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Irresistible Omegas Volume One

Page 78

by Nora Phoenix

  For that, Vieno had to kiss him too, which led to him kissing Enar as well, since he could hardly leave him out, and it ended in a messy make-out session on the couch that they moved into the bedroom before they added more stains to the couch.

  The whole pack gathered in the living room the next day, watching the election results as they came in. The race was close at first, but the CWP took the lead when about fifty percent of the results were in, and after that, they never lost their advantage. At ten that evening, George York appeared in a press conference to declare a victory for his party and to accept his position as prime minister.

  It was the dawning of a new era, Vieno realized. Now all he could do was hope that the CWP would implement the measures and policies that they had promised to improve the life of omegas. They had sacrificed a fair democratic process for this. It had better be worth it.


  Sven was pleasantly surprised that they had found a rhythm, the three of them. They all got up at the same time in the morning, though Lars preferred to stay in bed a little longer while Sven and Grayson took a shower. Sven loved showering with his alpha, not least because Grayson usually allowed him to suck him off. The sensation of being on his knees in front of his alpha, even if it was on the hard shower tiles…there was nothing like it.

  Well, that wasn’t true. Having Grayson fuck him was pretty sweet too. He loved it even more when they tag-teamed him, Grayson and Lars. They’d done that the day before, Lars fucking the cum Grayson had just deposited right out of him again. The absolutely filthy sounds that had resulted in had been enough to make him come—which he would have, except Grayson hadn’t given him permission. He loved it when the alpha did that.

  He wasn’t the only one getting fucked. Lars was on the receiving end of that perfect alpha cock almost daily as well—not that he was complaining. On the contrary, the beta loved it. He had a preference for being fucked hard, which Grayson had picked up on quickly, and Sven loved watching as the man went all no-holds-barred on Lars’s ass.

  They always had breakfast together, sometimes at the same time as the pack alpha and his men, sometimes a little earlier. After their talk, Lars and Enar were more at ease with each other, though the peace was still fragile. Lars had told him Enar’s side of the story, and Sven had understood. Then again, he’d never been as angry as Lars. It wasn’t in his character to hold a grudge, and he saw Enar’s pain clear as day. After their heart-to-heart, Lars was trying, Sven saw. They weren’t best friends, but the chill in the air had evaporated.

  After breakfast, Lars would go outside to work, while Grayson would retreat into his office. At first, his writing setup had been in their bedroom, but with three people living there, it had become a little crowded, so Lidon had told him he could confiscate the smallest bedroom in the hallway and convert it into an office. He wasn’t the only one using it, as Palani was often sitting at another desk behind him, but the two were equally concentrated and rarely bothered each other, as far as Sven could tell.

  While his two men were at work, Sven did whatever Vieno asked him to do, or when the omega was resting, whatever he thought needed to be done. He’d taken over laundry duty, since the smell of the detergent bothered Vieno, and he now did most of the cooking as well. Vieno was still tired a lot and suffered from nausea throughout the day, so Sven did whatever he could to keep the household running.

  They had lunch together, sometimes in the kitchen, sometimes in their bedroom. He and Lars had gotten used to undressing as soon as Grayson closed the bedroom door behind them. It was so automatic that Sven didn’t even think about it anymore. He loved the intimacy it created, especially since Grayson was so liberal with his affections. He would constantly reach out for them, touch them, cuddle them, or show his appreciation with a hundred tiny gestures that all went straight to Sven’s heart.

  Today, Grayson had requested lunch in their bedroom, so Sven had made a stack of hearty sandwiches with homemade potato chips and tall glasses of cold milk. He set it all up in the bedroom, then undressed and waited on his knees for Grayson and Lars to show up.

  Lars arrived first, sharing a sweaty kiss with him before dashing into the bathroom to freshen himself up a little and wash his hands. He got rid of his clothes quickly as well, so when Grayson walked in a minute later, both of them were naked and on their knees.

