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Irresistible Omegas Volume One

Page 45

by Nora Phoenix

  Vieno licked again, Lidon’s neck, his shoulder, his ear. “What’s stopping you?”

  Lidon’s laugh rumbled through him. “I love you, you little minx.”

  Vieno stilled as the words hit him. Did Lidon mean it or was it a spur-of-the-moment thing, to be taken in the context of what they were doing?

  Lidon’s hand grabbed his neck and forced his head back to make eye contact. “I didn’t mean to blurt it out like that, but it’s how I feel, how I’ve been feeling for a while.”

  “You do?” Vieno asked, breathless.

  “Sweetheart, I fell for you the moment I met you. I didn’t understand what and why, but my alpha knew. And now that I’ve come to know you with your big heart and your sweet character, the way you take such good care of us, your sense of humor, your drive to make our home into something special, not to mention how compatible we are in bed… God, I love you, Vieno. With all my heart.”

  Vieno’s heart rose up inside him, like a sunflower that felt the warm rays of the sun, giving it life. “I love you, Lidon, my alpha. I feel like I was made for you… Palani and Enar, too, but you’re my alpha, my protector. You complete me, somehow.”

  They stared at each other, two hearts finding peace in their roles in a bigger puzzle, a puzzle that contained four pieces. But he and Lidon, they were the bookends that kept them all together. The alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end.

  “Sweetheart, you don’t have to say anything right now, ‘cause I don’t want to pressure you, but would you consider not taking birth control on your next heat? I have this deep longing to have children with you.”

  “My next heat is less than three weeks away,” Vieno reminded him. “That’s pretty soon.”

  “If you want to wait, that’s fine,” Lidon said. “But I’m ready. I want nothing more than to see you carry my child.”

  Vieno’s eyes, which had been cloudy from the moment Lidon had spoken his declaration of love, welled over. The dream he’d had since he’d been a little omega to one day find his big, strong alpha and have his children was here. Right now, in this moment, his dream had become real, so real he could touch it, feel it, smell it.

  “Yes,” he said through his tears. “God, yes, Lidon. I’ll give you a son, an heir.”

  Lidon’s eyes grew moist as well, Vieno noted with a soft feeling inside. His proud, strong alpha would make an amazing dad.

  “I don’t care if it’s a boy or a girl, an alpha, beta, or omega. It’ll be beautiful and perfect and loved. I can’t wait to see you carry my child, sweetheart, your belly all swollen and round.”

  Vieno couldn’t explain how he knew, but he did. There was a buzz in his head, a crackle of electricity in his system. A knowledge filled him with a certainty that left no room for doubts.

  “It will be a son, Lidon. Your son. An alpha heir. He’ll carry your name, and he’ll bring change. He’ll be the vessel that breaks the chains that hold us back from becoming who we truly are.”

  Lidon stared at Vieno. How…? He couldn’t form words. It wasn’t possible, what had just happened. Vieno couldn’t know, and yet he did…and so did Lidon. His alpha confirmed the truth of Vieno’s words. He would have an alpha heir, and that child would bring change. He had no idea how or why, but did it matter? All he cared about was his men, his pack.

  “The next heat,” he promised Vieno.

  “The next heat,” Vieno confirmed with the sweetest smile on his face.

  Lidon put his hand on Vieno’s belly. “You’re gonna be so beautiful when you’re pregnant. Even more beautiful than you already are.”

  Vieno melted against him. “I can’t wait. It’s gonna be a long eighteen days.” Then his smile transformed into something slightly less ethereal and a lot more naughty. “Maybe we should practice in the meantime? You know, to make sure we get it right?”

  Lidon laughed, a full-belly laugh that shook his body. “Another reason I love you, my little minx. Let’s scratch that itch of yours, shall we?”

  He walked them over to a bench and gently lowered Vieno onto it. He made short work of his running shorts and underwear, taking off his shoes and socks as well. Vieno lay waiting for him, his eyes trained on Lidon as he licked his lips in a gesture that made Lidon’s cock even harder. Would he ever stop wanting him? Probably not, and he was fine with that.

