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His Dirty Demands

Page 15

by Fiona Murphy

  “You guys take your wine seriously.”

  Dante laughs. “Enzo does for sure. Good wine makes good food even better. When you slow down to sip the wine, you slow down to enjoy your food instead of shoveling it down.”

  I think of the dinner with Cesare last night. We had lingered over dinner in a way I never had before. I thought it was because we were enjoying each other, but Dante was right—you couldn’t gulp wine, and slowing down to sip the wine and enjoy the flavors had me taking more time over my dinner.

  Two hours later and we have truly slowed down. I had taken out the blackberry sorbet and it’s long gone. It was a surprise to have all three of them get up to clean the dishes and the kitchen without me making a move. Dante assured me they were well-versed in the cleaning up part of cooking.

  Enzo gets a call, then makes a face as he sends it to voice mail. Dante hits him on the shoulder. “Come on, man. Call her back.”

  Shrugging, Enzo stands. “I had a late night last night. Tonight, I need an early one. Alicia, thanks for dinner, it really was the best meatloaf I’ve had in a long time. I’m looking forward to having a much prettier face than these ugly assholes around.” With a salute, he’s gone.

  Dante shrugs. “I’m pretty. You guys ready to head home? Want me to call for a limo, Che?”

  Cesare nods. His arm goes around my neck. “You ready to go home?”

  I love the way he says home. I nod as I nuzzle his cheek. “Very ready.”



  Once the door is closed to Dante, Cesare pulls me into his arms. “I’ve been suffering all night. A thousand times I wanted to kiss you, only I knew I wouldn’t be able to stop at a kiss.”

  “Hmmm...I think you’re going to need to prove it,” I whisper as my hands go around his neck to bring him closer to me.

  Slow, thorough, sweet, his kiss is another lesson in all the different ways to make love. I have no awareness of how we made it into the bedroom already when I’m picked up and set on the edge of the bed. Cesare is between my legs as he tugs at a button, then frustration has him tearing my blouse open. “If you keep ripping my clothes off me, I’m not going to have anything left when my time is up.”

  Cesare nips at that perfect spot where my neck and shoulder meet. Oh god it goes straight to the heart of me. “Good. I like the idea of you walking around naked. The better for me to enjoy every inch of your delicious body.” He undoes the catch of the bra between my breasts, and I swear his eyes glow as they run over my body.

  Blushing, I shake my head. “You’re nuts. Your body is a work of art. You look like you should be in a museum or something, not me.”

  A hand goes into my hair to pull me back for me to meet Cesare’s eyes. Why does the control he has over me turn me on? Is it weird I love his hand in my hair and want him to pull tighter? Then all thought is gone when he spits out angrily, “Bullshit, you go into those museums and you’ll see woman after woman with bodies like yours reclining on beds and sofas half-naked as their men looked on, adoring or in most cases coveting the women they couldn’t have. Much as I did for more days and nights than I care to count.”

  I press a hand to his cheek, god I love having the freedom to touch him. “Okay, I’m convinced you find me sexy—I’m not going to question it anymore. Or I’ll try really hard not to.”

  It’s all his fault; how can I not love him when he says things like that? As my brain catches up to the wayward thought, I hide my face against Cesare’s hard chest, terrified he’ll read me. Pressing a kiss to his silky skin, I force the thoughts out of my head. Later, when I can freak out all on my own.

  “I want to taste you again.” I’m still surprised by how much I liked it. Okay, I was a little surprised by how much he came and it made a little mess, but it wasn’t as gross as I was afraid it would be. I especially loved watching Cesare and the way he was lost in pleasure; seeing him that way made everything worth it.

  Oh shit, it’s so hot the way Cesare steps back, then moves me off the bed by my hair then down to my knees. I’m soaking wet. This can’t be normal. Then I don’t care, because I’ve finally got his pants down. A work of art, every inch of him, I swear. I don’t care if it’s not normal how wet it’s making me to touch him and taste him. Tangy, sweet, the taste mixes with the scent of him, musk and leather, rain, and something all Cesare.