  The big smile on Grayson’s face as he closed the door was nourishment for Sven’s soul, making him sing on the inside. He’d become addicted to Grayson’s appreciation and approval, way more than he’d ever thought possible. How had he not known he needed this?

  “Look at you two,” Grayson said, his voice warm. “Both of my boys, naked and waiting for me on their knees. How did I ever get so lucky?”

  Sven’s soul sang a little louder than it had before, a sweet music he’d never been able to make before he met Grayson.

  Grayson quickly went into the bathroom to wash his hands. When he came back, he said, “We’re going to do things a little differently today. Pup, remind me of your rules.”

  True to his word, Grayson had given them both rules, and they were not the same. “Always be naked when we’re in this room in private,” Sven started, ticking it off on his fingers. “Never come without permission. Don’t touch myself without your permission.”

  He blushed at the next one, which Grayson had issued three days earlier. “Clean myself every day so I’m always ready for you,” he said, his voice much softer. “And read half an hour every day.”

  The last one had been the newest rule, issued yesterday. It hadn’t made much sense to him, but since it seemed pretty harmless, he’d simply obeyed. Who knew what Grayson’s motivation was for issuing a rule like that? Sven counted on the alpha having some ulterior motive, and he didn’t doubt it was in his best interest, so he simply let go and did as he was told. He couldn’t even find the words to describe how much stress it took off his shoulders to no longer have to worry about things like that.

  Grayson nodded, smiling again. “Good job, pup.” He turned to Lars. “How about you, boy? Repeat your rules to me, please.”

  After that round of sex they’d had twelve days ago, Sven had expected the conversation Grayson had announced as part of that deal, but it never happened. Lars had been so wiped out, both emotionally and physically, that Grayson had said they would talk at a later point. That hadn’t happened yet, but Sven didn’t feel like it was something that was needed as much as before.

  Lars still bucked at the rules at times or at commands Grayson gave him, but it was nowhere near the resistance he’d displayed before. He hadn’t called Grayson Daddy again, but Sven saw it dance on his lips every now and then, only his own fear holding the beta back from uttering the word.

  “Be naked, no touching myself, no coming without permission,” Lars rattled off his first three rules, which were the same as Sven’s. “Eat three healthy meals,” he added, Grayson’s rule to make sure Lars stopped eating junk food and snacks instead of healthy meals.

  It was a habit Lars had picked up years ago, out of necessity, since he’d rarely had time to eat properly. He’d always been busy. Busy studying, busy working two jobs since their dad had refused to pay for anything for them other than the most basic of food, busy taking care of Sven, busy making sure they were surviving and safe.

  Grayson had noticed Lars skipping meals at times, and one of his first rules had been that Lars had to sit his ass down for a proper, healthy meal three times a day—Grayson’s literal instructions. The beta had grumbled, but he had obeyed. Sven loved to see Grayson take care of Lars like that. His lover needed it, and he was accepting it more every day.

  “Shower and cuddle time after work,” Lars added last, his voice growing softer.

  Sven loved this daily ritual Grayson had started with Lars. As soon as he was done working, the two of them would take a shower where Grayson would wash him. Afterward, they would sit in a chair for at least fifteen minutes to cuddle—a time where Lars was not p
ermitted to talk. Lars had never said a word about it to Sven, but it was easy for the omega to see how much that ritual meant to him.

  “I have a new rule for both of you today. Pup, yours will be for the next three days, just to see if this works for us or not, okay?”

  Sven nodded, curious what Grayson had come up with.

  “In the evenings, when we are in the living room with the others, I want you to sit quietly at my feet and not say anything. All you need to do is sit there on your knees, silent. That’s it. Do you think you can do that for me?”

  While it didn’t sound terribly exciting, it didn’t seem to be a difficult order, so Sven readily agreed. “Yes, alpha.”

  “Good pup. Now for you, boy. I’ve waited for you to bring it up, but I think it may still be too hard for you to admit, so I’ll take the choice from your hands. Starting tomorrow, we will begin the day for you with a short spanking. When I walk back into the bedroom after I’ve showered with Sven, I’m expecting you to be naked and on your knees, ready for me. I think you need that daily reminder that I’m here to take care of you, and that includes disciplining you.”

