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In 100 Days | Book 2

Page 14

by Grenda, Brian

  Kristina looks at Kyle for the answer and Kyle answers, “It’s not worth the risk right now.”

  Kaden looks at Kyle and asks, “So the only time I can use my laptop and computer is in here?”

  “For now, but hopefully we can get some answers and eventually we can bring your stuff back home,” answers Kyle.

  “What about the guns?” asks Kristina to Kyle.

  “Let’s keep them here also,” answers Kyle.

  “Are you sure? What if that weirdo Lynch does something?” asks Kristina.

  “What if we are caught with having the guns though?” asks Kyle.

  “Who is Lynch?” asks Kaden.

  “He’s a soldier here on base,” answers Kristina.

  “Is he the guy that gave dad the finger?” asks Kaden.

  “Yeah, how did you know that?” asks Kristina to Kaden.

  “He’s talked with me a couple times,” answers Kaden.

  “When? What did he say?” asks Kyle with a concerned tone.

  Kaden sees the look of concern on Kyle and Kristina’s face and answers, “I don’t know, a couple times around base.”

  “What did he say to you?” asks Kyle to Kaden.

  “Nothing really, but he was kind of creepy. He said that I should be careful being on base alone,” answers Kaden.

  Kyle’s concern turns to anger as he hears what Kaden just told him about Lynch.

  Kristina’s smartwatch starts to ring, and Kristina sees that she is getting a call from Dr. Smith.

  “It’s Dr. Smith, should I answer it?” asks Kristina to Kyle.

  “Yeah, it’s safe to talk in here,” answers Kyle.

  Kristina answers the call on her smartwatch, “Hey Dr. Smith how are you?”

  “Oh I’m sorry, I was trying to reach Kyle. Is Kyle with you?” ask Dr. Smith over the smartwatch.

  “Yeah, he’s right here next to me,” answers Kristina into her smartwatch.

  Kyle walks over to Kristina and he says hello to Dr. Smith.

  Dr. Smith says, “I’m so sorry about what happened today in the lab.”

  Kyle looks at Kristina and he isn’t sure what Dr. Smith is talking about.

  “I wish the new research didn’t start today, and I had no idea that you were related to the two subjects,” says Dr. Smith over the smartwatch.

  “I’m afraid I don’t know what you are talking about. What subjects are you referring to?” asks Kyle into Kristina’s smartwatch.

  “You didn’t recognize them?” asks Dr. Smith over the smartwatch.

  Kristina answers into her smartwatch, “We only had Z subjects today.”

  Dr. Smith looks at her tablet and she checks over the subjects on the lab’s log today and she sees the last two subjects that were entered into the lab’s log.

  “Did you not see the last two subjects today? Our first two human subjects today?” asks Dr. Smith over the smartwatch.

  “No, who were they?” answers Kyle into Kristina’s smartwatch.

  “I think it’s best if I show you,” replies Dr. Smith over the smartwatch.

  “Where should we meet you?” answers Kyle into Kristina’s smartwatch.

  “Meet me outside of the lab and I’ll take you to them,” replies Dr. Smith over the smartwatch.

  Kyle says goodbye to Dr. Smith and Kristina ends the call with Dr. Smith.

  “Should I come with you?” asks Kristina to Kyle.

  “Stay with K, I’ll meet you back here,” answers Kyle.

  Kyle’s anxiety and adrenaline takes over and he exits from the office and runs down the interior hallway.

  Kyle exits the building, starts to jog down the sidewalk towards the building where the lab is located, and Kyle enters the building and waits for the elevator.

  The elevator is taking its sweet time as Kyle waits for it, so he decides to run up the stairs to get to the second floor where the lab is located.

  Kyle makes his way through security and he sees Dr. Smith waiting for him at the closed lab entrance door.

  “I’m sorry Kyle, I wish someone told me before they started the research today,” says Dr. Smith to Kyle.

  Kyle sees that Dr. Smith is upset and he asks Dr. Smith, “Is it my brother, Kiran?”

  “Yes, and his wife Evelyn,” answers Dr. Smith.

  “Where are they? Are they still alive?” asks Kyle to Dr. Smith.

  “I’m not sure about Kiran, but I know Evelyn turned about an hour ago,” answers Dr. Smith.

