High Heat (Hotshots)
Page 8
“I can undress myself fine. Slow. But fine.” No way was he asking Rain for help undressing. Mainly because Rain’s hands all over him sounded like an awesome idea, but also a prelude to something a lot more intimate than whatever flirty friendship they currently had going. The warier parts of Garrick weren’t ready to go there. Yet. “It’s the getting in and out of the tub where I need a lot of help. I just don’t have the hip or ankle range of motion or the balance.”
“Well, that’s what I’m here for. My folks have a smaller one on their deck for...close friends, and there’s a bigger communal one that the community operates for everyone.”
“Close friends?” Garrick had picked up on Rain’s cagey tone there.
“They’re poly. As are a lot of their friends. And one of their good friends a while back used a wheelchair—I helped her some, so that’s how I knew how your chair folded and stuff.”
Ah. That made some sense—he’d been wondering how Rain got to be so insightful about what Garrick both needed and didn’t. “That’s cool. I’ve been around poly people before. Fun dates.”
“Is there a type of person you haven’t dated?” Rain laughed.
Garrick pretended to think a moment. “Not really. But I’m probably not quite as...active as you’re picturing. The fire season keeps us plenty busy, and in the winters, pickings outside of the ski tourists can be slim. It’s a small town.”
“And you’ve dated your way through it. I feel you.” Rain shook his head, amusement still dancing in his eyes. “Anyway, you want me to go check out the tub and you can get undressed at your own pace in here?”
“Yeah. That sounds good.” Smooth too, the way it took the pressure off Garrick needing to be fast. “There are towels in the hall bath—grab a couple, please.”
“Sure thing.”
Grateful to not need to demonstrate his new painstaking way of undressing, he retreated to his room. His grabber tool helped him with his slip-on shoes, and he wriggled out of his pants sitting on the bed. He’d let Rain have his no swim trunks thing, but he left his own black boxer briefs on, at least for the moment. And because crutching across the deck in the chilly evening air was likely to be a slow effort, he shrugged into his old fleece robe, which was in the closet next to various castoffs from parties past—swimsuits, towels, assorted robes and cover-ups that weren’t his, unclaimed stuff he kept meaning to donate—and his hand paused near a silky emerald robe.
Pretty. Sexy. It was a dangerous idea, but the vision of Rain in the garment slithered through him, warming him way more than his own wrap. Unable to shake the thought, he draped the spare robe around his neck before carefully making his way out to the hot tub.
“Hey, Skinny-Dipping King, I brought you something,” he said as Rain stood from where he’d been sitting on one of the deck chairs. He already had the cover off the tub and the water bubbling. Cookie was napping by one of the loungers, already bored with the proceedings. “Someone left this here several parties ago. Thought you might like to borrow it.”
He tossed the jewel-toned robe at Rain, who easily caught it.
“Oh nice.” Rain smiled, his shyer, pleased one that he usually kept hidden behind his wider, flirtier front. “I’m going to try it on.”
Apparently, the whole no-modesty thing the other day wasn’t a fluke because Rain pulled off his sweatshirt right there, not even sparing a glance at Garrick. His chest was more muscled than Garrick might have expected, with intriguing fuzz across his pecs. Still in his pants, Rain put the robe on before Garrick had a chance to truly look his fill.
“It feels amazing. Forget the tub, I might want to bond with this all night.”
“It’s yours then.”
“Really?” Rain’s whole face lit up, making Garrick want to buy up all the silky garments in the area.
“It’s been a couple of years at least. Doubt its owner has missed it and they probably didn’t enjoy it as much as you seem to.”
“I do like it.” Rain twirled once, robe flapping in the night breeze, before pushing down his black pants, some sort of slinky workout material that were nominally track pants but that clung to his ass in all sorts of good ways. And—
“Sweet Jesus.” Garrick’s voice went gruff and his eyes flew open so wide it was a wonder they stayed in his head at all. Damn. He should have been better prepared and braced himself, but maybe there was no preparing for Rain in sheer, lacy black briefs that while covering the essential bits left little to Garrick’s already overheated imagination.
“You like.” Rain’s grin was both surprised and mischievous. “Like not in a ‘you do you, Rain’ way, but in a turn-on-for-you sort of way.”
