Tattoos & Unicorns

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Tattoos & Unicorns Page 21

by Kayla Carson

  “You're late.” Owen's father said, with gravel in his voice.

  “What the hell is he doing here?” Owen snapped, pointing to Derek. “How the hell do the two of you even know each other?”

  Derek stood from the chair that he'd been occupying, and extended his hand towards Owen.

  “It's nice to finally meet you, brother.”

  “Brother?” Owen asked, looking at Derek's out stretched hand in disgust. “Did you hit your head when you were in the elevator the other day?”

  Derek laughed, and I just stood there stock still. Owen's hand was still on the small of my back, and I found myself sliding a little closer to him. He rubbed my back reassuringly, and then turned towards his dad.

  “Care to explain, old man?” He asked, in the calmest voice he could muster.

  “Everyone needs to sit down.” He said, motioning towards the chairs.

  Derek reclaimed the seat he'd been in minutes ago, and Owen escorted me to one of the chairs directly in front of the desk. When I was comfortably seated, he took the chair beside mine.

  “Aren't you going to introduce me son?” Mister Foster asked, with a warm smile.

  “Dad, this is my girlfriend Ronnie. Ronnie... Edward Foster.”

  “Girlfriend.” Derek scoffed.

  “Have you got something to say?” Mister Foster asked, as he placed his focus on Derek now.

  I closed my eyes, and said a silent prayer to whoever the hell was listening. Please don't let Derek make a scene. Just... let him be a normal, caring, human being for once in his life.

  “Veronica's my fiance.” He said, with a smug tone.

  “Ex fiance.” I corrected.

  “I don't recall getting my ring back, baby girl.” He winked.

  “That's because I flushed it down the toilet.” I said, with sass.

  Mister Foster looked up at me, and then Owen, getting a wide grin on his face. Before I knew what was happening he started to laugh. Soon, he was laughing so hard that I was starting to take offense. What the hell was going on here? Why was Derek here? And why the fuck was this man laughing?

  “Dad!” Owen said, as he stood with anger. “Enough. Why is he here?”

  “He's here, because he's your half brother.”

  Suddenly the sinking feeling in my stomach was back full force. For the last two days I'd been feeling out of sorts, but hearing this kind of news was enough to make anyone want to vomit. I covered my mouth, and tried to breathe through the wave of nausea that had rushed over me. I stood then, and made a beeline for the door. Thankfully the woman who let us in, pointed me in the direction of the bathroom just in the nick of time.

  I ejected the contents of my stomach, and slumped down onto the bathroom floor. Brothers? How was that even possible? And how in the hell did I end up sleeping with both of them? What were the odds? Was the world really that small? What was going to happen with Owen, and I now? Would he want to stay with me knowing that Derek is his brother? My emotions were all over the place, and it was like I was back in my old apartment on the day that I found Derek cheating on me.

  I didn't know how to feel. I could hear the three of them yelling, exchanging insults, but I couldn't make myself move. Instead I stayed in the bathroom, hiding like a coward and attempting to eavesdrop.

  “When you didn't show any interest in the family business, I had to find a surrogate. I've known about Derek his entire life, but he's only just recently met me. He was all set to take the reigns, and leave you with nothing. Of course, now that you've shown up with the woman he told me he was marrying... we've reached a bit of a hiccup.” I heard Mister Foster say.

  “I don't understand.” Derek said, his anger rising. “You said all we had to do was sign some paperwork.”

  “What were you going to do? Hire someone to pretend to be your fiance? Our conditions were clear. No engagement, no business.”

  “Ronnie will come back to me! She always does. Do you really think someone like him can make her happy?” He spat.

  “Someone like me?” Owen countered. “You're nothing but a bastard! The illegitimate son of a man who wanted nothing to do with you until he needed something from you! Welcome to the family.”

