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Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss Volume 4

Page 22

by North Night (夜北)

  “Hey, do you think if the Headmaster of the Zephyr Academy finds out that the very same culprits responsible for the annihilation of the Qing Yun Clan are currently applying to enter his academy, would he send all his men to come kill us off?” Qiao Chu added fuel to the fire with a laugh.

  The Qing Yun Clan was not as benevolent as they seemed, to get Qin Yue to help, one would need to pay a heavy price.

  “Definitely! But Little Ruo and me would be fine though. As for you…..” Fei Yan said with a wicked laugh.

  But on the other hand, the Headmaster’s son must suffer from bad luck. Having lived for so many years, he was unable to recover enough. And his body only chose to become well enough for travel just after Jun Wu Xie annihilated them.

  It was such a shame.

  “I heard that the Headmaster had resorted to inviting prodigious doctors to come to the Zephyr Academy to treat his son and no one knows whether that had yielded and improvements.” Fei Yan said, rubbing his chin thoughtfully as his eyes turned.

  Right after Fei Yan said that, the eyes of the other three fell at the same time onto the tiny figure of Jun Xie.

  Prodigious doctor?

  Wasn’t this small framed petite figure beside them the most prodigious doctor with hidden talents!?

  After seeing Jun Xie treat Qiao Chu and Hua Yao and they had almost knelt and completely prostrated themselves before his skills in Medicine.

  Jun Xie looked up to face the stares thrown at him and simply turned to walk towards the inn they had arranged accommodations at earlier.

  “It’s late.”

  He didn’t seem to be interested at all!

  Volume 4

  Chapter 385: “Enrollment (1)”

  Back at the inn, Fei Yan handed a clear and sparkling crystal to Jun Wu Xie.

  “The Zephyr Academy enrollment calls for a check on your ring spirit. You don’t need to summon it but just to put your hand on this and it will make a copy of your ring spirit and ascertain its grade. It would be better if you used the little black cat in place of the lotus.” Fei Yan had found out everything there was to know for the enrollment in half a day’s time and there was nothing to be worried about for the others but only that Jun Xie’s ring spirit must not be exposed.

  “Qiao Chu told me that the little black cat is also your ring spirit. You should give it a try.” Jun Xie’s little black cat’s origins had been a mystery and Fei Yan together with the others had not asked too much about it.

  Jun Wu Xie nodded and after Fei Yan left, she put her hand on the crystal. A very faint image of a lotus soon appeared in the crystal, so faint it was almost unnoticeable.

  Jun Wu Xie narrowed her eyes and opened up her cosmos bag to take out a huge sealed sphere. The bottom half of the sphere was filled with water from the Heaven’s Spring and the Snow Lotus sat upon the water’s surface within the sphere.

  When she left the Phoenix Academy, Jun Wu Xie had brought the Snow Lotus with her as she had the Heaven’s Flask with her and she did not need to worry that she would run out of the water from the Heaven’s Spring.

  It was because the Snow Lotus was not within Jun Wu Xie’s body that the crystal had formed such a fuzzy image, but the shape of a lotus flower could still be seen faintly.

  Jun Wu Xie had experienced first hand what disaster the knowledge of the existence of a plant ring spirit within her could bring. The human skin maps showing the location of the Dark Emperor’s tomb originated from seven of the Twelve Palaces. Now that it was known that a portion of the map existed within the Zephyr Academy, she was certain that they had received the map from the Twelve Palaces. Jun Wu Xie’s eyes flared with a cold chill. The Zephyr Academy must have some secret link with one of the Twelve Palaces.

  Fei Yan had understood the dangers involved and had brought the crystal earlier to Jun Wu Xie for her to prepare for it.

  Using the little black cat in replacement for her real ring spirit. Jun Wu Xie had never attempted that before and she could only feel her way around on her own. She concentrated her spiritual power onto her hand. When Jun Wu Xie placed her hand on the crystal once again, the faint image of the lotus disappeared and in its place, a translucent image of a little cat showed up within.

  It had taken her only moments, but the concentration and effort needed made her short of breath after.

  The little black cat was still in a coma and its soul was close to complete exhaustion. Jun Wu Xie had not dared to move it much and could only employ the link her soul had with the little black cat as a cover up. Her own soul was not in any better shape and with that short period of utilisation of her soul’s powers had completely drenched her back.

  She wore a fake replica of a ring on her finger and Jun Wu Xie laid back on the chair to catch her breath.

  Early the next morning, Jun Wu Xie and her companions proceeded to go to the Zephyr Academy. Due to the expected large number of people there for the enrollment, the five companions decided to split up.

  As it was still early when they reached, there were not many people at the gates. The five companions were able to find themselves separate stations to carry out the checks in a short period of time. Jun Wu Xie went to the station at the extreme end and the man behind the station looked at Jun Wu Xie head to toe before he impatiently stretched out his hand to dangle a crystal before Jun Wu Xie’s eyes.

  Jun Wu Xie pressed her hand upon the crystal without a word and pushed her soul power into it. Immediately, a translucent image of a cat appeared within the crystal and the man cast a nonchalant glance at it and said: “Beast spirit….. Wait!”

