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War of the Realms Box Set

Page 22

by Sarah J. Stone

  After the recap, Tyriad flew right into the strategy that he, the ogre, Leonetta, Asphodul, and Ardontis had collectively created. He talked about the necromancers, glancing at Leonetta’s worried face as he mentioned Malaya’s appearance in Osiris’ keep. Still, even as the forces against them were explained, Seville kept an emotionless face. Even as Tyriad explained their strategy and talked about the possibility of casualties, Seville kept a straight face. When he was finished, he sat down across from the royal women and waited anxiously. Seville sat for a moment as if she were replaying everything through her mind. She pushed back from the table and walked over to gaze out at the Vale from the council room windows.

  The room was silent, and all one could hear were the birds chirping outside the window. Seville looked down at the castle gates as horses and carriages streamed through, carrying the kings and queens from across the realms. They had all come to celebrate the life of a fearless king, gone too soon. Seville stood, allowing the breeze to blow across her face, thinking of what Anthurium would have done in this scenario. She turned back toward Tyriad and the others.

  “Our presence would be of great assistance,” she stated.

  “Though I agree,” Tyriad said with a sigh, “I fear what the loss of another fae life would do to this kingdom if the unthinkable were to occur. I also believe that you would be the best choice for the last defense in the off chance that Avalon breaks our lines and heads for the city.”

  “Yes,” Seville said calmly, letting out a breath of air. “I think you are right. Go forth with your plan, young Tyriad. We will hold down the castle, keeping our kingdom safe.”

  “But mother,” Asphodul protested, “we could end this battle before it has begun.”

  “And risk the lives of our last remaining royal line,” Seville snapped uncharacteristically, “leaving the kingdom without leadership and protection. You have no children, neither does your sister. We are here to serve our people, not our egos or revenge.”

  “Yes, Your Grace,” Asphodul replied, knowing better than to push the issue.

  “Now,” Seville said, brightening her voice, “I will leave all of this to you. We have a party to get ready for. Your king’s memories are held tightly in our chests, and it is time to let them free before walking into these dark times ahead. I have seen a glimpse of our future, Commander, and I hope you do it justice.”

  Chapter Twelve: Mourning and Marriage

  The Vale twinkled in the clouded night, a shimmering reflection of the evening sky. Candles lined every walkway, every balcony, and every window throughout the castle. Torches were lit across the high walls of the castle gates, and the sweet sound of fae music danced across the flowers. Kings and queens from across the realms, dressed in their finest clothing walked through the gardens and into the Hall of Ghosts. Queen Seville sat at the head of the hall, dressed in her most elegant gown, fresh flowers adorning her crown, and a light vale covering her face. Leonetta stood next to Ardontis near the dance floor, smiling kindly as guests shook her hand or hugged her closely. She looked around impatiently, waiting for Asphodul to arrive.

  The room was mostly filled with women; the men had gathered in the courtyard, discussing the news of impending war between the Vale and Avalon. Seville had waited to tell the other rulers, hoping they would not have time to gather their own forces. While Ardontis questioned this tactic, explaining the need for as many men as possible, the queen knew she must extend her protection beyond the hills and valleys of the Vale and outward to her friends in the surrounding lands. No one fully understood why Seville was enacting these tactics, but Leonetta knew she must have had a vision while in her time of mourning. The queen of the fae never acted from emotion or on a whim, so the kingdom bowed to her wishes, understanding she had her reasoning.

  Tyriad stood valiantly outside of the castle walls, watching the royal brigade from across the lands mingle and laugh. The shimmering of Anthurium’s tomb had receded at the exact moment that Seville had ended her mourning. She had released her mate from his binding, allowing his soul to rest. However, Tyriad knew that even in death, Anthurium would not rest peacefully, knowing his people were in harm’s way. Tyriad turned back toward the Hall of Ghosts as an applause once again erupted. He watched as Asphodul walked through the crowd, her pink, silken gown enchanted to allow flowers to fall as she walked. Her feet were bare, except for two sparkling strands of jewels that strapped around her ankles and crisscrossed through her middle toe. Her hair glimmered in the light, and pink peonies adorned her head like a crown. She turned around to bow to the others and caught sight of Tyriad leaning against the doorway.

