Marking Madden: Hearts of Hollis

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Marking Madden: Hearts of Hollis Page 7

by J. L. Leslie

“I didn’t think about anyone else except for you. Why can’t we enjoy this? We can worry about that whole failure business later.”

  I want to resist, tell him this is where I get myself into trouble, but he leans in and any resistance I have in me is forgotten. My eyes flutter shut, my lips part. But instead of him kissing me, he stops. I open my eyes and his are glued to the television. His hands drop from my sides and he runs one through his hair, which I have learned he does when he’s frustrated or upset.

  Steele Industries heir to marry Kensington Corporation heiress.

  “Madden?” I look to the television and see an attractive guy with a beautiful brunette at his side. “Is that your brother?”

  The resemblance is definitely there. Same dark hair, same eyes. Same last name for crying out loud. Obviously, he’s affected by this story.

  “Yes. He’s one of my brothers.”

  The news reporter goes on to say the two of them are getting married in just a few weeks in Dallas. The wedding is supposed to be the event of the year.

  “You seem surprised. Didn’t you know he was getting married?”

  He goes to sit on the edge of the bed, his gaze still fixated on the television. “I thought it would get called off, or fuck, didn’t think it would happen so quickly.”

  “I’m missing something here,” I say and go sit beside him. “Do you not want your brother to get married?”

  “It’s her. She’s the girl, Jade.”

  My eyes go wide. The one he was in love with is marrying his brother. And I thought getting ghosted sucked. “I’m so sorry, Madden.”

  “Yeah, me too. I thought my future was with her. That we would get married, have kids. Hell, we all grew up together, our families owning two of the most lucrative businesses in Dallas. Every time I would try to make a move, she was seeing someone and vice versa. We settled into being good friends because of that horrible fucking timing we always had. It never crossed my mind that we wouldn’t figure it out one day.”

  “How did she start dating your brother?”

  He shrugs a little. “I went off to college and our time together was limited. We still talked, but she was busy, and I was, too. I didn’t think much of it. Figured we’d reconnect when I got back home. Keegan knew her just as well as I did. There were times the three of us were inseparable. His attraction to her wasn’t made known to me. I graduated college and my parents threw a party, which is what they always do. I told her how I felt, and she told me she was marrying Keegan. They announced it that night.”

  “Well, that was shitty to rain your parade,” I say, and he chuckles. “I mean, it was your party.”

  “That’s the thing. Neither of them are vindictive like that. It was probably my parents’ idea for them to announce it then. The publicity and all.”

  “And you came here. Does your family know where you are?”

  “I’ve spoken to my brothers and even to Amelia, but no, they don’t know where I am. They think I left because I didn’t want to go to work for my father.”

  “Are you going to tell Keegan?”

  He adamantly shakes his head. “She made her choice. Telling him how I feel, when she doesn’t feel the same way, would only hurt him.”

  “Are you sure she doesn’t feel the same way about you?” I ask and I can tell from his hesitation that he isn’t one hundred percent certain.

  “What does it matter?”

  “Madden, she shouldn’t marry your brother if she has feelings for you. I don’t know what you should do in that situation, but do you really think she should be with him if that’s the case?”

  When I ask this, his phone rings. I can’t recall ever seeing him talk on the phone since he’s gotten here. Now, it makes sense. He’s been avoiding his family since he arrived. No one even knows he’s here.

  “I can go so you can answer it.”

  I should give him some space, let him figure this out, even though figuring it out may send him back to Dallas sooner.

  “No. It’s Keegan. I’m sure he’s calling to find out if I’m coming to the wedding. He wants me to be a best man.”

  “That sucks.”

  His mouth slowly forms into a smile, an irresistible smile. “How do you feel about Dallas?”

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  The apartment feels empty now that Jade has left. Too empty. We’d sat on my bed and talked about my childhood. I’d done most of the talking and she’d listened. I told her how I basically grew up with a silver spoon in my mouth, but how that lifestyle came with nearly impossible expectations.

