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War of the Realms Box Set

Page 60

by Sarah J. Stone

  Helena jumped down and took her stance next to Leonetta. They watched as Vale troops merged with other armies from around the realms. Aerie was hovering fifty feet in the air, her arms out to her sides and her eyes beaming red. As the soldiers approached, she screeched, sending large balls of fire from the tips of her fingers barreling down on the troops. You could hear their screams from up on the ridge.

  Helena shook her head. “Why is she coming toward the Vale?”

  Leonetta let a flash of her sister float through her mind. “Because her mother was a Fae. Because her wizard body is fighting the Dead Child in her, but what she doesn’t understand is she is bringing the Dead Child straight through the realms, unable to control the destruction.”

  Helena pulled her sword from her side. She grabbed the skirt of her dress and cut through it, ripping the bottom all the way around. Holland took flight, swerving around behind her and then bolting straight for the back of her head. He gathered the fire in his belly as he approached, unleashing the full force of it on her. He swooped by and turned, watching as the smoke cleared. There she was, still floating, her body not even dark from the cinder.

  She hissed, her red eyes locking on Holland. Without even a twitch she opened her mouth and released a spray of fire back at him. It hit him hard, sending him flipping head over tail into the sea of soldiers below, crushing more than he wanted to know. Pike snarled, pulling out the sword of the Wolf King. He held it tightly in his hands as he made a run for it, whistling to a dragon. He leapt off the ridge, landing on the dragon’s back and riding it straight for Aerie.

  Her body was glowing brighter and brighter, her skin reddening with each passing second. She swung her arm, attempting to take down the dragon, but it was quicker, swerving low and skimming past her leg. Pike drug his sword across her skin, opening her leg and pouring blood from it. Her head snapped up and she leaned her head back growling and snarling.

  The dark had taken hold, speaking in a depraved and prophetic tone. “You will all pay for the death of this body’s mother . Aerie has revenge in her heart and when she kills you all, I will take her soul becoming the heir to the rightful throne of my father!”

  Helena bent low, and gripped her sword in her hand. “Not if I have anything to say about it.”

  Leonetta put out her hand, grabbing Helena by the arm. “NO.”

  Helena furled her brow and looked back at the dragon nodding her head. The dragon lunged forward grabbing Helena in its claw. Helena struggled, confused as to why she was being snatched. Leonetta looked at her, talking through her mind. Take care of my kingdom. Take care of the people, big and small. And look out for my daughter and sons.

  Helena struggled harder, her face dropping. “No! No! Leonetta, No!”

  The dragon took off in the air as Leonetta projected her voice, using magic to silence the rest of the noises around her and Aerie. “I know you are scared Aerie. I know you are angry, but you cannot let that anger run wild. The Dead Child is trying to take you. She is trying to use your body, your family, and your heritage to kill those that you love the most. Listen to my voice Aerie. Fight to find my voice.”

  Slowly Aerie shifted, her body floating forward, her chin down. Leonetta let the energy of the Fae begin to fill her. Suddenly, Aerie’s head flipped up, her eyes staring wildly at Leonetta. It took the Fae Queen one solid look in her eyes to know she was too far gone. If Aerie was still in there, somewhere, she wouldn’t be for much longer. She was lost in the soul of the Dead Child, feeding from the hate and anger.

  The Dead Child began to laugh maniacally and leaned toward Leonetta. “Aerie is no longer here.”

  With that she raged out, sending blasts of energy and fire straight at the troops below. She plowed through them, bodies flying in all directions. The power was building with every soul taken, a deep and searing dark power within the beating black heart of the Dead Child. Leonetta could see her swelling with it, and she knew that if she didn’t do something soon, that power would be released, and would be the end of the realms and all the people in them.

  Holland had shifted below, trying to climb toward Leonetta. He yelled out to her, making a run straight for her. She swiped her hand, sending him flying to the back. Stepping up next to her Pike pushed his sword into its sheath. Leonetta looked over at him, her powers growing brighter and brighter. “Move them back. Move everyone back if you can.”

