Syren's Pride

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Syren's Pride Page 12

by Jennah Thornhill

  Passing the bottles of Budweiser around to everyone we all look at him like he’s gone crazy.

  “You do realise it’s only ten in the morning right, mate?” Liam asks him, as he looks at the beer in his hand.

  “Yes, I do, but it’s five pm somewhere in the world and I think after what’s just gone down, we all need one.”

  He has a point.

  Unscrewing the caps of our beers, he raises his in the air with the rest of us following suit.

  “Max, we've been a band of brothers for as long as I can remember. I thought you saving my life was the bravest thing you could possibly do. Yet today you've amazed not just me but all of us with your bravery. Here's to you three and a happy life together. We love you all. Cheers.”

  We all echo his sentiments and take mouthfuls of our beers.

  Today could have turned out a lot worse, but we all came together and showed the world that Syren have a bond that no-one can destroy.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  If I could describe the past three weeks in one word then I would have to say it has been surreal.

  The support Max received for coming out to the world was mind blowing. They even accepted me and Vin with open arms. Sure, there was the odd off handed remark, but they were outweighed with the love we all received from people. Syren’s first album shot up through the charts and is still sitting comfortable at the number one spot. Turns out the public love a good love story, even if it isn’t an unconventional one. Max did what no-one thought he would ever do. He went out there and faced all them journalists with his head held high and told them that. ‘This is me, I’m in love with a man and a woman and you aren’t gonna break us.’

  He could have very easily of broke under all the attention we’ve gotten because of it. Yet he remained strong and focused. His fingers and knuckles healed as well and he went back into the studio last week. From what I’ve heard the guys saying, he’s playing the best he ever has. It’s like he’s a new man, but in a good way. He’s more relaxed. All the tension he’s carried around with him for years has disappeared. We even ventured out to a restaurant, it was what Max liked to call our first official date. The papers were there to capture it just as we expected. Vin couldn’t help himself and went into work mode asking them all to keep their distance and respect our private time. Which they did once we gave them the picture they wanted.

  All in all, it’s been a hectic, but an eye opening few weeks.

  Pulling my car up at the imposing gates of Blackwood Manor, that I like to call it, I punch in the code Allie gave me and make my way up the winding drive. Parking the car at the side of their house, I enter through the side door that leads into the kitchen. Automatically the smell of whatever Allie is cooking turns my stomach. Throwing a hand over my mouth I barely make it to the downstairs bathroom before I lose the contents of my stomach; repeatedly.

  “You okay, honey?” Allie asks tentatively from the bathroom doorway. The retching and dry heaves continue to happen stopping me from answering her. Over the god-awful noise that’s coming from the back of my throat, I hear her feet pad across the tile flooring before she comes back.

  “Here, drink this. It might help.”

  Wiping the back of my hand across my mouth whilst I’m still bent over the toilet, I stand up properly, using my hand against the wall to steady myself.

  “Thank you.” I try to give her a warm smile, but my stomach has other ideas again. When it has finally decided that it’s empty enough for now, I flush the toilet and take the glass of water from Allie.

  “What the hell was that all about?” Her eyebrows raise in question, as if she knows something I don’t.

  Swallowing a mouthful of water, I look at her blankly, not having a bloody clue why I’ve just thrown my guts up in her toilet.

  “Al, I was sick it happens, it wasn’t about anything.”

  She starts laughing at me she looks at me like I’m stupid.

  “Are you sure about that?”

  “What are you trying to say, Al?”

  I cannot believe we are having a discussion in the bathroom about me being sick, whatever next.

  “You really don’t understand what I’m getting at do you?”

  Shaking my head at her, my expression completely confused.

  “Billie my darling friend, you may not have noticed it but me and Karina have. That’s quite possibly because we’ve both been through it and the guys are just that guys and will be oblivious to it all. You’ve been moody as fuck for the past week. Max told us all you did at the start of the week was sleep. The other day I watched you eat a full tub of ice cream and not care that you had.”

  I move past her where she’s standing on the threshold of the bathroom still shaking my head at her.

  “Yeah, and? We’ve had a few stressful weeks. You’d be tired, moody and I know for a fact you would comfort eat if it was you.”

  “Maybe so, but let me ask you this to make it easier for you to understand me, because right now you seem a bit dense or you’re in denial. When was your last period B?”

  Oh shit.

  Just like that I’m running back to the bathroom and throwing the water I’ve just drank back up.

  No… no, no. I can’t be? Max and Vin are going to have heart attacks. We’re not ready to be parents… if ever.

  The denial she mentioned does kick in then. Leaving the bathroom once again I bypass the kitchen and that god-awful smell, choosing to sit in the living room instead. Sitting on the sofa, I curl up into a ball and think back. Only nothing is coming to me as to when I actually did last have a period.

  It’s just stress related that’s all. It’ll come soon.

  Silently willing for my body to take mother nature's course and give me my fucking period just this once.

  The sofa dips at the opposite end and I just know Allie is looking at me with sympathy. I can feel her eyes burning holes into my skin.

