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Irresistible Omegas Volume One

Page 80

by Nora Phoenix

  “Feed it to Lars,” he said, with a gleam in his eyes.

  Sven didn’t even hesitate but crawled toward Lars, who looked shocked for a second or two before he accepted Sven’s gift. Grayson watched with satisfaction as his cum got transferred from one mouth to another and then dripped down both his boys’ chins. He didn’t have to tell them to keep kissing; they did, seemingly lost to him and the world.

  Sven was cleaning Lars’s chin now, licking and sucking the remnants of cum off him. As soon as he was done, Lars returned the favor. Both boys were hard, their naked bodies writhing and rutting against each other. And oh, glorious recovery time, he was hard again at the sight.

  “Pup, on your knees on the bed, ass toward me,” he told Sven. “You get to fuck him, boy, but you’d better enjoy it because it’s the last time you’ll be coming for a while,” he told Lars.

  Neither boy needed more instructions, and only seconds later, Lars was inside the omega, aided by his natural slick.

  “Pup, you can’t move. You’ll have to be satisfied with whatever you get.”

  Lars shot him a curious look over his shoulder until he caught Grayson lubing himself, and then he smiled and spread his legs for what he had gathered was coming. Grayson didn’t prep him much, wanting to experiment a little with how rough Lars liked his penetration. He would go slowly and see how the beta would react.

  He pushed in carefully, feeling the body in front of him tense. When Lars gave no indication he needed to slow down, Grayson kept moving, thrusting through the tight barriers to gain full access. Lars let out a little whimper, probably a mix of pain with enough pleasure to keep him from wanting to slow down. So Grayson didn’t, continuing until he bottomed out.

  Lars was breathing fast now, superficial, quick breaths that told Grayson he had trouble relaxing. No wonder, with a big alpha cock in his tight channel. Grayson gave him a few seconds before he moved, careful at first, then faster when Lars moaned a little. That was his answer as to how rough the beta liked his sex. As much as he had indicated he didn’t like pain, he clearly didn’t mind this kind.

  Grayson pulled back almost entirely, then surged in with a big thrust. He’d put enough lube on his cock to make it smooth, but it was still a tight fit, and he reveled in the close grip on his cock.

  “Mmm, here’s something else I would love to stay in forever. Maybe one day, I will stay inside you for hours, fucking you over and over again till I’ve had my fill. And all that time, you’ll be wearing your pretty little cage, and you won’t be able to come.”

  He slammed in hard, causing Lars to bury himself deep into Sven. Now he had both his boys moaning, and Grayson smiled. Life was good.

  He set a hard and deep rhythm, pounding Lars’s ass, making him fuck Sven, who was fighting to stay still and not fuck himself backward on the cock that took him so unpredictably. Lars’s body broke out in a fine layer of sweat, his skin slippery under Grayson’s fingers.

  “I’m sure I don’t have to remind either of you that you can’t come until I give you permission,” Grayson grunted as he rammed in again. God, he loved fucking a man who could appreciate a good, hard fuck. There were times when he was in the mood to take it slow and sensual, but today he just wanted to pound.

  And pound he did, holding on to Lars with both hands to steady him as he ravished his ass. Both his boys were fighting now to obey his command not to come, which was no wonder as they hadn’t come yet, whereas he’d already had an orgasm. Still, he wouldn’t let them come until he was done.

  And boy, his decision not to let them talk was a brilliant one. He loved being able to focus on the sounds as he slammed into Lars, slick wetness combined with his balls slapping against flesh. Then there were the grunts, his own lower ones mixed in with the whimpers and groans of the two boys, creating an erotic symphony. They made such beautiful music together, the three of them.

  The passion built inside him, starting behind his balls, then radiating out until his entire body was on fire. Flames danced over his skin as he chased his orgasm. There was no turning back now, his body and mind set to release again.

  “Daddy,” Lars whimpered, and he took his hand off the boy’s hip to slap his ass as hard as he could with his own body so close.

  “No talking. You’ll take whatever I’m giving you, boy, you hear me?”

