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Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss Volume 4

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by North Night (夜北)

  “Qin Yue is coming to the Hidden Cloud Peak tomorrow.” Hua Yao said.

  Volume 4

  Chapter 303: “Soul Exchange (1)”

  Qiao Chu’s eyes lit up at the news. Was it finally going to begin?

  “Go back and let Jun Xie know. See if he needs us to prepare anything.” Jun Wu Xie was the brains behind the plot and Hua Yao felt that Jun Xie needed to know about it.

  “Both of had just been waiting all this while?” Qiao Chu finally understood the reason for the period of inaction. Hua Yao had just assumed the form of Ke Cang Ju, and although he knew who Ke Cang Ju was, he had needed more time to fully copy his personality and mannerisms. Moreover, Ke Cang Ju had been rather conniving and had almost never gone to Qin Yue of his own volition, and if they had gone straight up to Qin Yue and made their request, Qin Yue might become suspicious, so they had laid back and waited for Qin Yue to come to them.

  Hua Yao nodded in agreement.

  Qiao Chu became excited. “Sure! I’ll go tell Little Xie now.”

  Qiao Chu immediately got up and slipped out through the window, running the tell Jun Wu Xie the news.

  The corner of Hua Yao’s mouth twitched as he stared at the open window, thinking vehemently that he would get people to seal it up the very next day!

  Qiao Chu flew straightaway to find Jun Xie and as he had expected, the kid was busying himself among the herb beds. He rushed up to Jun Xie and exclaimed excitedly: “Qin Yue will be coming to see Hua….. Ke Cang Ju, and Brother Hua asked me if you needed us to prepare anything.”

  Jun Wu Xie stood up, her eyes clear in understanding.

  “Bring it to Hua Yao tomorrow, and have Hua Yao make sure it is present at the meeting during their discussions.” Jun Wu Xie suddenly produced a little black cat out of nowhere and the cat stared intently at Qiao Chu with its round eyes.

  Qiao Chu was stunned, and he found the little black cat vaguely familiar.

  “Is that your ring spirit?” He finally remembered! When they were thrown into the building with the underground chamber, the cat had hidden itself at the back of the shelf, but he had not seen the cat thereafter.

  “Not exactly, Qin Yue will not sense anything amiss from it.” Little black cat was never a ring spirit, and it had never possessed any spiritual powers like a ring spirit. Qin Yue will not sense anything different and will only see it as just an ordinary black cat.

  Qiao Chu nodded and reached out his cat to stroke the black cat as he asked Jun Wu Xie: “Is your ring spirit that black beast that appeared previously?” He had not forgotten the majestic black beast that had appeared in the underground chamber.

  “Hiss!” The little black cat extended its claws threateningly at Qiao Chu’s stretched out hand, and he hastily retracted it. Qiao Chu then stared, his feelings hurt, at the proud furball.

  He suddenly paused, when he noticed a lightning shaped crest of gold fur upon the cat’s chest. He remembered seeing the same thing on the black beast previously. And it had been the same shape and was in the same position.

  “This…..” Qiao Chu could not believe what he was thinking as he pointed a finger at the little black cat, shock in his eyes.

  “Yes.” Jun Wu Xie could guess at what Qiao Chu was thinking and confirmed it for him readily.

  “………..” Qiao Chu just stood there with his mouth open, unable to find words to express his shock. The little black cat did not give out vibes of a ring spirit and Qiao Chu had concluded it was not. But….. a black cat that could transform into a black beast was still no ordinary cat!

  He did not know why Jun Xie wanted him to send the little black cat to Hua Yao but he would just do as Jun Xie had asked. He had come to learn that the silent kid who did not speak much did things that normal people could not hope to comprehend, and he guessed that even Brother Hua would not understand the reason for Jun Xie’s decision this time.

  Bring a cat…..

  For what purpose?

  “One more thing.” Jun Wu Xie said, as if suddenly remembering.

  “What?” Qiao Chu looked at Jun Xie, waiting to hear something more mind boggling.

  “Stand guard outside my room tomorrow, and do not allow anyone to go in. Yourself included.” Having said her piece, Jun Wu Xie turned, and walked off carrying the black cat in her arms.

  Volume 4

  Chapter 304: “Soul Exchange (2)”

  Qiao Chu was speechless as he stared at Jun Wu Xie’s disappearing back, his hand left hanging in the air with Jun Wu Xie’s sudden departure.

