Tattoos & Unicorns

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Tattoos & Unicorns Page 25

by Kayla Carson



  “I can't believe that Derek would kill someone. When he and Owen got into a fight, he didn't even fight back. And he genuinely wanted to know his father. It just doesn't make any sense.”

  “Imagine wanting to know your father your entire life, and then you meet him. He tells you that you're perfect. That you, and your new wife are going to take over the family's business. Things are really looking up for you, but then he finds out you aren't engaged anymore. What's worse, the woman you were engaged to is now with your brother. To your new found dad, your a laughing stock. You're no longer good enough. You're expendable. Everything you've done to get to this point has been for nothing. You've done things you never thought you would. Hurt people that you claimed to love. For nothing. It's enough to make anyone feel a little unhinged.”

  “Do you... feel sorry for him?” I asked, with genuine wonder.

  “Absolutely not!” She said, looking at me like I'd grown a third eye. “I just know a thing or two about striving for unrealistic expectations. Even if I won an Olympic gold medal, my dad would still find something wrong with it.”

  “You, and Derek are not the same.” I said, reaching for her hand.

  She gave me a warm smile. “I know.”


  “Yeah, Ronnie?”

  “What should I do?”

  “About what?”

  “The flash drive. What should I do with it? Do I let Owen blackmail Derek? Or do I turn it into the police?”

  “I can't tell you what to do, Ronnie. Not anymore, and not about this.”

  “I think I liked you better when you bossed me around.” I grumbled.

  She laughed. “No you didn't.”

  “You're right.” I laughed back. “Thanks for being here, bestie.”

  “Always, bestie.” She winked. “Now get some rest, you're going to need it before your boyfriend gets back.”

  After the door clicked shut and I was left all alone, I laid back on my pillow and stared up at the ceiling. What was the right move here? If we gave the flash drive to the police, surely Derek would be arrested. There was no way that he could dispute the evidence against him. Carlotta said his face was seen clear as day.

  What about the business then? Owen still owned his half of course, but what would happen to Derek's? Would my baby have any rights when he or she turns eighteen? Would Owen even want his niece or nephew involved? Would he still want me?

  There was always blackmail. We could force him to sign his portion of the company over to Owen, but then we'd have to lose the footage. And there was Carlotta to think about. She loved Mister Foster. There was no way in hell she'd just let us bury it. She'd want justice for the man she loved.

  “Unicorn?” Owen asked as he knocked softly from the other side of my door. “Are you awake?”

  “I am.” I said, loud enough for him to hear me.

  He stepped inside then with a sheepish look on his face.

  “Hey.” He said, coming to sit beside me.

  “Hey.” I said back.

  “I'm sorry for the way that I acted.”

  “It's OK. I get it.”

  “Do you?”

  I nodded. “I do. I have to admit that sticking it to Derek would feel pretty damn good right now, but that's not the kind of example I want to set for my baby.”

  “It's not the kind of example I want to set for our baby either.”

  “Our baby?” I practically gushed.

  He shot me a wink.

  “I did some thinking while I was out on my walk.”

  “Should I be scared?” I teased.

  “If Derek's arrested for murdering my father, and we can find proof that he switched your prescription, maybe I can contest the will. I can prove that my father wasn't of sound mind by leaving everything to an unhinged man.”

  “I thought you said there was no wiggle room?”

  “It's different now. Derek's actions have all been driven by one thing. The company. All we've got to do is prove it.”

  “Oh, is that all?”

  “Unicorn, what if my dad had that nanny cam on the day you met him?”

  My eyes grew wide with understanding then, and I couldn't help but smile.

  “Derek admitted that he only proposed to me to get his hands on the business.” I said in awe.

  “Exactly!” Owen said, excitedly.

  “Well what are we waiting for?” I asked, as I tossed my comforter aside. “We need to get to Carlotta's, and tell her to check her emails!”

