Book Read Free

Killer Take All

Page 11

by William W. Johnstone; J. A. Johnstone

  He was met with quite a different aroma, that of pan-fried steak, when he climbed the stairs to Meagan’s apartment over the top of her dress shop. He tapped lightly on the door to announce his presence, then opened the door. “Meagan?”

  “Come in, come in. I hope you’re hungry.” She greeted him with a quick kiss.

  “Here now, lass, ’n would you be for tellin’ me when I ever wasn’t hungry?”

  Meagan laughed, then the smile left her face. “You saw it? Charley’s building?”

  “Aye, I saw what was left of it, and ’tis a sad sight.”

  “Duff, people are saying that it was no accident. They’re saying that it was arson.”

  “Given the current situation, ’tis possible that it could be.”

  “It’s just that, well, I know almost everyone in town. And we may have a few cantankerous people, and there are a lot of people who have been upset with some of the things Charley has printed, but I just can’t believe that any local citizen would do such a thing.”

  “People from Walbach, Uva, ’n even Fort Laramie are also upset. It could have been one of them,” Duff suggested.

  “Yes, that is a possibility.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  The meeting was scheduled for seven p.m., and the sun was a large orange disk hanging just over the Laramie Mountains as the county residents began arriving by horseback, buggy, surrey, buckboard, and wagon.

  The residents of the town watched the ranchers and farmers arrive, most with a sense of curiosity as to what they might decide, but some with a barely subdued animosity. Nearly everyone in town wanted the railroad, and they were resentful of anything, or anyone, that might prevent it. They were afraid that the planned meeting might have just that purpose in mind.

  For the children of the ranchers and farmers, it was an exciting adventure, and even the rural women enjoyed the opportunity it would give them to visit. Such opportunities were rare because they lived so far apart. As the men went into the Cattlemen’s Hall on the corner of Swan and Third Street, the women and children scattered throughout the town.

  After dinner with Meagan, Duff had joined Elmer at Fiddler’s Green Saloon while waiting for the meeting to begin.

  “Will Meagan be comin’ to the meetin’?” Elmer asked. The meeting was closed to anyone who wasn’t a member, or who had not received a specific invitation to attend, but, like Elmer, Meagan was a partner in Sky Meadow and because of that, a member of the Association.

  “I asked her if she wanted to come and she said she dinnae think she would.”

  “I wonder if Charley Blanton will show up?”

  “I expect he will, ’twas his article in the newspaper that got everyone all fired up.”

  “Yeah, and speakin’ o’ fired up it also more ’n likely got his newspaper office burnt down,” Elmer said.

  “Aye, that is probably true.”

  Biff Johnson had been standing at the door looking out over the batwings down toward Cattlemen’s Hall. He went back to Duff and Elmer’s table. “If you two are going, I should tell you that quite a few of ’em are gathered down at the hall now,” he said.

  “Then ’tis best we go,” Duff replied. “I would nae want Webb to get all nervous worrying about us.”

  Webb Dakota, owner of Sundown Ranch, was the president of the Cattlemen’s Association, and he had already asked Duff at least three times if he would be there.

  “You may have a bit of trouble tonight,” Biff suggested.

  “What kind of trouble?” Elmer asked.

  “Elmer, I don’t have to tell you that there are a whole lot of people in town who want the railroad to come through, and they’re looking at this meeting of the cattlemen as an obstacle that might prevent it.”

  “Aye, like they looked at the newspaper as an obstacle to prevent it,” Duff said.

  “No, I don’t think so,” Biff said, shaking his head. “At least, not the same people. Charley has spent quite a bit of time in here today. I mean, without the newspaper, where else would he go? Anyway, Charley isn’t blaming anyone in town for it. He thinks it was the railroad people themselves who burned down his paper.”

  “It could be, I suppose,” Duff agreed. “But we’ve nae way of proving it.”

  “Yeah, that’s just what Marshal Ferrell is saying,” Biff replied.

  Roy Streeter and Hank Mitchell were in the little building next door to Martin Gilmore’s Law office, the building that the town had provided for the railroad.

