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Tattoos & Unicorns

Page 7

by Kayla Carson

  “Owen was just about to get us some drinks.” She said cheerily. “What exactly is a sidecar?”

  “It's a brandy sour. Usually with cognac, orange liqueur, and lemon juice.” I said.

  “I don't get it? Why the name?”

  “It's from the prohibition era. All the speakeasy drinks are.”

  “Bad booze, good cocktails.” Owen winked.

  Morgan giggled, and I had to control myself so that I wouldn't roll my eyes. She was openly flirting with my date. Normally I wouldn't have gave a shit, because I was with Derek. I didn't mind being her wing woman, but I genuinely liked Owen.

  “I'm sorry.” I said, directing my attention to Morgan's date. “I didn't catch your name earlier.”

  “It's Alex.” He smiled.

  “Right! My apologies, Alex. You remember Ronnie of course, and this is her date Owen.”

  “Owen, why don't we go grab those drinks now?” I asked, as I stood.

  “Excuse us.” He said, standing from his own chair and following me up to the bar.

  When I leaned onto the counter I was finally able to breathe. Sometimes it felt like Morgan's personality could fill the entire room, and it didn't leave much for the rest of us. Owen sidled up beside me, and turned to look at me with a smirk on his face. I couldn't help but laugh, and he shot me a wink.

  “That's better.” He said. “Your friend seems a bit... intense.”

  “She means well.” I said, as the bartender approached us.

  “Two sidecars, please.” Owen said, pulling his card from his wallet.

  “Thanks.” I smiled.

  “There's an empty table over there.” He said, cocking his head in the opposite direction from where Morgan sat. “What do you say we sneak away for a few minutes. Get to know each other better?”

  “Really?” I asked, arching a brow.

  He laughed. “Yeah, really. This is a date, remember?”

  The bartender handed us our drinks, and I followed him to the other side of the room. I glanced back at Morgan, and she stuck her bottom lip out. I shrugged my shoulders in way of an apology, and continued my walk until we reached our new table.

  Owen pulled my chair out for me once again, and I thanked him as I took my seat. He took a sip from his drink, and I did the same. The brandy was smooth, and the sugar rimmed glass lent just the right amount of sweetness to balance out the sour.

  “Mmm.” I said, taking another sip. “This is delicious.”

  “They've got the best cocktails, and the live music is great too.”

  “So I take it you're into Jazz?”

  “I like a little bit of everything. This place though? It used to be a mechanic's garage in the forties. The owner wanted to turn it into a restaurant with a social vibe.”

  “Hence the couches near the stage.” I said, taking in the decor.

  “Exactly. All the bands are local, and they play during dinner. But on the weekends, they play late into the evening. I always come here when I visit Virginia.”

  “You aren't from here?”

  “I'm from New York, actually.”

  “No way.” I said leaning back in my chair, and crossing my arms over my chest.

  “Is that.. bad?” He asked, with a smirk.

  “That's where we're going. I mean, we're moving there.”

  “It's a small world.” He said, draining his glass.

  “So what do you do? In New York?”

  “I haven't been home in a really long time. My work brought me to Nashville, and that's where I've been for the last ten years.”

  I arched my brow. “How old are you?”

  “I'll tell you mine, if you tell me yours.”

  I laughed. “Twenty-seven.”


  “Why are you still single?”

  He laughed this time. “Why are you?”

  My face fell then, and I knew that he noticed. I quickly recovered though, by bringing my glass to my lips and draining it's contents.

  “You never answered my question.” I said.

  “Deflection. I'll allow it... for now.”

  “Thank-you.” I said, earnestly.

  “I'm a song writer.”

  “Have you written anything I've heard of?”

  “Ever heard of the Beatles?”

  “Check please!” I said, holding my hand up in the air.