  Kyle feels several different emotions as he stands in the interior hallway with Dr. Smith, but he’s mostly feeling concern about his brother Kiran.

  “Can you take me to see him?” asks Kyle to Dr. Smith.

  “They are moving him right now. I’m just waiting on the word that he’s in a secure hospital room,” answers Dr. Smith.

  Dr. Smith gets a call over her radio and she is told where Kiran is.

  Kyle is escorted by Dr. Smith into another section of the building where the lab is located. As Kyle is walking down the hallway with Dr. Smith, Kyle doesn’t hear anything or anyone talking in the busy hospital section of the building as he’s only concerned with seeing Kiran.

  Dr. Smith talks with a scientist who is dressed in blue scrubs and a long white lab coat and Kyle looks around and he sees people talking, looking at their tablets, and entering rooms, but he’s in a daze and he doesn’t focus on anything around him.

  “Kyle! Kyle!” shouts Dr. Smith.

  Kyle looks at Dr. Smith and he makes eye contact with her.

  “Your brother is still alive, but he may turn. His body is fighting to stay alive, but he’s most likely not going to make it,” says Dr. Smith.

  “I understand, just let me see him,” responds Kyle.

  “Okay, follow me,” replies Dr. Smith and then Dr. Smith opens a closed door and Kyle follows her.

  Kyle sees a hospital bed in what looks like a hospital room as he enters the room behind Dr. Smith.

  “You know he could turn any minute now?” asks a male scientist to Dr. Smith as Kyle and Dr. Smith enter the room.

  “Yes, I’m well aware of that,” answers Dr. Smith.

  Kyle sees Kiran laying in the hospital bed and Kiran has his eyes closed.

  Kyle starts to get upset as he sees Kiran lying in the hospital bed motionless.

  Kyle sees Kiran’s arms and legs are strapped to the bed and Kyle touches Kiran’s left forearm.

  “Please no touching of the subject,” says the male scientist to Kyle.

  Kyle looks at the male scientist and he replies, “He’s my fucking brother asshole.”

  “Please give us a minute,” says Dr. Smith to the male scientist.

  “I can’t leave the subject,” replies the male scientist to Dr. Smith.

  “I’m in charge of the research here, you answer to me. Please exit the room,” responds Dr. Smith to the male scientist with a stern tone.

  The stern voice of Dr. Smith wakes Kiran up and Kyle sees that Kiran is still alive.

  “But what if he turns?” asks the male scientist to Dr. Smith.

  Dr. Smith shows the male scientist her knife that she has on her belt and the male scientist still doesn’t leave the room.

  Kyle looks at the male scientist and shouts, “Just give me a fucking minute alone with my dying brother! You can wait in the fucking hall!”

  The male scientist looks at Dr. Smith and he steps towards the closed hospital room door and says, “I’ll be right outside.”

  “What happened?” asks Kyle to Kiran as the male scientist exits the room.

  “I’ll give you two some privacy,” says Dr. Smith to Kyle and Kiran.

  “Thank you,” replies Kyle and then Dr. Smith exits the room.

  Kyle sees that Kiran is wearing a hospital gown and he’s not covered by a sheet or blanket.

  “We never made it back home. We got off base and then we were escorted back on base by a military patrol,” says Kiran to Kyle.

  “What did they do to you?�
� asks Kyle to Kiran.

  “They ran some tests and I guess they found some markers in our blood. They kept running more and more tests and then they separated Evelyn and me,” answers Kiran.

  “What did they find?” asks Kyle to Kiran.

  “I don’t know, but I heard them say something about antibodies in our blood,” answers Kiran.

  “Did they run the scans on you?” asks Kyle to Kiran.

  Kiran coughs a little bit and Kyle hates seeing his brother strapped to a hospital bed and feeling like he can’t do anything to help his brother.

  “We never should have left you guys,” says Kiran to Kyle.

  Kyle thinks about what he could have done to have saved his brother and what he can do now.

  “They would have most likely found the antibodies in your blood even if you stayed with us. They started running tests on everyone on base after you left,” says Kyle to Kiran.

  “Guess it wouldn’t have mattered anyway,” replies Kiran with some weakness in his voice.

