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Rampage (Ruthless Tendencies Series Book 4)

Page 17

by D. M. Burns

  I shrug my shoulders unaffected but not before I see the first signs of life behind those eyes of his. There’s fire igniting like a hell storm erupted. He knows the familial will kill him for the loss of income that Aces Down and my level of glorified accounting provides.

  My photogenic contribution of debts owed will never be found in a book, ever. My knowledge and smarts are locked inside my head. It’s my insurance policy to stay above ground and it’s also a known fact. If I stop breathing, I’ll take the debts owed to the mafia with me to the grave. I turn my back to him heading for the door. This could be a bad mistake but even he knows not to touch me here.

  “You win, Rampage.” He grits out.

  I’m not stupid enough to believe that shit either. He’s saving his own ass from the death that’s sure to come for him if the Italian underground finds out his dick was the cause of losing Aces Down along with my expertise. I turn back to him and cut the shit altogether because this entire professional approach is pissing me the fuck off.

  “You go near her and I’ll kill you, Haze.” I tuck my hands into my pockets to keep from carrying out that act now. “I’m done with these games, but she is far from a blood sport. Lena is mine.” He slowly advances like a levitating poltergeist.

  “You’ve made your point loud and clear. She’s off-limits, yeah? But we both know I have a job to do and last time I checked, I do not fucking answer to you.” He smirks while stepping around me moving for the door.

  Right before he opens the exit to step out, he looks over his shoulder at me and says, “Between the three new sexy sisters-in-law and twin nephews, your family is growing exceptionally fast. Be sure to keep an eye out for them. Family is the most important thing in life. My job requires me to remind you of that.” He closes the door with a soft click, but I hear his low laughter. Those parting words turn my blood to fire.


  chapter 20 - lena

  Sitting in the middle of my comfy couch, I’m cradling a tub of cookie dough ice cream between my legs and steadily spooning a massive amount into my gut. My eyes are glued to the TV show, Below Deck. This reality show is crazy ridiculousness and besides the ice cream, my guilty addiction.

  This is proof that when you subtract land, confine humans to a vessel with miles of water surrounding them and limit their sexual selection that you’ll dick any chick for a nut. Standards be damned. It makes for awkward goodbyes once you dock at the shore that’s for sure. I love every minute of it too.

  My fiery red hair is sitting on top of my head in a messy bun and my slouchy lounging clothes are necessities right now. After almost twenty-six years, I lost my virginity last night and to a damn widespread yeti dick at that. I deserve a down day. Jesus, what was I thinking?

  NO… I promised that I wouldn’t beat myself down over my choice to sleep with Slade. NOPE, not going to do it. I was weak for the yeti explorer disguised in a slick ass business suit but damn, what an experience he was. No wonder the man is a fuck favorite on Instagram.

  Spooning out another scoop, I shovel that in my mouth too and hope like to hell that the elastic in my jogging pants can withstand my emotional episode overload. I haven’t heard from Ramp all day. I mean really… What did I expect from him? That he’d suddenly change and choose a forever type of life with me all because I gave my virginity to him. That shits laughable. Thinking of that has me snorting unattractively.

  When I hear a knock at the door my head whiplashes to the side. I stare at the wooden divider like it has paranormal powers of a third world kind. I shake my head and fork the spoon in the middle of my ice cream mound then move it to the coffee table. Standing slowly, I grab the remote, mute the TV then move over to the door. I chance a look out the peephole and see a delivery boy holding an obscene bouquet of yellow roses. What the hell?

  Going through the ritual of unlocking the many deadbolts, I swing the door open and smile wide. It’s a silent calling card that without words screams, FOR MEEEEE. I toss my remote on the side table as the kid steps forward arms extended in offering.

  “Miss. Carter… Lena Carter.” He says.

  “Yes, that’s me.” He hands the arrangement over and I gasp because there must be more than fifty of the most beautiful yellow roses I’ve ever seen. “Oh, wow. These are so gorgeous.”

  “Well, you have a great day.” He says.

  “Hold on. I’ll set these down and get your tip.” I go to back away, but he speaks up.

