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Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss Volume 4

Page 14

by North Night (夜北)

  In the courtyard, a tall figure stood waiting in the rain.

  Jun Wu Yao raised an eyebrow at the man who stood in his way and the corners of his mouth curled up in malicious murder.

  Whoever dared appear before his eyes at that moment will only face death!

  However, the bearded man in the courtyard stood as if struck by lightning when he saw Jun Wu Yao. His eyes widened in fear and he started to tremble uncontrollably. Just as Jun Wu Yao was about to raise his hand, the bearded man suddenly fell on one knee before Jun Wu Yao!

  “My Lord!”

  Jun Wu Yao narrowed his eyes. “Who are you?”

  In the Lower Realm, there existed a person who recognised him?

  “Palace of All Life, Yan Bu Gui.” The bearded man replied immediately.

  Jun Wu Yao’s mouth curled into a malicious smile and a cloud of black mist formed below Yan Bu Gui, which suddenly lifted the kneeling figure up in mid air!

  “Palace of Life of the Twelve Palaces. Good….. I was just thinking who in this Lower Realm was capable of harming my little darling.”

  Yan Bu Gui turned pale at that moment and his veins popped up on that pale face.

  “Jun Xie….. I did not hurt him…..” Yan Bu Gui squeezed out those words from his constricted throat in a panic and if he was a moment slower, he would have died at that spot.

  Jun Wu Yao frowned but the black mist threw Yan Bu Gui on the ground.

  “Speak! Who did this?”

  Ye Sha soul stone had broken and that had meant his demise. He was sent to protect Jun Wu Xie and Ye Sha’s sudden death had raised a sense of dread in Jun Wu Yao. He had dropped everything he was doing regardless of the consequences and rushed to the Qing Yun Clan immediately.

  At the Cloudy Peaks, he only saw the Qing Yun Clan all ruined and he had followed Jun Wu Xie’s faint lingering essence and followed it to here to seek her out.

  Only the Heavens knew, when he had seen Jun Wu Xie still safe and alive, his berserk mind frantic heart finally calmed. But when Jun Wu Xie had suddenly fainted in his arms, the murderous rage of tearing apart everything before him that had been suppressed for centuries broke free once again!

  “It was people from the Palace of Flame Demons…..” Yan Bu Gui said, panting heavily.

  “Palace of Flame Demons…..” The murder in Jun Wu Yao’s eyes rose and a black snake shot out from his sleeve, straight into Yan Bu Gui’s head.

  Excruciating pain exploded in his head and Yan Bu Gui fell into spasms, sweating profusely.

  The next moment, the pain completely disappeared without leaving a trace and Yan Bu Gui stood up, his face ashen and his body swaying.

  “The Twelve Palaces are really getting more and more depraved, and they are now even committing such atrocities. Having managed to escape out of the Palace of Life alive was really fortunate for you.” The black snake had transmitted all the information it had gleaned from Yan Bu Gui’s head to Jun Wu Yao. He knew that Yan Bu Gui had not lied and besides that, he had found something else that was rather interesting.

  “My gratitude to my Lord for sparing my lowly life.” Yan Bu Gui did not harbour any resentment but was just thankful that he was still alive.

  The man before him, had never hesitated to kill. The number of people who managed to remain alive after Jun Wu Yao’s intent to kill was incited, were few and far between.

  Yan Bu Gui cast a quick glance at Jun Xie who was still tightly held in Jun Wu Yao’s arms, and it dawned on him.

  Jun Wu Yao must have spared his life on account that he saved Jun Xie. If that had not happened, he would be a cold lifeless corpse now.

  On the other hand, his heart turned cold at the other reality.

  The Lord was still alive…..

  The Middle Realm faced an imminent all encompassing bloodbath, the impending doom of the Twelve Palaces now hung heavily over their heads.

  Volume 4

  Chapter 354: I’m Here Now (3)

  “Mind what you say.” Jun Wu Yao threw an unmistakable warning and carried Jun Wu Xie into her room.

  Rong Ruo appeared moments later and was shocked when he saw Yan Bu Gui standing pale faced, completely drenched in the rain.


  Yan Bu Gui raised a hand and shook his head. “No matter what you saw, do not breathe a word about it to anyone. He is not a man we can afford to offend.”