  She blushed as she bowed to the crowd and backtracked toward Tyriad. He smiled, his typical attire of armor tossed for a more formal white blouse, short black jacket, leather pants, and boots. His pins of valor were adorned across the chest of his coat, and his face glistened at the sight of Asphodul. Leonetta smiled as she watched the two walk toward each other, meeting in the center of the dance floor. Ardontis nodded to the band, and a whimsical melody began to play. Asphodul looked up at the enchanted candles floating across the ceiling and giggled as Tyriad bowed to the princess.

  “May I have this dance?” he said, grinning.

  “Only if you don’t step on my toes,” she whispered.

  “Not a problem,” he stated as he lifted her from the ground and began to move across the dance floor. The others watching giggled sweetly, and the men in the audience clapped approvingly. Seville watched her daughter as she whirled across the floor in the arms of her mate, thinking fondly of her king.

  “Shall we join in?” Ardontis said, sticking his hand out.

  “I would be honored,” Leonetta replied with a grin.

  The night air was light inside the castle as if the queen had blocked the war from its doors. The tables surrounding the dance floor were adorned with blossoming roses and enchanted to look as if they were globes capturing the twinkling of the universe. The solar system swirled around inside of the globes as people sat dining atop the infinite wonder of the constellations.

  Asphodul laughed as the song came to an end, and Tyriad lowered her to the ground, bowing deeply. She watched as he winked at her and turned back toward the doors. She swirled around to see her mother smiling through her veil, and she pranced to the top of the stairs, taking a seat at the table next to the queen of the Vale. Asphodul watched Leonetta linger among the people, smiling kindly at their curiosity.

  “I wish Father were here,” Asphodul sighed.

  “We all do, my sweet,” Seville stated. “But we must be strong, for these people are the ones we have been charged to protect, and all that live beneath them.”

  “Did you have a vision of this war?” Asphodul asked, turning toward her mother.

  “I had many visions,” she replied. “But they are secret to me and meant for me. As was your vision with your grandmother.”

  “I understand,” she sighed, hoping her mother would have comforting words.

  “The fae kingdom has stood for all of time,” Seville stated, standing from her chair and looking down at Asphodul. “And it will continue to do so for many centuries to come.”

  Asphodul, not comforted by those words, watched as her mother took the steps down to a platform and readied herself to address the guests before dinner was served. The enchanted candles dimmed slightly, and the band quieted. The guests took their seats at the twinkling tables, and Leonetta joined her sister at the main table.

  “Thank you for coming,” the queen began. “Several centuries ago, I met a man that would one day be the most respected ruler, the most amazing husband, the most influential father, and the most courageous leader in all the realms. Though his body is gone, his Fae spirit lives on in each and every one of us. We celebrate the life of Anthurium – king and friend.”

  The whole of the hall lifted their glasses toward the enchanted ceiling before the low whistle of a flute signaled the beginning of dinner. Seville sat back down
next to the girls, and they quietly enjoyed dinner. Tyriad appeared once dessert was complete and motioned to Asphodul to join him in the gardens. She smiled and excused herself from her mother’s table. Leonetta squeezed her hand as she passed by, knowing this would be the time that Tyriad and Asphodul said their goodbyes. She thought back momentarily to the night she said goodbye to Holland, knowing he was walking into a war she had pushed for. She shook her head and went back to the conversation Ardontis and guests were having.

  Out in the garden, Asphodul took Tyriad’s hand as they walked through the blossoming flowers. The cold night air was refreshing, but Asphodul couldn’t help but feel a lump in her throat. They walked in silence, neither wanting to talk about the pending goodbye. She knew that there was a chance that Tyriad may not come home or could be seriously injured in this war, and it was something almost unbearable to think about. Asphodul stopped and looked up at the twinkling stars and smiled as one shot across the night sky, leaving a trail of glimmering dust in its wake. It was both beautiful and destructive at the same time.

