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In 100 Days | Book 2

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by Grenda, Brian

  IN 100 DAYS

  PART 2

  IN 100 DAYS

  PART 2

  Copyright © 2021 by Brian Grenda

  All rights reserved.

  This book or any portion of this book series may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author and publisher.




  IN 100 DAYS

  PART 2

  CHAPTER 1 - DAY 32

  CHAPTER 2 - DAY 33

  CHAPTER 3 - DAY 35

  CHAPTER 4 - DAY 40

  CHAPTER 5 - DAY 45

  CHAPTER 6 - DAY 46

  CHAPTER 7 - DAY 47

  CHAPTER 8 - DAY 50

  CHAPTER 9 - DAY 51

  CHAPTER 10 - DAY 52

  CHAPTER 11 - DAY 54

  CHAPTER 12 - DAY 55

  CHAPTER 13 - DAY 58

  CHAPTER 14 - DAY 59

  CHAPTER 15 - DAY 61

  CHAPTER 16 - DAY 65

  CHAPTER 17 - DAY 67

  CHAPTER 18 - DAY 70


  DAY 32

  A large group of U.S. troops are seen carrying crates of supplies in an open grass field as a man looks out his bedroom window through his bedroom window blinds.

  It’s early morning and the sun starts to shine through the trees in the distance.

  “What are you looking at babe?” asks Kristina as she lays on her side on one of the two twin beds that were pushed together to make a makeshift king sized mattress for Kyle and Kristina inside their bedroom that is located in the recently updated barracks of Fort Derrick.

  Kyle, while looking out the window, asks Kristina, “Did I wake you Sweets?”

  Kyle sees several military trucks and vehicles drive down a street and pass the window that he is looking out.

  “There has been a lot more activity around here this morning,” says Kyle.

  “Come back to bed and try to relax,” says Kristina to Kyle.

  Kyle takes his finger off the window blinds and walks back over to their makeshift king sized bed.

  “What’s the plan today?” asks Kristina to Kyle as Kyle gets back in bed and under a blanket next to Kristina.

  Before Kyle can answer Kristina, Kaden who is sleeping on the floor on an air mattress says, “Will you two be quiet. Some of us are still trying to sleep.”

  “Well, you shouldn’t have stayed up late last night with Ashlyn,” replies Kristina.

  “What were you two doing last night anyway?” asks Kyle to Kaden.

  Kaden rolls over on his air mattress and doesn’t answer Kyle.

  “Oh, now he’s quiet,” jokes Kyle.

  “Let’s get over to the mess and get some breakfast,” says Kristina to Kyle.

  “You want to come K?” asks Kristina to Kaden.

  “No,” answers Kaden.

  Kyle and Kristina change their clothes, put on their shoes, and exit their room.

  “I hope we can get a house or an apartment today. This room is too small for all three of us,” says Kristina to Kyle as they walk down an interior hallway towards the cafeteria at Fort Derrick.

  Kyle and Kristina enter the cafeteria and they see tons of people all over the cafeteria. Groups of people are sitting at different sized tables and talking. Kyle and Kristina look around the cafeteria and they see a long line.

  “That must be the line for food,” says Kyle.

  Kyle and Kristina get to the back of the exceedingly long line.

  “I wonder if it’s always like this?” asks Kristina.

  “Pretty much, but it’s gotten even worse over the past couple of days as they have let more people on base,” answers the female soldier that is standing in front of Kristina.

  Kyle and Kristina get their food and look around for a place to sit.

  Kristina sees a table at the back of the cafeteria, and she sees some familiar faces already sitting at the table.

  Kyle follows Kristina and Kyle sees where Kristina is taking them.

  “Mind if we sit here?” asks Kristina to a group of people that are sitting at a rectangular cafeteria table.

  The four people at the table look at Kristina and three of them smile and are glad to see Kristina.

  Kyle and Kristina join the people at the table and the people sitting at the table are Alex, Ty, Ovi, and Julian who all worked with Kyle and Kristina at the Center for Biodefense in Northern New Jersey.