  He was not objecting to being barred from entering Jun Xie’s room, but he should at least left the cat behind! He wouldn’t be able to bring the cat to Brother Hua if he was not allowed to enter Jun Xie’s room!

  At least make that clear before leaving!

  At the break of dawn the next morning, the still sleeping Qiao Chu was rudely shocked awake by a ear piercing scratching sound at his door. Opening the door furiously, Qiao Chu only found the little black cat sitting innocently before him.

  “Did your master get you to come?” Qiao Chu looked into the sky, and the eastern sky was just lightening. The doors of all the other disciples were all still shut tight, probably still sleeping soundly in their dreams.

  The little black cat narrowed its eyes, its disagreeable disposition against him last night seemed to have disappeared, but was replaced by a chilling cold.

  Qiao Chu turned to the black cat and bent to scoop it up into his arms. He saw the cold and calm eyes of the little black cat as he lowered his body, and he suddenly had a vision. Standing before him was not a little black cat, but Jun Xie himself.

  Those eyes! They had the exact same look!

  Staring into those eyes, Qiao Chu suddenly lacked the courage to carry it. It somehow made him feel he would be carrying Jun Xie.

  The little black cat did not extend its claws this time, but sauntered gracefully to come beside Qiao Chu, and with a great leap, it landed nimbly on Qiao Chu’s shoulders and its sleek feline form settled comfortably on his shoulders.

  The little black cat remained silent, its paws dug lightly into Qiao Chu’s clothes and sat with its chin raised, eyes still clearly cold.

  “What a sight! Why do I feel that you and your master were created out of the same mould?” Those eyes, and personality, were just a replica of its master!

  The black cat had reacted differently last night though.

  He did not have the time to clear his doubts. Qiao Chu made use of the still dark skies before dawn, and sped towards Hua Yao’s quarters.

  Hua Yao was still dreaming deeply when a loud crash woke him suddenly. He sat up immediately staring viciously at the scoundrel who broke through the sealed window!

  “Brother Hua! Morning!” Qiao Chu exclaimed as he patted himself free of the morning dew on his clothes after bringing the little black cat over. Those clothes were rather presentable and he greatly treasured them.

  Hua Yao rubbed his temples, feeling a headache coming on. He suppressed the urge within him with everything he had, to strangle the twit before him to death.

  Couldn’t he act like normal people? People who knock!

  Hua Yao swallowed his rage, his eyes drawn to the sleek black form.

  When Qiao Chu had broken in through the window, the little black cat had jumped off his shoulders and landed nimbly on the table at the side. It was now directly facing Hua Yao who was still sitting on the bed.

  “This is…..?” Hua Yao frowned at the extraordinarily calm black cat.

  Qiao Chu plopped down on a chair and said smiling: “Little Xie told me to bring it. He said to bring the cat along for the meeting with Qin Yue. Brother Hua, what do you think is the significance of bringing the cat along?”

  Even Hua Yao was baffled this time, with his quick and intelligent mind, he was stumped, unable to think of a good reason for Jun Xie’s intention to bring the little black cat for the meeting.

  No other preparations, but only to bring the cat?
  As Hua Yao was racking his brains out to think of a reason, the cat who sat observing them coldly, suddenly opened its mouth to speak.

  “When is Qin Yue coming?”

  The cold, clear voice was extremely familiar to them, and looking like they had been suddenly struck by lightning, their souls almost flew out of their bodies in shock!

  Volume 4

  Chapter 305: “Soul Exchange (3)”

  That cat could talk!!

  And with Jun Xie’s exact same voice!

  Qiao Chu almost fell off his chair, his mouth wide open.

  Hua Yao was not doing any better, he had transformed into Ke Cang Ju and his expression looked absolutely horrendous.

  “Little Xie?” Qiao Chu’s shocked face froze for a long while before he found his voice back and he asked hesitantly.

  “Hmm.” The little black cat replied affirmatively.

  Qiao Chu still felt himself screaming inside!

  “Brother Hua, hit me once, see if I’m dreaming.” Qiao Chu was losing his mind.

  Hua Yao accepted the invitation with glee and slapped him mightily across the face!

  That big slap could almost be heard in the next peak!