  “I uprooted my entire life for this! For a chance to prove myself! I proposed to a woman that I knew I had no future with because I needed a wife! And now you're telling me that I get nothing?”

  There it was. The truth. All this time, I was only a means to and end to him. At the time Derek's proposal seemed like it had been pulled straight out of left field. I never questioned it though, because it had taken him so long to actually do it. I was just happy that he finally did. The more I thought back on our relationship, the more foolish I felt. How could I have been so clueless?”

  “Good luck convincing her to take you back now.” Mister Foster laughed.

  “He's nothing but a rebound to her.” Derek said, with humor. “Face it. He's nothing but a fuck up, who doesn't know the first thing about running a business.”

  I heard a loud thud then, and the clear sounds of a scuffle. I quickly jumped up from my place on the bathroom floor, and scrambled out the door towards the office. When I reached the threshold I found Owen, and Derek in a tangled heap on the floor. Fists were flying, and the cracking sounds associated with them were cringe worthy.

  “Stop!” I yelled, as I tried to inch closer.

  If I could just get in between them. Derek wouldn't hit me... would he? I took a deep breath, before reaching out to grab Owen's arm. He turned to look at me, and Derek landed a right hook to his upper lip.

  “Fuck!” Owen seethed before clambering to his feet, and Derek followed.

  I placed my hands up in between them, and took a step forward. Owen reached for my wrist, and pulled until I was safely standing behind him. He drew back his arm then, intending on returning the punch he'd just received. Before he had the chance though, Mister Foster slammed a paper weight down onto his desk.

  “No more!” He yelled as loud as he could, before falling into a coughing spell.

  Everyone in the room went stock still, and I reached for the glass of water sitting on his desk and handed it to him. He took a large drink, before setting the glass back down and nodding his head in thanks. It wasn't the warmest show of appreciation, but I'd take it.

  “I've always thought that fighting over a woman was frivolous. I will admit that Veronica is a beautiful woman, but the fact of the matter is... only one of you can inherit the family business.”

  I cleared my throat, and soon all the attention was on me.

  “I know I'm not family, but I do have the unfortunate luck of knowing both of these men. Derek doesn't care about anyone but himself. He ruins everything he touches, and I can guarantee you that he doesn't plan on keeping anything intact. He buys companies, franchises, and properties up like candy. He doesn't restore them to their former glory. He splits them up, strips them of everything that they were, and makes a profit.”

  “You don't know me, Ronnie. Not like I thought you did. All I've ever wanted is to know my father, and now I have a chance to be a part of my family's legacy. All you've got to do is walk down that aisle next month, and the company can be ours. We can start over. Start our family. I know you still want that.”

  “You just admitted that you only proposed to me because of a business deal. I heard everything.” I said, crossing my arms over my chest. “And even if I hadn't... I can't marry a man that I don't love. I won't.”

  “Twelve years!” He yelled. “What? You get a new dick in you, and suddenly you've got morals?”

  Owen was on him in a flash, gripping his shirt collar with one hand, and drawing his fist back with the other.

  “Disrespect her one more time, and I swear to God I will lay you out without a second thought.”

  “How do my sloppy seconds taste?” Derek whispered, with a smirk.

  There was no time to react. Owen slammed his fist into Derek's face once, twice, three times before
my feet finally caught up to my brain. I grabbed a hold of his arm mid swing, and he released Derek's shirt letting him fall onto the floor in a loud clunk.

  I rushed over to Derek, dropping down onto my knees to see if he was alright. His nose was bleeding, and his right eye was already starting to swell. I shook my head, as I leaned back onto my heels.

  “You idiot.” I whispered.

  “Come home with me.” He pleaded. “I need you, Ronnie.”

  Owen let out an annoyed huff, before extending his hand towards me. I took it, allowing him to help me up, and then he tucked me into his side as he glared down at Derek.

  “As much as I'm enjoying this dick measuring contest.” Mister Foster chimed in. “There is another option.”

