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War of the Realms Box Set

Page 8

by Sarah J. Stone

  “It is customary that the commander asks the king for permission to dance with the future queen,” Ardontis whispered. “Stand, bow, and ask.”

  “Oh,” Holland said fumbling with his empty glass and standing quickly. He looked at Leonetta, who was staring down at the table, a humored smirk on her face.

  “Your Grace,” Holland said, bowing, grabbing the napkin he forgot to place on the table, and then returning to his bow, “may I ask for your permission to dance with the future queen?”

  The king nodded in agreement, smiling at Holland’s clumsiness and obvious nerves. Holland looked at Ardontis, who nodded his head toward Leonetta. He walked over and stood behind her, looking back at Ardontis with a loss of what was to come next. Ardontis motioned that he should pull her chair back and ask her permission. Holland pulled the chair rather quickly, causing a giggle to fall over the crowd.

  “My Lady,” he said, clearing his throat and stretching out his hand, “may I have this honor?”

  “You may,” she said, trying to hold back a laugh and taking his hand.

  The two walked slowly to the center of the hall, and Holland readied the only dancing stance that he knew. Leonetta smiled and put her hand in his, pulling his other arm around her waist. The song began to play, and the two danced gingerly across the ballroom floor, the crowd watching and clapping with each twirl. It was at that moment Holland was more than grateful for the dance lessons his mother had forced him to take when he was a boy. Slowly, other couples began to join them on the floor, and Holland’s nerves dissipated.

  “There are no other weird traditions I need to be aware of, are there?” Holland asked in a whisper to Leonetta.

  “Just the obstacle course,” she said. “Oh, and the archery contest.”

  “What?” Holland said, pulling back anxiously. “Oh, you are joking.”

  Leonetta laughed outwardly, and Holland immediately felt at ease again.

  “I have heard the stories of your valor,” Leonetta stated, pulling back as the song ended. “I thank you.” She bowed to Holland in reverence, and the people around him began to clap. He smiled as she stood back up and took his hand, leading him back to the table at the front. When they reached Leonetta’s seat, Holland pulled the chair out for her and pushed it in as she sat. He walked over to his chair but stayed standing next to the king, who was looking out over the crowd.

  “I would say we have things to discuss with the Council,” the king whispered. “Ardontis has called the meeting, they are waiting for us in the Council Room.”

  “Now, Your Grace?” Holland questioned. “It is the mourning for Lady Mary. You don’t wish to stay?”

  “You will learn, Holland,” he said as he turned and put his hand on Holland’s shoulder. “Sometimes, there is no room to mourn. That is one of the greatest sacrifices of a king.”

  Holland nodded and followed Osiris off of the stage, catching Leonetta’s confused look as the two, followed by Ardontis, left the Hall of Spirits. The castle was quiet outside of the mourning, and the three men moved with a purpose. What had been spoken about in the king’s chambers in Allenforth had been between Holland and Osiris, and this would be the first time anyone else heard about it. Even though Holland had left for the journey back to Thorne with perfect resolve, the moment he saw Leonetta’s face, that resolve began to crumble. He knew the best thing for him would be this meeting.

  The men sat close and only had invited certain members of the Council to be made privy to the plans they had already set in motion. The fae were not among those that held a seat at this Council meeting, especially with their grave disagreements against the taming of the wild dragons. Ardontis had argued that only a fae could tame them, but Osiris feared Verian would only exacerbate the situation, and he didn’t want to take the chance of whispers of war reaching the fae king across the ocean.

  “Gentlemen,” the king said as he took a seat at the head of the table, “we meet under dire circumstances. Gillian, though not directly responsible for Lady Mary’s death, has been planning a coup on our kingdom. The indirect association with my wife’s untimely demise will not go unpunished.”

  The king stretched his arms and cleared his throat.

  “Just as it has not gone unnoticed that we are in dire need of reparations,” he continued. “For far too long, I have sat idle, wasting away to a mere skeleton of the man I used to be, but no more! Never again will I let friend or foe alike damage my household as Gillian and Oedipus have in recent days.”