  He put up the backrest of the bench, which he always used for weight exercises, then sat down with his back against it and held out his arms to Vieno. “Come here, sweetheart. Sit yourself down onto me. Ride me.”

  Vieno didn’t hesitate for a second, his face all eager as he climbed onto Lidon. Lidon held out his cock until Vieno had positioned himself, and his omega lowered himself. The sounds he made as he took Lidon in were the most intoxicating music Lidon had ever heard. Little whimpers and mewls, soft sighs of pleasure, followed by a deep moan as he was impaled all the way.

  “Does that reach your itch?” he asked, his voice hoarse.

  “Yes,” Vieno whispered. He lifted himself up and lowered, letting out another moan. “Your alpha cock is exactly what I needed.”

  “Ride me,” Lidon ordered. “Ride me until you’re satisfied.”

  Vieno’s eyes crossed before he did as Lidon had told him, fucking himself on Lidon’s cock. He watched him pleasure himself, his eyes closed and a stream of noises falling from his lips. His hand found Vieno’s right nipple, which he loved having pinched, Lidon remembered from his heat. Palani had twisted those little knobs until they had been red and aching, but Vieno had loved it.

  Lidon tugged at the little bud, and Vieno’s eyes flew open. “Oh!”

  “You like that?” Lidon whispered with a satisfied smile. He repeated the move, and Vieno’s body shuddered around him.

  “Fuck, yes. More…”

  The omega’s skin was flushed, shiny from his own sweat mixed in with a good dose of Lidon’s. He’d never looked more beautiful and healthy, every sign that he was struggling with his health gone.

  Lidon teased his nipples, tugging and twisting, as Vieno used Lidon’s cock to fill himself again and again till he fell apart before Lidon's eyes. Vieno came all over him without ever touching himself, and it filled Lidon with a deep satisfaction.

  He held him as he came down from his high, the slender body trembling in his arms, Lidon’s cock still buried deep inside him.

  “I’m sorry,” Vieno said.

  Lidon pushed his head back. “For what?”

  “You should come first. It was selfish of me.”

  “No, it wasn’t. I loved watching you pleasure yourself on my cock. God, do you have any idea how sexy it is when you do that? This round was for you. The next is for me. Hang on, sweetheart, ‘cause now it’s my turn.”

  He thought about turning them on the bench, then decided he didn’t have enough room to maneuver and rose, still buried to the hilt inside Vieno. He lowered them onto a thick floor mat. “Brace yourself,” he warned Vieno.

  He took his mouth first, wanting to taste him, feel him, breathe him in until all he felt was his omega. Their tongues met, Vieno letting him into his sweet mouth before pushing him out again, their tongues twisting and dancing around each other. Lidon closed his eyes, his senses almost overloading.

  He thrust in hard, catching Vieno’s subsequent moan in his mouth. The sounds he made were intoxicating, fueling the desire already storming through his system. He bit Vieno’s bottom lip as he thrust again, their slick bodies sliding against each other. They fit so perfectly, his lithe body taking Lidon’s cock with ease, his channel slick and ready for Lidon to use.

  He stretched out on top of him, buried his face in Vieno’s neck, and went to town on his ass. He couldn’t be subtle anymore, couldn’t be precise. He needed to own him, claim him, mark him all over again so everyone would know he was theirs. Their omega.

  Vieno cried out without holding back as he slammed in, his balls slapping against his flesh. “More, alpha, give me more…”

  The friction on
his cock was insane, Vieno’s hole gripping him, squeezing him. God, he wanted to fill him up with his seed, breed him. The thought sent him over the edge, and he gave one final thrust and released balls deep inside him, his body jerking with the joy of his release.


  Later that night, all his men were in bed, lazily kissing and making out as usual. Palani was driving Vieno insane with his kisses while Enar was observing with a sweet smile on his face, seemingly content to lie in Lidon’s arms after he had fucked him into oblivion. It was something new, the closeness he experienced with his best friend.

  “Palani, stop driving him mad,” Lidon said with a laugh in his voice. “A few more minutes and he’ll spontaneously combust.”