  “Do I even want to know?” Owen asked just under his breath, before turning us both around.

  I could hear Derek grunting, as he drug himself to stand behind us and I couldn't help but feel a little sorry for him. Don't get me wrong, he did deserve a little karma. But there was a part of me that knew how much it meant to him to meet, and know his father. It was something he struggled with growing up, and one of the only things we ever had a genuinely real conversation about.

  Most men weren't good at opening up. That, or they just bottled everything up inside until they were ready to combust. Derek was that kind of man. No amount of time, or space was ever enough for him. He would just lock things up in a vault, and forget the combination. Maybe that's why it was so easy with Owen. When he let me in, it was almost cathartic for me. To know that not all men were closed books was refreshing, and in turn I was able to let him in as well.

  Mister Foster opened the desk drawer in front of him, and pulled out two manila folders. He handed one to each of the boys, and then he sat back, and waited. I tried to catch a glimpse of the contents but I was too short, and Owen was reading too intently. After a few torturous minutes, Owen tossed his folder onto the desk in anger.

  “This is bullshit.” He said.

  His father shrugged his shoulders. “I think it's more than fair all things considered.”

  “You can't just leave the company to some illegitimate son you had thirty years ago!”

  “I can and will do whatever I please, with my company.” He said, taking another sip from his glass. “I want the family business to stay a family business. Your children will be the future of this company.”

  “But to force me to get married? After everything that happened with Abigail-”

  “Abigail was an unfortunate situation, and if she were still alive then Derek wouldn't even be here right now.”

  “I deserve to be here just as much as he does.” Derek said, with loathing.

  “Do you though?” Owen asked.

  “That's enough.” I said, getting irritated. “I need some air.”

  Owen tried to reach for my hand, but I brushed him off. I had; had enough of the testosterone overload, and feared if I didn't get out now I'd find myself back in the bathroom. I could faintly hear Derek egging Owen on as I headed towards the front door, and I rolled my eyes. Of all the men I had to meet, and fall head over heels in love with, he just had to be my exes long lost brother.

  I shivered when I stepped outside, even though it was nearly ninety degrees. I started walking towards the truck then, remembering that Owen still had my keys. I spotted a bench off to the left, over looking a rose garden, so I opted to sit there. The smell of the roses wafted through the breeze and I closed my eyes, inhaling the sweet scent.

  My mind was reeling. Did Mister Foster really want Owen to get married in order to keep the family business? And why was he so dismissive when it came to Abigail? I thought more about what Derek said. Was it really possible that he actually wanted to keep the business intact? I guess there was always a first time for everything.

  There was something bothering me about this entire thing though. When Owen, and I walked into the office Derek wasn't surprised. Did that mean he knew who Owen was the day he stopped the elevator? Why not say something then? It would explain his anger, and the way that he was acting. Why he was so insistent on getting me back. I opened my eyes, and that's when I realized that Owen was standing in front of me.

  “Oh!” I said, placing my hand over my heart. “You startled me.”

  “I'm sorry.” He said, before sitting down on the bench beside me.

  “Are you alright?” I asked, placing my hand over his.

  “I should be asking you that. You aren't getting sick are you?”

  “My stomach's been out of sorts since we got here. Maybe it's the move?”

  “You haven't exactly slept the best recently either.”

  “Now that you mention it... I am feeling a bit tired.”

  He placed his arm around me, and I rested my head on his shoulder.

  “He thinks that if I'm not married, with some sort of family that I won't be able to keep the business going. If I die, without any kids then the business dies with me.”

  “That's why he brought Derek in.” I said, knowingly. “We were getting married. I wanted kids. He was- he was just using me.”

  “I hate to be that guy... but was there a reason you were so concerned about him?”

  “You punched him three times in the face, Owen. I just wanted to make sure that you didn't kill him.” I teased.

  “I can't believe that your ex is my brother.”