  “It worked out just like you thought it would,” Streeter said to the man sitting behind the desk. “Half the people think it was someone in town that burnt down the newspaper office, ’n most o’ the others think it was maybe somebody from Walbach or Uva.”

  “Good. We no longer have the newspaper to worry about, and as long as we have everyone at each other’s throats, then nobody will be paying that much attention to us, which means we can keep on with our plan.”

  “Yes, well, the people in the towns might be for us, but the ranchers are something else,” Streeter said. “They’ve got a big meetin’ goin’ on down at the Cattlemen’s Association building right now, ’n I’m tellin’ you, boss, this could wind up bein’ trouble for us.”

  “If they do try and cause any trouble we have enough men to resist, and we can resist with force. Remember, we have the law on our side.”

  Hank Mitchell chuckled. “Yeah, we’re railroad police. I never thought I would be a badge packer, but here I am, a-wearin’ one.”

  * * *

  By the time Duff and Elmer stepped into the Association Hall, every rancher and farmer from the valley was there, and the two had to look around for a seat. When everyone was gathered and seated, Webb Dakota picked up his gavel and called the meeting to attention.

  “Gentlemen, I don’t expect I’ll have to give you a reason why we’re having this meeting. This railroad business is getting out of hand. First, we have seen thousands of acres of free range gobbled up.” He held up his hand. “Yes, I know that the free rangeland is government property, but our cattle have grazed on it for as long as we have had cattle here. And losing that grazing land is workin’ a hardship on all of us. But it didn’t stop there. A few days ago we saw our first example of what they are calling eminent domain. Jonas, I’m going to let you tell the others what happened.”

  Jonas Perkins came to the front and looked out over his fellow ranchers. “Well, by now, I reckon you have all heard that Poindexter and some of his men from the railroad come to see me the other day. And the visit warn’t nothin’ you could say was a sociable call, neither. ’Cause what they done was, they bought up all my land that was watered by Bear Creek.”

  “They bought it, you say?” Dale Allen asked. “Well, that’s somethin’ isn’t it? I mean at least they didn’t just take the land like they been doin’ with the free-range acreage.”

  “Yes, they bought it. They give me sixteen hundred dollars for eight hundred acres, and told me it belonged to the C and FL Railroad now.”

  “What? Are you actually saying that all they give you for that land was sixteen hundred dollars? Are you serious?” David Lewis said, literally shouting the last word.

  “Sixteen hundred dollars,” Perkins repeated.

  “Why, that’s only two dollars an acre, and that land is worth fifty dollars an acre, easy!”

  “Yes, maybe even a little more because it’s well watered. But I wasn’t able to set the price. According to the railroad, it was the government that sets the price.”

  “And they dammed up Bear Creek too, which means I’m not gettin’ any of the water, either, and that ain’t right,” Goodman added. “There ain’t nothin’ that’s right about it.”

  “Tell them what happened this mornin’, Jonas,” Dakota said.

  “Wait, don’t tell me. They bought up some more of your land,” Earl Davis, of the Davis Ranch said.

  “No, this mornin’ they came back to see me with a proposition,” Perkins continued. “They
offered to let me buy my land back.”

  “They offered to let you buy your land back? Well, that’s good. It could be that some of our protestin’ is gettin’ through to ’em,” Lewis said.

  “Not quite. Remember, I told you that they bought it for two dollars an acre. Now they say I can buy it back from them for twenty-five dollars an acre,” Perkins said bitterly. “Oh, they did point out that I would be getting the land for less than it is worth.”

  “I thought I was the only one they had done that to,” Dale Allen said. “They took my free rangeland, then offered to sell it to me for forty dollars an acre, pointing out to me that it had never been my property in the first place.”

  “Gentlemen, none of this makes sense to me,” Dempster said. Though Dempster was a banker and not a rancher or farmer, he did so much business with them that he was a member by default. This was the first time he had spoken since the meeting began.

  “What do you mean, it doesn’t make any sense to you?” Dakota asked.