  “Did that hurt?” Hua Yao asked slyly, feeling better having taken his revenge.

  Qiao Chu clasped his hand to his red hot burning cheek and almost cried while he said: “That really hurt…..”

  The black cat….. No, more specifically, Jun Wu Xie who had taken over the little black cat’s body, was silently observing the antics of Qiao Chu and Hua Yao, its eyes calm, without a ripple of emotion showing.

  No one knew she could exchange her soul with Little Black. After their had merged, she realised that the two of them could swop souls, but with certain risks involved. The little black cat’s soul was not able to sustain Jun Wu Xie’s body and when Jun Wu Xie was in the little black cat’s body, her own body would be at great risk. For if anyone who was to cause harm to her body during that period, she would be defenceless. Moreover, during the soul exchange, Jun Wu Xie would not be able to transform the little black cat’s body into the black beast.

  It must be said, carrying out the exchange, brought about great risks to both the little black cat and her.

  The soul exchange can be carried out only when both bodies and whole and complete. When she was just reborn, Jun Wu Xie’s body was badly ravaged, and she was not able to carry out the soul exchange. Little black cat’s soul would be unable to sustain a human body and its soul would have died together with the body, and Jun Wu Xie would have been imprisoned her whole life within the little black cat’s body, and be unable to transform.

  This time, Jun Wu Xie had decided on this course of action based on the trust she had for Qiao Chu. They might not have collaborated for a long time, but based on their interaction within this period, she knew, the two of them could be trusted within this period of their alliance. Nevertheless, she did not intend to tell them about the dangers and risks involved in the soul exchange, to prevent them from getting any ideas. Moreover, harming her would do them not a bit of good here.

  Every action that Jun Wu Xie took, had been carefully and meticulously thought through and repeatedly deliberated. Only after she was certain, would she make her move.

  And her placid calm now, just left Qiao Chu and Hua Yao all the more speechless.

  Even though the little black cat was not a ring spirit, and was closely entwined with a human soul, nobody else was able to carry out a soul exchange.

  Jun Wu Xie’s action had completely changed Qiao Chu’s and Hua Yao’s perception of how things worked in the world.

  After a long uncomfortable silence, Hua Yao finally recovered and he stared at the little black cat, trying very hard to speak to it like he was speaking to Jun Xie.

  “You want to listen in on what Qin Yue has to say?” Hua Yao asked.

  The black cat nodded, looking exceptionally graceful.

  “I need to judge Qin Yue’s level of tolerance to Ke Cang Ju.” Since the circumstances had changed, she wanted to use Ke Cang Ju’s identity to its fullest extent.

  “I understand.” Hua Yao understood. Ke Cang Ju’s meeting with Qin Yue would not allow a third person to be present. But if it was only a little black cat, no matter how careful Qin Yue was, he wouldn’t suspect anything as no one else had ever heard of a human being able to swap souls with an animal before.

  Volume 4

  Chapter 306: “Obliterate (1)”

  When the sky lightened, Qiao Chu left and stood guard outside Jun Wu Xie’s door.

  Hua Yao and Jun Wu Xie waited within the Hidden Cloud Peak for the arrival of the Sovereign, Qin Yue.

  When Qin Yue appeared at the Hidden Cloud Peak, the new recruits were overawed. They tagged behind the Sovereign with adoration in their eyes.

  The man behind the Qing Yun Clan’s might, the man fabled to be the most highly skilled in medicine throughout the lands!

  Over the generations of Sovereigns of the Qing Yun Clan, they had all possessed extraordinary skills in medicine. In the early days, the founder of the Qing Yun Clan was the widely famed miracle healer and after he set up the Qing Yun Clan, and over the generations, the people of the lands had come to tag the name of the world’s top healer to the serving Sovereign of the Qing Yun Clan.

  Almost daily, people showed up uninvited, hoping for Qin Yue to help them alleviate their pains and ailments. Besides the high demand for treatment and healing, many others swarmed to him for elixirs.

  Healing and cultivation of elixirs were never far apart and skilled healers would always have unique recipes for an elixir or two.

  At the Qing Yun Clan, it was believed that Qin Yue’s healing skills could bring a man on the brink of death back to life and relieve all his wounds. His elixirs were in great demand as people were bound to fall prey to illnesses and ailments and the sick infirmed, or even severely wounded might not be able to survive the long arduous journey to the Qing Yun Clan.