  The Dark Emperor was still alive and if the Dark Realm were to find out, they would most certainly receive their revered Emperor back to lead them readily. But….. why was the Dark Lord remaining here in the Lower Realm? What had actually happened at that time? News of the Dark Lord’s demise had spread throughout the realm then, how did he come to be here in the Lower Realm?

  Yan Bu Gui held his confused mind in his hands and he suddenly laughed.

  “Hahaha! The Twelve Palaces are as good as dead now.”

  The Dark Lord’s black snake had the ability to delve into a person’s mind and know everything the person knew. The Dark Lord knew that Yan Bu Gui had indeed broken away from the Palace of Life, that also meant….. he knew about that other matter as well.

  Rong Ruo stared at Yan Bu Gui who had suddenly laughed out loud in consternation, but he decided to remain silent.


  When Jun Wu Xie woke up, she saw a familiar face before her. Her cold eyes blinked a few times before she became fully awake.

  “Next time, don’t do such dangerous things.” Jun Wu Yao lay on the side of the bed, his hand propping up his head, as he said smilingly.

  While Jun Wu Xie was unconscious, he had checked on her soul. He found that the once intact soul had become extremely weak. Jun Wu Xie had not sustains much external wounds but her body was currently very weak. And that weakness stemmed from the deficiency in her soul. Wounds on the body were easier to heal but injuries to the soul…..

  Jun Wu Yao narrowed his eyes as he went deep in thought, but realising that Jun Wu Xie was watching him, he wiped those worries away from his face.

  “He died for me.” Jun Wu Xie sat up. “And I didn’t even know his name.”

  Jun Wu Yao shifted and sat up on the side of the bed, and in his hand, he was suddenly holding some snake bones within his palm .

  “My darling wants him revived?”

  Jun Wu Xie stared at the pieces of snake bone in Jun Wu Yao’s hand and her eyes glinted. Rong Ruo had said that the black snake that had sent them back here had left a pile of snake bones behind after its death. Jun Wu Xie did not see the bones, but she was quite certain the pieces in Jun Wu Yao’s hand were the same ones that Rong Ruo was talking about.

  Noticing Jun Wu Xie’s eyes, Jun Wu Yao clenched his hand and a black mist engulfed the bones. The bones extended and grew, gradually taking the shape of a human.

  Little by little, the shape gathered and took on its form. A man dressed in all black suddenly appeared in the room. His eyes were closed and his face looked exactly the same as the man who had blown himself up to save her days ago!

  Jun Wu Xie watched without a word. The black robed man opened his eyes, his irises were just a slit like a snake’s.

  “From now onwards, you are named Ye Sha.” Jun Wu Yao said to the man in black.

  “Yes! My Lord!” Ye Sha fell on one knee, his face expressionless.

  Jun Wu Yao raised his head and turned to Jun Wu Xie, his face beaming widely.

  “Ye Sha, was and is his name.”

  Jun Wu Xie closed her eyes, stroking the little black cat in her arms.

  That’s not him…..

  He looked the same and Jun Wu Xie could even feel the same aura emanating from the man. But the Ye Sha before her was still not the same Ye Sha who had protected her so selflessly in the Cloudy Peaks.

  Jun Wu Yao noticed Jun Wu Xie’s reaction. She had not said anything, and neither had she made any expressions. But he knew exactly what Jun Wu Xie was feeling at that moment.

  “Ye Sha’s soul is gathered from the same snake bones left behind
. He has been reborn, and this is both Ye Sha, and not Ye Sha at the same time.”

  Volume 4

  Chapter 355: “I’m Here Now (4)”

  The reborn Ye Sha had no memories of the past, and only knew one thing. Absolute loyalty to Jun Wu Yao.

  Jun Wu Yao commanded Ye Sha to continue his protection of Jun Wu Xie in secret.

  “You know where those people who attacked me were from?” Jun Wu Xie stared at Jun Wu Yao inquiringly, as she had always felt that he knew everything.

  Jun Wu Yao’s face turned chilly. “Middle Realm, Palace of Flame Demons.”