  “The C and FL is a subsidiary of the P R and M Corporation. The Poindexter Railroad and Maritime Corporation is one of the most highly respected companies in America, and they are known for their honest and decent business practices. That’s why I say this makes no sense. I have certainly followed the founder of that company over the years, and he is the textbook example of the American entrepreneur who got where he is today by his own intelligence and industry.

  “What do you mean?” Dakota asked.

  “Well, for example, he wasn’t born with a silver spoon in his mouth; he didn’t inherit a railroad and a shipping company, he didn’t even inherit any money. Why he was once an ordinary seaman himself, starting out on the very ships he now owns. And even there he prevailed because he went from ordinary seaman to ship’s captain. No, sir, from everything I have read about Preston Poindexter, he is a man of honor and integrity.

  “Who?” Elmer called out. “What was that name you just said?”

  “Preston Poindexter,” Dempster said. “He is the one who owns P R and M Corporation, and he’s the father of Jake Poindexter, the man we’re dealing with.”

  “Are you sure his name is Preston Poindexter ’n that he once commanded a ship?”

  “Yes, I’m positive.”

  “Elmer, what is your interest in all this?” Dakota asked.

  “Because if the Preston Poindexter that you’re talkin’ about is who I think it is, I know him. I know him real personal.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  “I have a suggestion,” Dale Allen said.

  “The floor is open to any and all suggestions,” Dakota replied.

  “Duff MacCallister is the biggest rancher in the valley ’n probably is the best known and most respected. I think that we should ask him to go down to the C and FL office to have a visit with Poindexter, and find out just when this road is goin’ to be built.”

  “Yeah, and ask him not to take no more land,” Lewis said.

  “Duff, would you be willing to do that?” Dakota asked.

  “Aye, I’ll do that, but seeing as Elmer may know Poindexter’s father, I would like for him to go with me.”

  “Sure, I’ll go,” Elmer said.

  “Gentlemen, I don’t want to butt into what would be the business of the cattlemen, but since the C and FL is doing so much business with the bank, it might be helpful if I went with Duff and Elmer when they visit with Poindexter. That is, Duff, if you don’t mind.”

  “I don’t mind at all. I think it would be a good thing for you to come with us,” Duff said.

  “Good, then it’s settled,” Dakota said. “Is there any more business?”

  “Yeah,” Lewis said. “Jonas and Merlin, seein’ as neither one of you can get to Bear Creek anymore, if you’d like, you two can bring your cows onto Trail Back to get to the water.”

  “Thank you, David,” Jonas said. “I really appreciate that.”

  “Yeah, me too,” Merlin added. “Thanks, David.”

  After the meeting was adjourned, Duff, Elmer, and Dempster walked down to the C&FL building, then stepped inside, where they were met by Streeter.

  “What do you want?” Streeter asked gruffly.

  “We would like to speak with Mr. Poindexter,” Duff said.

  “What for?”

  “We’ll be for taking that up with Mr. Poindexter,” Duff said. “If he has nae objection to you bein’ there when we talk, that’s fine.”

  “Yeah, all right. Wait here for moment.”

  Streeter stepped into another office then a moment later came back out. “He’ll see you.”

  When Duff, Elmer, and Dempster responded to the invitation, the man they had come to see was standing behind his desk. “Yes, what can I do for you gentlemen?” he said by way of greeting them.

  “We’ve just come from a meeting of the ranchers, ’n we’ll be for asking you a few questions, if you don’t mind.”

  “Whether I mind or not depends on the questions.”

  “Then I’ll ask the most difficult questions first. ’Tis the way you are taking the land that is causing the most concern.”

  “We haven’t taken any of your land, so what is your interest in this?”

  “I am a friend to those you have taken land from, and they ’n the Cattlemen’s Association have asked that I”—Duff paused, then with a motion, took in Elmer and Dempster—“that we speak to you about the problem.”

  “Mr. MacCallister, as I have explained to everyone who has been affected by our land acquisition, this is a necessary step in building a railroad. Some may be hurt initially, but that is only temporary. In the end, most will benefit.”