  Pike looked at her as if he knew her whole plan, but he said nothing. Nodding his head, he took a jump off the ridge and slid down the rock, screaming out to the troops to begin moving back. The troops recognized his cape, and immediately moved back, taking a knee in reverence. Pike breathed heavily, spinning around and looking up at Aerie and Leonetta. The Fae’s light was so bright he had to squint to even look at her.

  The Dead Child’s breath was hot and sulfurous. Her eyes blazed as she searched out, collecting as much energy as she could before she planned to release hell on those around her and all throughout the realms. She took in a deep breath, her body pulsing, ready to allow the dark energy seething inside of her to burst forth, spreading in every direction.

  Before she could, though, Leonetta stepped forward, reaching up and putting her hand on Aerie. The Dead Child paused, her eyes shifting to Leonetta. Aerie I speak to you. Your mother was my sister. She was my confidant and my friend. I feel your loss, but you cannot allow the Dead Child to do this.

  The Dead Child smirked, pulling her arm back and wailing it through the air toward Leonetta. The Fae put up her hand and caught her arm dead in the air. Slowly she raised her head, her eyes shining orbs in their sockets. “Then I shall have to kill you.”

  The Dead Child growled, knocking Leonetta’s legs from beneath her. She grabbed the Fae and lifted her over her head, slamming her into the rock bed at her feet. She whipped her arm downward, sending a stream of fire at Leonetta. Immediately, the Fae put up her arms, releasing a shield of white light, blocking the fire. Slowly her body lifted off the ground and turned, wavering upright above the ground.

  An eerie roar emanated from the Dead Child’s chest as it released a dark black ball of energy from its chest. The ball swirled and twitched, the sound of screams and moans coming from inside of it as if it were made of souls. Just the sight of it sent chills down everyone’s necks and they began praying to the Gods as they kneeled in the dirt and stone.

  The orb of energy blew through the air, too fast for Leonetta to move. It hit her hard in the stomach and sent her flying back. She landed on the smooth stone of the edge of the cliff and slid back, coming to a stop right before the edge.

  Holland gripped his sword, watching his wife and waiting for her to move, even an inch. On the ground, Leonetta groaned. She looked down at her dress, blood quickly soaking the fabric of her midsection. Her eyes flickered and a sharp pain moved through her body. She could tell her life force was wavering. Whatever that had been, had gravely injured her.

  The Fae mustered her strength and rose up, in the air, whipping forward and gently touching her feet down to the stone. She pulled every bit of Fae magic she had left into her chest, filling it so full she felt as if she could burst. Before letting go she looked over at Holland, giving him a sweet smile. Take care of them all.

  Holland’s eyes grew wide and he broke into a run. Leonetta tilted her head back, letting the Fae magic burst from her. It slammed into the Dark Child, who attempted to fight it off for a moment.

  Leonetta’s voice rang out in echo. “The power of the Fae will always triumph because we are pure light and pure love.”

  The Dark Child released her grip on the stones and flew off the side, downward into the crevice below. Pike ran forward, catching her in his arms, and dropping to one knee. For a moment she laid still before her head tilted back and she screamed at the top of her lungs. The Dark Child’s soul could be seen leaving Aerie’s body like a black sand whipping through the air. With nowhere to go it burst into smoke, dissipating into the clouds above.

  As t
he sky went from a deep red back to its vibrant blues, Pike looked down at Aerie. Her eyes were no longer red, and tears ran down her cheeks. “I never meant to…I never…”

  The air left her lungs and her head fell to the side, her body giving in to the strain. He laid her down on the ground, sadness as he realized how much she looked like her true mother. He could even see a bit of Asphodul in her as well.

  Holland and Pike climbed up to where Leonetta lay, her life force almost gone. The dragon carefully set Helena down and she ran to Leonetta’s side, dropping to her knees. “We can fix this. We have to get you back to the castle. The healer will know what to do.”