  “Middle Realm?” Jun Wu Xie queried further. She had heard the term “Lower Realm” many times, and now Jun Wu Yao was saying there is a “Middle Realm”. What did all this different realms mean?

  Jun Wu Yao noticed Jun Wu Xie’s puzzled look of confusion and patiently explained: “Under these Heavens, there are a total of three realms. The different realms are divided by their powers into the Higher Realm, Middle Realm, and the Lower Realm. The Lower Realm is where my little darling is from, and the people who attacked you are from the Middle Realm. Do you still remember when I mentioned Spirit Devour?”

  Jun Wu Xie nodded.

  “The Spirit Devour technique is not known to the people of the Lower Realm as it was discovered only by the people in the Middle Realm. To enhance the powers of their own ring spirits, they pursued all kind of ways eyeing the ring spirits of others. Devouring different kinds of spirits brought different kinds of effects and influences. And among all the ring spirits, the most highly sought were the revered plant ring spirits.” Jun Wu Yao narrowed his eyes as those thoughts went through his head. They dared set their eyes on his little darling….. They did not have enough lives to pay for this debt….

  “Plant ring spirits possess extremely strong self healing powers and if devoured, they speed up the pace of development in their growth, hence plant ring spirits become the most prized target. Alas, the existence of plant ring spirits were also extremely rare and they were no signs to show that they had awoken. People have lived their whole lives without even being aware that their plant ring spirits awoke.”

  Under the relentless persecution of all plant ring spirits from the Twelve Palaces, those people who were ignorant about the plant ring spirit’s awakening and were able to live out their lives in peace were fortunate in a twisted sort of reasoning.

  “The Palace of Flame Demons are aware of your plant ring spirit now that you’ve escaped from them, and they will send great numbers of their people down to the Lower Realm to search.” Jun Wu Yao’s eyes were almost glowing like lit embers with a wicked smile on his lips. The lure of a plant ring spirit was too irresistible and they would pay any price to locate Jun Wu Xie.

  Jun Wu Xie looked at Jun Wu Yao and realised that everything Jun Wu Yao was saying coincided with those two strange and extremely powerful men’s persistence in killing her in the Cloudy Peaks.

  If Ye Sha had not intervened and sacrificed himself to save her, she would have lost her life in those mountains.

  “Their powers are beyond a purple leveled spirit.”

  Jun Wu Yao continued on: “The purple level spirit is only the peak for the people of the Lower Realm.”

  Jun Wu Xie’s eyes were cold. The fact that she was targeted by such people was bad news to her.

  If they were pour all their efforts into the search for her, it was highly likely that she would be found. She did not have much time left, and she needed to raise her powers quickly.

  What happened that day, must never be repeated!

  “If the Palace of Flame Demons were to cease to exist, then no one would ever know that a plant ring spirit exists in the Lower Realm.” Jun Wu Xie raised her head to say. She wiped out the Qing Yun Clan, she would do the same with the Palace of Flame Demons!

  If plant ring spirits were so precious and rare, the two men from the Palace of Flame Demons would not reveal to the other palaces that a plant ring spirit existed in the Lower Realm. If the Palace of Flame Demons was annihilated, she would then be safe.

  Jun Wu Yao laughed out loud after hearing Jun Wu Xie.

  Annihilate the Palace of Flame Demons? His little darling had a rather big appetite for destruction.

  “To annihilate the Palace of Flame Demons, the first thing you must do is to breakthrough to the purple spirit. Anyone in the Lower Realm has to breakthrough their spirit powers to the purple level before they can enter the Middle Realm.”

  “Purple spirit?” Jun Wu Xie asked, her eyes narrowed. Her vengeance against the Palace of Flame Demons would be exacted sooner or later!

  Volume 4

  Chapter 356: “I’m Here Now (5)”

  “Before that is achieved Wu Xie, you cannot go back.” Jun Wu Yao said suddenly.

  Jun Wu Xie raised her head to look at Jun Wu Yao. When Jun Wu Yao had said go back, he had meant the Lin Palace!

  She can’t go back?


  “Your soul is no longer complete. You must have used an attack that utilised and burned up your soul. If your opponent still lives, he can use that piece of your soul and trace it back to you and find out your location.” Jun Wu Yao explained in all seriousness as he looked at Jun Wu Xie. He had not expected Jun Wu Xie to use her own soul to carry out an attack, as the price for such an attack carried too heavy a price.