  Lars lowered himself even more on top of Sven, their two bodies almost becoming one, and Grayson felt them both tremble as he counted down the thrusts until his orgasm. He was so fucking close. His muscles tightened, and a white light built up behind his eyes. He closed them as he thrust in one more time and then gave one last, almost desperate shove as he exploded.

  He stayed deep inside Lars as he spasmed, consumed by the need to claim him all over again, strangely satisfied that by doing so, Lars was balls deep inside Sven. Three bodies were on top of each other, with him at the top, just like it should be.

  He waited till he had his breath back to give them the command they were waiting for, both their bodies tense as could be. “Come for me, my beautiful boys.”

  He held them for a long time after their release, their bodies slick with sweat and cum, but no one cared. It was minutes later before he gave them permission to speak again. Sven didn’t say anything, just melted even closer against him, but Lars raised his head to make eye contact.

  “Thank you, Daddy.”

  Grayson’s heart soared.


  Four Months Later

  Vieno had just come out of the shower and was still toweling off when he caught his reflection in the mirror. He stepped closer to study himself. His body was changing so rapidly he felt like it looked different every time he saw himself. His belly was round, and his belly button had popped from an innie to an outie, which had amused him. Only fifteen days until his due date—not that he was counting, duh—which was scary and exhilarating at the same time.

  He put both his hands on his belly and softly stroked his tight skin. It was wonderful to see all the changes his body was going through. Even though he’d looked forward to being pregnant, he’d never expected to like it this much. Sure, the first two months had been miserable with all the nausea, but after that, he’d felt good, if tired.

  Looking in the mirror right now, he couldn’t call himself anything else but beautiful. Because he was. His skin was glowing, he looked healthy and radiant, and his belly was luscious and attractive. He’d rarely felt more beautiful in his life than he did right now.

  And it wasn’t just him, because his men looked differently at him as well, Lidon especially. Where he’d always had trouble keeping his eyes off Vieno, now he constantly sought him out. And Palani plain worshiped his body. He couldn’t get enough of looking at Vieno, no matter if he was awake or asleep or sexually engaged with one of the others. Palani’s eyes were constantly trained on him, the love radiating out from them.

  Even Enar had commented on it, how gorgeous Vieno was now that he was pregnant. Not that he hadn’t been gorgeous before, Enar had quickly added, but he was irresistible right now. That was a lot coming from a man who had literally seen thousands of pregnant omegas in his life.

  With a happy sigh, Vieno went back to toweling himself off, looking up when Palani walked into the room.

  “Hey, gorgeous,” Palani said. “Did you have a nice nap?”

  Vieno dropped the towel on the floor, then stretched, making sure Palani got a good look at him. “I did. What are you up to?”

  Palani grinned. “Apparently, I’m up to something naughty with you.”

  Vieno smiled back, happy that as usual, Palani had caught on quick. Enar had been spot on when he’d warned Vieno his libido might increase during the pregnancy. Where he’d always been a horny little shit with his men—his own words and he’d come to accept it as a good thing—he was now all but insatiable.

  Luckily, his lovers really didn’t mind, Lidon least of all. Ever since they had mated, they had always been in tune, but never more than during his
pregnancy. It seemed that with every increase of Lidon’s urges, Vieno’s would increase as well and vice versa.

  “What are you in the mood for, baby?” Palani asked.

  Vieno loved that he always asked that, that he was always focused on someone else’s pleasure. But this time, he wanted to pleasure Palani. It had to be the other way around for once. So he stepped in, dragging Palani’s head down for a sweet kiss.

  “What are you in the mood for?”

  Palani’s eyes brightened. “Oh, I get to choose? Hmm, let me think. Enar rimmed me yesterday until I saw stars and then fucked me until I saw the whole galaxy. You know what? I think I’m in the mood to have you suck me off. You’re so freaking good at that.”

  Vieno barely let him finish his words before he dragged him toward the soft rug, which would feel better under his knees. He carefully lowered himself to his knees, which required a bit more coordination with his belly, his hands already unbuttoning Palani shorts.