  He laughed reaching for my hand, and holding it in his. I could feel the warmth spread from his hand, to mine, and my heart began to quicken in my chest. The sound of his laughter, and the way that he was looking at me throughout our entire conversation had me reeling. Not once did he look over at Morgan, come to think of it.. neither did I. It was like it was only just the two of us, and I had never felt that kind of instant connection with anyone.

  “Seriously though.” He said, rubbing his thumb over my hand. “I've pitched a few songs to Luke Combs, Jason Aldean, and even Kieth Urban. Music really resonates with me, so even though I'm not making millions it's worth it because I'm doing what I love.”

  “So you write country music.” I smiled. “I grew up in Raleigh, North Carolina so I've always loved country music. The way that it tells a story, and makes you feel things. I can't imagine pitching songs pays the bills though.”

  “You're right.” He chuckled. “Writing jingles does that.”

  “You mean like meow-mix?” I asked, fighting back a chuckle of my own.

  “Come on now, I'm a little more dignified than that.” He teased. “The last jingle I wrote was for Everclean laundry detergent.”

  “You just don't seem the type.” I said, scratching my chin with my thumb.


  “Ronnie!” Morgan said, as she and Alex rushed over to join us. “I thought that this was a double date.”

  The band started to play a slow song then, and Owen stood with my hand still in his.

  “Dance with me?”

  “Oh, she doesn't like to dance. Crowds make her nervous, and she hates being the center of attention. I on the other hand, love to dance.” Morgan said.

  “Actually Morgan, I'd really like to dance with Owen.” I said as I stood, and let him lead me out onto the dance floor.

  When he pulled me into his strong arms, I couldn't help but take a peek at his chest. There was no color to any of his tattoos, but they were all so beautifully done that I couldn't stop staring. I felt his large hands on the small of my back, and I let my body relax against his. I could smell the soap on his skin, and the masculine scent had all kinds of things stirring inside of me.

  It had only been a few weeks since I ended things with Derek, but dancing with him never felt like this. I locked my hands behind Owen's neck, and his grip tightened around my waist in response.

  “How many tattoos do you have?” I asked.

  “Too many to count.”

  “Do they all mean something?”

  He dipped his head down to my ear, and whispered. “Every single one.”

  Chills shot down my spine, and stopped directly between my legs. Was this really happening right now? Was I really here with this man I just met thinking about ripping his shirt off to see what was beneath it? I blinked rapidly, trying to shake the naughty thoughts away.

  “Tell me about them?” I asked, a bit breathy.

  “Why don't I just show you?”

  “I uh- I don't- I mean- I just-”

  “Relax, Unicorn. I only meant that I'd show you if you wanted to see. Nothing more.”

  “Oh.” I said, placing my forehead on his chest. “I'm so embarrassed right now. Of course you weren't trying to proposition me.”

  “Oh no. I'm definitely still interested in propositioning you, just not before you're ready.”

  My head snapped up then, and I locked eyes with him. I could see the sparkle behind them, but there was no hint of humor. He was dead serious.

  “Why?” I asked, with wonder.

  He arched a brow. “I don't understand what you're asking.”r />
  “Nothing. Never mind. Let's just finish our dance.” I said laying my head back on his chest, and hoping that he'd just let it slide.

  To my relief, he did just that. We didn't talk again until the song was over, and we went back to the bar for a second drink. We ordered sidecars again, and when we brought them back to our table Morgan, and Alex were sitting there. This time there were no empty tables to escape to, so I sat down beside Morgan, and Owen sat across from her.

  “This place is very unique, Owen. How did you find it?” She asked.

  “I've played here a few times.”

  “You're in a band?” She gushed.

  “No, I just play the guitar.”

  “Ronnie plays the guitar!”

  “You do?” Owen asked, as he turned to face me.

  “Not well.” I admitted. “I learned when I was younger, and honestly I haven't played in years.”

  “Derek wasn't fond of the sound. He couldn't concentrate on his studies, so he pretty much put a ban on it.” Morgan said, before taking a sip of her mojito.

  “Who's Derek?” Owen asked.

