Tattoos & Unicorns

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Tattoos & Unicorns Page 22

by Kayla Carson

  I switched the television off and sat there in disbelief. Foul play? Chills shot down my spine, and I shivered. Who would want to hurt Mister Foster? Sure, he wasn't a very pleasant man but as far as I knew he didn't have any enemies.

  Getting up, I went to my room to find my phone. Owen must be beside himself right now. I'm sure that he knew already, his father's lawyer would probably be the first person notified. I found Owen's number, and hit send before bringing the phone to my ear. I listened to each ring, my heart rate increasing with every second that passed. When I heard his voicemail pick up I hit end, and tried again. I could only imagine what he was feeling right now, but I knew that I didn't want him to be alone.

  After ten attempts I got a pair of tennis shoes from my closet, and sat on the end of the bed to put them on. I tossed my phone into my purse next, and stood lifting it over my shoulder. As quickly as I could I headed towards the kitchen, my lunch all but forgotten. My stomach growled in protest, but I didn't have time to eat right now. I needed to find Owen.

  Snatching the keys from the counter, I made my way out the door and into the elevator. I had absolutely no idea where I was going, but I couldn't just sit here and do nothing. I spotted Derek on my way towards the exit, and I diverted my route so that I could speak to him. He probably didn't know about his father, and even though we weren't on any real kind of speaking terms, I thought it would be better coming from someone he knew.

  He smiled as I approached him, and I returned it with a small smile of my own. Without exchanging any words I gestured towards the chairs in the corner of the lobby, and he turned towards them taking a seat. I sat down beside him, and took a deep breath preparing myself for what I had to say.

  “Change your mind?” He asked, arching a brow skeptically.

  “No.” I said, softly. “Derek, there's something I need to tell you.”

  “Why so ominous? You aren't pregnant are you?” He scoffed.

  Pregnant? Was he out of his freaking mind? There was no way that I was- was there? Suddenly the way that I've been feeling the past few days started to make sense. The cravings, the tiredness, even my stomach flip flopping for no apparent reason. It wasn't possible though was it? I was on the pill. There was less than a one percent chance, and even if I was it would be too soon to tell right? Unless... could I be pregnant with Derek's baby?

  “You are, aren't you?” He laughed. “Shit.”

  I was on the verge of a full fledged panic attack. I could feel my heart starting to race, and my face starting to feel flush. My entire body was on fire now, and it took everything I had just to breathe. I was seconds away from hyperventilating, and that's when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I jumped in my seat, turning my head to see who it was.

  “Owen.” I said standing abruptly, and hugging him tightly.

  I felt his arms wrap around me, and his lips brush against the top of my head. I wanted to cry. I had let my thoughts consume me, losing sight of the real reason that I was here with Derek in the first place. I pulled away from him then, just enough to look up into his eyes.

  “Have you heard?” I asked, with concern.

  He nodded his head, and I pulled him back against me.

  “I'm so sorry, Owen.”

  “What's going on?” Derek asked.

  “Someone murdered my father.” Owen said.

  I turned in his arms to face Derek, and the look on his face was complete, and utter shock. He started to shake his head in disbelief, and then he ran his hands through his hair.

  “You're lying.”

  “Why would I make something like this up?”

  “Maybe because you can't stand the fact that I was replacing you!”

  “Replacing me?” Owen snapped, as he gently moved me aside.

  “This has to be some kind of ploy. What are you trying to do? Stall until your lawyers can find a way to over turn the will?”

  “There's no over turning it.” Owen said with defeat. “You've won.”

  Derek smiled wide, before he started laughing with glee. Owen's jaw clenched, and I reached for his arm. He closed his eyes, and whispered something under his breath before placing his free hand over mine.

  “Can we go upstairs, please?” He asked.

  “Of course.” I said, ignoring Derek's hysterics.

  I could still hear him laughing as we stepped into the elevator. When the doors closed, Owen leaned his head back against the wall, and sighed. I reached for his hand rubbing my thumb over it, and my stomach grumbled loudly in the silence.

