Tattoos & Unicorns

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Tattoos & Unicorns Page 26

by Kayla Carson

  When I pulled into my allotted parking space, I noticed a car with North Carolina plates parked beside it. My curiosity piqued, I locked the truck and headed inside. I was greeted by the doorman as always, and stepped onto the elevator with a handful of other people. The lights flashed as we ascended floors, and when I finally reached mine I found my key on the ring.

  I could hear laughter coming from the living room as I stepped inside, and I set my things down onto the kitchen table.

  “Morgan?” I called out, as I rounded the corner.

  “We have company!” She said excitedly, as my dad stood from the couch to greet me.

  “Dad!” I gushed, as I practically threw myself into his arms.

  “It's good to see you too, Honey.” He chuckled.

  Tears instantly filled my eyes as the weight of everything I've been going through came crashing down in a wave. He pulled me in tighter, and I only cried harder as he consoled me without words. His strong silence conveyed everything. There were no set of arms safer than my dad's. He let me cry until I couldn't anymore, and when I stopped he still held me.

  He held me until I pulled away, and then he gave me a warm smile.

  “I brought whiskey.”

  “Wrong kind of bottle, Mister Locke.” Morgan scoffed from the couch.

  My dad arched his brow in question, and I took a purposeful step back taking a deep breath.

  “I'm pregnant.” I said in a voice that sounded so much smaller than my own.

  His eyes grew wide in surprise, but there was no judgment there. He reached for my hands, and gave them a little squeeze.

  “Are you happy?”

  “A lot's happened, and I don't even know where to start.”

  “How about the beginning?”

  I nodded, and pulled him back over to the couch. Morgan made to leave but I reached for her hand as well. Our friendship may have been on the rocks, but if I was being honest with myself I could really use her support right now. If anything she'd make light of the situation, and make things a little easier.

  I spent the next half hour telling my dad everything. From meeting Owen, to finding out Derek was his brother. I even told him what Carlotta had found. By the end of the conversation he seemed more worried about me than ever. So much so that he offered to move me back to Raleigh, and if it weren't for Owen, I may have taken him up on his offer.

  “It sounds to me that this baby has a claim to that company.” My dad said. “With Derek in prison, his share would ultimately go to his next of kin. Even if your boyfriend can't get the will contested, you've got a good chance of helping him.”

  “The funny thing is, he never really wanted the responsibility. I can't help but feel like I've pushed him into it.”

  “Jealousy can push a man to do many dumb things, but he wouldn't be so adamant to keep his daddy's business unless he really wanted it.”

  “And what about what I want?”

  “What do you want?”

  “Honestly? I don't even know anymore. I know that I want to be with Owen, but I have no idea what that looks like.”

  “What about the boutique?”

  I shrugged my shoulders. “It's Morgan's baby. Her dream. Her vision. I can work on the marketing aspect from anywhere with an internet connection.”

  “You're more than just the marketing whiz, Ronnie. You're my partner.” Morgan said. “But if you truly feel that way... I'll buy you out.”

  “You'll what?” I asked with surprise.

  “I know the boutique was never really your thing. Most of the decisions you made were because Derek or I wanted you to make them. If I've learned anything from this trip it's that I never really let you be your own person. I can't afford to buy you out right away, but if you give me a year I know I can get the funds together.”

  I shook my head. “No. I don't mind being a silent partner. I've never been much of an extrovert. You're the one who pulled me out of my shell, and made me try new things. I don't want to just walk away, but I also don't want to be the face. I thought that I did. That I'd be missing out on something, or letting you take all the credit. But I see things differently now.”

  “Because of Owen.” She said knowingly. “He's been good for you Ronnie, and I'm sorry I tried to mess that up.”

  My dad looked at his wrist watch then.

  “I am going to meet this boy soon, right?”

  “Of course.” I laughed. “He should be home shortly.”


  “He's been staying with us.” Morgan said nonchalantly.

  As if on cue the door to our apartment opened, and the man in question stepped inside. The grin on his face was undeniable. I stood to greet him, and in just three long strides he was in front of me. Ignoring everyone else in the room, and pulling me into his arms.

  “We did it, Unicorn.” He said, nearly squeezing the life out of me. “They're issuing a warrant for his arrest as we speak.”

  The relief I felt was palpable, and when he finally released me I cleared my throat slightly. It was then that he realized there was an extra person in the room. He took a step back, and extended his hand to my dad.

  “Sorry about that.” He said, as my dad accepted the gesture. “I'm Owen.”

  “Walter Locke.”

  “Locke?” Owen asked, as he looked from my dad to me in question.

  “Owen, I'd like you to meet my dad.”

  “Oh. Oh!” Owen said with surprise. “It's a pleasure to meet you sir. You have a truly wonderful daughter.”

  “Kiss ass.” Morgan coughed into her elbow, and my dad chuckled.

  “I've heard good things about you too, Owen.”

  “Thank God.” He said, around laughter of his own.

  “My daughter tells me congratulations are in order?”

  Owen looked at me for help again, and I nodded slightly.

  “Yes Sir.”