  I cut my eyes at Morgan, before taking a deep breath.

  “He's my ex.” I said.

  “Ex fiance.” Morgan corrected.

  “Anything else you want to add, Morgan?” I asked, as the frustration built inside of me.

  “I'm sorry! I thought he knew.” She shrugged.

  “Excuse me.” I said, as I stood. “I need to use the restroom.”

  “I'll come with you!” Morgan said. “Safety in numbers, remember.” She winked.

  “Fine.” I said, brushing past her.

  I could hear her heels click, clacking on the floor behind me as she struggled to keep up with me. When I reached the bathroom, I quickly shut myself inside one of the stalls and sat down on the toilet. I just needed a minute. She was drunk, maybe she thought she was helping?

  “Ronnie!” Morgan called out as the door pushed open.

  “In here!” I called back.

  “You know this place isn't so bad after all.” She said, as she reapplied her lipstick. “Alex is just so damn boring. Owen on the other hand. It seems like y'all are getting on great!”

  I flushed the toilet that I didn't use, and came out into the open space then. I approached the sink, and washed my hands, catching her eye in the mirror.

  “Everything alright?” She asked.

  “I think I'm just tired. Do you think you could call the Uber driver?”

  “Of course, but are you sure?”

  “I'm sure.”

  Morgan made the call while we were in the bathroom, and then the two of us made our way back to the table. Alex, and Owen were laughing about something and seemed to be getting along well. When I sat back down beside Owen, he reached for my hand under the table.

  “You OK?” He asked, and I could hear the genuine concern in his voice.

  “She's tired.” Morgan answered for me. “I've already called our Uber driver.”

  Owen lifted his free hand to check the time on his wrist watch.

  “It's only nine O'clock.”

  “She's an early riser.” Again, Morgan answered for me.

  “Do you want to go outside? Maybe the fresh air will help?”

  “She really-”

  “Actually Morgan, if you don't mind I'm asking Ronnie.”

  My eyes grew wide, as I gauged Morgan's reaction. She didn't know the real reason that I wanted to leave. In her eyes she was just trying to defend my decision. But the way that Owen subtly put her in her place threw me off guard. It must have done the same to her, because she sat there, mouth agape, with nothing to say.

  “I think I'd like that.” I said, and without another word Owen led me through the building, and out the front door.

  “I'm sorry.” I said, as the two of us walked around to the side of the building.

  “For what?”

  “This can't have been a very good first date.”

  “I've enjoyed myself. Haven't you?”

  I laughed. “I guess I have.”

  “You guess? That means I'll just have to work harder next time.”

  “Next time?”

  He turned to face me then, stopping me in my tracks. Looking down at me he smiled, and placed his finger under my chin so that he had my undivided attention.

  “Why do you let her do that?” He asked softly.

  “I don't know what you-”

  He slowly leaned down so that his lips were hovering just above mine.

  “The world needs more women like you.” He whispered.

  “Why?” I whispered back, letting my gaze fall to his lips.

  “There are millions of Morgan's in this world, but only a handful of unicorns.”

  Without realizing I was doing so, I tilted my chin up giving him better access to my lips.

  “Do you want me to kiss you?” He smirked.

  I nodded slightly, and he smiled down at me.

  “Not yet, my little Unicorn.” He whispered, before placing a soft kiss on my cheek.

  I closed my eyes as he pulled away, and I was instantly struck with every single insecurity that I'd ever dealt with. I wasn't pretty, or tall enough. My hair wasn't long enough. I was never enough. A tear slid down my face then. Why wasn't I ever enough? I wasn't enough for Derek, and now Owen didn't even want to kiss me. If I was such a 'unicorn' then why didn't he want me?

  “Hey, don't cry.” He said, wiping my tear away.

  “I should go.” I said, turning on my heel.

  He caught me by the hand, and spun me around to face him. My breath caught in my throat, when he pulled me flush against him, and into his arms.