  Lars’s cheeks had grown red as soon as Grayson had mentioned the word “spanking,” and Sven suppressed a smile. Grayson so had the beta’s number.

  “What do you say, boy?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Grayson nodded with a satisfied smile. “Okay, let’s have lunch. That, too, will be a little different today. I want both of you on either side of me, on your knees.”

  Sven shared a quick look with Lars, who was as surprised as he was at the order. Yes, they had eaten lunch in here twice before, and they had been naked both times, but they had sat on the chairs. Apparently, Grayson had something else in mind today, and Sven wasn’t sure what it was.

  After a slight hesitation, Sven kneeled at Grayson’s left side while Lars took a spot to the alpha’s right. Grayson’s hands came down on their heads almost immediately, scratching Sven’s neck and caressing Lars’s hair.

  “My beautiful boys,” Grayson said, his voice so full of pride it almost brought tears to Sven’s eyes.

  Grayson kept his hands on their heads for a little bit until Sven felt himself quiet down. It was like the strong hand on his neck helped him find some kind of inner peace. He stopped worrying about what Grayson was about to do or what was expected of him and simply focused on the sensation of that hand on his neck, on the strength that radiated from it and the assurance that he was taken care of. He even stopped worrying about Lars and how he would take this new experiment.

  All that mattered was that he was here, he was safe, he was taken care of, and his Daddy was right there. He tasted the word on his tongue, rolled it around in his mouth. Daddy. He’d never called Grayson that, had wanted to stay on the safe side with him. It was like he felt the need to hold back that last little part of him, afraid that if he gave Grayson that too, there would be nothing left of him.

  He exhaled, the last bit of tension leaving his body. It didn’t matter anymore. He trusted Grayson, knew within the depths of his soul that the man would never betray him. He wasn’t sure how he knew, but he did.

  And so he sat, eyes closed, his breathing slowing down until all he felt was that hand on his neck. That strong, safe hand from his Daddy. Suddenly that rule of sitting at Daddy’s feet every evening sounded a whole lot more pleasant.

  Lars had tried to push all thoughts of Grayson’s new rules out of his head, but he hadn’t been successful. Not even the unique experience of Grayson feeding them their lunch had managed to distract him entirely.

  It had been something special, he and Sven on their knees, completely naked, while Grayson fed them little bites of their sandwiches and chips. At first, Lars hadn’t been sure what to think. It felt strange, surreal to be fed like that. He wasn’t a child after all.

  The bliss on Sven’s face had shown him he might be overthinking it. Again. The omega obviously had no issues relishing his alpha’s care. He completely sank into it, his eyes closed half the time, leaning into Grayson so much he ended up with his head against Grayson’s thigh. Not that the alpha had minded. His big hand had found Sven’s head again and again for soft strokes, little scratches, touches that sank Sven deeper into bliss.

  Lars, of course, had struggled more, but he couldn’t deny that by the end of the lunch, he’d felt more relaxed than he had in a long time. It had stopped feeling weird, and somehow, he’d come to appreciate every little bite Grayson fed him. He’d even dared to lick the alpha’s fingers when a little mayonnaise had ended up there, and Grayson had rewarded him with a big smile, then told him to lick off his fingers completely. Lars hadn’t even hesitated, his belly full of joy at pleasing his…

  There was that hesitation again. He pondered it, as he heard the shower running and pictured Sven on his knees, sucking Grayson off. He had a few more minutes until his first spanking. It wasn’t his first spanking, technically, but it was the first planned one. Lars had still mixed feelings about the whole spanking business, just like with everything else Grayson had done.

  Why was it so hard for him to understand all this? It came so much easier to Sven, who had barely even heard of Daddy kink before, and yet had taken to it so completely. He had no hesitation executing Grayson’s orders, not even when he didn’t understand them. Take the half hour of reading every day. Neither of them had any idea why Grayson would want Sven to do that, but Sven had embraced it as easily as he had everything else.

