Marking Madden: Hearts of Hollis

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Marking Madden: Hearts of Hollis Page 8

by J. L. Leslie


  It hurts to simply say her name out loud. When she turns around, she has tears in her eyes. She gives me a quick once-over and a slight frown covers her beautiful face before she steps to me and wraps her arms around my neck. I feel myself stiffen in her embrace.

  “Oh my God, Madden,” she whispers against my ear. “You came home.”

  “You’re really marrying him?” I whisper, still not wanting to believe it.

  She releases me but grabs my hand and pulls me into an empty dressing room. “Yes. I love him. Please, don’t do this, Madden. I’m happy. So happy.”

  “Did you even tell him?” I ask and she looks at me as though I’ve spoken a foreign language.

  “Why would I tell him? That would only hurt him and I’m not going to do that,” she says, quietly. “And neither are you.”

  “Oh, I shouldn’t tell my brother that his future wife has feelings for me?” I hiss, feeling the bitterness deep inside me. “That we kissed?”

  “I love you, Madden, but not like I love Keegan. It’s not the same type of love,” she explains. “You have to understand that. You have to let me go.”

  It’s not the same type of love.

  I walk out of the dressing room and don’t look back. We might have kissed, but those words only confirm that she didn’t feel what I felt. She might have been confused. Hell, she might still be confused, but she’s made her choice. It’s not me.

  I push the door open to the shop and struggle to breath as the warm night air hits me. I don’t know how I was so blind before. Why didn’t I see that they were together? Why didn’t they tell me?

  “Madden? You’re back in town?” Landon, my oldest brother, asks as he approaches me.

  “Heading back out now,” I answer, solemnly.

  “Where the fuck have you been?” he grills me. “And are you wearing jeans?”

  “Around,” I answer, ignoring his dig on my clothes. “What are you doing here?”

  “I’m stuck with chauffeur duty. Dad sent Keegan to L.A. to finish up a deal, so I’m stuck with the women while they try on their dresses. He was worried about the media hounding them. It’s bullshit,” he says, and he looks to the store, realizing I just exited from it. “Madden, what the hell is going on?”

  That’s what I love about Landon. It doesn’t take him long to figure things out. Once he does, he quickly calls you out on your bullshit. He doesn’t hold anything back.

  “I’m heading back out of town now.”

  “Do you think I’m some kind of idiot? I may not be around much, but I’ve known how you felt about Amelia since the three of you got busted for sneaking out for milkshakes that time.”


  “Do I need to worry about this?” he pushes, running a hand through his blonde locks. Landon is the only one of the Steele sons who looks like our mother. Keegan and I both got dark, brown hair and gray eyes like our father, but Landon has blonde hair and green eyes like our mother.

  “Nope. She’s made it perfectly clear that she’s chosen Keegan,” I assure him.

  “Then, I’ll be sappy for about three seconds,” he says. “She isn’t the one for you, Madden, and she never was. You’ll find someone who is, and you’ll realize that. Three seconds are up.”

  I laugh and roll my eyes. That’s Landon. “Don’t tell anyone you saw me. I’ll be back for the wedding.”

  “Not a word,” he promises.

  I take a cab back to my truck and drive in silence back to Hollis. No radio. No cell phone. Just me and my thoughts.

  Sometimes those are louder than any other outside noise could ever be.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  I sit on the barstool, exhausted from being on my feet all evening. Casey and I barely had enough time for a dinner break. To top it off, I have to walk home because my car had a flat.

  “Is it bad that I want to cancel on Caleb?” Casey asks, perching on the stool beside me. “I’m too tired to go into Redbud tonight.”

  “I’m shocked he actually planned dinner and a movie.”

  “Yeah. I’d probably seem like an ungrateful bitch if I cancel and who knows when I’d get this opportunity again. He doesn’t do romantic gestures too often. Can’t even get him to wear a pink shirt.”

  I laugh at that. “I wonder if Madden wears pink?”

