing there.

  I swear to god I love that man, but I may just strangle him myself.

  Chapter Thirty-Two


  I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again; being a woman sucks.

  Morning sickness sucks.

  The bloating sucks. Throw in Max doing a disappearing act on us and you’ve got one grouchy, moody bitch. Stamping my feet up the stairs to get ready, I make it abundantly clear that I’m still pissed. Although his code talking downstairs is baffling me.

  What does he need to do that’s so important? Why would it cause him to lose his bollocks?

  I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t somewhat intrigued. I can hear Max whistling in the shower

  I’m glad he’s happy with himself, arsehole.

  Slipping on a wrap dress that I had left here weeks ago, that Max had cleaned for me. I look in the mirror give my cheeks a pinch to add some colour, along with some basic make up of mascara and lip-gloss. I really don’t have the energy for much else right now, it’s this or nothing. Fuck it. Running a brush through my hair to get rid of the tangled knots, I quickly braid it down one side, before tying in securely with an elastic tie from around my wrist. Running my hands over my curves as I look at myself in the mirror, I turn left then right studying my flat stomach through the glass.

  I have a tiny person growing inside of me.

  Feeling overwhelmed all of a sudden, a few tears leak out just as Vin spots me rubbing my hands over my belly.

  “Hey beautiful, what's with the tears?”

  Waving a hand in the air, I brush my other hand across both cheeks to wipe away the moisture that’s staining my skin.

  “I’m okay, just having a moment. Apparently, it happens with all the hormones.”

  Coming to stand behind me, he takes my hips in his hands before threading his arms through mine. His hands start the same rubbing motion, I was doing to my belly only moments ago.

  “Listen to me, okay? Me and Max don’t care if you’re having a moment now or at three in the morning. You tell us, you lean on us. It’s what we’re here for
to help you and to shower you in nothing but the love you deserve. Are we clear?”

  His words tickle my neck from where his chin is resting on my shoulder. It hits me right between the legs, giving my lady parts the type of buzz that if I stand here any longer with him, it will make it start to weep.

  “Crystal.” My voice is all breathy as I try to disguise my arousal the best I can with a full-face smile. Giving my arse a quick slap, which makes me jump, I turn in his arms and give him a quick a kiss.

  “Thank you.” I whisper against his mouth, “I don’t know what I’d do without you two, even if Max drives me insane half the time. I love you both more than any words could say.”

  Max finally gets his arse into gear and we’re all out the door and in the car travelling to an unknown destination. Vin and I look at each other through the rear-view mirror, curiosity marring our features. Quickly noticing our location in the dim light of the night, I become even more baffled when it becomes clear that we’re at Hyde Park. Why he’s brought us to a place we’ve seen a thousand times is mind boggling. Parking the car on Serpentine Road, Max gets out, but stops when he realises that me and Vin aren’t following him. Dipping his head back in the car he says.

  “Come on, I haven’t got all night.”

  Looking to Vin we both shrug our shoulders and give Max the benefit of the doubt. Exiting from the car, we come and join Max on the pavement where he’s waiting for us both with his hands held out in front of him for us to take.

  “Will you two please just trust me? I’m not going to be doing anything stupid, I promise.”

  Taking a hand each, we let him lead us through the park until we reach The Rose Garden section of the it. It’s at the entrance that I stop walking and stand staring in complete awe at the sight before of me. Spinning around on my heels I crane my neck back and look at all the twinkling lights that have been precisely placed, then to the ground, where all I see is a pathway lit by candles.

  “Oh my god.” I breathe out as I hold a hand to my chest, not quite believing what I’m seeing.

  “Max… this is beautiful.” I gasp. Vin looks at me and for the first time I see the man who’s always so strong, cry. Tears are falling in little rivers down his cheeks.

  “Baby, this is gorgeous,” he whimpers out to Max.

  Taking us both by the hand again he leads us further into the garden where we find a small table laid out for three people and one lone waiter standing off to the side waiting for us.

  “I wanted tonight to be special and going to a restaurant seemed impersonal. We haven’t done anything the proper way since day one, so why start now I say.”

  Vin and I rush at him, wrap our arms around and shower him with kisses. We do this as sign of just not only our love for him, but for our gratefulness to him for going to such great lengths for us.

  When we’ve finally finished mauling him, he guides to us the table, to which we are served the most delicious food I’ve ever tasted. Surprisingly I manage to keep it in my stomach, which I’m glad about because it would be a shame to waste such perfection. During the meal we laugh, joke and flirt, but the whole time I can sense Max is holding something back. It’s like he has something he wants to say, but doesn’t know how to. Leaving him to it, deciding he’ll talk to us when he’s ready, our night continues on, that is until our dessert arrives. That’s when everything finally makes sense. Whilst the whole night has just been pure magic, this explains why Max has not been quite himself. Instead of dessert on mine and Vin’s plates, there in the centre is a box. A pale blue Tiffany box to be exact. We both gasp in shock, before our eyes shoot straight up to Max, who’s come to kneel between the two of us.

  “I know we can’t get married, but this is the best I can do to solidify our relationship. Billie-Jo Anderson.”