  Leonetta put her hand on Helena’s cheek, lifting her other toward Pike. He knelt beside her taking her hand. She spoke to them telepathically, not enough energy for anything else. I have seen the future. I knew the outcome would be grave. This was done for all the people of the realms. The last remnants of the Dead King are now gone. And you, Aerie, and Pike, were meant to rule the Vale with honor and dignity. My children and your children will succeed you, ruling together in harmony for many moons to come. I love you.

  Helena cried, bringing Leonetta’s hand to her lips. Leonetta smiled at the two of them and then looked up kindly at Holland. Pike and Helena stood, moving back to give Holland room. He sat by her side, holding her hand to his chest. I have loved you since the first moment I saw you. You will forever be my Queen.

  Leonetta squeezed his hand tighter as her life force began to give out, her body shimmering and dissolving into magic. He could hear her voice like the wind. I will love you for an eternity. Until we meet again. Love our children, remind them where they came from and always be true to the light.

  Her voice trailed off and the shimmering bits of magic flittered upward toward the clouds. She was gone, but the legacy she would leave behind would last forever.

  Epilogue : One Passing of the Seasons Later

  One of the first decrees Helena had passed down as Queen was changing the Anniversary of the Dead King. She no longer wanted to remember the horrors of the day, instead she wanted to commemorate the life of Leonetta. She had become known as the Queen of All Realms, and the holiday was turned into a Festival of Lights in her honor. A day for celebration and reverence that all beings across the realms could share.

  After Leonetta’s death, they went back to the castle to begin a period of mourning. That night, Helena had stepped out onto her balcony to look up at the moon. What she found was almost astounding. The night looked like dusk and, in the sky, small orbs of light shimmered and moved, dancing over the Vale like pixies in the stars. It was the magic of Leonetta, shining down on them from above. In a vision that night, Leonetta had told her that to mourn was to forget that life was a circle of events. They would be allowed three nights, and then it was to be finished.

  Therefore, from that day forward, the Festival of Lights was held for three nights. A celebration of life and love, a reminder that peace sometimes comes at a cost. The entirety of the kingdom was decorated in hanging lanterns, their outer glass painted to reflect different shimmering colors across the grounds. Flowers were hung in vines across all walls, all doorways, and garden gates were left open in hopes that Leonetta would come and drop a bit of magic on their bounty. In front of the castle three large iron torches were erected, one lit each night of the festival.

  This celebration not only included the Vale, but spread out across all the realms. The Queen of the People could not be forgotten and the light that shown from the peace radiating across the fields helped them to never forget. So, on those three days of celebration, the royal courts of the realms packed their belongings and headed to the Vale, the hub of all of the celebrations.

  They came on horseback, by carriage, on valiant dragons, and even through magical means. The entire Kingdom of the Vale was full of life, laughter, and light. Every room in the castle was prepared for their arrival. The preparations took a month to complete. Between the accommodations and the decorations, it was a full cycle of excitement, especially for the children, who danced around with flowers in their hair and wooden swords in their hands.

  In the midst of all the arrivals, Helena couldn’t help but smile at how lively the castle was. She couldn’t remember a time when it was so full of love and allegiance to one specific cause. There were no words of negativity, and everyone came together, no matter the quarrels. The halls were decorated in Fae magic, vines curving across the stone walls. The blossoms shimmered even in the night light of the lanterns, opening and closing as they released their sweet and calming scents.

  There wasn’t a more joyous place to be, even in the halls of remembrance. There, pictures were hung to honor those that fell to both the Dead King and the Dead Child. Every soldier, every ogre, every dragon, and every keeper of the light hung valiantly in the candlelight. Each and every guest of the Vale took at least one walk down those halls during the three day event, laying flowers at the foot of the memoriam.

  At the end of the hall, a large archway was built, leading to a sanctuary. Butterflies and bees buzzed wildly about the stoned area where the sun blanketed a large stone sculpture of Leonetta. The entirety of the ground around the statue was covered in flowers that would never die, just like the memory of her sacrifices.