  “Ahh. So, are we officially past trying to win Brady back and onto fantasizing about Madden?”

  “No nickname this time?” I joke.

  “Meh. I’m too tired to be funny.”

  “I really have to be careful with this one, Casey. No expectations. No unrealistic ideals about what’s happening between us.”

  “Jade, there is nothing wrong with two adults using each other for sex. You just have to remember that’s all it is.”

  “Easier said than done,” I say. “Remind me of that if I start talking crazy.”

  Caleb pushes the door open to Jack’s and asks Casey if she’s ready to go. She looks over at me, an excited smile on her face despite complaining of being tired moments ago.

  “You sure you don’t need us to take you home? We can do that first.”

  “I’m sure. You’ll be late for your movie if you do.”

  “It’s not a problem, Jade,” Caleb assures me, but I shake my head and tell them to go ahead.

  I lock up after them and start walking the three blocks to my house. Like most nights, Hollis is quiet. Nothing like the busy streets of Houston. This is what I love about this town. I can hear the crickets chirping, instead of horns blowing. Smell the fresh night air, instead of smoke.

  I’m not far from Jack’s when I hear someone behind me, but instead of being afraid, I keep walking. The crime rate in this town consist of teenagers shoplifting at the grocery store and even that is rare. It’s when the sound grows louder that I tense a little, until I realize that it’s Madden who comes up beside me.

  “Jade? What in the hell are you doing walking?”

  I punch his arm. “You scared the shit out of me!”

  “I saw you leaving Jack’s. You shouldn’t be walking alone! Have you lost your damn mind?”

  His tone pisses me off. He’s been gone all day and now he comes back yelling at me for doing something I usually do. I don’t think so.

  “I don’t live far from here. You can go back to Jack’s. I’ll see you tomorrow.” I hear him sigh in frustration, but he doesn’t leave my side.

  “Let’s go back and get my truck. My keys are in my room. I’ll drive you.”

  “I’ve walked home several times before.”

  “It’s not safe.”

  I burst out laughing. “It’s Hollis. Trust me, I’ve lived on worst streets.”

  The words are out before I even think about what I’m saying. I don’t go around advertising my business.

  “What did you say?” he asks, continuing to walk with me.


  “That wasn’t nothing, Jade. What did you mean by that?”

  I shrug. “Just that Hollis is safe. You have nothing to worry about with me walking home.”

  I expect him to pry, push me for answers, but he doesn’t push. What would I say anyway? Oh, Hollis is safe compared to the streets of Houston. I know this because I lived on the streets for a while before I came here. No job. No money. I did what I had to do to survive and you would never touch me again if you knew what those things were.

  Yeah, I’m not saying those things to him.

  “Did you run your errands?” I ask.

  “Something like that.”

  “Took you awhile.”

  “Didn’t know you were keeping tabs on me,” he snaps.

  “Look, why did you join me if you were in a shitty mood? I was fine.”

  He takes my hand. “You’re right. I’m being an asshole. I went home today.”

  His confession catches me off guard. It’s not that I don’t know he’s eventually going home, but the fact he went
today makes me feel like our time together has a closer expiration date than I realized.

  “How was it?”

  “Honestly, facing Amelia was harder than I thought.”

  My heart pounds in my chest when I ask, “Did you find out the truth? Does she have feelings for you?”

  “I did,” he replies. “She’s in love with my brother.”

  I want to be sad for him, knowing his heart is broken, but I can’t muster those feelings. If she had confessed her love for him, it’s possible he would’ve stayed in Dallas today. I know I don’t have any claim to him. I even promised myself I would not expect anything out of this, but I’m not ready to stop this yet. Not ready to end this thing between us when it’s only just begun.

  “I’m so sorry, Madden,” I say, because I know it’s what he needs to hear.

  “I needed to know and now I do.”

  We reach my driveway and he glances over at my car, chuckling.


  “You and that damn car.” He immediately heads over to it. “Do you at least have a spare tire?”