  Palani lifted his head, causing Vieno to whimper and seek friction for his weeping cock against the beta’s body. Palani smiled with that sexy grin, which hit Lidon in his belly. “He’s so fucking responsive,” he said. “I love driving him crazy with want.”

  Lidon grinned, knowing all too well how true that statement was.

  “He’s so mean to me,” Vieno complained, but his eyes sparkled this time. “He drives me insane, and then he refuses to fuck me.”

  “Poor you,” Lidon said. “It’s a hard life you have, my little horny omega.”

  Vieno’s eyes lit up. “Will you fuck me?” he asked with eagerness.

  Lidon reached out with his hand to fist Enar’s cock, which was still hard as he’d come only once when Lidon fucked him. “I have a nice big cock for you right here,” he said.

  Vieno scrambled from under Palani, who protested loudly. “Hey, where do you think you’re going?”

  “You snooze, you lose,” Lidon teased him, rising to his knees to kiss his omega until he trembled in his arms with want. Sure, he could get hard again in no time and fill him, but he loved seeing Enar take him. And Palani could take it, this teasing and rubbing. He’d get his fill somehow, since he was equally happy being fucked as he was doing the fucking.

  “Here you go, sweetheart,” he said, kissing him one last time before lifting him up and positioning him above Enar’s cock.

  Vieno reached backward to lower himself, and they all watched in wonder as that gorgeous ass took in the fat cock underneath him.

  “Ah…” Vieno sighed. “That feels so good.”

  “I was robbed,” Palani declared, then rolled over to Lidon’s arms and sought a spot there. “I guess I’ll have to be content watching.”

  Enar held Vieno’s hips as he rose up to surge in deeply, making him moan loudly.

  “God, he’s so beautiful like this,” Lidon sighed, his cock hardening as Vieno lost himself. What a sight it was, that slender body on top of that much bigger one, though the expression of sheer lust on both their faces was identical.

  “They both are,” Palani said, the love palpable in his voice.

  Enar’s strong muscles flexed as he sped up, fucking Vieno with deep, hard strokes.

  “True,” Lidon admitted.

  They both watched in silence, enjoying the sight of their mates losing themselves in each other.

  “So, a baby, huh?” Palani said.

  “Vieno told you?”

  “Mmm. He can’t wait, you know.”

  “Should I have asked you? Enar too, maybe?” Lidon wondered.

  Palani rolled onto his stomach, seeking Lidon’s eyes. “No. This was between you and Vieno, between our alpha and our omega. Besides, you know we want this too.”

  “You do?”

  “Vieno becoming a daddy? God, yes. It’s what he was born to do. And you’ll make a good father, Lidon.”

  “I’m sorry that you can’t…” He stopped talking when Palani put a finger on his lips.

  “No, don’t apologize. I don’t regret anything. Seeing him like this, knowing he can fulfill his lifelong dream of becoming a daddy, it’s all I ever wanted for him. I’m right where I want to be, happier than I ever thought possible.”

  Lidon studied Palani as behind them, Enar grunted and came, causing Vieno to let go as well. There was not a trace of disappointment or resentment on the beta’s face. All Lidon saw was love, and it filled him with a deep desire to do what he could to be worthy of the sacrifices Palani had made.

  “About you feeling robbed,” he said, smiling when Palani’s eyes lit up. “Any chance you’ll settle for me instead of Vieno?”

  Palani rolled on top of him, already spreading his legs. “Anytime, alpha.”


  Enar felt guilty as shit. He should know because he was quite familiar with that particular emotion. For fuck's sake, his father had excelled at making him feel guilty. Guilty for not being enough of an alpha. Guilty for not being the kind of doctor he should have been. Guilty for not marrying an omega and continuing the family line. The list of things he’d been made to feel guilty about over the years was long.

  Today, he could add another one to that list. He should’ve contacted his brother Sven as soon as he’d found out about the Melloni gene, except he hadn’t. Then he should have done it when he and Palani had found out about the likelihood of it being related to fertility drugs, but again, he hadn’t.

  He knew exactly why. Sven still lived at home, with Lars and their father. Enar’s father. Which was the whole reason why he’d avoided this particular confrontation for such a long time. He’d rather have his fingernails pulled than go back to the man who had made his life a living hell. But he had to. For Sven’s sake, he had to. And after the attack, after finding the courage to come out to his men, he’d given himself a swift kick in the ass and told himself to man the fuck up.