  “Whoa, whoa, whoa.” He chuckled, before tucking me back in. “You're not going anywhere, tiger.”

  “But.” I said, sticking out my bottom lip.

  “That isn't going to work.” He teased, leaning over to kiss my pout.

  “Owen!” I half whined. “I'm fine, I swear! Please don't do this without me. All in, remember?”

  “You play dirty, Unicorn.” He teased, raising his brows up and down suggestively.

  “Do you want to see how dirty I can get?” I asked, batting my lashes playfully.

  “Why don't you show me?”

  I moved the comforter aside, and got up onto my knees so that our faces were level. I brushed the tip of my nose against his, resting my hands on his chest. He smiled, and I locked my eyes on his with a smirk on my face.

  “If you leave without me, you're sleeping on the couch tonight.” I whispered.

  He laughed, before pulling me into his arms causing me to laugh right along with him.

  “The reason we aren't going to Carlotta's is because it's midnight.” He said.

  “Oh.” I blushed. “I feel silly now.”

  “You were out for a long time. Rest tonight, and I promise you we'll go first thing in the morning, alright?”

  “OK.” I nodded, before snuggling against him.

  “Everything's going to work out, Ronnie. I promise.”

  “You can't promise that.” I yawned.

  He kissed the top of my head, before adjusting me in his arms so that I was laying back down on the bed again. After slipping out of his clothes, he climbed over me and pulled me flush against him. His hand was resting on my stomach, and he began to stroke it lightly.

  “This baby will never have to be worried about anything.” He said. “I'll make sure of it.”


  “Yeah, Unicorn?”

  “I love you.”

  “I love you too.” He yawned.

  I laid there wide awake for a while, listening to the sound of his breathing. His arm began to feel heavier and heavier on my side, and soon he was fast asleep. I wish that it was that easy for me. Instead, I dreamt about Derek. About him trying to steal my baby, and threatening to kill Owen if the flash drive saw the light of day.

  It's funny. When I first laid my head down after my conversation with Owen, I was feeling a little better about things. But these dreams? They shook me to my core. Were they some kind of premonition of what was to come? Or was I just letting my imagination get the best of me? I closed my eyes again, willing myself to dream about anything but him. If only I could fall asleep as quickly as Owen.


  THE SMELL OF BACON wafting through the apartment woke me the following morning. My mouth was practically watering as I made my way out to the kitchen. I didn't bother brushing my teeth or getting dressed. I just tossed my robe on and followed my nose. When I rounded the corner Morgan was sitting at the table scrolling through her phone while sipping her coffee.

  Owen was standing at the stove flipping eggs and frying bacon, when he caught my eye.

  “Morning.” He smiled. “Take a seat, breakfast is almost ready.”

  “You're spoiling me.” I said, before doing as he asked.

  “You, and me both.” Morgan said. “I don't know what I'm going to do when the two of you move in together.”

  “Move in together?” I laughed. “I think we've got a little time be
fore that happens.”

  “Why?” Owen asked, as he began to plate our meals. “We're already having a baby. It only makes sense that we find a place together.”

  I couldn't fault his logic, but I was also worried about what my parents would say. Not to mention how they'd react to finding out that I was pregnant. My dad of course would be understanding, but my mom... the minute she heard that Derek was the baby's father... there would be no other option.

  With any luck I'd be able to avoid telling her anything until Derek was behind bars. At least then the rose colored glasses she wore around him wouldn't seem so bright. Even she would have to admit that leaving him was for the best.

  “Ronnie?” Morgan asked, as she tapped her fork on my plate to get my attention.

  “What? Sorry.” I said, bringing myself back to the here and now.

  “Don't leave the poor guy hanging.”

  “It's fine.” Owen chimed in. “Things haven't exactly been 'normal' with our relationship.”

