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Sapphire (Galaxy Playmates 1)

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by Pillow Michelle M.

  "More, harder," she demanded the unit.

  The intensity of the beams grew, hitting her hard and fast, akin to the feel of teeth grazing her hot flesh, nibbling her tender clit. Her eyes closed and she imaged it was a man--her mystery man--who sucked at her. In her heightened state of arousal, it didn’t take long until she was panting, so close to release.

  Her climax hit her in a trembling wave, rocking her to the core. She cried out, jerking as she tried to stay upright. The unit sensed her release and stopped, leaving her with a sense of cold. A light sound left her as she dropped her arms to her side. The tension was gone from her belly, but she still felt empty and not completely fulfilled. She wanted a man inside, a large cock, a wet mouth, warm hands, strong muscular flesh.

  Weak, she stumbled across her room and into bed.

  Chapter Three

  Sapphire was miserable. The telepathic arousal had been bad enough, but now it had spread into her dreams, her thoughts, until she couldn’t function at any hour of the day. Each night, when she closed her eyes, she knew what was coming. In her dreams, she’d begin to sweat, her body heating to an unbearable pitch. Her hips would search the darkness, never finding release. It was as if she was cursed never to find fulfillment.

  It got so bad that every brush to her skin made a fire start in her belly. Her nipples seemed to be permanently erect. Something as simple as watching a man walk past her would make her wet and ready--no matter who the guy was.

  To make matters worse, it was as if her mind was blocked. The orgasm in the decontaminator was the last she’d had for weeks. She’d tried vibrators, pleasure balls, an arsenal of creams and toys. Nothing worked. Her body could work up, but it couldn’t find release.

  "You ready?"

  Sapphire blinked, turning slightly in her chair, unable to work up a smile as she turned to Thor.

  "Hey, honey, what’s wrong? You sick?" Thor closed the door and stepped into the dressing room. He reached as if to lay a hand on her shoulder. It was a friendly gesture, but she flinched and jerked back before he could touch her. Thor frowned.

  "I … I’m all…." Sapphire panted and shook her head. "I’m just really sensitive right now. It’s not you, Thor. I’m just … edgy."

  Thor eyed her skeptically with his deep chocolate eyes. Slowly, he nodded.

  "How’s the crowd tonight?" she asked to change the subject.

  Thor’s answer was a chuckle. "I saw a few females in the group. I have security keeping an eye on them. I wouldn’t want them to get mauled. Though, to tell the truth, they look like they could hold their own."

  Sapphire chuckled. "Are you sure they’re female? Sometimes it’s hard to tell."

  Thor grinned to see some of her usual humor coming back. "Can I tell them you’re ready?"

  "Yeah, I’ll be out in two." Sapphire turned back to the mirror when she was alone. All traces of her smile faded. A low ache was in her belly, almost making her sick. She fought the urge to crawl into bed. Besides, as the old Earth saying went, the show must go on!

  * * * *

  "You got a live one," Thor said from the door.

  Sapphire blinked and looked up. The show went the same as all the rest. She blacked out in the middle of her routine, but had apparently finished it perfectly. Now, back in her dressing room, she was getting ready for the meet n’ greet.

  She was a little nervous that no one would show up like the last couple of shows, so when Thor told her someone was there she all too eagerly hopped towards the bed and arranged her limbs. Not having a line of men waiting for her had been a big blow to her ego, making her almost timid. Doubt surrounded her, made worse by the feelings of extreme frustration in her body.

  Sapphire wore her favorite makeup, but tonight she let her hair fall long and straight down her shoulders in dark waves to the top of her ass. The blue and silver streaks brushed over her shoulders, down over the large display of cleavage beneath the black leather of her bustier that stretched down to just above her navel. Cross lacing moved down the front, giving a daring peek of the valley between her breasts. Her panties were of a matching black with thin straps at the hips. Thigh high stockings were on her legs. The lacy tops peeked over the edge of her black leather boots. In her hand, she gripped a feathery whip which she twined through her fingers for effect.