  A groan from him sends a thrill through me. Last night I was nervous and more focused on doing what I saw in the videos; tonight I take my time to find out what Cesare likes the most. Once again as I stroke down the hard length of him, I marvel at how large he is, yet he fits perfectly inside me. Cesare had been right—he fit as if he were made for me.

  The base of him captures my attention. I remember reading how the soft sac should be handled carefully. I’m also remembering how quickly it sent Cesare over the edge last night. While I’m not close to done, to see if I’m right, I slowly cup and massage him there. He shudders as he hisses my name.

  The hand in my hair tightens, drawing me up off my knees. He turns me around, pushing me against the bed. His hands are rough as he yanks down my slacks and panties together. A few fingers run over my slit of me, finding me wet for him. Then the head of his cock slides along my lips before pushing in slowly, too slowly, I moan. I love the way his hands go down on my hips, gripping me tight as he pushes deeper, more. I’m tender from yesterday, but it’s a sweet ache I welcome because Cesare inside me assuages the hunger I’ve been feeling all day as if I were empty, incomplete and now I’m whole again. Does he know? Unlike yesterday his strokes are slow, deep yet gentle as he finds his home inside me. This is even more decadent than the hunger of yesterday. Slow, yes, please more, I whimper as I cling to him deep inside.

  Cesare pushes me down flat on the bed, causing me to arch my back, and this time when he slides inside me oh god he hits that spot, that perfect heavenly spot, slow and deep his thick cock rubs that spot. I’m begging for faster now, yet Cesare maintains the slow thrusts driving me insane. Tighter I grasp him inside, more fiercely and oh goodness, my efforts are answered by a growl from low in his chest and finally a hard thrust against that spot. Yes, yes, more, harder, a little harder and oh yes. I come in a hot rush that has me shaking and trembling. From deep inside I feel Cesare’s cock thicken before spilling into me, causing a shiver to run up my spine.

  I lose track of time until I feel Cesare begin to pull out. A little moan escapes—I hate the loss of him inside me. I’m picked up and settled on the bed. Drowsy, I watch as Cesare picks up our clothes then puts them in a hamper. He turns off the lights as he gets into bed beside me. I’m grateful for the cover of darkness when Cesare pulls me into his arms. I go willingly, settling my head on his chest.

  A hand runs up and down my back. “You didn’t have to make dinner. I don’t want you to feel like you have to cook or clean or anything like that for me.”

  I shrug. “I told you I like to cook. I’m used to taking care of my own needs, whether it’s making dinner or picking up after myself. Besides, I’m not happy that the only time I would get to see you is for an hour or so at night. I really enjoyed tonight. Enzo is interesting, none of you guys are what you appear. A billionaire hedge fund virtuoso who looks as comfortable in a silk suit as you do, but he’s also an ex-Ranger. Dante said it jokingly that Enzo could kill a person while rappelling in on a rope from a helicopter but he wasn’t joking, was he?”

  Cesare is quiet for a long moment. “No, he wasn’t. I’m glad to know you would have welcomed me home early then. I planned to leave the office at eight to join you for dinner.”

  “Cesare, that’s too late. Even eating dinner at seven thirty is kind of late for me. Unless I’m intruding on you and your brothers. I want to have dinner with you guys and I love cooking.”

  Tonight, I caught a glimpse of what it was like to be a part of a family, a laughing, loving family. Even though it made me a tiny bit sad to see what I missed out on growing up, that sadness was diminished b
y how welcoming Dante and Enzo were. They teased, and joked as if they had known me their whole lives. Enzo asked me about my trading, telling me Cesare told him I made the money I needed with a trade. Then unlike most men, he listened to my thoughts on the market and the strengths and weaknesses of certain companies and how those affected their stock, and then he complimented me.

  Cesare gives a small shrug. “You aren’t intruding. If it’s what you want then so be it.”



  Over the next week I’m often surprised by how easily Cesare and I fit together. I genuinely love cooking for him and his brothers; I’m enfolded in their circle as easily as if I were always a part of it. Enzo brings gelato he made for dessert one night. On Friday night I come into the apartment to find him already there making stuffed shells. I’m ordered into a chair with a glass of wine while Enzo prods me to give up all my dirty secrets and shares a few of his own. While I read the text from Dante telling me he won’t be joining us tonight as he has other plans, Enzo tells me he already knew. It’s the reason he was cooking the stuffed shells, they’re Dante’s favorite and Dante will be pissed he missed out on them.