  Everything I did was under scrutiny, and not by the media, but by my parents. If I scored low on a test or didn’t perform well at sports, the disappointment from the both of them, especially my father, was stifling. My brothers and I always had to be the best at everything. Top of the class, best on the team.

  Being here in Hollis has taken a load off my shoulders. I may have ran to get away from having my heart shattered, but I’ve stayed because I actually like it.

  When I’d probed her to talk about her family, she’d put up a wall. She would only say she didn’t really know who her dad was, and she wasn’t close with her mom, hadn’t seen her in years. I hadn’t pushed for more.

  Now, she’s gone and I’m staring at the blank screen of my phone. I barely leave it on anymore, so it surprised me when Keegan called earlier. Each time I power the phone on, there are messages. My family wants me to come back to Dallas. Amelia wants me to talk to her. I’m not ready to do either.

  As much as I want to ignore what’s happening and stay in the blissful bubble I’ve created here in Hollis, I know I can’t do that much longer. The media will start questioning where I am if I don’t show up soon, especially now that the wedding date is set. I’m sure the staff at Steele Industries already wants to know when I’m coming to work. I was supposed to start there full-time right after college. I already have clients, an office, and responsibilities.

  I scroll through my recent calls and press the Send button, waiting for Keegan to pick up. I close my eyes as I listen to the phone ringing.

  “Madden?” he answers and my heart hammers in my chest at the sound of his voice. We were so close once.

  “Yeah,” I confirm.

  “Shit, man! Where the hell are you?” he sighs, and I can hear the exasperation in his voice. “We’ve all been calling you. This little vacation of yours needs to end. Stop fucking around.”

  “I saw the wedding announcement on the news. Congratulations,” I deadpan. “So, a month? You’re not having a long engagement. She’s not pregnant, is she?”

  “Are you fucking serious right now?”

  “Sorry, Keegan. I seems quick. I’m not the only one who will assume that.”

  “Well, we were hoping you’d see it and call, so it worked,” he explains.

  “This was just some ploy to get me to come home?” I ask, angrily. “You and Amelia used your engagement to play some fucking game with me?”

  “Madden, it’s not a game,” he defends. “We all want you to come home. We’re not even sure why you left.”

  Amelia hadn’t said a word to him. She didn’t even tell him we kissed. She hasn’t told him she has feelings for me. Or that I have feelings for her. I didn’t expect her to and I wouldn’t even be considering it had Jade not pointed out that she shouldn’t marry my brother if she has feelings for me.

  “Maybe I didn’t want to be a Steele anymore.”

  “Do you think Landon and I don’t go through that sometimes?” he practically yells. “You and I both know none of us will ever live up to the great Stanton Steele. Doesn’t mean we can ever change who we are or what our last name is, so grow the fuck up, Madden. Our futures have been planned out for us since the day we were born.”

  “Yeah? Well, maybe I’m changing mine!” I bark.

  “And you think stealing a million dollars from Dad is going to do that for you? You won’t get far off that.”

  “I have a job and an apartment. I’m making it just fine,” I inform him.

  “Just come home, Madden,” he pleads, shifting gears when he realizes I’m not backing down. “At least for the wedding. Amelia and I both want you to be part of it. It won’t be the same without my brother.”

  I don’t say anything. I always thought one day I’d be the one marrying Amelia Kensington. I was practically groomed to be her husband and her to be my wife. Same age. Same education. Same background. It never occurred to me Keegan was just as groomed.

  “You remember the time the three of us snuck out to the Flavor Shack? Amelia wanted to be the first one to try their new cotton candy flavored milkshake.” He laughs and I can’t help but laugh with him. “We need you here. It’s always been the three of us, Madden.”

  Not always. My heart aches at the thought of Keegan marrying Amelia. My best friend. The three of us were close when we were younger, but Amelia and I had a bond that I thought could never be broken.