  “Look, B. It happens to the best of us, me and Connor weren’t ready for a baby when I got pregnant, but I’m telling you now we wouldn’t change him for the world. You’ll all be okay, I promise.”

  Rubbing my leg in an attempt to comfort me, I however just remain silent and motionless as the tears roll down my cheeks.

  After leaving me on her sofa, Allie disappeared to get her phone, only to come back to tell me that she had text Karina and she would be over with a pregnancy test in an hour. Let me tell you it was the longest hour of my life. She couldn’t get away from work any sooner she explained when she came rushing through the front door arms full of carrier bags, all from different pharmacies. When Allie laughed at her and asked her why she got so many her response was.

  “Well you can’t be so sure, some might be faulty.”

  Which brings me to now. I’m back in the same bathroom I threw up in and I’ve been thrusted a glass into my hand and ordered to pee in it by Allie. Apparently, it’s easier just dip the sticks in instead of me getting covered in piss.

  Charming. Being a woman really does suck donkey dick sometimes. Men don’t realise how easy they fucking have it.

  Unable to fill the glass any further than just under half way, I place the glass of pee on the side of the sink, whilst I wash my hands. My stomach is going a million miles an hour with nerves. I still feel sick as a dog, but this time it’s for a different reason. With shaky hands I take the glass into the kitchen where Al and Karina are waiting for me with kitchen roll laid out on the side. The smell from when I first arrived has now gone. Looking at Al then back at the kitchen roll she sees my silent question.

  “I’m not having your piss leaking all over my kitchen, I cook in here. Think of the germs.”

  Rolling my eyes at her, I place the glass down and we all start ripping boxes open, pulling out all the sticks and removing the caps.

  “Before we do this, just know, B. No matter the result you’ll have us, but I know if you are preg
nant then Max and Vin will be over the moon.”

  Along with her reassuring speech Allie pulls me in for a hug and the tears threaten to make an appearance again.

  “Come on you pair, I’m dying to find out if I’m going to be an Aunt again.” Karina chirps up making us both smile.

  One by one we dip every stick before placing the caps back on and lining them all up next to each other.

  “How long do we have to wait?” I ask, even though I already know. I’m just trying to fill the silence that has descended over the three of us.

  “Three minutes.” Karina whispers. Then like a bad omen or something the front door opens, the distinct noise of Connor and the guys laughing freezes the blood in my veins.

  Oh fuck.

  Chapter Thirty


  For the first time in my life I can honestly say I’m one hundred percent happy. It probably sounds hard to believe, when I should be happy all the time with the life I’ve been blessed with since being a part of Syren, but I always knew there was something missing, a void I could never fill. Since the day I openly stepped up in front of all those journalists with Billie and Vin by my side and the support of the guys, I can hands down say I wish I had done it earlier. I let my fear and the cruel words from my father rule my head. Now I’m following my heart and these past three weeks have been amazing. Yeah there was some negativity surrounding my impromptu press conference, but I’ve learned that they don’t matter. I’m proud of who I am and who I share my life with.

  The only thing I’ve been worried about is Bea. She’s been moody as fuck this past week. I get that what we’ve been through is stressful, but she won’t even talk to me or Vin about it. Just the other day she was in the kitchen making coffee and I caught her crying. When I asked her about it, she just acted as if it hadn’t happened.

  Women. Mine is going to be the death of me.

  I’m also now fully healed; no more broken fingers and I can play my guitar until my little heart's content. It’s been amazing being able go back in the studio with the lads, do what I do best and that’s jam the fuck out. I’ve played until I’m sweating buckets and my fingers have bled, but I wouldn’t change it for the world.

  Today has been no different. We were up and in the studio at the ass crack of dawn and the music has just flowed like it did when we first started out. That is until Liam the dickhead ripped the skin on one of his drums. How he did it is beyond me, sometimes he doesn’t know his own strength. We’ve now got to wait until it’s been fixed properly, ending todays recording session a little earlier than normal.

  “Yo, fuckfaces. Fancy a beer at mine? Maybe get everyone over and have some food together? It’s been ages since we were home this early.” Connor pipes up from behind me as we all head in the direction of our cars.

  Liam nods his agreement along with saying something about texting Melissa. Johnny, well Johnny his answer just makes me laugh.

  “I was coming over to yours anyway turd brain, with or without an invite.”

  All agreeing to pile over to Connor’s house, I try calling Bea only she doesn’t answer me. Vin tries who’s been with me at the studio all day and yet he gets the same; no answer. Weird. She always answers one of us at least.

  “Don’t worry, okay? She’ll be fine, she’s more than likely at the dance studio. You know what she’s like once she’s in her zone. Nobody is getting through to her until she’s finished.”

  Vin soothes my worries then kisses me to take my mind of it.

  “Come on, we’ll get to Connor’s, we can try again or ask Allie if she’s heard from her.”

  “Oi, you pair pack it in, I need a beer and some food, I’m starving.” Johnny shouts at us from the side of his car.

  Laughing at his need to always be eating, we all get in our cars and go feed the beast before he turns green on us and starts beating his fists against his chest.