  “No, ma’am. That’s not necessary. My tip was taken care of already. Enjoy.” He turns and takes off.

  “Thank you,” I mumble mainly to myself.

  I move inside and bump the door shut with my butt. Doing what all the other ladies in the world would do, I slowly make my way to the kitchen with my nose glued to the flowers. The smell surrounds me and lights up my sugar-induced ice cream non-virgin funk.

  Carefully, I set the massive display down on the counter and pluck the card from the holder running my fingertips over one of the round rosebuds. Sliding the card out of the envelope, I read the words and instantly my nose scrunches up.

  “Beautiful Roses… For Lovely Lena.”

  That’s what that creepy Crellan dude called me. Oh, for shit's sake… I toss the card on the counter and step away. Their beautiful but they were stunning before when I thought they came from someone else. Someone like Slade. Well, so much for thinking this was the doings of Rampage. I do that unattractive snorting shit again as I turn and march my ass back to my rightful spot on the couch to continue watching Below Deck.

  When my phone pings, I roll my eyes and wedge the spoon out of the diminishing tub of ice cream then cram it in my mouth. Snatching the phone up in the process, I swipe the display while tonguing the spoon clean. The message is from an unknown caller and it reads, “Open the door.”

  Frowning at the words, I look back to the poltergeist door right when a knock sounds out. My body flinches as my heartbeat speeds up. My cookie dough laced stomach turns at the possibility that Crellan might be on the other side. That guy gives me a great deal of unexplainable anxiety. He’s a beautiful man but those lifeless eyes hold deadly secrets that I don’t want to get personally acquainted with, ever.

  When the doorknob slowly turns, I remember that I didn’t lock it back after the flower guy left. Damnit. I toss my spoon back into the tub and stand then I watch in slow motion as the door creeps open. What the hell? Someone better have a damn good reason for inviting themselves into my home. When Ramp’s head pokes in I let out a relieved sigh.

  “Jesus Christ, Ramp… Really?” I toss my hand out at him then cross my arms over my chest. “Do you go around inviting yourself into people’s homes often?”

  “Nope, never. Just yours, pretty girl.”

  He steps into my space with a side smirk playing on his beautiful face while pushing the door shut and locking it. His footfalls move forward, and he looks down at the half-eaten ice-cream tub then back to me.

  “It’s a guilty pleasure.” I shrug my shoulders. “Don’t judge me.”

  “Yeah, well I know all about guilty pleasures.” He threads his fingers through the sides of my messy bun hairdo. “Why’d you leave this morning?” He whispers while those gunmetal eyes bounce between mine.

  “Why’d you want me to stay?” My voice sounds like a desperate schoolgirl. Similar to the one that I’ve always been whenever he was factored into the equation.

  “Because a note is not a proper good morning or goodbye after last night.” He says. “But I wanted to let you sleep in.”

  “This coming from the man that said fucking is just a release for two consenting parties.” I try to chuckle around the words he said to me not to long ago, but it falls flat. I can’t even pretend that I’m unaffected.

  “Are you sore?” He ignores my statement altogether.

  His question catches me off guard and the effects have my cheeks heating in embarrassment. I nod shyly at his inquiry. No sense in lying. He must know his
size is way above average. I might be inexperienced in the ding-a-ling department, but I’ve watched porn and his dick is huge in comparison.

  “I want you to understand something, Len.” He leans forward tracing the outline of my bottom lip with his tongue. Oh, God. That lights up my lady parts. “I know what I’ve said to you-done to you, yeah? Every fucked up last word and dirty deed over the years up until now. No reminders are needed. It’s etched in my mind. And I also know that I’ve entertained meaningless and endless amounts of pussy but last night with you was a turning point for me.”

  My heart dips to the side, it’s looking out around the rib cage, and eyeballing him with suspicion. He takes my mouth and dives into my cookie dough center, swirling around with experience that leaves me panting when he draws back.

  “Now, anymore snarky ass comments that I need to address?” He asks. Those huge calloused hands grip my hips tugging me into him and I brush my fingertips up the lapels of his coat.

  “I thought that maybe this was just casual for you,” I admit.