  “I’ve been outside, checking up on the status of the renovations, so I may be a little sweaty.”

  “Is that a promise? You know how much I like that.” Vieno smiled as he whipped Palani’s cock out of his underwear, dragging those down to his ankles.

  Palani quickly kicked off his shoes, then his underwear and shorts. He spread his legs to give Vieno access to his balls, and Vieno didn’t waste a second before grabbing that opportunity to stick his nose in. Palani was right. He was sweaty. And it was glorious, all male and intoxicating.

  Vieno loved the smell of ball sweat, and a few months ago he would’ve apologized for that, but he’d gotten to a point where he didn’t care anymore. So far, nothing of what he had admitted to liking to his men had made them appreciate him any less. On the contrary, the more of his weird—his words—kinks and preferences he revealed, the more they encouraged him to act on them.

  Lidon had surprised him the most in that sense. The alpha had seemed like a pretty straitlaced guy at first, but Vieno had discovered he was just as dirty underneath as the others. He just didn’t show it as much. But boy, did he love it when Vieno went all dirty and horny as shit on him. Still, out of the three of them, he was the most careful with Vieno, always making sure he didn’t hurt him or cross any boundaries Vieno wouldn’t want crossed.

  It had taken him a while, for instance, to understand that Vieno loved the rough blow jobs Palani made him give him. He’d been so worried about Vieno choking, not getting enough air, or hurting his throat, until Vieno had assured him that he really, really loved it.

  Vieno shivered at the thought because that was exactly what was going to happen now, one of those perfectly filthy, delicious blow jobs, which would make him come without ever touching his cock. His cock was already leaking at the thought.

  But first, he wanted to inhale Palani’s sweaty essence a little more, so he nuzzled and licked his balls until the beta’s body trembled. He sucked Palani’s right testicle into his mouth. It fit so perfectly, filling his mouth completely while still giving his tongue enough room to work. Palani’s long, deep moan told Vieno he was enjoying it just as much as Vieno was. After a minute or so, he switched to the other nut, not wanting to make that one feel left out. Palani’s hands were on his head now, digging into his scalp, exactly the way he loved.

  “Mmmm,” Palani moaned. “God, I love your mouth on me.”

  Vieno let his ball slip out with a wet plop. “You taste so good.”

  The bedroom door opened, and Enar stepped in, his face breaking open in a big smile when he spotted Palani and Vieno. “Care for some company?”

  “Always,” Palani replied instantly.

  Vieno loved how the beta always made sure Enar felt included and loved, knowing how sensitive he was to feel like an outsider. “Can I interest you in a blow job as well?” he asked, sending him a cheeky smile. “Since I’m already on my knees…”

  “I should take a shower first,” Enar said. “I did a little workout with Lidon, who should be here soon as well by the way, and I’m sweaty as fuck.”

  “Seriously? You too? Don’t you guys know by now how much I love the smell of sweat?”

  Two minutes later, he had three cocks in his face, and he was in heaven. “Mmm.” He sighed after letting Enar’s cock slide from his mouth. “I love how you all smell.”

  “Maybe you should do a little less sniffing and talking,” Palani suggested with a grin, grabbing Vieno’s head with both hands and pushing his cock back into his mouth. “And a little more sucking, babe.”

  The man had a point, Vieno thought, and went to work.

  Palani raised his face toward the sun, enjoying the crisp air outside. The air was still light, but it held the warning of growing heavier throughout the day, so he’d enjoy it while it lasted. Like Lidon, he’d started to make a habit of doing a daily walk around on the ranch, sometimes twice or three times a day. It was amazing to see the transformation compared to a few months ago.

  Buildings had popped up everywhere, not just the clinic but also cottages for both Bray’s and Jawon’s men, who all bunked with four men in one building. They were spread out over the land, increasing their security cordon, as Bray called it. Most of them were outside the gates, contrary to what Lidon had wanted at first. They had debated it again and again, but in the end, Bray had shown them it was not realistic to keep housing everyone inside the gates.