  The man seemed to have noticed something and the lazy look on his face disappeared. He stared questioningly at the translucent image in the crystal and when he turned his eyes to look at Jun Wu Xie, his eyes seemed to be searching for something on her.

  “Infuse your spiritual power into this crystal.” The man took out another crystal and put it before Jun Wu Xie once more.

  Volume 4

  Chapter 386: “Enrollment (2)”

  Jun Wu Xie closed her eyes and pushed her spiritual power into the crystal.

  A blindingly bright orange glow exploded at that moment and the light attracted the attention of all the youths who had come for the enrollment before the academy’s gates!

  Qiao Chu and the others who were making their way over to come find Jun Xie after they had completed their enrollment were shocked when they saw the explosion of orange light!

  That bright light had drawn everyone’s attention and all their eyes were staring at Jun Xie in surprise.


  The spirit stone was glowing orange!?

  That would mean that small kid’s spiritual powers had reached the the orange level?

  Among everyone there, they could find no one of a smaller size. His looks showed that he was still at a very tender age and he was so tiny and skinny. It was obvious he was one of the youngest there and if not for the fact that ring spirits awaken only at the age of fourteen, with the way he looked, everyone would think he was still maybe twelve or thirteen!

  But the fact that the youngest looking one among them had achieved the orange level slapped them across their faces!

  A murmur of voices guessing his actual age broke out among the crowd.

  Fei Yan who had been walking in that direction slapped his hand on his forehead when he saw the orange light.

  “It’s over! This time, it’s all over!”

  The Zephyr Academy’s enrollment usually only called for a check on the ring spirits, and it was only when the applicant himself declared that he had achieved a breakthrough that the academy would conduct another test. As people who were able to achieve a breakthrough in their spiritual power at ages between fourteen to sixteen were extremely rare, no one hid that fact if they had achieved such a feat.

  Qiao Chu and the others had decided to start their search from the branch division as they were confident that they were able to advance into the main division easil
y with their abilities when they chose, they had therefore kept silent on their spiritual powers.

  But they had not expected for Jun Xie to meet with this unexpected turn of events.

  Why had the Zephyr Academy suddenly asked to test the level of Jun Xie’s spiritual power?

  A fourteen year old achieving the orange level in his spiritual power. Needless to say, he would be admitted into the main division without question!

  However, the other four had completed their enrollments and they had already received their emblems for the branch division, it was already too late for them to change!

  In the end, the man who had conducted the tests for Jun Xie gave him a thoughtful glance and finally turned to whisper to his fellow staff of the academy before that staff ran off quickly.

  After awhile, an attractive looking man dressed in a light blue brocaded robe walked slowly to the main gates. He followed the direction that the orange light was coming from and walked towards Jun Wu Xie.

  Jun Wu Xie was nevertheless composed while her eyes were cold and clear.

  The blue robed man raised an eyebrow when he saw Jun Wu Xie and he reached out his hand to hold Jun Wu Xie’s wrist just above the hand that held the spirit stone.

  Qiao Chu and the others readied themselves as they watched hidden among the many other youths.

  Jun Wu Xie narrowed her eyes but did not react any further.

  The man only held on to Jun Wu Xie’s wrist and did not do anything else. After a moment, he smiled and said: “A orange spirit at fourteen, a rather amazing seedling I must say.”

  At that man’s words, the crowd erupted into an uproar!

  Achieving the orange level at sixteen years old was already uncommon but would not be that shocking, but achieving orange at fourteen…..

  It was just absolutely insane!

  At fourteen years, what were most people doing?

  With their ring spirits just awoken, they would just be learning how to train and develop their powers and trying to understand the capabilities of their ring spirits, taking no less than half a year to do that. And after they were ready to embark on the actual training, they would require a long period of time to adapt and adjust before they take the first step into their brand new journey to power.

  For a fourteen year old to achieve the orange level was monstrous…..

  And they had never encountered anything like this before!

  Who would have thought that such an unimpressive looking brat would achieve such Heaven forbidding speed in the development of his spiritual powers!?

  Volume 4

  Chapter 387: “Enrollment (3)”

  Even with everyone’s eyes staring at her, Jun Wu Xie still did not react in the slightest. She could feel that the man dressed in blue robes before her was not weak, and based on how the others from the Zephyr Academy were deferring to him, it was not difficult to ascertain that the position the man held was rather high.

  “With such gift, you’ll be directly admitted into the main division.” The blue robed man said candidly with a laugh and put Jun Wu Xie straight into the main division.

  His words drove many of the youths present green with envy.

  Every year, an extremely small number of applicants gained direct entry into the main division. The other youths might have been envious, but they knew they had not achieved an orange level in their spiritual power. The blue robed man had not given the boy any preferential treatment. For a fourteen year old to have broken through to the orange level and be admitted directly into the main division was only to be expected.

  Among the youths before the academy, not all of them were just plain envious. Qiao Chu and his other companions almost vomited out blood when the blue robed man directly admitted Jun Wu Xie into the main division. Now, what was to happen to them who had already been admitted into the branch division!?

  Their tests had ended and they couldn’t go back and tell the academy that they wanted their tests to be done one more time…..