  “I’m quite sure that casual sex is not something you’re looking for, pretty girl, but I’ll play along. Is that what you want?” His words are strained as he studies me.

  “No, I’d like to see where this could possibly go,” I tell him the truth. My vagina definitely wants him too. What can I say? He’s a sexually satisfying God.

  “Me too, baby. Right now, I really want to do some dirty shit to you but that’ll have to wait. First, I want you to come with me to my cousin’s house. We all get together every weekend to cookout and swim. You think you’re up for that? If you’re not into the idea of dealing with my Chaos family yet, then we can wait.”

  He’s completely serious. This man is asking me to attend a family function with him. My heart expands in my chest and I swipe my hand across his flawless playboy face. I’m doomed and I damn well know it. I’d do anything he wants and that right there is a sure sign that I’m screwed.

  “You’re serious?” I ask.

  The smile he provides me with is genuine and absolutely gorgeous. I haven’t seen this side of him in years. This carefree smile reminds me of when we were younger. When he was my Slade.

  “One hundred fucking percent dead ass serious. You got a bathing suit?” He asks and I nod my head. “Good. Go get ready and let’s head out.”

  “Okay. Are you going swimming in this?” I run my hands over his shoulders insinuating the expensive suit that covers his back.

  “I keep swim trunks there.” He shoots me a wink.

  I go to pull away, but he latches onto the nap of my neck taking exactly what he wants, me. God, his mouth is talented. When he finally pulls back again, I whimper at the loss. He adjusts himself with a half-smirk that promises hot sexy time later. Dear sweet baby Jesus.

  Scurrying down the hallway, I change out of my mental meltdown jogging attire and grab my things tossing them in my overnight bag. When I look over my room, I see Slade standing in the doorway staring at me.

  “Nice place, Len.” His voice is a low warning and I stop in my tracks. His tone is telling, and he’s fixated on a card in his hand.

  “Uhhm, thanks. Whatcha got?” I stare at him unmoving.

  “Who are the flowers from, pretty girl?” His grey eyes capture mine.

  “Those came right before you got here. You probably passed the delivery boy on your way to my door. There’s no name on the card but that guy from the party, Crellan, called me lovely Lena. So, I’m guessing it was him. I’m just not sure how he got my home address.” His eyes crinkle and his jaw ticks. He looks back down at the card in his hand. “Slade…” I whisper and those beautiful brewing storm clouds snap back to mine.

  “Please grab clothes for tomorrow. You’re coming with me to Aces Down tonight.” He tucks the card into his pants pocket and tries to hide his discomfort unsuccessfully.

  “Slade, who is that guy, Crellan? Uhm, is he a problem for Aces Down or something?” I ask but he shakes his head no.

  “Later, yeah?” He nods toward my closet. “You need some help?” I press my lips together and shake my head no.

  He has no intentions of sharing with me. Which I don’t blame him. I’m actually happy that he’s not, sorta. Something is weighing heavy on his mind though. I see it. He’s deflecting and I have a fairly good idea of why. I already know he runs a casino under the covert club ruse. That much is obvious but there’s more. I just haven’t figured it out yet.

  Making my way back into my closest, I pick one of my business suites from my collection and drape it over my arm. Tomorrow is Sunday but ya just never know. My stomach is tied up in knots. Something major is taking place here. Those familiar strong arms wrap around my waist and those full lips touchdown against my bare shoulder peppering soft kisses along my collar bone.

  “I promise to tell you everything just not right now. Can you trust me to clue you when I have things under control?” His hot breath skates over my skin and I shiver from the sensation.

  “Are things out of control?” I look over my shoulder at him.

  “No, and I plan on it staying that way.” He winks at me.

  “Okay, yeah. I trust you. I just want you to know that I’m here if you need me. You can trust me.”

  “You sure about that, Lena?” His voice holds a tinge of warning.

  “What?... Of course, I’m sure.”

  “Well, then I guess I should tell you about Rage’s crazy-ass wife that’s probably going to try and hotbox a joint down your throat tonight. She’s our little pot pusher.” He chuckles and my eyes go wide at that statement.