  “Your Grace,” Ardontis began to speak, but quickly quieted as the king put up his hand.

  “I am not here for a discussion,” he said quietly. “I am here to tell you what will be done. Holland is my new commander and, at his agreeance, he will lead our soldiers into battle in just six nights. We will attack Gillian through the air, with the help of the dragons that will be tamed. We will burn their city to the ground and take back what is rightfully ours. We helped raise them up, and now we will help bury them.”

  “You agreed to war?” Ardontis said, turning to Holland. “I thought you to be a bit of a pacifist.”

  “He believes in a strong and vibrant Avalon,” the king said, interrupting. “And when he returns victorious, he will have my daughter’s hand as a prize.”

  “Then I shall be the one to tame the dragons,” Leonetta said from the door of the Council Room.

  “Leonetta,” the king demanded, “you are a woman, the future queen.”

  “I am a fae,” she said proudly. “And with but a few words, the dragons will bow to me. Father, if I am to be queen, I want to be a victorious one. Not one that meets the same grim end that my mother has. Our people will love me, and our enemies will fear me.”

  “What say you Ardontis?” the King said, looking toward the Faith. “Do you think this wise?”

  “The lady speaks true, Your Grace,” he said without looking at Leonetta. “If anyone were to tame them, it would be her.”

  The king looked back at Leonetta and then to Holland, whose face had gone pale.

  “And,” Ardontis continued. “If our lady is successful, it will make her the strongest queen on either side of the ocean–something we may see as handy in the coming days.”

  Holland didn’t understand what Ardontis and the king were talking about, but his gaze met Leonetta’s, and she smiled with pride. He shook his head and leaned back in his chair. The king tapped his fork on the table.

  “What say you, Holland?” The king didn’t look up from the plate of grapes in front of him.

  “It’s insane,” he muttered. “She is the future queen of Avalon. To have her go into such a dangerous place…what if she were to die?”

  “Then we will mourn her for her bravery,” the king said, staring at Ardontis. Holland looked back at Leonetta, whose face had gathered sparks of anger from his comments. “You will leave tomorrow, Leonetta, accompanied by the shifters.”

  Everyone stood as the king exited the room. Holland looked over at Ardontis, who was strangely staring at Leonetta with a knowing look. The two were up to something, but Holland had no idea what it was. Ardontis switched his gaze to Holland and bowed as he stood and left the room. Both Leonetta and Holland watched as he exited before bringing their gaze back to one another.

  “How dare you?” Leonetta said through gritted teeth. “This is my kingdom. And you will learn that you will respect my choices, whether you are my king or not!”

  “Leonetta,” Holland said, walking quickly toward her before she could leave the room, “I only care for your safety. Do you think I want this war? It was the only way I could see your father giving us the blessing to be married.”

  “And no one took the time to ask me,” she said, realizing her words were harsh before they even crossed her lips. “I have to start being strong for my kingdom first, Holland. I need to know you stand behind me.”

  “I thought I would stand beside you,” he said, straightening his armor and bowing. “Your Grace.”

  With that, he walked out of the room, leaving Leonetta standing alone in the dark Council Room chamber. She took in a deep breath, trying to push the hurt from the confrontation between her and Holland from her chest. She knew it would be rocky at first, but if she wanted to follow her plan to be the rightful queen, she needed to take a stand. Ardontis and she had worked tirelessly over the two days that the king was traveling back to Avalon to know exactly what steps needed to be taken. Oedipus’ death was just a small rift in her plan, but Holland, though she loved him, seemed to be taking on a path with her father that she didn’t like. She knew immediately that her father would allow her to tame the dragons, especially with Ardontis’ blessing. Her father had barely paid attention to her since her mother had died, and she felt she was nothing more than a painful reminder.