  “Yes,” Dempster said, speaking for the first time. “That is the way of progress. But as Mr. MacCallister has just pointed out to you, there seems to be no discernable pattern to your land acquisition. You’ve taken land parcels that are widely separated and inconsistent with what one would perceive to be the most logical route between Cheyenne and Fort Laramie.”

  “Yes, as the local newspaper pointed out before the tragic fire, we have not yet surveyed the route. And until the route is surveyed and agreed upon, we must consider all options, and that means acquiring land for several possible routes of the railroad.”

  “Is it true, Mr. Poindexter, that you have taken land, then attempted to sell it back to the very people you took it from?” Duff asked.

  “Yes, that’s true, but it is certainly within our right to do that. You see, the Land Grant Act of 1864 isn’t just to give us land over which to lay our track, it is also to provide us with real estate that we can sell in order to raise construction money.

  “I’m told, Mr. MacCallister, that you are an immigrant, but recently arrived from Scotland. What you may not know is that this magnificent network of railroads that joins the Atlantic to the Pacific, and crisscrosses so much of America, was built by the same tactic we are employing here. We acquire land to sell, and in order for these land sales to be profitable, the land we acquire must be valuable.”

  “Even if it results in breaking the very people you are here to serve?” Duff asked.

  “Our number one priority, Mr. MacCallister, is to make a profit. If, in making a profit, the people are served, then that is good. But you must understand that everything we have done, and will continue to do, is legal. And because the law is on our side, any resistance to our activity would be illegal, and we will act accordingly. That is why our railroad police also hold commissions as deputy United States Marshals. Now, gentlemen, will that be all?”

  Duff and Dempster exchanged looks, but Elmer, as he had been doing from the moment they had entered the office, was staring at Poindexter. “You don’t act nothin’ at all like Pete. ’N you don’t look like him, neither.”

  “Who is Pete, and why should I look like him?”

  “It don’t matter none.”

  “Gentlemen, I know that the ways of business and high finance may be a bit beyond your comprehension, so may I suggest you le
ave all the details to us? After all, we share the common goal of getting the railroad built, do we not?”

  “Aye, ’tis our goal, all right.”

  “Then please allow the Poindexter Railroad and Maritime Corporation the opportunity to get the job done without all this troublesome opposition.”

  “Good day to you,” Duff said as he led the other two men out of the C&FL headquarters.

  “Good day, sir.”

  “Duff, if we’re leavin’ now, why don’t we have us a drink a-fore we go back home?” Elmer asked, once they were out on the street.

  “Aye, a wee bit of scotch would go down just fine, now. Mr. Dempster, would you be for joining us?”

  “I’d better not. I told Julia I would come home immediately after the meeting,” Dempster replied.

  “Give the missus my regards.”

  * * *

  Back in the C&FL building, Streeter stood watching at the window until he was sure they were actually leaving. Then he turned around to ask the question that had been bothering him for the last few minutes. “Who’s Pete?”

  “I don’t have the slightest idea. But I feel that these men, at least MacCallister and this Elmer person, are going to cause us trouble.”

  “We can take care of that. All we have to do is kill all three of ’em.”


  “Why do you say no? Like you said, they’re goin’ to cause us trouble, and that means we’re for sure goin’ to have to get rid of ’em.”

  “When I say no, I mean don’t do anything about Dempster as he is the banker and we are dependent upon him in order to keep our operation going. As for as the other two, MacCallister and Gleason, yes, I would like to see them, uh, eliminated. But I don’t want any of our men to do it, because it would inevitably lead back to all of us. This is the West, some call it the Wild West. You certainly should be able to find someone who can handle the job for us.”

  “It’s going to cost money.”

  “We’ve got money. We’ve got a lot of money and as long as everything continues to go our way, we’ll have a lot more money. But to ensure that, it would be best if MacCallister and Gleason were, uh, no longer around to cause any trouble for us. I’ll leave it up to you to make the arrangements.


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