  “I wouldn’t miss it,” I assure him.

  We say our goodbyes and I hang up. I turn the phone back off, not wanting to talk to anyone else from home. I know Keegan will let them know he talked to me and that I agreed to come to the wedding. I’ll touch base with him again in a couple of weeks.

  I asked Jade to come with me, and probably out of pity, she agreed. Trying to repay me for making Brady jealous maybe. There’s no way I can witness Amelia marrying Keegan without being able to wash away the hurt after.

  I only know of one way to do that. Jade.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  After I left Madden’s apartment, I went home and did a full cleaning of my house. I had to work off that post-sex energy I had. Once I started replaying last night ‒ and this morning’s ‒ events in my head, I knew I wouldn’t be able to settle down before my work shift unless I did something to keep me busy.

  So, I walk into Jack’s knowing I have a spotless house to return to and a slight bit of exhaustion nagging at me. I feel better than I have in a while. The stress of worrying about Brady and why he ghosted me has ebbed away. It’s his loss.

  “I have been here an hour and have been patiently waiting to ask you,” Casey says as soon as she sees me tying on my apron. “How did last night go? Was it amazing? Hot? Kinky? I need details!”

  I fight back a smile. “I have no idea what you’re talking about. Do you want me to take care of the Rainers? They just came in.”

  “You are not getting off that easily,” she says. “Oh, God, please tell me he got you off. Did you have to go home and finish?”

  I laugh at her digging for details. “Finish what?”

  “Jade, everyone saw you go upstairs with Mr. Hot-As-Fuck, and no one saw you come back down before we closed. You either spent the night or snuck out late. Either way, spill it.”

  “Okay,” I say. “I went home this morning, it was great, and that’s all you’re getting from me.”

  “No measurements? Time lasted? Positions? Nothing?”

  I shake my head. “No more details.”

  “Well, you sure had Brady in a mood after you left,” she informs me, grinning. “He came back inside with Kelly. I guess thinking you were bluffing when you went upstairs with Madden. When you didn’t come back down, he was snappy at Kelly, lost at pool, and then went home early — alone —when you didn’t come back downstairs.”

  “I don’t think I even want him back, Casey. I know this all started as a way for me to make him jealous, get him to see what he was missing and make him come running back to me, but I don’t need him to come running back.”

  “I never thought you did. You just had to realize it,” Casey says and glances over her shoulder with a wink. “I’ll get the Rainers.”

  “Hey,” Brady says, stepping around Casey as she walks off. He takes a seat at the empty stool across from me, his split lip and black eye standing out on his handsome face. “I’m sorry about last night.”

  I start slicing lemons and limes for tonight, busying myself. “Which part? The part where you tried to cut in on my dance with Madden or the part where you picked a fight with him?”

  “I asked if I could cut in,” he argues. “It’s common courtesy. He was a dick for not letting me.”

  “Brady, I’m tired of this back and forth between us. You don’t want me, but you don’t want anyone else to have me either.”

  He slams his hand on the bar. “I never said I didn’t want you, Jade.”

  “Oh? What do you think leaving town without saying anything tells me?”

  “You know that I care about you. We were moving too fast and I freaked, and I admit, I should’ve talked to you. Told you I was leaving, but as far as the job goes, I had to take it. My mom was struggling to make ends meet and I’m all she has. I couldn’t let her lose the house I grew up in. You know what struggling is like. Turning down that job wasn’t an option.”

  “Don’t bring up my past,” I warn.

  I opened up to Brady and told him a few things about my childhood after he told me how his dad died. They weren’t connected in any way, his dad dying of cancer, but we both knew loss and understand that pain.

  “It’s because of your past that you should be weary of him. He rolls into town out of nowhere and you’re all over him,” he says and then winces. “I didn’t mean it like that. I just didn’t expect to feel this way.”

  “I’m not trying to hurt you. Maybe at first, I was, but I don’t need to do that. You said before that you want us to be friends and in time, I want to try that. I can’t keep coming to work and worrying about seeing you or avoiding our friends so that we don’t have to be around each other.”