  The lust for things in this world can only lead to demise. Selfish wishes could no longer be part of her life, and the happy girl that once danced in the fields of Avalon died the day she held that knife to Oedipus’ neck. It was then, in the dark, dank recesses of the dungeons under her castle that she no longer felt that kinship with her father. It was that day she knew she could no longer wear the face of an innocent child. If she wanted what was best for her people, she would have to fight for it, and what better place than inside the belly of the kingdom that would play out her plan for her?

  Leonetta walked over to the window across the hallway and peered out into the garden where Lady Mary lay. The shadows danced across the blossoming bushes, and the breeze blew slowly through the garden. In the back corner was her mother’s hut, the flowers covering it, and glowing in the moonlight. Leonetta may not have known her mother, and she may have grown distant from Lady Mary, but they were strong women, and she knew she had to be what they always knew she would be. Her magical fae blood pumped violently through her system, calling out to her for change.

  This was not just the beginning of a war, it was the beginning of her future.

  Chapter Ten: Alliances and Duty

  The morning came quickly, and Leonetta was determined to leave immediately after Lady Mary had been carried to the tombs. She stood valiantly on the hill overlooking the queen’s burial grounds, her long hair blowing in the wind and her leather pants, riding boots, and flowing top sticking out like a sore thumb from the other ladies dressed in gowns. As the Lady was lowered into the tombs, King Osiris looked up at Leonetta and nodded with little emotion.

  A small bit of disappointment surged through her chest, catching her off guard. She could never remember a time that her father had shown any emotion or concern for her, so his lack of it now shouldn’t have caused her any discomfort. But still, standing on the precipice of change, wild dragons in her near future, part of her hoped that her father would run screaming toward her to not go, wrapping his big arms around her and showing her even the tiniest bit of caring. She shrugged her shoulders at the thought and changed it from disappointment to resolve. It was just one more reason her plan was perfect.

  Leonetta made her way through the gardens and out to the castle gates, where Holland and the other shifters waited patiently. They bowed as she approached, and she nodded, turning to Holland. He looked at her with sadness but straightened his face when he realized his reaction was causing her irritation. He wasn’t sure when her feelings for him had changed, but it felt like it had happened in the blink of an eye.

  “You need to stay back from me while I speak with the dragons,” she said, putting on her gloves. “If they sense danger, they will not hear me out.”

  “You can’t think I would leave you down there alone,” Holland scoffed. “I am bound to protect the queen–or future queen in just one moon’s cycle.”

  “Then you will listen to me closely,” she said with irritation. “If you make them feel threatened, they will kill me. You listen to me at every moment. There is no room here for your hero antics.”

  Holland nodded, realizing nothing but hurtful words would come from Leonetta at this point. He turned to the other shifters, and they walked quickly out of the castle gates, through the city of Thorne, and into the fields of Avalon past the high walls of the kingdom. The sun was just above the horizon at this point, and Leonetta knew by the time she got there it would be almost feeding time for the beasts. She stood back as the shifters moved into their dragons and then climbed up onto Holland’s back and straddled his dragon between the long, sharp points that ran down his scaly spine.

  Remember, Holland. I know what I am talking about. You must trust me.

  I have always trusted you.

  Leonetta laid her hand softly against Holland’s hot scales and sent sharp, comforting waves of fae magic through him. Though she knew she had to stay strong, push out anything whimsical, and devote herself to her future as queen of her people, she still loved Holland very much. Just being there on his back reminded her of the many times they would sneak out of the castle at night and ride through the warm night air, escaping their lives and pretending the only two that existed was them.

  The dragons took off from the ground and gathered high in the sky in ranks. Holland led the group through the air and up above the clouds in an attempt to shield their movements from Gillian spies. Gillian had been oddly quiet since the attack in the mountains, but everyone knew that was not the last they would see of Artus. Extra precautions needed to be taken, especially with the future queen out of the protection of the castle. Without Leonetta, Avalon would have no successor to the throne, and Osiris would be left to choose one, something he hadn’t shown wisdom in before.