  “Marry me,” Asphodul blurted out.

  “What?” Tyriad said, turning toward her. “I mean, of course, we can marry as soon as I get back, if you wish.”

  “No,” Asphodul said, shaking her head and stepping closer to Tyriad. “Tonight. Under the stars. I can’t imagine a better ending to a memorial for my father. A destructive end of one life lightened by the beginning of another.”

  “Are you sure?” Tyriad said smiling.

  “More sure than anything in this world,” Asphodul whispered as she leaned up and kissed him on the lips.

  “Then let’s do it,” he laughed. “I will get Ardontis, and you tell your mother and sister.”

  The two turned quickly and made their way back to the castle, almost at a jogging pace, giggling hand in hand. Tyriad kissed her quickly as he turned toward where Ardontis stood, looking at them inquisitively. Asphodul continued into the hall, grabbing her sister as she made her way through the crowd, and pulling her toward her mother. The three women stood alone at the top of the stairwell as Asphodul told them her plan. A smile washed across both women’s faces, and Seville lifted her veil, kissing Asphodul on the forehead before turning toward the crowd. She put her hand in the air, and the band stopped playing, drawing the guest’s attention.

  “In this time of sorrow,” Seville said, addressing the onlookers, “our dear Asphodul, future queen of the Vale, has managed to turn sadness into light. We would like to ask that all of you join us momentarily in the garden to witness the joining of two twin souls, Asphodul and Tyriad.”

  Murmurs filled the crowd and changed from whispers to applause. The guests beamed with excitement as they made their way from the hall to the garden where the staff of the house was already setting up an area under the stars. Wisps of magic flew from their hands and where once stood only a walkway was now filled with towering archways and blossoming vines. A red carpet appeared from the castle to the front and chairs began to line up along the path. The guests chose seats and sat, talking anxiously among themselves. The sweet sound of fae music piped through the garden.

  “Let’s get you ready,” Seville said excitedly as the girls disappeared to Asphodul’s chambers.

  Tyriad walked nervously toward the archways behind Ardontis who smiled at the guests. He stood to the left, listening intently to the Faith as he described the fae tradition of joining souls. It was all happening so quickly, but there was nothing more in this world that Tyriad wanted at that moment. When Ardontis was done, Tyriad stood nervously watching the castle doors.

  “You could have at least dressed for the occasion,” Briella said teasingly as she appeared from around the archway.

  “Briella,” Tyriad said with a sigh, “I have nothing else to wear.”

  “Not a problem,” Briella said, rubbing her hands together. “Stand still.”

  Briella began to chant, closing her eyes and waving her hands in front of Tyriad. A purple mist emerged from her palms and covered the commander from head to toe. When the enchantment was complete, Briella opened her eyes and blew air to clear the mist. From beneath the fae magic, Tyriad, dressed in white robes and wearing a crown of vines, emerged. He smiled, looking down at the traditional fae marriage attire. He looked almost like a king. A king. Tyriad shuffled his feet momentarily, realizing that marrying Asphodul meant he would one day be king. He was about to speak outward about his concern when the sound of strings began to play.

  “Don’t be nervous,” Briella whispered. “You will make an amazing king one day.”

  She winked at Tyriad before nodding in the direction of the castle. Leonetta, dressed in flowing, blue robes accompanied her mother down the stairs and into the crowd who had stood in reverence. They walked to the front and stood next to Briella, who would assist the queen in administering the joining ceremony. Once in place, Asphodul stepped from inside the castle, and a collective sigh fell over the crowd. Her hair was pulled halfway back, allowing golden tendrils to frame her glowing rose-colored cheeks. Baby’s breath decorated her hair and trailed down the back of her white gown. She looked like the princess she was always meant to be, and her dress sparkled as it moved with her. Soft, white rose petals fell before her as she walked, her still bare feet touching the softness of the red, velvet carpet.