  The blue robed man thought that the little kid before him would be ecstatic to hear his words but was instead surprised that the cold and chill expression did not change a single bit, and that made him look at Jun Wu Xie differently.

  A person’s gift might be hard to come by, but if their personality were overly arrogant or confident, it would impede their progress in their development in training. He had seen quite a few highly gifted youths to shine with brilliance at the onset, but faced countless obstacles in their training as they progressed. In the beginning, the development and progress in training towards their spiritual power was easiest to attain and that gift would easily breeze them through the earlier breakthroughs. But as they progressed to the later levels, the demand on one’s natural temperament becomes higher as the training process becomes dry and dull and took long periods of time. If they could not last the tedium and succumbed to the temptations of flowery and carnal world, no matter how high their gift was, they would not be able to progress further.

  In the end, they would turn out to be someone whom people whispered behind their back, as one who was highly gifted at a young age, but had squandered it all to amount to nothing.

  “Little one, what’s your name?” The blue robed man asked with a smile.

  “Jun Xie.” Jun Wu Xie replied simply.

  The blue robed man laughed.

  At the moment that the man’s laughter sounded, Jun Wu Xie felt a sudden warmth flow from the hand clasped over her wrist into her incessantly and she froze.

  “Relax, you do not have to worry. With such outstanding gift, if your ring spirit were to be damaged, it would be such a waste.” The man’s soft whisper that was tinged with laughter sounded in her ear.

  Jun Wu Xie raised her head, and her cold eyes reflected the man’s attractive contenance.

  The flow of warmth was almost unnoticeable as the energy fused into her soul, spreading towards the part that belonged to the little black cat’s soul.

  Jun Wu Xie’s eyes flashed briefly in amazement. She could clearly feel that the black cat’s exhausted soul was recovering very gradually under the flow of warmth, and gaining a little more life bit by bit!

  A Spirit Healer!

  Jun Wu Xie’s mind suddenly flashed with those three words.

  The little black cat might be a little different from other ring spirits, but they were basically the same in spirit form. If a Spirit Healer can heal ring spirits, that must also mean they can heal the little black cat’s soul!

  At that time, the Snow Lotus was not within Jun Wu Xie’s body and the only other spirit within her body was only the little black cat!

  The energy from the warmth was slowly and unendingly lending nourishment to the little black cat’s soul!

  Was this the power of a Spirit Healer? Jun Wu Xie’s eyes were showing a rare expression of amazement and it was no wonder the Spirit Healers of the Zephyr Academy enjoyed greater prominence than any other faculties. If with a Spirit Healer in their midst, people when in battle, need no longer be so restrained as when their ring spirits were injured, they could be healed and prolong the time they can contribute in battle!

  Volume 4

  Chapter 388: “Enrollment (4)”

  After some time, the man dressed in blue released Jun Wu Xie’s hand, and his attractive face was rather pale, with a thin sheen of sweat covering his brows.

  The people from the Zephyr Academy around the man saw that the man dressed in blue was showing signs of exhaustion and stepped up to hold him.

  The man dressed in blue waved them off gently and insisted for them to step back.

  The healing of the little kid’s ring spirit took up far more of his energy than he had expected and he had not needed to deplete such a severe amount of his energies for a long time. It had felt like he had not just treated an injured ring spirit but more like he had almost resurrected a ring spirit from the brink of death.

  The man laughed bitterly inwardly, on the one rare occasion he had decided
to show a bit of benevolence, he had to meet with such a trying incident. He could have pulled back halfway when he had first felt uncomfortable, but he did not know why, when he looked onto the face of the little kid before him, and that boy’s eyes had showed that tiny flash of amazement, he could not make himself hold back but had soldiered on with the healing.

  To the point that he was now finally drained and feeling rather exhausted.

  “I’m tired, all of you can just carry on.” The man dressed in blue rejected the offers of help and just looked at Jun Wu Xie once more before he turned and left.

  Jun Wu Xie could feel that gradually strengthening spirit within her body. She looked up in gratitude, stared at the retreating back of the man dressed in blue and said: “Thank you.”

  The man dressed in blue stopped in his tracks and turned around. He looked at Jun Wu Xie’s expressionless face and replied with a smile: “There’s no need. You are now a disciple of the Zephyr Academy and as a Master here, I should naturally help a little with the recruitment. You are Jun Xie right? If you are interested, after you are admitted, come to the Spirit Healers faculty to look for me. My name is Gu Li Sheng.”

  After that, Gu Li Sheng turned and walked away without stopping, feeling a tad bit unsteady.

  Gu Li Sheng? Spirit Healers Faculty? Jun Wu Xie was still considering Gu Li Sheng’s parting words when the crowd before the Zephyr Academy’s gate suddenly broke into an uproar!

  If all the youths at the gates of the Zephyr Academy were just envious of Jun Wu Xie previously, the youths after hearing Gu Li Sheng’s words had suddenly turned their envy into unbridled jealous rage!

  Gu Li Sheng! That was the founder of the Spirit Healers faculty himself!

  It was said that any Spirit Healers throughout the lands now had all studied under Gu Li Sheng’s discipleship!


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