  “When did you guys get here?” asks Kristina as she looks at Ty.

  “About a week ago, how about you?” answers Ty.

  “Two days ago, I think, it’s hard to keep track of the days,” answers Kristina.

  “How you holding up Kyle?” asks Julian to Kyle.

  Kyle, gives Julian a half smile, and answers, “We are making it.”

  “Where are you living?” asks Kristina to Ty.

  “We have a house on base,” answers Ovi.

  “All of you live there?” asks Kyle.

  “Yeah, where are you living?” asks Ovi to Kyle.

  “In the barracks,” answers Kristina.

  “Well, I guess that works for you two,” replies Alex.

  “It’s tight, but we are making it work. We are going to talk with someone today about getting a house though,” responds Kristina.

  “Is anyone else here from CBD?” asks Ty to Kristina and Kyle.

  “Not with us,” answers Kristina.

  “What happened to Curt, Simone, and Andre?” asks Alex to Kristina.

  Kristina looks at Alex, and she notices that Alex has kind of a mean expression on his face, and Kristina answers, “They didn’t make it out of the New York airport.”

  “What happened?” asks Ty with a concerned tone.

  “I’m not sure it’s a good idea to talk about that with all these people around,” says Kyle.

  “Is it just you two?” asks Ovi to Kristina.

  “No, we came here with two others and our son Kaden,” answers Kristina.

  “Where are they?” asks Julian.

  “Sleeping in,” answers Kyle and Kyle takes a bite of his food that is on his plate.

  “Wish I could do that,” responds Alex and then Alex looks at his smartwatch and says, “Let’s go guys, we should get to the lab before the military kicks us out like they did yesterday.”

  Alex, Ty, Ovi, and Julian all stand up from the table and Kristina asks, “The lab? You have lab access here?”

  “Yeah, don’t you?” answers Ty.

  Kristina is kind of shocked to hear that Alex, Ty, Ovi, and Julian all have lab access on base, and she quickly answers, “Yeah, just was surprised to hear others had access as well.”

  “Well, come by the lab. I want to show you what we found,” replies Ty to Kristina and then Alex, Ty, Ovi, and Julian walk towards the exit of the cafeteria.

  As Alex is walking towards the exit of the cafeteria, Kyle notices that Alex glances back at him and Kristina and Kyle thinks something is off about the way Alex is looking at them.

  Kyle looks at Kristina and asks, “Why did you tell them we had lab access?”

  Kristina answers Kyle, “I don’t know. I didn’t want to let them know that we didn’t have lab access.”

  “Guess we are going to the lab today,” says Kyle with a joking tone.

  “Yeah, after we talk with someone about getting a house. I can’t stay another night in that room. Ka
den’s snoring was terrible last night,” replies Kristina.

  Kyle and Kristina finish their breakfast and they exit the cafeteria.

  “You going to sleep in all morning?” asks Kristina to Kaden as Kaden is still lying on his air mattress in the Sinclair’s room.

  “Yeah, Ashlyn said she’ll come here with her dad to come get me for breakfast,” answers Kaden with his back turned towards Kristina.


  Someone knocks on the Sinclair’s closed door.

  Kyle answers the door and it’s Ashlyn and Stan.

  “Is Kaden up?” asks Ashlyn.

  Kaden hears Ashlyn at the door and he quickly gets up from his air mattress.

  Kristina laughs to herself, as she sees Kaden quickly get up after hearing Ashlyn.

  “Yeah, he just got up,” answers Kyle as he looks back and sees Kaden change his shirt.

  “How we doing this morning Kyle?” asks Stan.

  “Pretty good, how are you?” answers Kyle.

  “Did you guys already eat this morning?” asks Stan to Kyle.

  “Kristina and I did, but Kaden didn’t,” answers Kyle.

  Kaden sees Ashlyn and Stan standing at their open door and says, “I’ll go eat with you.”

  Ashlyn smiles at Kaden.

  “What’s the plan for today?” asks Stan to Kyle.