  “How’s everyone doing? How’s Kris and Kaden?” asks Kiran.

  “They are good, we’ve had some problems, but we are good,” answers Kyle.

  “How about Stan and Ashlyn?” asks Kiran.

  Kyle sees that Kiran is struggling to talk and with every word he says it is getting harder and harder for him to catch his breath.

  “They are gone, they were taken away to Colorado,” answers Kyle.

  Kiran makes eye contact with Kyle and says, “I’m sorry Kyle. I’m sorry for being a shitty brother to you.”

  Kyle feels like Kiran is about to die and he wants to make sure Kiran knows that Kyle loves him.

  “Stop, you were a great brother. A little absent at times, but we had a lot of fun together,” replies Kyle.

  Kiran smiles and responds, “We did have some good times. Don’t you forget them.”

  Kyle smiles and says, “I won’t, they are burned into my brain.”

  Kiran moves his left hand towards Kyle and the strap restricts Kiran from touching Kyle. Kyle grabs Kiran’s hand and Kiran whispers, “Just do one thing for me Kyle.”

  “Anything man,” replies Kyle with a soft voice.

  “Get your answers and burn this place to the ground. They are torturing people and killing them,” whispers Kiran.

  Kiran’s right hand and arm goes limp and Kyle notices that Kiran’s not breathing anymore.

  The monitors that Kiran is hooked up to aren’t beeping anymore and two scientists come running into the room.

  “Please step away sir,” says one of the scientists to Kyle.

  Kyle watches the two scientists check Kiran’s vitals and one of the scientists says that Kiran is dead.

  “Time of death is 4:43 PM,” says one of the scientists and the other scientist logs that into his tablet.

  Dr. Smith walks into the hospital room and asks Kyle, “You okay?”

  “Yeah, but now what happens?” answers Kyle to Dr. Smith.

  “We see when he reanimates,” says one of the scientists.

  “If he reanimates,” replies the other scientist.

  Fifteen minutes go by and Kiran still hasn’t reanimated.

  Kyle, Dr. Smith, and the two scientists are still in Kiran’s room. Kyle just stares at Kiran’s dead body and waits for him to reanimate.

  Forty five minutes have gone by now and Kiran still has not reanimated.

  “Does it usually take this long?” asks the one scientist to the other.

  “No, it usually means they aren’t going to reanimate,” answers the other scientist.

  “Wasn’t he given the HZ23 injection though?” asks one of the scientists.

  “Yes, but that doesn’t mean he’s going to turn,” answers the other scientist.

  Kyle has been making mental notes of everything that has happened in the room since Kiran died. The two scientists don’t seem to care one bit about Kiran dying and they seem solely focused on their research and if Kiran will reanimate or not.

  Another fifteen minutes go by and Kiran still hasn’t reanimated. The scientists are talking, and one says to the other, “He’s not going to turn. Every subject so far has turned within five to ten minutes after dying.”

  Kyle notices that one scientist logs into his tablet that Kiran’s body did not turn, and the other scientist seems to be pissed off about Kiran not reanimating.

  “Let’s go check on the next subject, this one was a waste of time,” says one of the scientists to the other.

  The scientists leave the room and Kyle looks at Kiran’s dead body.

  “I’m sorry for your loss,” says Dr. Smith to Kyle.

  Kyle thanks Dr. Smith for her sympathy, but he feels more anger towards the scientists and their lack of compassion for Kiran’s death.

  “Since when did we start doing research on the living?” asks Kyle with an angry tone to Dr. Smith.

  Dr. Smith looks up at the ACT camera in the corner of the hospital room and doesn’t answer Kyle.

  “Who gave the order to kill my brother and sister-in-law?” asks Kyle as he looks at Dr. Smith.

  Dr. Smith doesn’t answer Kyle and that angers Kyle.

  “Why aren’t you…” asks Kyle, and Kyle sees Dr. Smith looking at the ACT camera in the corner of the room.

  Dr. Smith steps closer to Kyle and whispers, “It’s not safe to talk here. I’m taking you and Kristina out of the lab; I’ll be in touch.”

  Kyle doesn’t answer Dr. Smith.

  “We’ll talk privately, just keep a low profile and I’ll be in touch,” whispers Dr. Smith to Kyle.