  He’d called Sven the day before to ask him if he could stop by to talk. Sven had been surprised—no wonder, since they rarely talked. Another source of guilt. Enar had left home to go to university when Lars had been four years old and Sven only two. He’d been back as little as possible, and he hadn’t returned home in… He did a quick calculation in his head. His mother’s funeral had been seven years ago, so that was it. Seven years ago.

  At first, he’d attempted to stay in touch with Lars and Sven, but it had gotten harder. Between how busy he’d gotten with work and the bad memories even contact with his brothers stirred up, he’d sort of let them go.

  No, not sort of. He had let them go. It had been easier than dealing with the pain. And over time, the guilt about it had faded until he barely remembered he had brothers. Now, the guilt was back in full swing, exacerbated by Sven’s not-too-friendly attitude on the phone. Enar couldn’t blame him, but that didn’t make it easier.

  At least Sven had assured him their father would be out of the house. He was on a business trip for a few days, so Lars and Sven were by themselves. Much to his shame, Enar didn’t even know what they did, if they were in school or worked. Lars was twenty-two, so he could have a college degree by now.

  He pulled up in front of the house and parked in the driveway that still looked familiar, even after all these years. The flowers his mother had always planted along the wall were gone, though, replaced by bushes that looked well maintained. The whole garden looked like someone spent a ton of time keeping it up. Definitely not his father because he’d hated getting his hands dirty. No, it had always been his mother who had a green thumb.

  As soon as he’d rung the bell, the door was opened. God, Lars had gotten so big. He was a man now. A man who gave him a look that was anything but friendly. He didn’t say a word as he opened the door wide and let Enar step inside where Sven stood waiting.

  As soon as Lars closed the door behind him, a waft of Sven’s scent drifted on the air, and Enar smelled him. He knew, right then and there. Sven was weeks away from his first heat at most, probably less.

  But…wait. Why the hell could he smell him? Sven was his brother, and family members weren’t supposed to be able to smell each other’s heat, and it wasn’t supposed to affect him. Was that the gene that had changed that too? And dammit, Enar was still taking suppressants, which meant anyone else w
ould smell him even stronger. He had to have the gene. There was no other explanation. Dammit all to hell and back.

  “What the fuck do you want?” Lars said, taking position next to Sven.

  “Lars,” Sven said, turning away from Enar to shoot his brother a pleading look.

  “Can we sit somewhere? I have something I need to discuss with Sven,” Enar said after clearing his throat. God, this was hard. Delivering bad news to patients always sucked, but even more if said patient was your brother.

  “And, Sven, what I need to tell you is of a rather sensitive nature, so it’s up to you if you want Lars to be present or not.”

  “I’m not leaving him alone with you,” Lars snapped at him.

  Enar crossed his arms and allowed his alpha to shine through for the first time. “That’s not up to you.”

  Sven put a calming hand on Lars’s arm. “It’s okay. I want you there. You know I do.”

  They sat at the kitchen table, the kitchen looking as immaculate and pristine as the rest of the house.

  “How have you guys been?” Enar asked.

  “Really? After years of no contact, that’s what you wanna ask us? Fuck you, asshole.”

  Lars’s eyes spewed fire, his body tight with anger. Sven once again put a hand on his arm, but he didn’t say anything.

  Enar rubbed his temples. “I deserved that,” he admitted. “And the rest of the anger you obviously have stored up for me. I deserve it all and more. But you need to put that anger aside for a few minutes and listen to me because I need to tell you something important.”

  Lars’s eyes lost little of their derision. “I can’t imagine there’s anything you have to tell that we’re interested in hearing.”

  “Again, I get that, and I deserve it, but this is more important than your anger, okay? This is about Sven and something I need to ask him and tell him that could save his life.”

  Lars’s expression changed at that. “What are you talking about?”

  “Lars, can you listen to him, please? I want to hear what he has to say, so can you stop being angry for a little bit? For me?” Sven pleaded with him.


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