  Kyle answers Stan, “We are going to talk to someone about hopefully getting a house or apartment on base.”

  Kaden exits the Sinclair’s room and Ashlyn and Kaden start to walk down the interior hallway towards the cafeteria.

  Ashlyn stops walking and asks Stan, “You coming dad?”

  “Yeah, I’ll be right there, but I want to talk with Kyle about something first,” answers Stan.

  “We’ll save you a seat then,” replies Ashlyn and then Kaden and Ashlyn continue to walk down the hallway away from the Sinclair’s room.

  Stan looks at Kyle and asks, “How do you feel about this place?”

  “What do you mean?” asks Kyle.

  “I mean like something is up around here. It’s almost like it’s too calm and everything is too normal around here,” answers Stan.

  Stan steps into the Sinclair’s room and Kyle closes the door.

  “Well it is a military base and it’s secure here,” says Kristina.

  “I’ve tried to find out who runs this place and I’m not sure who is in charge,” says Stan.

  “We’ll have to talk with Paxton and Sheila about what’s going on here,” replies Kyle.

  “We can also ask some people in the lab today,” says Kristina.

  “You are going to the lab today?” asks Stan.

  Kyle looks at Kristina with a concerned look and Kristina answers Stan, “We’re going to try. We know some people who have lab access here.”

  “Nice, let me know what you find out, but be careful. I don’t know who we can trust here,” replies Stan.

  Stan says goodbye to Kyle and Kristina, and he joins Kaden and Ashlyn in the cafeteria.

  “You shouldn’t be telling people that we are going to the lab or anything like that,” says Kyle to Kristina.

  “But it’s Stan, he’s with us,” replies Kristina.

  “I know, but he’s going to expect us to find answers now,” responds Kyle.

  “Well, then we better get some answers,” jokes Kristina.

  Kyle and Kristina change their clothes, get ready for the day, and exit their room.

  “Do you think your brother is okay? I can’t believe he stayed in his house,” says Kristina.

  “Kiran is probably fine, I’m more worried about Evelyn as she’s alone in the house with Kiran,” jokes Kyle.

  “But seriously though, you think they are safe in your brother’s house?” asks Kristina as she walks with Kyle down a hallway.

  “Yeah, the house is fully secured,” answers Kyle.

  Kyle and Kristina enter the cafeteria and they see Ashlyn, Stan, and Kaden.

  Kyle gives Kaden a key to their room and says, “You forgot this. We are going to talk with someone about getting a house on base.”

  “Okay, good luck. Hope we can get one as I need my own space,” replies Kaden.

  “Well, hopefully, one of the 100,000 people here should be able to help you,” says Stan to Kyle.

  “There are 100,000 people here?” asks Ashlyn.

  “Maybe, but I know this base can hold 100,000 people,” answers Stan.

  “You stay with Stan and Ashlyn or you stay in the room. You can’t just go running around here,” says Kyle to Kaden.

  “Okay, I will,” replies Kaden.

  Kyle and Kristina say goodbye to Stan, Ashlyn, and Kaden and they exit the cafeteria.

  “Where should we go to talk to someone about getting a house?” asks Kristina to Kyle.

  Kyle and Kristina walk outside, and they see people walking all over the place. Most of the people Kristina and Kyle see are military personnel and armed soldiers.

  Kyle sees a male soldier walking towards him, and Kyle asks the male soldier, “Excuse me sir, can you tell me where to go regarding base housing?”

  “That would be the housing department,” answers the male soldier.

  “Where is that exactly?” asks Kristina.

  “In the main building on the third floor ma’am,” answers the male soldier.

  “Thank you for your help,” says Kyle to the male soldier.

  The male soldier starts to walk away from Kyle and Kristina and Kristina asks with a loud tone, “Where is the main building?”

  “It’s the tall building near the main entrance,” answers the male soldier.

  “Thanks again,” replies Kristina.

  Kyle and Kristina start walking down the sidewalk and they see a tall stone grey building near the main entrance of Fort Derrick.