  Tyriad gasped at the beauty walking toward him, her eyes locked on his, her hands linked together in front of her. When she arrived at the front, she reached out and joined hands with Tyriad. The two turned toward each other as the ceremony began. Leonetta, Seville, and Brielle all told fae tales of love and honor, reminding the young couple of their forever-lasting bond. When the speeches were complete, Seville turned toward the couple and began the joining ceremony. As she chanted, blue, pink, and white ribbons appeared, wrapping themselves around Tyriad and Asphodul’s wrists and up their arms. They gleamed brightly as the two recited their vows in front of their witnesses.

  “To eternity, I shall walk hand in hand with you. In life and in death, I will forever be yours, and you will be mine.”

  Leonetta wiped a tear from her eye as the ceremony ended and the ribbons disappeared. Tyriad leaned forward and kissed Asphodul sweetly on the lips. Per tradition, he then turned to Seville, bowed, and kissed her on the cheek. Ardontis approached, placing a small, golden crown atop the newly royal head of Tyriad. He was now considered a prince of the fae and the commander of all fae forces. The crowd stood and clapped loudly as Asphodul and Tyriad turned toward them, smiling, and bowing to the crowd. Seville swished her hand across the castle, and where once darkened décor stood in memorial, white sashes and blooming roses appeared.

  The couple stood back with the queen while the others made their way into the Hall of Ghosts, ready to start a whole new celebration. Seville kissed Tyriad and Asphodul on the foreheads. Before she could speak, however, a large dragon flew overhead and landed near the keep, transforming into his human form. It was one of the generals, and he looked to have news. The Faith accompanied Tyriad over to the general while Seville, Asphodul, and Leonetta stood in the garden, waiting for the news.

  Asphodul watched as Tyriad nodded his head with a serious expression covering his face. He patted the general on the shoulder and walked back toward the women. He stood before the queen, glancing quickly at Asphodul.

  “It seems the Avalon army has constructed tall towers they are readying for travel to the valley,” he explained. “It would be best if we gathered our men and began our journey. What they are planning is unexpected and unknown. We don’t want to be caught in surprise.”

  “Agreed,” Seville stated. “I will go speak with the ogres.”

  “And I to the army general,” Ardontis stated before turning and walking quickly with Seville.

  “I will make sure that everything is in order for the travel,” Leonetta said, kissing Asphodul on the forehead before running off.

  Tyriad took a step toward his bride and took her hands in his. He pull
ed them to his lips and kissed them gently. She looked at him with pure love, hiding any disappointment that may be lingering in her stomach.

  “I am sorry,” Tyriad began. Asphodul put her fingers to his lips.

  “No,” she cooed. “This has been a perfect night. We are destined in the stars to spend our eternity in each other’s love. Sometimes we cannot control under what circumstances that love waits. Take this necklace as protection.”

  Asphodul pulled the bright, blue necklace from around her neck and placed it in Tyriad’s hand. He pulled it to his chest and held it tightly there. He leaned in again and kissed the beautiful princess one more time before turning and running toward the keep. Briella took a step forward and grasped onto Asphodul’s hand.

  “You will make one hell of a queen,” Briella whispered. “Your sacrifices already hang in the stars.”

  The troops mounted quickly, and the guests gathered in the courtyard, the men on one knee in reverence to the army. Asphodul stood, still adorning her beautiful gown and watching as Tyriad, already shifted into his dragon, stood at the head of the group. The other dragons lined up behind him, carrying as many soldiers as they could fit onto their backs. Leonetta approached and stood strongly next to her sister and mother. Tyriad bowed to the women and let out a roar that echoed through the caverns below. One by one, the dragons began to take flight, soaring off into the night. Just like that, what started as the beginning of a life together ended the day with the onset of war.

  Once all of the dragons and soldiers had disappeared into the night, the guest began to move back into the castle. Asphodul retired to her chambers, needing some quiet from the hustle and bustle of the day. Ardontis also retired to his chambers where he would begin his prayers to the gods. Seville stood in the empty hall sipping a glass of wine, looking out over the quiet room.

  “Leonetta,” Seville called out as the princess passed the doorway.

  “Yes, Your Grace?” Leonetta responded as she met Seville at the doors. “What can I do for you?”


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