  “I can't believe it either.” I said, pausing for a second to find my nerve. “Does it change things for you?”

  “With us?”


  “It's not like I can just un-love you, Unicorn.”

  I tilted my head, giving him a soft kiss on the crook of his neck.

  “What do you want to do about the business?”

  “I'm not sure yet. Maybe consult a lawyer? See if there's some kind of loophole to my dad's will?”

  “Do you even want to run the business? I mean, I know it wasn't high on your list of things to do. What about writing?”

  “I can't let Derek just come in, and take my family's legacy. Even if I have no idea what I'm doing, I have to at least try. My grandfather would have wanted me to.”

  “Lucky for you, your girlfriend was a marketing major.”

  “I couldn't ask you to-”

  “I'm branching out, remember? Besides, I can't un-love you either.”


  AFTER YESTERDAY'S ORDEAL, added to the fact that I was exhausted I took it upon myself to sleep in. When I finally opened my eyes it was just after eleven AM. I hadn't slept that late since I was a teenager. I yawned stretching my limbs, before climbing out of bed and directly into my shower. As I stood under the hot spray, I tried to wash away the guilt that I was feeling.

  In my head, I knew that there was no way of knowing that Owen and Derek were brothers. In my heart however... I was genuinely broken. The scariest part of the whole thing were my feelings for Owen. I didn't care about what Derek thought of me, but Owen's opinion mattered. I never wanted him to look at me any differently than he did now.

  I don't know how it happened, but I had fallen in love with him the day I met him. I spent twelve years chasing after someone who didn't want to be caught. I altered my entire personality for him. I became weak, and submissive, and for what? For him to tell me that the only reason he wanted to marry me was because of a business deal?

  The mistakes that I've made in my past couldn't continue in my future. Meeting Owen had been one of the best things to ever happen to me. He's helped me grow without even trying. Turns out all I needed was someone to listen. That, and to point out every toxic trait in my life that was bringing me down. It was crazy to believe how close we've become since that first day in the record store.

  I turned the shower off, squeezing the water from my hair before reaching for my towel. When I stepped out into the steam filled room, my limbs instantly felt more relaxed. I took a few steps towards the mirror then, and used my hand to wipe the steam away. There were
bags under my eyes, and even though I'd slept well I still felt like I could use more.

  After changing into a pair of black fitted sweatpants, and a gray tank top I put my hair up into a messy bun. The apartment was quiet, which led me to believe that Owen had left already. It was nearly noon now, and my stomach was grumbling loudly as I made my way to the kitchen. I found a note on the fridge from Morgan saying she'd be home for dinner, and another beside that from Owen.

  I grabbed both, and smiled before setting them down onto the counter. I wasn't up for actually cooking, so I pulled a pizza box from the fridge and inspected it's contents. Morgan must have ordered it last night. I was in such an odd head space last night that I didn't even want to eat. The last thing I remember, is Owen tucking me in.

  I filled a plate with four slices of pizza, and popped it into the microwave. While my food was re-heating, I poured myself a glass of milk and took a nice long swig. I wasn't even a fan of milk, but for some reason I was craving it. That, and the gooey, melty cheese from the pizza. I was almost salivating at the thought.

  I brought my meal out to the living room, and sat down cross legged on the couch. With my plate in my lap, and my glass on the coffee table I turned the television on to catch the local news at noon. Picking up a slice of pizza I brought it to my lips, and took a large bite. I nearly moaned when the cheese hit my taste buds. My good mood didn't last long though, because when I glanced up at the television screen I was staring directly into the eyes of Edward Foster.

  Reaching for the remote I turned the volume up, and set my pizza back down onto the plate.

  “Edward Foster, the owner of Foster's Fine Furniture was found dead in his home last night. While it was well known that Foster had been ill for some time, we've been told that wasn't the reason for his death. Investigators say, foul play is expected. We'll have more for you when we return at the five o'clock hour.”


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