  I pop the trunk and he gets it out. I sit on the ground cross-legged while he changes my tire. Like when he changed my oil, he takes the time to show me what to do in case this happens again.

  I would much prefer he stick around to do it for me. I even show him my appreciation. Twice.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  “Shit!” I yell and throw the covers off my naked body. I start searching Jade’s room for my clothes, running my fingers through my hair in frustration. I spot my boxer briefs and start tugging them on, stumbling around in the process.

  “Madden?” Jade mumbles.

  “I’m late for work!” I explain. “Get up, Jade!”

  Jade rolls over, the covers sliding off her body and exposing a perfectly rounded tit to me. I’m momentarily distracted at the sight but pick up her t-shirt and toss it to her, startling her awake.

  “Jade! I need you to drive me to work!”

  She sits up and looks adorable with her blonde waves a mess and her baby blues still half asleep. Her head nods a little as she starts to doze back off. Damn it, if we’d gone back for my truck last night, this wouldn’t be happening.


  “I’m up!” she says, and I burst out laughing. She crawls from the bed and starts pulling on her clothes. “You should just take my car.”

  “I’m not taking your car,” I say. “You might need it.”

  She rolls her eyes and follows me out of her room. “I need five minutes,” she grumbles and slips into the bathroom.

  I patiently wait in the living room, grateful I don’t have any sisters. I don’t know how I would’ve handled having to wait on them to get ready. Jesus, I could have walked there by now.

  After a couple of minutes, I walk down the hall to the bathroom. Jade emerges and I swear, she looks as though she spent an hour getting ready. She’s not wearing any makeup, but her hair is brushed, and she smells...well, like Jade.

  She steps out in the hall and raises her eyebrow at me. I give her a smirk and slip into the bathroom. I take a piss and then use her mouthwash. I don’t bother brushing my hair.

  “You ready?” I ask as I come down the hall.

  “Yes,” she answers while yawning.

  When Jade pulls up at Jack’s Bar, the rest of the crew is already working on the new deck we’re building now that we’ve finished the roof. We started on a new patio for Jack right after and we’re on track to finish it up this week. He wants an outdoor area for his customers. I notice them stop and look over at us as I get out of the car. I walk around to the driver’s side and lean down to her window.

  “Why don’t we do something fun tonight? Do you have to work?” I ask, knowing I’m going to get bitched at already anyway.

  “Actually, I do have the day off,” she answers.

  “I’ll come pick you up at seven then.” I lean over and give her a quick kiss.

  “Why don’t you get your sorry ass to work instead of sucking face?” Caleb hollers down to me.

  Jade lets out a giggle. “See you later.”

  I walk over to my truck and grab my gear before heading over to start working. “Sorry I’m late. Overslept.”

  “Don’t let it happen again or you can find yourself another job,” Caleb warns.

  I nod and get to work. This job should be finished soon and then I’m not sure what is lined up next. We work through lunch so we can get finished. It’s 5:45 by the time we call it a day.

  “Madden.” I ignore Brady and finish tossing my tool belt on the back of my truck. “Look, I’m not trying to start a fight again.”

  “Then, what do you want?” I ask and turn to face him.

  “What are you doing here in Hollis?” he asks. “I mean, it’s obvious you’re not from a place like this. So, why are you here?”

  “I don’t think that’s any of your business, man.”

  “But Jade is.”

  “Is that why you treat her like shit?” I ask and see his jaw clench. “You parade another woman around in front of her and then the second she shows interest in someone else, you’re ready to cut back in.”

  “I fucked up with Jade,” he admits. “I left to go on a job, and I left her here. It’s no different than what you’re going to do though, is it?”

  “I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.” I start walking toward the bar.

  “You’re going to leave her here, too. You’re just passing through, Madden Steele.”

  I keep walking until I enter the bar and my apartment. I take a shower and dress in a pair of faded jeans and a blue button-up.