  Moreover, Qin Yue only extended his healing skills to just one patient a month and that privilege was highly sought after. Unless they had in hand something the Qing Yun Clan sought, that opportunity was usually beyond the reach of most people.

  In a plea to convince Qin Yue to lend his medicinal expertise, many expert exponents volunteered to stay within the Qing Yun Clan to serve as resident mercenaries, and countless rich families have parted with vast riches for that sense of security the elixirs gave.

  In the eyes of the people, the Qing Yun Clan Sovereign held more than just his expertise in medicine.

  Not just the Qing Yun Clan’s Sovereign’s healing expertise was highly sought, people fought to impress him just to be accepted as a disciple of the Qing Yun Clan.

  The youths were eager to leave a lasting impression on Qin Yue and would have leeched on but the thought of Ke Cang Ju’s sinister face loomed within their minds and they gave up after some time.

  Qin Yue’s benign face smiled gently as he walked within the Hidden Cloud Peak and his exalted but harmonious presence put a distance between himself and the respectful disciples and many of them swore to strive to emulate some of Qin Yue’s dominating air.

  Under a crowd of adoring eyes, Qin Yue came to Ke Cang Ju’s quarters and entered. The smile on his face disappeared immediately and that benign face clouded, his brow creased into a frown, his foul mood and displeasure obvious.

  His face darkened, Qin Yue strode quickly forward, seemingly familiar with the way around. He stood in the study in moments, finding Ke Cang Ju flipping through his ancient texts.

  With a bang, Qin Yue slammed the door shut.

  Hua Yao looked up from behind his desk, his hideous face splitting into a sinister smile. A little black cat laid lazily upon the desk, its eyes closed, looking like it was fast asleep.

  “Our Sovereign seems to be in a rather foul mood today?” Hua Yao said, imitating Ke Cang Ju’s sarcastic tone.

  “I want you to concoct a poison for me, one th
at makes people suffer a fate worse than death, and inflicts unimaginable horrific agony!” Qin Yue’s face was distorted with undisguised hatred and his words dripped with venom.

  Volume 4

  Chapter 307: “Obliterate (2)”

  “Oh? For who?” Hua Yao asked lightly.

  Qin Yue took a deep breath, suppressing the rage that welled up in his chest.

  “Yu Yan and Elder Jiang are dead.”

  Hua Yao froze a moment. The Qin Yu Yan that Qin Yue was talking about was his only daughter. He had pampered and spoilt rotten this daughter of his and did everything within his power to give her everything she had ever wanted. As the Eldest Miss of the Qing Yun Clan, Qin Yu Yan was the sweetheart of the clan, and was loved by everyone, and her benign and pretty looks was an almost exact replica of Qin Yue.

  Hua Yao had had a prior encounter with Qin Yu Yan when he had first snuck into the Hidden Cloud Peak in search of the map, he had been hiding in the shadows when he saw Qin Yu Yan and Ke Cang Ju in the underground chamber tormenting the innocent youths, her beautiful face was an insidious mask, working in cahoots with Ke Cang Ju. She displayed a stark contrast to Ke Cang Ju, her false facade of benign kindness and gentleness on her face, like Qin Yue, but was party to dastardly deeds in secret, together with the hideous and sinister looking Ke Cang Ju.

  But, as the very treasured apple of Qin Yue’s eye, how was she killed so suddenly?

  The little black cat on the table flicked its ears and opened its eyes slowly, and a flicker of hatred flashed as it swept its cold gaze across the room and those eyes passed Qin Yue.

  Qin Yue had received news of Qin Yu Yan’s death earlier than she had expected.

  “The audacious tiny Kingdom of Qi dared to commit such a travesty against us! That useless no good Jun Family actually dared kill my daughter! I want the whole family to die and cut into a thousand pieces! Ke Cang Ju, give me the best poison of your life’s work! I want the Jun Family and the Qi Imperial Family to be buried together with my daughter!” Qin Yue’s jaw was tightly clenched as his rage threatened to overcome him. He was no longer young and already middle aged and he had only Qin Yu Yan, his most treasured one and only daughter. His most beloved daughter had been brutally murdered in the faraway Kingdom of Qi, and the humiliation and anger drove a strong urge within him to lead a force to storm the Qi Kingdom and shred his enemies to pieces.


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