  “That’s gotta be the building,” says Kyle and Kyle and Kristina make their way towards the main building of Fort Derrick.

  Kristina finds the room for the housing department and it is room 301.

  Kyle and Kristina make their way up to the housing department room and they find it empty as they enter the room.

  “Is anyone here?” asks Kristina to Kyle as they stand near the long counter that’s at the front of the room.

  Before Kyle can answer, a middle aged Caucasian woman comes out from a back room and she sees Kyle and Kristina and she asks, “May I help you?”

  “I hope so, we are looking to get a house or an apartment on base,” answers Kyle to the Caucasian woman.

  “Are you military?” asks the Caucasian woman.

  Kyle sees a name tag on the Caucasian woman’s shirt, and it says, “Sarah.”

  “Actually Sarah, my wife and I aren’t in a branch of the military, but we work for a government agency,” answers Kyle.

  “On base housing is reserved for people in the military and their families only,” answers Sarah.

  “Is there anyone we can talk to about getting military housing then?” asks Kristina.

  Sarah gives Kristina a blank emotionless stare and Sarah grabs a form and answers Kristina, “Fill this form out and bring it back here.”

  Kristina looks at the form and asks, “Is there a supervisor or someone I can talk with?”

  “I am the supervisor. Really, I’m the only one working in this department right now,” answers Sarah with a serious tone.

  “I guess with the craziness out there, they cut down the staff with certain departments,” replies Kyle with a joking tone.

  Sarah looks at Kyle with an emotionless stare.

  “So we fill this form out and then what?” asks Kristina to Sarah.

  “We review it and decide if you are a candidate for housing,” answers Sarah.

  Kyle and Kristina are kind of taken back by the seriousness and emotionlessness of Sarah and Kristina find Sarah’s demeanor funny.

  Kristina looks over the form and says, “The form is easy enough. I’ll fill it out right here, so we don’t have to
come back.”

  Kristina grabs a pen that is sitting in a cup with other pens on the long counter at the front of the department of housing room.

  “Does anyone else work here?” asks Kyle to Sarah to break the awkward silence in the room.

  “It’s just me,” answers Sarah.

  The phone at the front desk of the department of housing room rings and Sarah answers the phone.

  Sarah puts the call on hold and asks Kyle, “Is there anything else I can help you two with?”

  “No ma’am, just trying to get some on base housing,” answers Kyle.

  Sarah, without saying anything to Kyle or Kristina, goes into her office and answers the phone call.

  Kyle can hear Sarah talking on the phone inside her office, but it’s muffled.

  Kristina works on the housing form and Kyle tries to hear what Sarah is saying into her phone.

  Sarah’s voice is muffled through the wall and closed door, but Kyle hears, “Very well sir, I’ll take care of it.”

  Kyle looks up into the corner near the front wall of the room and he sees a small camera.

  Sarah comes back over to the long counter at the front of the room and over to Kyle and Kristina.

  “How’s the form coming Mrs. Sinclair?” asks Sarah to Kristina.

  “Pretty good, almost done,” answers Kristina.

  Kyle thinks it is strange that Sarah called Kristina Mrs. Sinclair as he or Kristina never said their names to Sarah.

  “Can I ask you a question Sarah?” asks Kyle to Sarah.

  Sarah looks at Kyle, but doesn’t answer.

  “Who is in charge here?” asks Kyle.

  Sarah looks at Kyle and answers, “That’s not my department.”

  Kristina finishes the housing form.

  “But I’m sure you know who runs this huge military base?” asks Kyle to Sarah.

  Kristina hands Sarah the housing form and asks, “Anything else to fill out?”

  “No ma’am, that’s all we need,” answers Sarah.

  “Now what? How long until you get back to us?” asks Kyle to Sarah.

  “It’s usually pretty quick, probably a couple of days at the most,” answers Sarah.

  “We don’t have cell service, but I put my cell number down for the contact number,” says Kristina.

  “We’ll get in touch with you,” replies Sarah.


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