  Two other medical professionals come into Kiran’s hospital room and they look at Kyle and Dr. Smith.

  Kyle watches the two medical professionals wheel Kiran’s hospital bed out of the room, down the hallway, and towards two large, closed double doors. As Kiran’s hospital bed is wheeled through the two large double doors and out of sight, Kyle thinks about what just happened, what Kiran said to him, and what he should do next.


  DAY 58

  “It’s been days since you talked with her, are we really going to just sit around here and wait for her to message us?” asks Kristina to Kyle as they sit outside on their back patio.

  Kyle looks beyond Kristina and thinks about Kiran and how he was in the lab that same day that Kiran and Evelyn were brought into the lab.

  “I just think we have to do something,” says Kristina to Kyle.

  “Like what? What can we do?” asks Kyle.

  Kristina answers, “I don’t know, but I feel helpless.”

  “Welcome to the club,” replies Kyle with some attitude.

  “What does that mean?” asks Kristina with an angry tone.

  Kyle wants to answer, but he doesn’t answer Kristina and he looks away from her.

  Kristina looks at Kyle and she sees that Kyle wants to say something, but he is holding back.

  “What is it? I know you want to say something,” says Kristina to Kyle.

  Kyle thinks about responding, but again he holds back.

  Kristina looks at Kyle and she starts to get mad that Kyle isn’t saying anything to her.

  “Don’t let it build up, you have to let it out,” says Kristina to Kyle.

  “I’m not sure it’s the best thing to do,” replies Kyle.

  “So you’ll just bottle it up and eventually it will explode. That sounds like a great idea,” responds Kristina with a sarcastic tone to Kyle.

  Kyle wants to reply, but he doesn’t think it will help anything.

  Kristina gets madder at Kyle and shouts, “Oh, come on! Don’t make me wonder what you are thinking!”

  Kyle nods his head, but doesn’t say anything.

  “Just fucking say it Kyle!” shouts Kristina.

  Kyle feels angry at Kristina and everything right now and he wants to shout and yell, but he decides to keep his feelings all bottled up as he looks at the back of his small backyard.

  “Well, whenever yo
u are fucking ready to talk, let me know,” says Kristina with an angry tone to Kyle and then Kristina walks into their house through their sliding glass door.

  Kyle thinks about Kiran dying, Evelyn dying, himself and Kristina leaving the lab the day that Kiran and Evelyn were killed and then Kyle asks himself, “What are the odds that Kiran and Evelyn came into the lab the same day we left early? Was that a sick joke by the universe or just an unlucky coincidence?”

  Kaden walks through the sliding glass door and onto the back patio.

  “Is it okay if I come out here?” asks Kaden to Kyle.

  Kyle answers, “Yeah, it’s fine.”

  Kaden closes the sliding glass door and sits down in a patio chair across from Kyle.

  “I think I figured out a way to hack into the ACT system in our house,” says Kaden to Kyle.

  Kyle looks at Kaden and replies in a low voice, “Keep your voice down, but what did you find.”

  “I found a USB port in the breaker box in the garage, and that port is most likely used for updating the system by a technician,” says Kaden.

  “Like what the cable company would do?” asks Kyle.

  “Yeah, I think I can try to use that port and see if I can turn off some settings on the breaker,” answers Kaden.

  Kyle thinks about what Kaden just told him and thinks if it is worth the risk or not and what could be gained by Kaden using that port.

  “What do you think you can access through that port?” asks Kyle.

  Kaden hesitates to answer, and Kyle looks at Kaden and waits for Kaden to answer.

  “I don’t know until I try to access it,” answers Kaden.

  “How do you know how to do this stuff?” asks Kyle to Kaden.

  “Liam and Dillon showed me,” answers Kaden.

  “Did they show you how to jailbreak the O2U streaming sticks and illegally download movies and music?” asks Kyle to Kaden.

  Kaden doesn’t answer Kyle.

  “I don’t care about you doing those things, but I was worried about you and your friends getting caught,” says Kyle to Kaden.

  “I’m sorry,” replies Kaden.

  “It doesn’t matter now, the world is falling apart, and no one cares if you illegally downloaded the latest Space Wars movie,” responds Kyle.


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