  I don’t want to let Brady’s words bother me. I’ve made it clear from the start that I am just passing through. Jade knows that. I’ve never indicated that Hollis will become home or that I’m here for good. Eventually, I’ll have to go back to Dallas and take my place at Steele Industries. It’s what I’ve been bred to do. It doesn’t matter how hard I try, I will never escape that life.

  When I get to Jade’s house, I knock lightly on her door. She opens it with a big smile on her face. She’s wearing a white sundress and her signature cowboy boots.

  “You look beautiful,” I say, unable to find a better word to describe her.

  “Thank you,” she responds with a kiss as she steps out onto her porch.

  I don’t let it deepen much or I know we won’t get to my plans I have for the night. I open the passenger door for her and help her into my truck. The only information I’ll give her is that we’re going into Redbud.

  “It’ll be a late night again then. You don’t want to be late for work tomorrow,” she grins.

  “I’ll set an alarm.”

  We listen to the radio during the drive and when we come into Redbud, I take a right toward a little bar I saw on my way back from Dallas. I know Jade will either love or hate my plans. I’m hoping she’ll love them.

  “Madden, what is this?” she asks as we walk across the full parking lot.

  “Well, we’re going to eat first,” I say. “Then it’s karaoke night, so you’re going to sing.”

  “Shit no, I’m not!” she protests. “I do not sing in public!”

  “Sure you do. I’ve heard you sing a few times now. In your car, at Jack’s when we were dancing, and at the street dance...when we were dancing.” I smile.

  “That’s not in public!” she argues.

  “Let’s just eat and see how you feel,” I say, giving her a charming smile and slipping my arm around her waist.

  Once we’re inside Linda Lou’s, she relaxes some. She orders a bacon cheeseburger and I get a ribeye. I notice she takes her time eating and I’m sure she thinks if she does this, she’ll get out of singing. I decide to go ahead and break the news to her.

  “I’ve already signed you up,” I state.

  “What? Madden, seriously no.”

  “I figure you like to sing so I picked that one
you were singing at Jack’s. You can change it if you want.” She crosses her arms and leans back in her chair in a defiant pose. “You might as well finish that burger and get ready.”

  “I will not forgive you for this.”

  “No? Not even when you’re moaning my name later?” I tease and she blushes a dark shade of red.

  She gives me the silent treatment while she eats and fifteen minutes later, she’s doing what she adamantly informed me she would not be doing. Singing. In public. I admit, she’s doing a damn good job of it. Just like I knew she would.

  When she comes off the stage, she gives me a hard shove to the shoulder and starts walking through the bar. I quickly follow behind her.

  “Was that so bad? You were great!” I say and grab her by the hips once we get outside.

  “It was awful! Do not ever do that to me again!” she laughs.

  I turn her around and pull her into a kiss. The salty taste of French fries still lingers on her tongue.

  “Jade? Jade Bowen, is that you, baby?”

  Jade’s body goes completely still in my arms as she breaks the kiss. “Please, don’t be...” she whispers against my lips.

  “Well, my baby girl it is you!” the woman says. “Come give your mother a hug. Haven’t seen you in years. You are all grown up!”

  Jade looks up at me with wide eyes that are now filled with tears. The woman standing to the right of us is skinny, more than skinny, with greasy brown hair and blue eyes like Jade’s that have sunken into her bony face. Her dingy clothes are stained and too large for her small frame.

  A tear streaks down Jade’s cheek and I reach up to wipe it away with my thumb. “It’s okay.”

  Jade slowly approaches the woman and lets her embrace her for a short hug. The woman reaches up and strokes Jade’s hair, telling her how beautiful she is.

  “I have to go. I’m sorry, I can’t stay.”

  “Do you have two dollars I can get? Maybe five?” she asks, her voice hopeful.

  “No, I don’t have any money for you.”

  The woman’s lip upturns into a snarl. “Always so ungrateful. After everything I did for you. You can’t help your own mother!”


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