  The lights in the dressing room were dim so when the door opened, she couldn’t make out the man’s features. She heard a step and then another. A musky scent assaulted her, making her body tingle anew. Her heart beat sped slightly, thumping beneath her sensitive breasts. Warmth rolled from her stomach, spreading over her body. Her breath hitched. His smell alone caused a dampness between her thighs, soaking the leather panties with her cream.

  She opened her mouth to speak, but her voice sounded hoarse from her need, "Please, don’t be shy. Come in."

  Her blue eyes widened, looking eagerly into the shadows for a glimpse of him. First the light fell across tight, silver pants, pants that clung like a second skin to thick legs. They hugged low at perfectly proportioned hips and she just knew if he turned around, his ass would be as tight as the rest of him. Her mouth went suddenly dry, as she saw the bulge between his thighs. The silver material clung to his cock, so tight that his pants were surely forcing it to stay down.

  Sapphire’s fingers flexed. She wanted to rip the silver apart and bring the cock to her lips. Oh, she was definitely getting bad. These feelings had to be suppressed or she’d soon be humping the leg of anything that walked.

  Slowly, she let her eyes travel up. Black material molded to a firm stomach, so thin she could see the definition of each and every muscle of his stomach and chest. His arms were strong, perfect, and covered completely by his shirt. She even made out the faint outline of his small nipples. They seemed to reach for her and she wanted to suck them between her lips. Awareness coursed through her blood, making her light headed. She wanted to undress him completely, unwrap his cock like a present. She wanted to lick him, taste him, touch him, fuck him hard and long. She wanted his cock in every hole her body had to offer--her mouth, her pussy, her ass.

  Her mouth opened to speak. But, no sound escaped her as she finally saw his face. Sapphire couldn’t move, could barely remember to breathe. Rich black waves of silky hair framed his devilishly handsome features, flowing gorgeously to his shoulders. Deep set eyes, so brown they looked black, pierced her with liquid intensity. Before she knew what she was doing, she pushed up and was kneeling on the bed, whip gripped so tightly in her hand her knuckles turned white.

  Sapphire blinked, doing her best to remember what she was supposed to do. Her mouth began to form words, but nothing came out. Her nipples were so hard she was sure they’d break past their leather restraint. Her leather panties became hot and restricting until she wished to tear them from her hips, or better yet, ask him to do it.

  A low sound came from the man’s throat. She looked at him, his firm lips. She wanted to hear his voice, knowing instinctively that it would send a ripple of pleasure down her spine. To her great disappointment, he didn’t speak, only continued to stare at her. Sapphire stared back, letting her eyes roam over him like he was her own personal statue.

  Her thighs spread slightly, sending her feminine smell of arousal up to her. She saw his nostrils flare slightly and she knew then that he was well aware of the effect he had on her. The realization took Sapphire by surprise. She was used to being the one in charge, the one in control, not the other way around. The fact that this man controlled the situation frightened and aroused her.

  But, she hadn’t been in control lately. She’d been at the whim of another, someone who could make her climax with just his mind, someone she couldn’t see in her endless dreams, someone who’d been refusing to let her find fulfillment. Sapphire began to pant, suddenly realizing who this man was. He was her telepath.

  Chapter Four

  Roark watched the temptress before him with unwavering interest. He’d been waiting for this moment for a
long time, ever since he saw her walking through the shopping district on Quazer. He’d been there on vacation, relaxing at one of the planet’s infamous spa resorts.

  She’d stopped to talk to a short, balding man who’d been an obvious fan. Even though the man had been so annoying he’d deserved to get punched in his pig nose, she’d handled it with dignity and even politeness. From that first instant, he knew she was to be his woman.

  Roark was of Hungariz decent, which made him human in looks, but much more in abilities. Hungariz were extremely telepathic. It was a trait that many of his kind found to be a burden, including him. He could read thoughts, project his own. If he wasn’t careful, he could let someone else know his thoughts without realizing it. And, with the woman he was destined to claim as his own, he could go so far as to control her to his will--to a certain extent.