  “And... you're a song writer?”

  “Aspiring, Sir. I make my money from jingles mostly.”

  “Anything I've heard of?”

  “Probably not.” He answered honestly. “Although now, thanks to Ronnie it looks like I'll have a shot at saving my dad's business.”

  “So she's said.”

  The skepticism in my dad's voice wasn't lost on Owen. In fact, he stood a little straighter before responding.

  “I'm sure she's already filled you in on the sorted details, and yes, I did tell her that I wanted to move back to Nashville.”

  My dad gave him a questioning look.

  “Didn't tell him that part, babe.” I said, biting my bottom lip.

  “Of course you didn't.” He said nervously.

  “Got any more room in your mouth for the other foot, Owen?” Morgan teased.

  I couldn't help but giggle, and Owen blushed. It was the first time that I actually seen him flustered, and I had to admit it was pretty damn cute.

  “The truth is Sir, I've never envisioned myself staying here. Your daughter and our baby have me thinking more about my priorities though, and less about myself.”

  There it was again, our baby. Every time I heard him say the word I melted inside. Not once since finding out about my pregnancy has he referred to this baby as anything less than a miracle. It takes a real man to love a child that isn't his own. God broke the mold with this one, and I knew that whatever came next we would face it together.

  “Priorities are important.” My dad said.

  “That's why I've decided to sell the family business to my dad's brother.”

  “You're selling out?” I asked, with concern.

  “He's promised to keep the family name, and if he ever wants to unload it I'm his first phone call. It's safe, and with the sale of the house and company it gives us a nice nest egg. We can buy a house, and live comfortably while I'm working on my music.”

  “You seem to have thought of everything.” I said, the annoyance in my voice evident.

  “I thought I had.” He said, with a weak smile
. “But judging by the way you're looking at me I could be wrong.”

  “When did you decide all of this?”

  “It's something I've been mulling over.”

  “What about Derek's share?”

  “His share becomes null and void upon his arrest.”

  “And the baby? They have a right to their father's share.”

  “Are you saying that you want a piece of my dad's company?”

  “No! But what if he or she does. What if they grow up, meet their biological father and he tells them about how he was burned? They'll blame you, and me by association.”

  “Unicorn, they aren't even born yet. Is this really what you're so upset about?”

  “I'm upset because I hate it here!” I admitted.

  “I think we should give them a minute.” My dad said to Morgan, as he walked around Owen and I to usher her towards her bedroom.

  “Are you saying that you want to move back to Raleigh?” He asked.

  “I'm saying... I love you Owen, but I am sick and tired of people making decisions for me.”

  “OK. Let's talk.” He said, gesturing towards the couch.

  I sat down first, and he took the seat right beside me.

  “I wasn't trying to make any decisions for you, or without you.” He started. “I just wanted your dad to know that I could take care of you.”

  “So selling the business... that's what you really want?”

  “It is. I know I've been back and forth, but it's only because it's my dad's legacy. Now that I know Derek can't run it into the ground, letting my uncle run things seems like the right thing to do.”

  “Why sell at all then? Why not just let him take over operations? Or sell him forty-five percent so that you're still a majority owner.”

  He laughed. “I guess that's why you do what you do.”

  I shrugged. “Business is kind of my jam.”

  “You're kind of mine.” He teased.

  “Eww.” I giggled. “My dad, and Morgan are a room away.”

  “I don't mind.”

  I rolled my eyes. “So... what do we do about New York?”

  “I think we both deserve a fresh start. A real one this time.”

  “I can get behind that, but where will we go?”

  “I've heard Nashville's pretty nice this time of year.”

  “Nashville?” I wondered aloud.

  “Or we could go to Raleigh.” He rushed out. “Where ever you want to be, is where I want to be.”

  I knew that a piece of him still lived in Nashville. It's where he longed to be. What kind of person would I be to keep a man from his dream when he was willing to follow me anywhere. Nashville would be a great place to raise a family, and while Owen focused on his music I could pave my own way. I could take the time to find my own passion, and I could leave everything that happened in New York behind me.

  “Let's go to Nashville.” I said with a smile.


  A WEEK HAD PASSED SINCE my dad's visit, and my decision to move to Nashville had been made. Owen put his dad's house on the market, and took my advice only selling his uncle forty-five percent of the company. We had a long discussion, and if some day our child wanted to be a part of the family business he would be welcomed with open arms. Owen even said he'd give up his half if that's what he or she really wanted.

  Derek had been placed under arrest, and took a plea deal soon after. He was facing life in prison, without the possibility of parole. There was no use in having a trial. The video evidence was enough to convict him. When he found out that he'd lost his stake in the business as well, he lost his mind. Last I heard he had been put on suicide watch.

  There was a part of me that felt sorry for him. He had finally found the father he'd been searching for, only to find out he wasn't the man he thought he'd be. He was a cold, unloving man and not just to Derek. Even Owen's relationship with the man was strained. I rubbed my stomach subconsciously then, thinking about my own child.