  Jun Wu Xie’s eyes widened in surprise.

  When she had used her soul to strike at the opponent with the black beast, she had fully intended to kill him with it. If Little Lotus had not forcibly intervened, she might have perished together with the little black cat and the white robed man. Due to the forced termination of her attack where she burned her soul to achieve, it was possible that she might have left bits of her soul within the body of the white robed man.

  Had he died then?

  Jun Wu Xie could not be certain. Although Ye Sha had dealt a devastating and deadly blow to the white robed man that day, when it came to the people of the Middle Realm whom she knew nothing about, Jun Wu Xie did not dare underestimate them.

  Jun Wu Yao had only painted half the picture with his words, but Jun Wu Xie knew what the other half comprised.

  If she were to return to the Lin Palace, the people from the Palace of Flame Demons would find her there. And Jun Xian and Jun Qing would sacrifice everything to shield her and the whole of the Lin Palace will fall!

  She had set her heart so strongly on returning, but the way home had been cut off mercilessly. Home had become a place she longed for but was unable to return to…..

  Jun Wu Xie suddenly felt her heart wince, that brought about a dull ache. She was already weak and now, her face turned even more pale.

  Jun Wu Yao came to stand beside Jun Wu Xie, and brought her deep into his embrace.

  “Do not worry. You will return one day. I will find a way to make your soul complete again.” Jun Wu Yao patted Jun Wu Xie on the back comforting her, like coaxing a frightened child to calm and sleep.

  It had been a miscalculation on his part this time. He had known that the Qing Yun Clan had links to one of the palaces, but he had not expected them to bump right into Jun Wu Xie.

  “Before that, you can stay here in this academy for the time being. This place is rather special, and it can block out and contain the essence of your soul from being detected.” Jun Wu Yao reassured in a soft voice.

  This place had been used by Yan Bu Gui to hide himself all this time. All their members had a marked Soul Badge with the Twelve Palaces and in any instances of betrayal or desertion, they could be traced with the Soul Badge no matter how far they hid, and killed. To have found a place like this, Yan Bu Gui must have spent quite a bit of effort.

  “Here?” Jun Wu Xie raised her head in query.

  “Yes. Don’t you need to leave the Snow Lotus here to recover as well? Take it as accompanying the little guy as well,” Jun Wu Yao knew very well, how deep Jun Wu Xie’s feelings were for the Jun Family’s father and son. Everyth
ing that she had so far, could be all linked to her want to protect the Jun Family’s father and son. She would have liked nothing more than to return home and reunite with them, but the Palace of Flame Demons had suddenly appeared and burned up any hope of satisfying that longing.

  Jun Wu Xie kept silent. A home she could not return to, that stifling feeling of repression made it somehow harder to breathe. But at the same time, it strongly reminded her of everything that had happened in the Cloudy Peaks that day.

  She would never allow that to happen in the Lin Palace!

  She nodded without a word, and made her decision then.

  “The day will come, after I annihilate the Palace of Flame Demons, and go home proudly.” She raised her eyes and her eyes were filled with resolve and determination.

  Jun Wu Yao laughed as he heard her proclamation, and his arms tightened around Jun Wu Xie.

  He knew that Jun Wu Xie was not so easily beaten.

  Volume 4

  Chapter 357: “Discipleship (1)”

  It was early the next morning when Jun Wu Xie awoke. Jun Wu Yao had disappeared once again and she walked outside. Ye Sha appeared before her.


  Jun Wu Xie stared at the familiar yet at the same time unfamiliar face in silence.

  “Master Wu Yao has left to seek something. Please do not worry and wait here for a period.” Ye Sha said stoically.

  Jun Wu Xie was thoughtful for a short moment before she guessed what Jun Wu Yao was seeking for.

  He had mentioned yesterday that he would find a way to heal her soul to become complete again, but an incomplete soul was not that easily mended and what could have made Jun Wu Yao leave to seek can only be something that can heal her.

  Jun Wu Xie felt a sudden warmth spread from her heart and only nodded to Ye Sha. Ye Sha then disappeared and his presence was completely erased in a moment.


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