  The dragons were silent as they made the journey back to the Allenforth Mountains, nervous of what was to come. They had all been there the last time and watched as hundreds of men met their violent ends. They slowed a bit as the mountains came into view and split up, creating a circle that would enable them to watch Leonetta from all directions. Holland looked down at the jagged mountain tops, and as the clouds parted, the opening to the Hollow, where the wild dragons slept, came into view. Leonetta shifted in her seated position, slight nerves building up in her stomach. She reached up and tapped her chest, sending calming waves through her body.

  Holland circled around once before landing just outside the opening and watched as Leonetta climbed down. She turned to him and laid her head against his large, scaly side, feeling his lungs fill with air. She took in a deep breath, straightened her sword, and moved back.

  We will be just above.

  Only come if I call you, Holland; that is important.

  Holland nodded and took off into the sky. Leonetta watched as he flew higher and higher into the clouds until she could no longer see any trace of his glimmering, orange scales. The wind whipped violently through the crevasse in the mountain, and Leonetta looked around, familiarizing herself with the space. If things went awry, she would have very little room for escape. She knew if she were to talk to these wild dragons, it would have to be from a place of pure love, so she swiftly undid her sheath and laid her sword on the ground.

  Slowly, she stepped forward out of the entrance path and into the Hollow. The light shone down into the pit of the mountain, where lush, green grasses covered the ground. For a moment, Leonetta thought back to her days in Avalon, before the cinder of the dragons covered the beauty of the fields. She sighed as she walked, running her hand over the tall grasses. She stopped in the center and took to one knee. She felt the wild dragons moving around her, watching her, waiting, but she could not see them. Leonetta closed her eyes and began to hum a fae melody. The tune grew louder and louder throughout the Hollow until her intoxicating voice filled the space.

  From above, Holland watched through the breaking clouds as Leonetta knelt in the center of the grassy field. The wind blew her hair wildly around her, and the sound of her voice echoed up and over the mountains. Slowly, the largest of the dragons, the leader, emerged from a darkened cave on the edge of the fields. His belly stayed dark, a sign he felt no threat from Leonetta. Holland watched as she too
k to her feet, meeting the large, black dragon in the center and bowing slowly to him. The clouds began to thicken, and Holland hovered uncomfortably, no longer able to see the princess.

  Much time passed with no clear view, but Holland kept his word and remained stationary and out of sight. Thunder echoed from the mountain, startling Holland, and he watched as flashes of light reflected off the clouds below. The smell of smoke singed his nostrils, and immediately, the army came to attention. Holland slowly flapped his wings, peering down into the pit below.

  Steady. No one moves until I give the word, Holland commanded the troops. He fixated his thoughts on the princess, but she had blocked his ability to speak to her.

  More light flashed in the clouds below, and just as Holland readied himself to take action, a large, black dragon shot upward through the clouds and came to a hover in front of him. Holland’s belly rumbled slightly in defense, but it calmed at the sight of Leonetta on the back of the dragon, a smile across her face. The dragon bowed his head to Holland, and he returned the gesture.

  Holland, meet Vitraus, the leader of the Wild, Elder to the First Ward of Dragons. Vitraus, this is Holland, Commander of the Shifters, future King of Avalon.

  Commander, the princess has told us of your plight. Our allegiance has always been with the fae, and as such, we are at the service of the future queen.

  My apologies for my demeanor. I was unaware the Wild were fluent in the human language. Holland’s eyes glistened and looked suspiciously at the Wild dragon leader.

  For many marks, the Wild have kept to themselves, finding shelter among these mountains, but we have never stopped learning, understanding, and preparing. There is much for us to discuss, but first I need the princess’ promise that we will be given safe and comfortable living spaces in Avalon and during our travels.

  Leonetta spoke to Vitraus privately, silent from even Holland. Vitraus nodded his head and swooped down into the Hollow.

  Follow us, Leonetta said to Holland as she disappeared below.


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