  “I'm sorry.” I said, with embarrassment.

  “When was the last time you ate?”

  “I had lunch.... yesterday.”

  “You need to take care of yourself, Unicorn.”

  “I'm fine. I'm more worried about you right now.”

  The elevator doors popped open then, and the two of us made our way back to my apartment. When we stepped inside Owen immediately opened the fridge.

  “You need to get groceries.” He said, closing it again.

  “Owen... we need to talk about your dad.”

  “Why don't we order some Chinese? Thai maybe? It's been a while since I've had-”

  “Owen.” I insisted. “Please.”

  “What do you want me to say, Ronnie? He's dead. There aren't any loopholes in the will, and I can't contest it because it was written, and notarized too long ago. He was in his right mind. Unless I manage to get married, and have a child before next year It's over.”

  “So there is a loophole.” I said, with hope.

  “Not a realistic one.”

  “Right.” I agreed, before heading into the living room to pick up the mess I'd left earlier.

  While he was lost in thought, I used the distraction to send Morgan a quick text. I needed a pregnancy test, and after everything I've done for her I knew she'd come through. I shoved my phone back into my pocket, and quickly grabbed my dirty dishes.

  I tossed the plate into the garbage, and poured the glass of milk down the sink. The smell from the warm milk made me crinkle my nose, and before I knew it I was running to the bathroom. I could hear Owen fast on my heels, but I didn't have time to worry about that now. I managed to make it to the bathroom before vomiting up the bit of milk I'd had earlier.

  “Are you alright?” Owen asked, as he came to sit beside me on the bathroom floor.

  “Sour milk.” I shrugged, before pulling myself up.

  I quickly brushed, and rinsed my teeth as Owen stood watching from the doorway with concern. Why did Derek have to put the idea of being pregnant in my head? It was probably food poisoning, or a stomach bug of some kind. When I was finished, I made my way towards him and placed my hands on either side of his face.

  “I'm fine.” I said with conviction. “What can I do? What do you need?”

  “I honestly don't even know. I spent so much of my life running from the family business, but now that I could lose it... I'm not sure how I feel.”

  “Let me just play devil's advocate for a second, alright?”

  He nodded, and I continued.

  “What if you don't fight Derek? What if you let him run the business? You're still part owner right? What's the worst he can do?”

  “If he sells his majority ownership, there will be no going back.”

  “Maybe you can offer to buy him out?”

  He laughed. “I don't have that kind of money, Ronnie.”

  “What about a business loan?”

  “I get paid by the song. It's not like I have a regular paycheck.”

  “Alright, what about an investor then?”

  “An investor?” He asked, arching a brow skeptically.

  “Morgan's father invests in anything that can make him money. Foster's Furniture is a trusted, well known family run business. Who wouldn't want their name attached to that?”

  “I'd be exchanging one partner for another, and from what I've heard about Jeremy Astor... he's a real piece of work.”

  “I'm su
re there are other investors. I could reach out to-”

  “No.” He said stopping me. “I'm out of options. It's time that I admit my mistakes, and learn to live with them.”

  He was done with this conversation. Nothing I said, or did at this point would be enough to pull him out of the abyss he'd fallen into. He was beating himself up, and I knew that if I were in his shoes I'd probably be doing the same thing. All I could do now was be there for him as best as I could.

  I watched him as he slipped out of his jeans and tee shirt, and then got into my bed. While he was getting comfortable, I flipped the television on and pressed the Netflix button. After scrolling through the selection, I settled on 'Hart of Dixie' because it was a light heart-ed television show. It wouldn't involve too much thinking, and maybe the two of us could just relax for a while.

  I took my own clothes off, and changed into a pair of white cotton shorts and a gray tank top. I found my phone then, and ordered Chinese for delivery. The entire time Owen just laid there watching the television as if he were in some sort of trance. When I climbed into the bed beside him, I propped my pillow up against the wall so that I could lean against it.