  Finally, Lidon had relented, but not before an open discussion with all pack members where they got to give their opinion on the situation. Lidon wanted to make sure everyone was okay with living outside of the gates and with the risks that entailed. Those risks had, so far, proven to be minimal, as they had not had any issues since the attack months ago. Palani was grateful but also somewhat suspicious of this situation and reluctant to let down his guard. Thank fuck, Bray felt the same and hadn’t let up his vigilance.

  Aside from the clinic, Palani was most proud of the omega housing they were building. They weren’t finished yet, as they had given priority to the clinic and housing for all the men already living on pack land, but it would be done in a few weeks. Jawon’s original idea of adding wings to the house hadn’t worked out, not in combination with using prefab materials. When faced with the choice between following the original plan and taking months or going for separate buildings and realizing them much sooner, they’d all agreed on the second option.

  One of the cottages had been finished just before Sven’s second heat on the ranch, and that had worked out perfectly. Grayson and his boys had retreated there for the duration of Sven’s heat and hadn’t bothered anyone with their activities. They had appreciated the extra privacy, Grayson had assured him afterward, and so had everyone else.

  “Morning, bro,” Kean greeted him.

  “How are they doing?” Palani asked, pointing toward the two pregnant cows Kean was examining, his right hand gloved as he was bent over to get good access to the cow.

  They had added livestock to the ranch, little by little, as soon as Kean had agreed to join the pack. He’d been crazy excited, and Palani loved having his brother living with them. They now had a full chicken coop with three different breeds of chickens; ten cows—though Kean had already made a case about getting more; a bunch of goats Kean and Vieno were super excited about, though Palani had no earthly idea why; and just days before, Kean had bought two big, fat pigs. It sure made for interesting smells.

  “They’re doing well. Both calves are in the right position, so I’m not expecting any complications. Should be a few days more.”

  “Good. Anything else I need to know?”

  Kean righted himself and took his glove off. “We lost two more chickens. Nothing dramatic, but we may want to look into some dogs to keep away predators.”

  “What got to them, coyotes? Foxes?”

  Kean shrugged. “It’s hard to tell. Could have been a big bird of prey as well, since we have pretty small breeds of chickens. I wouldn’t worry about it too much, considering how many we have left, bu
t it’s something to keep in mind.”

  Palani nodded in understanding. “Well, we’ve talked about getting dogs before, but Lidon was a little hesitant. I think it’s the whole wolf-shifting thing and him not sure how dogs would react to him and vice versa.”

  Kean cleaned his hands with antibacterial gel, then looked up at Palani. “That’s not an entirely unreasonable concern,” he said. “Wolves and dogs don’t always get along. You’d have to get a type of dog that is as close to a wolf as possible in temperament, I would think.”

  Palani grinned. “I wasn’t exactly thinking about getting a couple of Chihuahuas, you know?”

  Kean laughed. “Touché. By the way, some tomcats wouldn’t be a bad idea either. We seem to have a lot of mice and rats right now. Plus, a ton of rabbits. I’ve already set traps all around the vegetable patch, but we may need to send out a few men to do some serious rabbit hunting because they’re overpopulated. Vieno has complained to me a few times about his veggies being eaten.”

  That was another big transformation. Vieno’s little veggie patch had quadrupled in size, and under Lars’s expert care, they had added several fields with other crops. Not all of them had been an astounding success, but they were clearly getting the hang of it. Jawon’s original statement that they could become self-sufficient had turned out to be true. They weren’t there yet, far from it, but they were making good progress.

  “It’s starting to look like a zoo here,” Palani said, amused. “You’ve got my okay on the cats. Get whatever you think works best. I’ll talk to Lidon about the dogs, but my guess is he’ll want to wait till after the baby is born.”

  Kean smiled. “Two more weeks,” he said, showing he kept track of Vieno’s due date like everyone else in the pack. “How is he feeling?”

  Even the thought of his mate sent warm flutters to Palani’s stomach. “Beautiful. Absolutely stunning. Sexier than I’ve ever seen him. Also, tired as fuck and crabby as hell. It’s about time that baby comes out.”


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