  He smiles at me before turning to Vin, “Vincent Carlisle, you both have no idea how happy you make me. From the minute you two entered my life I knew I was going to be ruined. I’ve never known happiness like this could exist. Before you pair came into my life I was just going through the motions of living. I wasn’t living, not really. I was just existing. Now we’re having a baby, we’re going to be a family. I would love nothing more than for you two to wear these promise rings with pride and show the world that we belong together… forever.”

  Not even bothering to take the boxes from the plates we leap from our chairs and jump on Max, causing him to fall to a heap on the grass, kissing him endlessly. When he gets the chance to breathe again from our loving attack he chuckles.

  “I take it that’s a yes from the both of you?”

  To that we respond with a big, fat, loud, “Yes,” at the top of our lungs. My smile is so big right now and I’ve not even seen the rings yet. I thought him coming out to the world and me being pregnant was as good as it could get for us, but Max went one step further and cemented our relationship the best way he knew how too.

  Getting up from the grass, we all climb to our feet and dust ourselves down before taking our vacated seats once again.

  “Go on, open them.” Max urges us.

  Popping the lid open at the same time, me, and Vin gasp in shock. There nestled in a layer of silk is a platinum band with three diamonds set in the precious metal. It’s gorgeous. Tears spring to my eyes as I pull it out and notice that on the inside is some kind of inscription. Bringing it closer to my eyes so I make out what it says, the tears then come full force as I read it: Three became four, one forever love.

  Chapter Thirty-Three


  I felt like a complete and utter twat when I arrived back home and saw their worried faces, but it wasn’t my fault; honestly. Deciding to get the rings done last minute was a daft idea, but I knew if I threw enough cash at the jewellers, they would get them done for me. Then came the complication of getting The Rose Garden privatised just for us. There just seemed to be one problem after another and I nearly gave up on my impromptu idea. Eventually though I had somehow managed to pull it off and everything was set for my plan.

  Seeing Billie so sick scared me and I just wanted to show her and Vin that whatever comes our way, then we’ll always have each other. That they are permanent fixtures in my life. Being in an unconventional relationship, some would say stops us from getting married legally. So, I went with the next best thing; promise rings. I just hoped they loved them as much as I love them both.

  Two hours later and all the nerves, worry and lateness were well worth it. They both agreed to wear my ring, making me the happiest man alive. Seeing them on their fingers, a sign that they love me just as much, makes my heart swell. I always thought I’d end up alone in the world. The guys have their wives and I’d end up with no-one. Now I have everything I’ve ever wanted. Quickly deciding that I want to get out of here, take these two home and get them naked in record time. I stand from the table holding out my hands for them take again like I did when we arrived. Once both of them are on their feet, I yank them into me and start kissing the living daylights out of them both.

  “Home, now.” I urge against our mouths. Unable to wait for them to answer, I drag them by the hands out of the park, even breaking out into a light jog, just so we can get out of there quicker.

  The drive home is torture. Vin’s hand hasn’t stopped rubbing up and down my thigh. Billie wrapped her arms around me from the back seat, leaned in as far as she could and nibbled, licked, and kissed my neck the best she could. My cock is fit to burst at any given moment. Driving the best, I can whilst being manhandled, I swerve the car around corners. I overtake other drivers, doing anything to get us home just that little bit quicker. By the time I finally get us there it’s pitch-black. Parking my car around the back of my house we all quickly get out with one thing on our minds. To shower each other in our love. Walking around the corner to my front door in a hurry, I am not paying any attention to my surroundings. It isn’t until it’s too late, that I find myself crouched over with a pain so unimaginabl
e. It only registers that I am being attacked when I can hear Billie screaming ‘stop, leave him alone’ at the top of her lungs.

  “You think you can beat me to a pulp? Throw me away like I’m nothing to you? Then go on to embarrass me further by announcing that you’re nothing but a poof?”

  I recognise the voice that is growling in my ear. It’s my drunken, tosspot of a father. I know from previous experience that this is going to hurt.

  “You don’t get to live happily ever after Max. I won’t allow it. No son of mine is going to be walking around holding hands with another man or even having a relationship with two people, it’s sick is what it is...”

  The venom in is voice tells me he’s not going to just walk away and let me live my life. He’s going to make me pay for my choices.

  He continues to punch me whilst I am down, the pain getting worse every second.

  Out the corner of my eye I see Vin’s feet come pounding along the pavement to help me. He suddenly stops when he is grabbed from behind by someone hiding in the shadows.

  “Fucking keep a hold of that faggot will you Jason, this is between me and my son.”

  Pushing up from my knees, I try to stand up and fight back, but I’m knocked back down in an instant. When the flash of the old baseball bat he used to keep by the front door at our old house connects with my temple, sending me crashing back to the floor.

  “Please dad, please don’t do this.” I beg.

  Billie is still screaming in the distance shouting for help. I know it’s too late when my pleas are ignored and I’m repeatedly beaten with the weapon of his choice. I hear bones crack, blood starts to fill my vision and mouth as I start to lose the battle.

  I love you both.

  The faces of Vin and Billie swim behind my eyes as I start to gargle and choke, the bat still connecting with my head and body.


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