  Arriving at the house, I notice Billie’s car parked around the side and all the worry I had before disburses.

  “See. I told you she would be okay, she’s been chatting girly shit with Al.” Vin smiles at me.

  All of us climb from our cars and Liam is still sulking over his drums as we walk to the door.

  “Dude, if you didn’t hit them as if you were whacking one off then they wouldn’t be in that state.” Johnny jokes, earning him a dead arm from Liam.

  We’re all still laughing and ribbing Liam over his drums when we walk into the house. Johnny’s the first one through the door and is making a beeline straight for the kitchen, yet he comes to an abrupt halt and just stands there. None of us can see why until we approach him. When we do and I look over his shoulder. There standing looking guilty as sin are Billie, Allie, and Karina, all of them with their backs pressed against the kitchen island with their hands behind their backs.

  “What’s going on, Princess?” Johnny asks Karina. She doesn’t answer him, she just looks at the kitchen floor with a newfound interest.

  “Angel? Do you want to tell us what’s happening seeing as all of a sudden Karina has lost her tongue.”

  Again, Allie doesn’t answer Connor either, joining Karina with staring at the floor. Which leaves me with Billie. I don’t voice my question like the others. Instead my eyes zone in on Billie, I just raise my eyebrows and wait to see if she will tell us. What happens next is so unexpected.

  “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean for it to happen, honestly I didn’t.”

  Billie bursts into tears, her sobs causing her body to shake as she covers her face with her hands. Pushing past Johnny, myself and Vin go to her, coming to stand in front of the girls.

  “Bea? You’re scaring us darling. What’s going on?”

  His voice wobbles showing that he’s also panicked by her sudden outburst. Pulling her hands away from her face, she wipes her tears with her sleeve before looking at both Karina and Allie for reassurance. Which they both give her in the form of big smiles and a gentle arm rub. Inhaling a deep breath as if she’s preparing herself for an argument, she slowly steps around us causing Al and Karina to move as well. There laid out in row upon row are a shit load of what look like pregnancy tests. Both me and Vin scan them all one by one and we don’t say a word as we both read the little word that’s in the window, PREGNANT.

  Fuck she’s pregnant.

  If this had happened six months ago, I would have freaked the fuck out and done a runner, yet now things are different. I couldn’t wish for anything more than to start a family with the two people who mean the world to me. I look to Vin who’s still staring at all the tests with the biggest grin on his face. It lights up his eyes and I know he’s over the moon about this too.

  “W… well? What do they say?” She hiccups from behind us.

  Confused we both turn to look at her.

  “Are you telling us that you don’t even know the result, Queen Bea?”

  She shakes her head at the same time she dips it and looks at the goddamn floor again before mumbling.

  “You all came home before the waiting time was up.”

  Smiling at Vin, clearly reading each other's minds.

  We get to tell her the news.

  With her head still bowed she doesn’t see how happy we really are. That is until we rush over to her take her in both of our arms and we both shout, “You’re pregnant.”

  The shock on her face is priceless.

  “Oh, my, god.”

  She continues to sob, “Really? Your both happy about it? I don’t even know which one of you is the father.”

  Like we care which one of us got her pregnant.

  At the end of the day we’re all family and no matter what, we’ll both still love that baby with everything we have. Vin takes her by the shoulders, he also has tears swimming in his eyes with happiness.

  “We don’t care, Bea. We love you and we’ll love that baby, it’s a part of all of us.”

  Smashing all of us together in a hug,
I wrap an arm around both of them and kiss them both, pouring all my happiness and love into it. These two people have taught me so much since we’ve been together and I wouldn’t want to experience this next journey with anyone else. I know this baby is just another person for me to love wholeheartedly, and will give us three an even more of an unbreakable bond.

  Chapter Thirty-One


  I’m going to be a father.

  I never thought that it would be a possibility for me. Now it is. Telling Billie, she was pregnant along with Max, then seeing the look on her face will be one I won’t forget any time soon. Losing ourselves in the moment in the middle of Connor’s kitchen, who is still technically my boss we forget temporarily that we are in the company of others. That is until Allie approaches us and taps me on the shoulder.

  “Sorry to break up this little love fest, but could we all get in and congratulate you all on this amazing news and to tell Bea, that I also told her so. I knew you two would be fine with this. I’ve never seen anyone love as hard as you three do and it’s a wonderful sight to see.”

  Billie starts crying again at her best friends words, then they turn to laughter when Liam, Connor, Johnny, and Karina all jump on us and start shouting their congratulations at us.

  After we’ve all eaten, drank our weight in beers; minus Billie of course. Myself and Max are a little worse for wear from celebrating with our friends. Since Max told the world I was more than just his bodyguard. I’ve kept my job, only now I’m not just an employee I’ve become a part of the family they all pride themselves on being a part of. Unable to drive us home me and Max stumble from Connor’s after saying our thanks and goodbyes, we wrap an arm each around Billie as she guides us to her car.

  “I love you two.” My words are slurred, but I don’t care all that matters is that we’re happy and we’re going to be a family.


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