  He shifted himself closer to me so that his head was resting on my stomach, and his arm was wrapped around me. I placed my own over his shoulder, and held him a little tighter. My heart was breaking for him right now, and I wanted nothing more than to take the pain away.

  “I love you, Unicorn.” He whispered. “But I don't think I can stay here. Not anymore.”

  I felt like I had just been punched in my stomach. The wind was literally knocked out of me, as I sat there mouth agape. I couldn't find any words. I knew that he was hurting, but did that really mean he didn't want to be with me anymore? What happened to not being able to un-love me?

  “I think I should go back to Nashville.”

  “N-Nashville?” I asked, on the verge of tears.

  “It has nothing to do with you, Ronnie. I just- I thought I could make New York work. But now that my dad's gone-”

  “Ronnie!” Morgan yelled as she headed towards my room. “I got what you asked for!”

  Before I could stop her, she tossed the pharmacy bag right through my open bedroom door. It landed on the bed, and of course the pregnancy test slid conveniently from the bag, and directly in front of Owen.

  “Ronnie?” Owen asked, as he sat up with the test in his hand.

  “Oops!” Morgan said, before slowly closing the door as she walked out of the room backwards.

  “Owen, I can-”

  “Are you pregnant?” He asked, point blank.

  “I- I don't know.” I stammered. “I didn't think so, but then Derek said something and I-”

  “Wait. Derek? Do you think it's his?”

  “I don't even know if there is a baby.”

  “But if there is... there's a chance that it could be his, isn't there?”

  “I don't know!” I said, suddenly getting defensive. “I'm on the pill! This kind of thing isn't supposed to happen.”

  I was sobbing now, and I heard him swear under his breath before pulling me into his arms. I cried into his chest, while he rubbed my back trying to console me. He kissed the top of my head and told me that everything was going to be alright, but it only made me cry more. How was everything going to be alright when he was planning on going back to Nashville?

  “Do-do you want to take it now?” He asked nervously.

  “No.” I sniffled. “But I will.”

  I pulled myself from his warm embrace, and the thought that it may have been the last time almost broke me. I had fallen so hard, and so fast for this man that I couldn't imagine what losing him would feel like. I didn't want him to find out like this. If I am pregnant, I don't want that to be the reason that he stays in New York. I want him to stay for me. Because he loves me. Not because he felt some kind of obligation towards me.

  I slowly stood from the bed, and he handed me the test. I took it from him, and then locked myself in the bathroom. I didn't know how to feel. The thought of having a baby six months ago would have thrilled me. It was the only thing that I wanted. It was the direction that I was originally heading in. But now? Here I was in a two bedroom apartment, with a man who was planning on leaving me.

  I opened the box with shaking hands, and read the instructions. Pee on the stick, wait three minutes, plus for pregnant, minus for not. It seemed simple enough. Funny how a tiny stick was about to determine the rest of my life.

  Aiming was a little harder than I thought it would be, but I managed to get the job done. I washed my hands, and set the test on the counter before taking a few steps back to sit on the toilet. I set the timer on my phone, and watched as the seconds ticked by. My stomach flip flopped with a mixture of fear, and anticipation. As scared as I was, I knew that knowing would be better.

  The alarm on my phone buzzed in my hands, and I jumped up from the toilet seat. My hands were shaking, and I had to take a few deep breaths as I slowly made my way back to the counter top. I kept my eyes on myself in the mirror, and when I reached the sink I looked down.

  A plus sign. Right there in bright pink, staring back at me like some kind of beacon. My hands instantly went to my stomach, and my heart started to beat faster in my chest. I'm pregnant. I'm pregnant, and I don't even know who my baby's father is. A lone tear slid down my cheek then, and I quickly wiped it away.

  “Ronnie?” Owen asked, as he gently knocked on the door. “Are you alright?”