  “You aren't ready.” He said softly, as he placed his hands on either side of my face. “You're still hurting, and that's OK. When we kiss... I want to be the only man you're thinking about.”

  “Ronnie!” Morgan called from somewhere behind me. “The driver's here!”

  “I uh- I have to go.”

  “Text me when you get back to your hotel.”

  I nodded, and he brushed his thumbs over my cheeks.

  “Goodnight, my little Unicorn.”


  WHEN WE ARRIVED BACK at our hotel a short time later, it was no surprise that Morgan invited Alex to come along with us. We slipped into our respective rooms, and while she got busy with her special guest I sent Owen a quick text. I honestly had no idea why I was texting him. I had a good time with him, and I definitely felt a connection, but he was right. I wasn't ready for any of this. My break up with Derek was still too fresh in my mind, and I wasn't interested in a rebound. Especially with someone like Owen.

  If my head was in the right place, he would be the perfect man. Not just because he was easy on the eyes, but because we had so much in common. I felt comfortable around him, and he didn't push me. When he mentioned that he was heading to New York as well, I wondered if fate had sent him to me. What were the odds?

  I changed out of my dress, and put it into a plastic bag to be washed. After finding my favorite fuzzy pajama pants, I put them on before sliding my feet into my pink bunny slippers. I washed the makeup from my face, brushed my teeth, and then crawled into the big empty bed. I could hear laughter coming from Morgan's room, and I placed a pillow over my face trying to drown out the sound.

  My phone pinged then, and I tossed the pillow aside to check it. I was hoping to hear from Owen, but was quickly disappointed when I saw Derek's name flashing across the screen. I sighed, before opening the message, and reading it to myself.

  D: How was your day? I miss you baby girl.

  I knew that I shouldn't respond. I didn't even want to really, but I was lonely. Sometimes loneliness causes you to do desperate things. He was the only man to make me feel something, and after being rejected by Owen tonight... I guess I just wanted some attention.

  R: I went to a record store.

  D: Did you buy anything?

  R: No, but I'm going b
ack tomorrow.

  D: Can I call you?

  R: I don't think that's a good idea.

  D: I want to fix this. Us.

  R: You can't always fix what's broken.

  D: I don't believe that.

  R: Did you ever love me?

  I waited for what felt like an eternity for a reply. I don't know why I even asked him such a question. After thinking that Morgan had given him to me.. allowed me to be with him, I couldn't help but wonder if there was any truth to it. Would he admit it if there was?

  D: Of course I did. I still do.

  As a tear slid down my face, I turned my phone off. There was a reason that I changed my number. I shouldn't have reached out to him. I should have left well enough alone. If I had, maybe Owen would be here with me right now. Not that I wanted to sleep with him tonight, I just wanted some company. Someone to talk to about things other than fashion, and business plans.

  I sighed as I plugged my phone into the charger, and pulled the comforter over myself. A good night's sleep was all that I needed. Tomorrow, things would be better. I'd go exploring a little. Alone, so that I could clear my head, and maybe my heart too.

  THE SUN WAS SHINING through my half open curtains the next morning, and I had to squint my eyes before tossing my comforter aside. I stretched my limbs before standing, and then I made my way into the bathroom so that I could shower. I settled on a pair of black leggings, my favorite navy blue tee shirt, and a pair of black and white converse. I tossed my hair up into a ponytail, and put my new sunglasses on, and I was ready to go.

  It was only nine, and I knew that Morgan had been up all night with her sexy stranger. So, I sent her a quick text letting her know that I was heading to the grove for breakfast. I also told her that I'd be stopping by the record store, and not to worry. Knowing her the way that I do, I'd probably be back before she even left the bed.

  Climbing into the truck solo felt nice for a change. I got to pick the radio station, and left the windows down so that I could take in the fresh air. The twenty minute drive went by so fast that I was almost sad when I reached my destination. I decided to park at the end, so that I could walk the length of the grove, and really explore today.


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