  “I would like that,” he says and places his hand over mine. “I really am sorry about last night.”

  “Apology accepted as long as you promise not to keep acting like an asshole.”

  He flashes me a cocky grin. “If that ensures we can be friends, I can make that promise.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  Seeing Jade and Brady talking, him holding her hand, feels like I’ve been punched in the gut. I was just balls-deep inside her this morning and now his hand is covering hers. I know we started whatever we’re doing to piss him off and make him jealous, but she said that was no longer her agenda. I know Jade and I are just having fun, but the thought of her with Brady still pisses me off.

  I glare at them as I pass by and see Jade ease her hand away from Brady’s as he turns to glare at me. I don’t stop at the bar. Instead, I keep walking through and go outside to my truck.

  “Madden!” I hear Jade’s voice calling for me.

  I open my door, but hesitate before climbing in. I don’t want Jade to think I’m pissed with her, jealous over what I saw. It would give her the wrong idea. Make her think there’s more to our relationship than there is. She knows I’m leaving town soon. No need in either one of us believing there can be anything more between us except for sex. I turn around and see her hurrying across the parking lot.

  “Brady was just apologizing for starting the fight with you last night,” she explains, leaning into me and resting her hands at my side.

  I drop a soft kiss on her lips. “It’s fine.” I smile, doing my best to convince her I’m okay with them talking.

  “I just wanted you to know,” she says, her tone still unsure that I’m all right with what I saw.

  “I’ll be back later. I have to run some errands,” I say and pull her in for one more kiss. I let this one linger, wanting to dispel any doubts she might have.

  When we break apart, I trace my thumb over her lip for a second, letting her taste settle on my tongue. “I’ll see you in a bit.”

  She walks back toward the bar and I climb into my truck. My plan is to drive to Redbud and clear my head. After talking to Keegan, my brain is a clusterfuck. My thoughts are going haywire and I don’t like the direction any of them are going.

  Call Amelia
. Show up and interrupt the wedding. Tell Keegan everything.

  I shouldn’t do any of those things. They’re together and I need to accept it and move on. She’s not mine. Never was. Never fucking will be.

  But what if she has feelings for me? Can I let her marry him knowing that?

  I see the “Welcome to Redbud” sign, but I drive right past it and keep going. It’s like I’m on auto-pilot. My heart is telling me I don’t want this anymore. I’m happy in Hollis, but my mind is telling me I need to do this. Or maybe it’s the other way around. I don’t know which one I’m listening to.

  Welcome to Dallas.

  It’s hard to believe it only took me three hours to get here. I was this close the entire time and no one knew where I was. No one found me.

  I park at a local restaurant and hail a cab so my truck won’t be recognized. I came back to Dallas, but I’m not ready to come home. I honestly don’t know what the fuck I’m actually doing here. It was a mistake. Yet, I’m letting the cabbie drive me around with no actual destination in mind.

  I gaze out the window and look at the place where I grew up. I know it hasn’t changed, but it feels so different to me now. I’ve changed.

  “Stop!” I yell and I’m lunged forward when the driver hits the brakes. “I’ll get out here.”

  I pay the driver and exit the taxi. I cross the street, ignoring the blaring horns, and walk onto the sidewalk. I know it was her. Her dark hair was pulled into a messy bun at the nape of her neck. She had on her favorite shirt, the yellow one, and a pair of white jeans.

  I watch Amelia and two women disappear into a dress shop across the street. Fuck. She’s shopping for her wedding dress. She’s going to marry my brother. That thought is really being driven home today.

  I cross the street and slip inside the shop. I can hear Amelia talking, giggling with her friends and telling them to get into the dressing room. She can’t wait to see their dresses. I can hear the excitement in her voice. I see her standing with her back to me. Loose tendrils of her hair have escaped her bun. Just like they always do.


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