  “That's an understatement.” Morgan laughed around a bite of her eggs. “First you meet and form some kind of epic connection. Then, you put your walls down and fall in insta love. But wait, there's more! It turns out the love of your life is the ex of your secret half brother. A half brother who happens to be the spawn of Satan, aannnnd the father of your step child. Wow. I'm surprised I even got all of that right on the first go round.”

  I don't know what came over me, but everything that Morgan said just hit me in the chest like a ton of bricks. I started to cry, and my hormones had completely taken over. My tears were falling down into my eggs, and Owen came to kneel down on the floor beside me.

  “You forgot to mention that my baby's father is a murderer!” I sobbed.

  “And a pill swapper.” Morgan added.

  My tears turned to laughter then, and I couldn't help myself anymore. If I didn't laugh at the cards that I was dealt, what else was I going to do with them? Soon Owen and Morgan were joining me, and after letting all of my emotions out I suddenly felt a whole lot better. There was no use wallowing in the mess that had become my life. I deserved better than that, and so did my baby.

  When the three of us had finally gotten ourselves together, we were able to finish our breakfast. Morgan was off to Sew New shortly after, and I was on my way to the shower. The thought of going to Carlotta's today was nerve wracking. Neither Owen, nor I had watched the footage that she had given us, and I'm not sure If we were ready.

  It was one thing to hear that someone you know has done something despicable, but to actually see it? I couldn't imagine watching someone I loved being hurt, let alone murdered. How would Owen cope? He may have agreed not to do anything rash, but after seeing something so brutal, you couldn't just un-see it.

  Owen was waiting for me in the living room when I finished getting ready. I tried to talk him into taking his bike, but he turned me down almost immediately. Riding a motorcycle while pregnant wasn't exactly illegal, but it was a more dangerous form of transportation. So, as much as I longed to feel the wind in my hair again. I knew that Owen was right.

  Once we were on the road, the atmosphere changed almost instantly. We were hoping for a miracle. Hoping that Derek's true colors would be captured on film, and that we'd be able to live our lives without looking back. My baby would never have to know the kind of man their father was, because they would have Owen.

  Carlotta had been a live in nanny when Owen was younger, but found an apartment of her own after. She then moved back into Mister Foster's house when he became ill to help care for him. She offered to move out after his passing, but since Owen had control of the estate he asked her to stay on until he was ready to sell it.

  “Are you alright?” I asked, breaking the silence.

  “It doesn't make sense, does it? It was my childhood home. Going back there shouldn't cause me this much turmoil.”

  “It's the last place you saw your dad alive.” I said, somberly. “It makes sense to feel that way.”

  “I'm glad you're with me.”

  “Me too.”

  For the rest of the drive we stayed silent. The music was playing just loud enough to drown out the sound of the old truck's engine. I found myself thinking about what came next. I needed to find a new car and the baby could stay in my room for a while, but eventually he or she would need their own space. Moving in with Owen seemed like the next logical step. What would that look like for us though? He mentioned leaving New York. Was that something that he still wanted? I was wrestling with my own feelings about staying here. Was Nashville still on his radar?

  I had been staring out the window for so long, that I barely noticed when we pulled into the driveway. With the ignition off, and our seat-belts unfastened we steeled ourselves for what was to come. We approached the house together, and after ringing the doorbell it only took a few seconds before Carlotta answered it.

  “Good morning.” She said, ushering us inside. “Can I take your coats?”

  “No thank you.” I said, crossing my arms over my chest.

  I was suddenly struck with the oddest feeling, and I shivered.

  “Thanks for seeing us, Lottie.” Owen said, as he pulled her into a hug.

  “You know I always have time for you.” She replied, as she squeezed him back.

  “Why don't we go into the sitting room?” She suggested.

  Owen, and I followed her into the large room just off the foyer, choosing to sit on the couch. Carlotta sat across from us, and that's when things got serious.

  “Lotta.” Owen started. “I know this is a long shot, but were there any other videos sent to your email? Specifically something from the day Ronnie, and I were here with Derek and dad?”