  Roake had actually been surprised to find out who she was. Sapphire was quite the celebrity, and he knew it would take more than just a handful of flowers to win her over. Every man she met brought her flowers or jewels. No, to get her to notice him, he’d have to give her something more, something she’d never had before. So he had studied her, watching from a crowd of hundreds. It was the closest he could get to her without making himself known.

  Roark invaded her thoughts, made it so she danced how he wished her to dance, moved how he wanted her to move. He could care less that other men watched. Let them see, for they would never possess. Besides, it excited him to see her moving as she did for them, knowing they’d be jealous of him once he staked his claim, taking what they could never have. It excited him to know of the power she held over an audience, for he would ultimately hold the power over her.

  He’d probed her mind, discovering her passions, her innermost secrets, and was pleased to discover she had strong sexual appetites. Though she didn’t take lovers indiscriminately, she knew her body and knew how to give pleasure to herself and others. She’d be up for anything he wanted, any fantasy he’d want to fulfill and he in turn would give in to every one of hers.

  Sapphire was a woman used to having men bow to her. It didn’t take Roark long to discover the one thing she longed for, the one thing she needed that no one else could seem to give her, was a man who could take charge of her--make her beg, make her want. She wanted to be controlled, taken, claimed, dominated.

  He’d made damned sure she didn’t take lovers since he first saw her. No, her delicious body was his and only his. When he finally came to claim her, he wanted her so slick she was ready to be conquered, her passage so tight around his cock that it instantly squeezed the cum from his body.

  It was like that night he’d pushed her near her brink as she danced. He’d been so damned hot for her that he let it go too far. Afterwards, he saw her eyes darting over the crowd, so dilated with arousal that she was ready to grab the nearest cock and ride it long and hard--regardless of who it was attached to. He’d known she was considering, so he called a false emergency down in the mine shaft, let her have her pleasure one time in the decontaminator, then made it so she couldn’t have pleasure until she was to the point of explosion.

  Tonight, when she was on stage, he knew that point had finally come. He would start the steps to laying his claim on her. When he was finished, she would be his completely.

  The weeks had been hell on him--until his cock throbbed so hard at times he was sure his body wouldn’t be able to move from the pain. His body, tense from the same sexual denial, was more than ready to give her what she craved. Fair was fair, and he didn’t allow his body release until she could have hers.

  Roark stood, aching for her, watching to see what she would do if he merely did nothing. He could smell how she wanted him. Her breasts heaved against the leather bodice and he wanted nothing more than to free them to his lips. He had to remind himself that, though he wished to throw himself to her feet, he had to first give her what she wanted.

  "You," she put forth in a husky murmur that drove him mad and made the blood rush from his head to his cock. "You’re the one who’s been … who.…"

  A devilish smile curled his lips and he watched in pleasure as her breath caught.

  "But … why?" Sapphire didn’t move, but her hips wiggled beneath the leather outfit and he knew she was fighting hard to concentrate.

  "Because I wished it."

  * * * *

  Sapphire shivered at the dominating timbre of his words. Her whole being shook with longing. Passion stirred her blood.

  "Why?" she whispered.

  Instead of answering, he came forward to the bed. Sapphire held her ground, watching him carefully through her veiled eyes. Every nerve reached out to touch him.

  His dark gaze drifted down, lingering on her breasts. They surged with awareness, ready to be touched. She closed her eyes and a small moan left her lips.

  "Touch me," she whispered. Her body waited, eager to have him obey.

  "You first," he countered.

  Sapphire’s eyes shot open in surprise. But, as the rough leather panties pressed into her slit, she didn’t argue. Coming forward, she ran her fingers over his broad chest, nearly clawing at him to get his shirt off. Beneath, she wasn’t disappointed by the discovery of bunched muscles and the dark nipples of his chest. Leaning over, she licked a delicate bud with the tip of her tongue. His stomach tensed, and she let loose a sultry laugh.

  One hand lifted to cup her face. His palm was hot against her skin as he caressed her cheek and ear, running down along her throat to the rapid pulse beating beneath her delicate skin. With slow control, he brought her face back to his chest. Sapphire kissed him and moaned as he slowly pushed her head down his stomach towards the waistband of his silver pants.