  When Holland was in the castle, he spent much of his time at the foot of that stone face, looking up in awe at her beauty. On the first day of the Festival, however, he had arrived with the dragons, shifting back into his human form as he landed. He dusted off the front of his pants and put them on, pulling his tunic over his head. Elsworth walked up next to him and patted him on the shoulder with a smile that matched the perfect clear day.

  He smiled back. “It’s good to have you by my side Elsworth.”

  Elsworth chuckled. “I have to keep you out of trouble. You may have been the commander of the Royal Shifter Guard for many moons, but now that you insist on traveling with the guard, I have to keep my eye on you.”

  Holland laughed, holding his stomach. “If it weren’t so true, I would scold you.”

  Just then his daughter and younger son came running over the hill into the Field of the Wild. His daughter jumped into his arms, hugging his neck tightly. She pulled back and held up a piece of paper with a huge smile. “Look. I drew mommy and Aunt Asphodul. They came to me in my dreams last night and they looked so beautiful.”

  Holland kissed her forehead, seeing so much of Leonetta in her. “It is beautiful my little fairy. Are you all ready for the celebrations?”

  She smiled, nodding. “I have a special dress that Helena made from one of mommies. And a flower tiara. She said I should be proud to look like a princess.”

  Holland’s eyes twinkled. “Because you are one.”

  He looked down, putting his daughter on the ground. His son stood there, his chin raised, a sword on his belt. “I have been waiting for you to return. I finally bested the teacher. You should have seen me move.”

  Holland patted him on the back. “Ha! Spoken like my son would.”

  The boy sighed slightly, biting the inside of his cheek. “When will I be able to join you and Elsworth? To fight and fly like I am supposed to.”

  Elsworth grinned, a perfect handsome smile. “When you have finished your studies young brother. Do not be in too much of a rush. Trust me, it gets old sharing meals with him, and smelling his after burn when he has used his fire.”

  The boy rolled his eyes. “I will love every moment of it.”

  Holland winked at the boy. “I know you will. But today we will not worry about such things. We will be young again, all of us. We will enjoy the celebrations and think of the bravery of your mother.”

  The girl tugged on his shirt. “Maybe she will twinkle the stars for us.”

  Holland bent down on one knee. “She already does that every day, in your eyes.”


  Helena stood in her room, looking out the open doors to the gardens. The fresh warm breeze blew through,
carrying the scent of roses and lilacs. Out at the edge of the flowers, along the castle’s tall stone walls, the staff was setting up the alter to the Light with a small alter to the right of it for Pike’s Gods. It was for their wedding, a tradition that had gone down through centuries.

  Not long after they had returned from the fight, Pike had asked Helena to join souls with him. Everyone pressured her to do it quickly, to allow Pike to take the throne. But she couldn’t. She felt like something was missing. Then, one evening as she walked alone through the gardens, she saw the twinkling in the stars above her. She realized what she wanted most was for her sisters to be there for her ceremony. So, to honor them and have them close, her and Pike planned their wedding for the first night of the Festival of Lights. A celebration that would bring the people their King.

  Helena took a deep breath of excitement and stepped back, turning and looking at the dress hanging on her armoire. This would be the day she had dreamt of for so long.


  Pike stood outside in the field to the left of the castle, an often forgotten quiet place in the Kingdom. He pulled his shirt off and closed his eyes, his body shifting and molding into his wolf. He sat down, panting, letting the air blow through his fur. He often felt calmer and more in tune with the Gods when he sat in that form.

  Holland walked up next to him, patting him on the head. Pike looked up, letting out a small excited whine. He shifted back into his human form and hugged Holland tightly. “It’s so good to see you here. I was wondering when you two would return.”

  Holland smiled. “You know what I’m wondering? How you lucked out to be able to shift and still be wearing clothes. I swear I spend half of my life standing in the woods or open fields naked.”


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