  “Really?” I ask. He nods his head yes and pats my ass then takes the clothes I picked out and exits the closet.

  “Oh yeah. Reese’s Pieces is a hot mess but harmless. The only time she’s lethal is in a courtroom defending clients. Renegade’s wife, Asia, is the one you must watch out for. That little ninja gave birth to TWO replica Renegade’s. So that alone proves her badass abilities. But Rebel’s wife, Alex, is a sweetheart. It’s a good balance. I’ll tell you all about them in the car.” I follow him out hanging onto every word while grabbing the rest of my bathroom essentials that I’ll need for an overnight stay with Slade.

  I’m about to make some new friends and that alone is enough to have me excited. I’m looking forward to this not only because of the girly comradery but because it’s new insight into the life of Rampage. It’s something that I’ve never been a part of before.

  All of us ladies are huddled around the pool house kitchen island. The guys are tight-lipped and hushed talking out by poolside anyway. Plus, a beautiful golden lab named Ghost is lazily lapping up some snoozing time with the boys as well. So, the loud-mouthed girls moved it in here.

  That entire hot bunch of muscle in the pool house seems to be overflowing with male testosterone and fuckable goodness, period. My ovaries were tossing out eggs like dollar bills at a strip joint. The visual of those four men together, shirtless, makes you want to reproduce. Like Asia-in massive quantities-back to back. Body destruction be damned. By the looks of Asia, you’d never guess she has twin boys. Much like all these women, she’s absolutely gorgeous.

  Asia is playing bartender and making us all a round of margaritas. Alex said I was the peanut butter in the sister sandwich stuck in the middle of her and Reese.

  Each one of these women are all uniquely stunning in their own right and damn hilarious. I can see why Ramp’s brothers and cousin all decided to tie the knot. These ladies captured them some Chaos without even trying.

  “Go ahead, hit it. It’s some really good wacky weed.” Reese says.

  She jabs her joint offering at me for the fifth time since she stoked it up seconds ago, and I shake my head adamantly no, again. Do they even say stoked it up anymore? Maybe fired it up… Hell, I don’t know. I was never a Dobie smoker. Do they even call it a Dobie anymore?

  “Reese get that out of Lena’s face. Quit trying to push the pot, damn.” Asia says as she cuts
the blender on hitting the button with a little more punch than necessary. Reese sticks her tongue out at her then hits the joint blowing the smoke clouds high into the air above her head.

  “I’m just trying to be a good host,” Reese says. “Sharing is caring. You wanna wacky hit.” Reese holds the joint out to Asia and she giggles while taking it then points her boney finger in Reese’s face.

  “If you tell Renegade, I’ll drown you in your own pool,” Asia says.

  “Listen, I suck at lying, but I’ll take your secret to my grave. Even if that means we both die upon interrogation.” Reese slaps her hand down on the island counter and breaks out into hysterical laughter. She’s really smashed.

  “Thank God the boys are with Ren’s parents or this would be a no go.” Asia sucks a lung full in then coughs like a manic.

  I turn my head to sneak a peek at Alex and she’s giggling at them both. It’s free standup comedy to those that are straight. Alex is like me and not partaking the pot party favors, but I have a feeling we're both flying right on a contact high, or at least that’s how I feel. My eyes are lazy, and my head is swaying a little. It must be some really good shit.

  Reese is a beautiful green-eyed, glossy black-haired, new age Cleopatra looking barbie with severe curves. Her features are exotic, and the woman is dazzling. Asia is a Jessica Alba look-alike with gorgeous brown eyes and a banging toned up body. I think that’s why Ren calls her Brown Sugar but that’s not confirmed. It would make sense though.

  And Alex, wow. Rebel’s wife has white-blonde haired, big sapphire blue eyes, porcelain skin, and looks just like Scarlett Johansson. She has the coolest pixie angel tattoo’s that line her arm too. It’s like I’m surrounded by the sexiest runway models. It’d be intimidating if they weren’t so layback and cool.

  “So, Lena, how’d cha meet Rampage?” Asia asks. I sit up straighter in my chair and smile until Reese elbows me in the side catching me off guard.


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