  She knew what he wanted as he stopped her near his cock. Licking lightly at his navel, she brought a hand to his waist, needing the other to support her, as she was bent down on all fours on the bed.

  With a deft flick of her fingers, she freed him. She gasped, seeing his amazing size and texture. Everywhere else he’d looked human, but his member was definitely something more. It shot out straight and hard towards her face, as if reaching for the feel of her lips. However, there were bumps beneath the surface that seemed to swim and move in little circles beneath his erect tissue. She grew wetter just thinking how they’d feel moving about inside her like that.

  His hand had worked back into her long, dark locks and he pulled her forward. Sapphire didn’t hesitate, eager to discover if he tasted as good as he smelled. Her lips parted, taking the thick cockhead between her lips. The bumps moved in her mouth, tickling her tongue as she tried to suck him deeper. He was too large, and she reached forward with one hand to cup and explore. Eagerly, she licked and sucked, enjoying the almost addictive quality of his taste. It was like a euphoric drug, swimming around in her brain, making her lose all control.

  Her hips spread, thrusting in the air as she tried to relax her throat to bring him deeper. His grunts of appreciation and approval sounded over her head. She knew he watched her mouth taking him in and it excited her. Her body heated, growing frustrated at the one way action. She tried to pull back, but he held her tightly latched onto his cock.

  The bumps seemed to move faster. His breath became ragged. Sapphire was afraid if she let him come, he’d leave her without fulfillment. She again tired to pull off. His grip tightened and this time when he pulled her back onto him, his hips began thrusting to meet her soft, wet mouth. Suddenly, his body tensed. The movement beneath the surface of his shaft stopped, as he came in hot waves down her throat. Sapphire swallowed and he let her go.

  Chapter Five

  "Mmmm," Roark groaned, still standing on the floor. "I’ve been fantasizing about that for a long time."

  "I just bet you have," Sapphire said, breathless. "Now, how about a name, or should I just call you stud?"

  "Roark," he stated.

  "Just Roark?" she asked, eyeing him. Slowly she stood up on the bed and stepped closer so his mouth was near her stomach. S
he spread her legs and cocked an eyebrow boldly at him.

  "Just Sapphire?" he returned, looking at her parted thighs.

  Lifting his hands, he smoothed them over her skin, from the tops of her thigh high boots to the straps of her panties on her hips. Hooking his thumbs beneath the panties, he drew his fingers beneath the leather, down the front edge to her awaiting mound. Sapphire’s breath caught as she watched him. His thumbs traveled down, coming to the top arch of her slit. He pushed lightly at her folds, stroking down along her moist opening.

  "Ahh!" she panted, throwing her head back. The tension of the last weeks built easily at that light touch. Her hands lifted to her breast, plucking the nipples out over the top edge of the bodice. She pinched them, swaying into Roark’s hand as he teased her opening, digging deeper with each gentle pass. "Harder!"

  Roark chuckled, giving her what she wanted. Keeping one thumb on her clit, he drew a hand away to curl around to a cheek of her ass. Pushing the crotch of the panties aside, he moistened a finger in her natural juices and thrust it boldly up into her tight passage. His groan joined hers as he soon replaced one finger with two.

  Sapphire cried out in pleasure. It felt too good. She’d been held back too long. It didn’t take but a few deep strokes before an orgasm began to rack through her system, pouring cream over his hand. Her long frame tensed, shivering uncontrollably.

  Sapphire’s legs gave out and she collapsed down onto the bed. He let her fall onto the mattress before he slowly began to dress. When his clothes were righted, he said simply, "My time’s up, but I’ll be back. Tomorrow I want you to wear something soft, elegant."

  Sapphire’s mouth dropped open at his nerve and she watched him leave. She was too tired to move, glad that at least some of the pressure in her belly was sated. Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath. No matter how his last statement irritated her, she couldn’t help but look on the next night in anticipation. And, when she finally fell asleep, her erotic dreams of the stranger named Roark were all of her own mind’s doing.


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