  When Cesare comes upstairs without any prompting, my breath catches in my chest at how relaxed and happy he looks. He is a little freer with his touching and small kisses, even wrapping his arms around me as we watch a movie with Enzo on the sofa after dinner. Once we’re home I revel in his sweet lovemaking.

  Opening my eyes, I sigh at the idea of a long day without Cesare. I’m lazy, moping a little as I try to figure out what to do with myself. After brushing my teeth and getting dressed in comfy clothes, a T-shirt and cotton lounging pants, I stumble down the hallway in desperate need of coffee. Passing by the open door of Cesare’s workout room, I pause. Wait, what? I back up. I’m not imagining it. Cesare is beating the stuffing out of the heavy bag until he sees me. His smile has my heart pounding like a drum throughout my entire body down to my fingertips. Awe fills me all over again that this gorgeous man wants me, thinks I’m beautiful. It’s all there in his smile, in his eyes.

  “Hey lazybones, you’re finally awake. I was wondering if I was going to have to wake you up when I went in for my shower.”

  “I would have loved for you to wake me up before you came in here for your workout—” As I step further into the room, Grover sees me and barks a welcome. “Grover? What is he doing in here with you?” Grover gives me a smug look as Cesare picks him up, holding him close. What?

  “We’ve been getting to know each other in the morning. After going through a half dozen different dog treats, Claudine recommended bacon, and he finally got closer than a foot to get the bacon. A few more bacon talks, some belly rubs, he’s good. I was concerned about him being happy here with his fearing men. I didn’t want him miserable. I figured I would give it a try. He does tricks too.”

  Setting the small dog down carefully, Cesare takes him through sit, speak, shake, and a hilarious rollover session. After each one, instead of food Cesare gives Grover the scratch behind his right ear that makes his little back leg shake.

  I’m beyond touched Cesare would take the time out of his day to try to bond with Grover. I’m sooo totally not blinking back tears right now. “How funny, Bethany taught him all of those, except the rollover when he first came into the house. I’m feeling like a bad pet owner. I kind of let all the playing happen only when he asks for it, which hasn’t been often. He looks so happy playing with you.”

  Cesare shakes his head. “I’m just new to him. Once he gets used to me he’ll ignore me unless he wants something. Let me go take a shower to get this sweat off me.”

  He’s gone before I can protest. I consider joining him in the shower but my stomach grumbles. Next time, I promise myself. In the kitchen I’m seriously concerned about not being able to find a regular coffee pot. I have no idea how to work the tiny coffee pot Claudine uses to make coffee. Frustrated but starving, I crack a few eggs. I know Cesare likes scrambled eggs too, so I make enough for him. I’m separating the eggs on two different plates when Cesare appears. He’s wearing a plain white T-shirt and black sweatpants and he looks delicious. “Smells good. I do the wheat toast please, just one slice.”

  I nod and grab one for him and two pieces of white toast for me and drop them in the toaster. “Do you know how to make coffee in that thing? I’m in serious need of caffeine but I have no idea how to work it.”

  Laughing, Cesare nods. “I’ll do it now.”

  “It can wait until after we eat. I’m starving. Let’s eat then do the coffee. I want to watch you do it so I can make it myself.”

  As we sit down, I’m trying not to look at Cesare all gooey-eyed. It isn’t easy though. “So what are you doing home? Are you not going to work or are you going in later?”

  “I’m not going in today. I figured I could work for a few hours in my office. There are a few things I need to do, they shouldn’t take too long.”

  “I could help you, if you need me to. If you don’t think it would annoy Hannah.”

  “There are some things you could do that would make the work go faster.” After eating he very slowly and patiently walks me through making espresso. Work ends up taking longer than he planned when a call comes in from a client asking about specific properties. I can’t help, so I check the clock to see it’s past time for lunch and leave his office for the kitchen.