  She crinkled her nose in thought. “There have been quite a few, but honestly I didn't bother watching any of them. I was only interested in the day your father- when he passed.”

  “Could we see them?”

  “Is there something I'm missing?”

  “Derek said a lot of things during that 'meeting.' Things that could ruin his image, and give me good reason to contest the will. Right now, it's hearsay... but if we have proof-”

  “You've already got proof that he murdered your father!” She said, with disbelief. “That in itself should be enough to show his attorney. What more do you need?”

  “It's not just that.” He said, turning to me as if asking my permission.

  When I nodded, he continued.

  “Ronnie's pregnant.”

  Her scowl quickly changed to a smile, and she rushed over to hug me.

  “Congratulations you two!” She gushed before pulling away, and giving the same treatment to Owen. “You're going to make a wonderful father!”

  “Thanks Lotta, but that's the other reason why we're here.”

  She arched a brow in confusion as she reclaimed her seat.

  “Alright, I'm listening.”

  “The baby belongs to Derek.” I said softly, averting my eyes.

  I couldn't be sure how much Carlotta knew about our situation, but I knew that she loved Owen like her own. If she was anything like my mom, she was going to lose her mind trying to put the pieces together.

  “Before you jump to conclusions, Ronnie didn't know that Derek was my brother. Hell, neither did I. All you need to know is everything that's happened has been purely coincidental.”

  “I don't believe in coincidences.” She said, looking between us. “Everything happens for a reason.”

  “Maybe you're right.” I sighed.

  Owen turned to face me with question, and I shrugged my shoulders.

  “There's a reason I met Owen. I was meant to. He helped me heal when I didn't even know that I was broken. Derek won't stop until he has custody of this baby. He murdered his own father... what's to stop him from hurting me? I know that our situation isn't ideal, and to most people we're probably moving way too fast, but I love Owen. I genuinely love him, and all we want is a chance.”

t me grab my laptop.” She said, before leaving the room.

  Owen placed his hands on either side of my face and smiled, before kissing my lips softly.

  “What was that for?” I asked.

  “Just being you, Unicorn.”

  “Your life would be so much easier without me in it.”

  “Lies.” He winked, before wrapping his arm around me.

  Carlotta came back into the room then, carrying her laptop. She set it down on the coffee table between us, and opened her email account. When she was all signed in, she turned it towards Owen, and I.

  “Everything's in the saved folder. You're welcome to look at whatever you'd like.”

  “Thank you.” He said earnestly, before turning his attention towards the screen.

  I watched as he began to scroll through the emails checking the dates as he went. There were three files sent on the day in question, and I knew that one of them had to be the murder. I shivered, as he clicked on the first to open it. His arm dropped from my shoulders, and he was holding my hand in his now, as we watched together.

  This was the argument. I bolted out of the room, and the men continued to mince words. Hearing it from the safety of the bathroom, and actually seeing were two completely different things. I looked on as Owen punched Derek, knocking him to the ground. I watched myself enter a few seconds later, and then I listened as Derek told everyone what I really was to him.

  We had it. Proof that my entire engagement was staged. Once Mister Foster's lawyer seen this, there was no way he'd allow Derek's name to be anywhere near the business. Especially with Mister Foster's reaction. He told him in no uncertain terms that he had lost his chance by losing me.

  “What happens now?” I asked.

  “Carlotta, and I are going to the police station.”

  AS MUCH AS I WANTED to go with Owen, he made it pretty clear that he'd rather I didn't. I couldn't help but feel guilty about everything that's happened since I've come into his life. If only I had agreed to take Derek back. We would have gotten married, moved to New York, and he would have taken over the 'family' business.

  Mister Foster might still be alive, and Owen would be able to move on with his life. The truth of the matter was, he was never planning on running the business. Maybe if I hadn't been involved, he and Derek could have made an attempt to be friends. Things would have been so much simpler if I had stuck to my original plan. Everything changes when feelings are involved.


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