  Was I alright? No. I wasn't alright. I was freaking pregnant! And hormonal! And pissed! What right did he even have to ask me that kind of question? This was the same man who promised not to push me away again. Not to shut me out. Well look where we were now? If this isn't an example of history repeating itself I'm not sure what is.

  I pulled the bathroom door open with a flash of fury, and when my eyes met Owen's he was clearly taken aback by my behavior. I crossed my arms over my chest and glared at him, waiting for him to ask me again if I was alright.


  “Why are you going back to Nashville?” I snapped.

  “What? I mean- I told you. I can't stay here.”

  “So you're pushing me away again?”

  “It isn't that simple.”

  “Fuck you!”

  “Unicorn, if you're pregnant-”

  “I'm not!” I blurted out.

  I regretted the words the minute I said them, but I couldn't find a way to take them back now. If he didn't want to be with me, then I wasn't going to let him use this baby as an excuse to stay.

  “Oh.” He said, with a hint of sadness.

  “You've got nothing keeping you here now. Feel free to grab your clothes and leave.” I said, biting the inside of my cheek to keep my tears at bay.

  “Leave?” He asked, with confusion.

  “Yes! Leave!”

  “I don't want to leave you; you crazy woman. I just want to leave New York!”


  “You never let me finish.” He laughed. “If Derek's taking over, I don't want to be here to see it. I know you've got Sew New, and Morgan... but I was hoping that you'd come with me.”

  “To Nashville?”

  “Yes!” He laughed again. “I promised I wouldn't push you away again, and I meant it. I just want a fresh start, and I think we could both have that there.”

  “I can't just uproot my life again, Owen. Especially now.”

  He sighed. “I figured as much. I guess it was just wishful thinking on my part. You know for a minute there when I thought you could be pregnant, I was happy.”

  “You were?” I asked, crinkling my nose.

  “I know it's way too soon. We've only been 'together' for a month, but the thought of sharing a child with you doesn't scare me. I know that you're the one for me, Unicorn.”

  I started to cry, and he laughed reaching over to wipe my tears. I stepped aside then, gesturing towards the test that still sat on the counter. He gave me a puzz
led look, but came into the bathroom anyway. When he stopped in front of the test, and looked down I thought that he was going to pass out.

  He caught my eyes in the mirror, and looked into them with confusion. My lip quivered, and he spun around to face me.

  “Please don't be mad.” I said.

  “Why did you lie?”

  “I- I thought you were breaking up with me, and I didn't want you to stay just because of the baby.”

  “What were you planning to do? Raise her without me? Never tell me?”

  “Of course not! I just needed a minute to process everything, and to see how you really felt.”

  “You know how I feel about you, Ronnie.”

  “You have to admit the way that you were acting was very confusing.”

  “It wouldn't have been, if you had just let me finish talking.” He teased.

  “You're smiling? Does that mean you don't hate me?”

  He rolled his eyes. “I can't hate you.”

  “Hold onto that thought.” I said, with caution.

  “What aren't you telling me?”

  “To be frank, I haven't missed a period. I have no idea how far along I am, and I slept with Derek the week before Morgan and I left.”

  I'd done it. I'd ripped off the band-aid. He already knew that Derek being this baby's father was a possibility. He'd even asked about it. It didn't make it any easier to say the words out loud though. I could almost see the wheels turning as he stood there, staring at me. I wanted to say something else. Something to comfort him maybe, but I was at a loss for words.

  “It's hard enough knowing that your ex is my brother, but the thought of the child you're carrying being my niece or nephew is a hard pill to swallow.”

  “I'll call to make an appointment tomorrow. As soon as I know how far along I am, we'll know for sure. Until then, I'll understand if you need some space.”

  My stomach growled, and I placed my hand over it without thinking. Owen smiled when he noticed, and walked towards me with mischief in his eyes. When he reached me, he placed his own hand over mine.

  “You need to feed this baby.”

  “I already ordered Chinese.” I said, looking up into his eyes.

  He leaned in towards my lips, and gave me a soft kiss.


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