  I made a promise to myself right then and there, that no matter what I would never let my child feel anything but love. Their father never got to experience such a thing, but with Owen and I... they would experience it every single day.

  I was feeling good about my decision. No second guessing, no worrying. Just... good. For the first time in a long time my insecurities, and self doubt seemed to vanish. Owen had shown me time and time again how much I mean to him, and I was ready to have the life that I always dreamed of having.

  Morgan has been unbelievably supportive. She's sad that we're leaving of course, but she understands. We chose to stay partners for now. I'll take care of the marketing, and merchandising from Nashville, and I agreed to attend video meetings when I'm needed. There hasn't been a chapter in my life without her in it since elementary school. It was going to be an adjustment, but I felt confident that things were going to work out for the best.

  I had just finished stuffing the last of my clothing into a box on the bed, when she entered my room.

  “I can't believe you're moving.” She said, as she grabbed a pile of clothes from the end table and added them to my box.

  “I honestly can't believe it either.”

  I closed the box using my weight to keep it shut, and she grabbed the box tape running it along the seems to seal it.

  “I feel like I've held you back. Do you even like marketing?”

  I laughed. “Actually I do. I'm surprisingly good at it. It was the fashion part that was hard to understand.”

  “That's because you're a nerd.” She teased.

  I shrugged my shoulders. “I've been called worse.”

  “In all seriousness though. I don't know what I'm going to do without you. It's been you, and me for as long as I can remember.”

  “You've never needed me. Your designs speak for themselves.”

  “I'm not talking about work, Ronnie. I'm talking about all of this. Life.” She spread her arms wide, and spun in a slow circle for dramatics.

  “Owen and I will come and visit, and I'm sure Nashville has a few sexy cowboys you could sink your claws into. It isn't goodbye. It's... see you soon.”

  “Who will I call when I'm drunk and can't drive home?” She mock whined.

  “Uber?” I teased.

  “Not funny! Have you seen some of those drivers?”

  I laughed. “I'm going to miss you too, Morgan.”

  She sighed. “It wasn't long ago that we were packing up your things for a different reason.”

  “I know it hasn't been long, but it almost feels like another life time ago.”

  “That's because it is. You aren't the same woman who pulled out of her daddy's driveway in an old pick up truck. You've grown so much since then and I hate to admit it, but a lot of it has to do with Owen.”

  “I can't explain it. There's just something about him that makes me want more. Not just want it, but know that I deserve it. Does that make sense?”

  “No. But I'm damn jealous that you've found it. I'm afraid I'll be bed hopping well into my fifties.”

  I shook my head. “You need to put yourself out there. There's more to men than just sex.”

  “Not all men look, and act like yours.”

  “He's far from perfect, and he's made just as many mistakes as you, and I.”

  “Name one.” She said, arching a brow.

  Owen chose then to come out of the bathroom. Steam wafted out into the bedroom as he adjusted the towel he wore around his waist. Suddenly my need to tell Morgan how imperfect he was, went out the window. I didn't say his body wasn't perfect.

  “You were saying.” Morgan said.

  I laughed, and so did she before quickly leaving the room so that he could get dressed.

  “Did I miss something?” He asked.

  “Nothing at all.” I beamed up at him, before wrapping my arms around his neck.

  He placed his hands on my waist, and smiled back at me.

  “You're in a good mood this morning.”<
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  “I'm just happy. Everything is finally working out the way that it was supposed to.”

  He leaned down to press his lips against mine, and I nipped at his bottom lip. He grinned reaching for the hem of my tank top, and swiftly pulled it over my head.

  “Owen.” I giggled. “The movers will be here soon.”

  “Guess we better hurry then.” He growled, before dipping his head into the crook of my neck.

  I felt his hot tongue dart out to lick me, and I shivered in anticipation. His hands roamed up from my waist to my back, unclasping my bra effortlessly. With a little shrug I let it fall to the floor before reaching for his towel. I gave it a swift pull, and it too was on the floor. He hooked his thumbs into the band of my cotton shorts, and shimmied them over my hips and thighs taking my panties with them.

  I stepped out of them, and his lips captured mine in a kiss before he cupped my ass in his hands. The next thing I knew, he was lifting me in his arms and I was wrapping my legs around his waist. I could feel his erection brushing against my heat, and I let out a little mewl. In three strides he had us in front of the bed, and began to slowly lay me down onto it.

  “Wait.” I said, catching my breath.

  “What is it?”

  “I need to be on top.”

  He smirked. “You need to?”

  “The baby!” I laughed.

  “Oh!” He chuckled before rolling off of me, and onto his back.

  I climbed over his strong body then, straddling him. His erection was only inches from my core, and I reached out to grasp it in my hands. I started to stroke him up and down slowly, watching his reaction. There was something about hearing a man moan, and knowing that you were the cause. It was a powerful feeling, and I relished in it.

  He groaned as I continued to work his shaft. A bead of moisture glistened on his tip, and I leaned down to lick it away. He sucked in a breath, and I could feel myself growing wet with need. With every action I preformed, a reaction stirred within me. I was practically pulsing for him now, and I couldn't wait any longer.


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