  Yesterday evening, he’d spent a long time sitting at Grayson’s feet, as the alpha had asked him, simply kneeling. Lars would’ve gone mad after just a few minutes, but Sven seemed happier as time passed. Grayson’s hand had never left his neck, and it was a gesture that pleased and centered Sven, though Lars didn’t understand exactly why.

  He didn’t feel the same need to resist everything Grayson told him, but he still found himself struggling with obeying at times. It wasn’t so much because he felt Grayson’s requests were unreasonable, but more because he felt like he should resist on principle.

  How could it be okay to be this obedient to another man, especially an alpha? Didn’t that make him awfully close to an omega? He rejected the thought as soon as it popped up. He wasn’t an omega, and he had never felt like one. Not like what Enar had described about feeling like a beta. It was more that he associated that level of instinctual obedience with omegas and not with betas.

  Then again, most of the submissives he’d seen in the club had been betas, not omegas. They hadn’t shown any shame at submitting, regardless if their Dom had been another beta or an alpha. Why then was this such a struggle for Lars?

  He heard the shower turn off and decided he’d better get ready, in case Grayson walked in earlier than usual. He’d already relieved himself before those two got in the shower, so he got out of bed and kneeled next to what had become Grayson’s chair, his head bowed. Now that he was ready for his spanking, he could try to figure out why he had such an issue with it.

  It wasn’t that he didn’t like it, because he did. My god, that first time, it had been everything he’d never known he’d wanted. And yet even knowing how much he liked it, he resisted it. He wasn’t supposed to like it. It was weird, enjoying being spanked. The whole Daddy thing was weird, wasn’t it? He was a grown man. Okay, he was still young at twenty-two, but he was an adult. Why would he want another man to take care of him like this? What did that say about him, about his abilities or his character?

  And that was aside from his whole aversion to a Daddy in the first place, what with his own father being such a massive asshole and creep. How could he even want a Daddy after that? He couldn’t reconcile the conflicting emotions inside him, and he sighed with disappointment at his inability to figure it out.

  “That was a deep sigh,” Grayson remarked.

  His hand landed softly on Lars’s shoulder, and he had to resist the urge to lean into it. He wanted to surrender to him so badly, but he couldn’t get past hi
s own arguments for why wanting this was ridiculous. Asking Sven was useless, since he obviously had no problems with it whatsoever. The only one he could ask was… Grayson himself.

  Lars inhaled deeply, filling his lungs with the courage he needed to take the next step. “Yellow. I need to call a yellow. Before we do this, can we talk, Grayson?”

  This was a conversation he needed to have while being on equal footing, not as a submissive with his Dom, or a boy with his Daddy, or even a beta with his alpha. If he wanted to get through this, he needed to be able to have an open conversation without fearing repercussions.

  He heard Grayson’s sharp intake of breath, but the hand on his shoulder stayed in place. “Yes. Yes, we can, Lars.”

  Lars exhaled with relief, recognizing that the use of his name meant that Grayson had understood his intention and had accepted it. Grayson let go of his shoulder, and he rose to his feet, avoiding his eyes as he quickly put on a pair of boxer briefs. When he was done, Grayson had positioned himself in his chair, and Lars dared to take a peek at his expression from under his lashes. Grayson looked serious but not angry, not even in the least.

  Sven stepped in from the bathroom, where he had cleaned himself according to Grayson’s instructions. Lars had wondered why the omega had been told to clean himself on the inside every day, and he hadn’t, but he hadn’t given it too much thought. As usual, Grayson would have his reasons.

  The omega looked from Lars to Grayson and back. “Is everything okay?” he asked, then bit his lip, undoubtedly picking up the slight tension in the room.

  “Yes, pup. Lars just wanted to have a conversation with me. It’s up to you if you want to stay or not, but I promise you we’re not fighting. We need to talk some things through, that’s all.”


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