  While I’m defrosting chicken breasts, I get a text from Dante asking me if I’m busy and if he could come hang out. As I worry about cramping their relationship, Dante comes into the kitchen. “What’s the matter?”

  I shrug. “Am I like, in the way or something?”

  Dante grabs my shoulders, his face serious. “Don’t even think like that. I love you here. You are the answer to so many prayers I’ve had for Cesare. We’re close, yes, I probably spend way too much time over here because I’m bored and at loose ends. When I found out Che didn’t go into work today, I wanted to run over here and kiss you. Do you know how many years it’s been since he didn’t go into work on a Saturday? I can’t remember, I honestly have no memory of it. Don’t even go there.”

  Relief fills me. “Okay, I won’t. I’m making lunch. Have you eaten yet?”

  “Not in several hours. What are you making, do you need help?”

  “I was thinking penne pasta with some pesto and chicken. You want to do the pesto?”

  “Sounds good.”

  We work together, with Dante’s usual teasing about me and Cesare. We’re almost done when I look up to find Cesare watching us from across the island bar. “There you are.”

  “Here I am. Sorry about that. All work is done though. Lunch looks good. I’ll get the wine.”

  Dante spots Grover, who is following Cesare. “Man, he is a little dog. I thought you were joking. Hey buddy, how’s it going, Grover?” I’m shocked Grover goes to Dante, who is kneeling with his hand out for Grover to sniff it. Grover allows Dante to pet him then whimpers. “I’m not giving you food, buddy. I don’t care if you like me. If you want food, Che is your man.” Grover shoots away from Dante to put his paws up on Cesare’s legs. “Smart dog.” Dante laughs as he goes to the sink to wash his hands.

  “Food’s on.”

  While our lunch is a lingering one, it’s over when Dante receives a text that has him leaving with a smile. I try to help clean up but Cesare refuses, pushing me toward the sofa to sit. Following orders, I go. Grover comes to get pets now that he knows food isn’t happening. There is an enormous television on the wall, only I’m not interested in watching television, I’d rather watch Cesare.

  My heart sinks a little when Cesare’s cell phone goes off. I wonder if it’s more work. It only takes a few seconds for it to become clear it’s not work. He lowers his voice but I hear him say, “My uncle.” A shiver goes up my spine at what it could mean. Ending the call, he looks up at me.

  Nerves stretched beyond bearing, I ask, “Are you going to tell me what’s going on?”
  Sighing, he crosses the room. With a quick movement, he scoops me up as he sits on the couch, settling me into his lap. “I had someone look into the Kelsey issue. My instincts were right: she wasn’t done with blackmailing your sister. She kept another file of your sister’s admission. While my guy was able to get to a file and corrupt it, we’re not sure if it was the only recording. If she was smart, it’s not. From everything he’s found, she’s not very bright. However, when it comes to cutting her off and getting your sister out of her sights, we can’t assume anything. Her father’s name sounded familiar, Phillip Kane owns the building my uncle runs what I guess you would call a brothel out of. Kane knows what’s going on and gets a cut as well as special privileges. They were able to get proof of this. I’m thinking we have Kane bring the hammer down on his daughter to verify there is no other recording and have her put Bethany in her rearview.”

  With his arms around me, I lay my head on his shoulder. How did I get this lucky? Even as fear lingers over Bethany, the look in Cesare’s eyes has me now feeling a slight twinge of sympathy for Kelsey for what’s coming at her. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. Bethany screwed up; it’s nothing all that different than what most kids her age might have done. You love her and want to protect her. I understand completely.”

  “If you’re going to threaten Phillip with making the information public, you’re going to reach out to your uncle to let him know first, right?” I’m not exactly happy his uncle has a hand in the sex trade. It’s one thing to run numbers and gambling but something different to run people. I struggle to keep the distaste out of my voice.

  He nods. “Since it won’t be a bluff, I need to warn my uncle. For the record, my uncle doesn’t run women they come to him. He provides a safe place for them to do business and gets a cut for that. If a woman wants to stop working, they stop. If they don’t want a particular customer, they don’t have to take him. I’m not defending him. I just want you to know the way he sees it, he provides a service to both the women and the men. It’s not just him exploiting women.


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