“Yeah.” Garrick didn’t bother denying the obvious. “I’ve always had a weakness for...pretty things on other people. Like I’m not much on wearing glitter or glam stuff myself, but put someone else in it...and yeah, I can get into that.”
“Good.” Rain took a step forward, robe swishing about him, but Garrick held up a hand.
“I can appreciate without taking advantage. I’ve got some self-control.”
“And if I want you to take advantage?” Rain’s voice was low and seductive now.
Garrick’s breath caught, anticipation thrumming low in his gut. And then, because he’d been standing so long, his crutches wobbled, ruining whatever response he could have managed.
“Hot tub time!” Switching on a dime, Rain managed a sort of cheery bossiness that was exactly what Garrick needed right then. “Let’s get you settled.”
Somehow Garrick managed to explain the help he needed in actual words despite the proximity of Rain and his underwear, which was something of a feat, right up there with actually getting into the tub. They managed though, Rain proving that he might be benefiting from all the workouts, and Garrick showing that perhaps all the exercises Stephanie put him through in PT were doing something.
And it was worth it when he was finally in the water, one of his favorite things, right up there with skydiving. He’d had a vision for this space rooted in entertainment possibilities, but his love of water was a lifelong thing, and he let out a deeply satisfied noise as he arranged himself in one of the seats.
“Much better.” Smiling, Rain let his robe flutter to land on one of the nearby loungers, leaving him in only the sexy underwear before he gracefully slid in the water opposite Garrick. “Now this is nice.”
“Yeah it is. Thanks. Damn. This is exactly what my muscles need after this week. Maybe I need to listen to Stephanie and add some swimming into my routine, even if getting in and out of the pool is a challenge. She has me do hydrotherapy some, but the therapy place has a pool with a lift chair.”
“You should try the swimming. I’d help, even get over my dislike of swim trunks for you.”
“That’s quite the offer.” Garrick had to laugh at Rain’s exaggerated sour expression.
“Hey, I get you in trunks out of it. I’m going to bet you were one of those super wholesome high school guys. Football and lifeguarding. You look like the type who would live at the local pool between sports practices.”
Garrick had to laugh because Rain had captured him pretty darn perfectly. “Add in river raft guide the summer after high school before I got on with an engine crew. I’ve always loved the water. My dad has a place in the country north of town, kind of a small hobby ranch with a couple of horses and other animals, and there’s a pool.”
“Sounds nice.”
“It is. Hell of a place to grow up. There was a time when it looked like he might lose it in the divorce. Some lean months, that’s for damn sure. But it was worth it to get to keep it.”
“I bet. I’m sorry about the divorce. I bet that was hard as a kid. Does she live around here?”
“Eugene. About four hours or so away, but when I was fourteen, it sounded like the ends of the earth. I stayed put with Dad, and she and
my sister moved. She’s still there, working at the university, and my sister married a local guy, so she’s there too with her kids. We visit some though—they came to Portland when I was hurt. So it’s not awful, but...”
“Still sucks,” Rain guessed, rather accurately as usual. “But I’m glad you have your dad.”
“Me too. When it warms up a bit more, I’ll show you his place and we can swim if you’ll help me into the pool. No skinny-dipping, but Cookie can run free there, make friends with the old cattle dogs he’s got these days.”
“I’d love that. It’s a deal.” Some of Rain’s usual clump of curls on top of his head—the sort of half-ponytail, half-bun thing he seemed to excel at—had escaped, clinging to his face in damp tendrils that made him look at once both younger and more irresistible. “Dang. You like the water extra hot. I’m gonna sit on the edge for a few, okay?”
“Sure. Assuming you want to do this again, I can lower the set temp.”
“You know I totally want a repeat. This is a sweet setup you’ve got here. And it’s fine. Don’t change anything. I’m just not used to it yet.” Rain effortlessly used his triceps to push up and out of the water, sitting on the little deck that rimmed the tub. And, holy hell, the water had rendered his briefs all but transparent, clearly outlining a cock that was either half-hard or genetically blessed or possibly both. Trying not to stare, Garrick moved his gaze to the patio lights, but not before Rain let out a knowing laugh.
“You can look. Promise you’re not gonna offend me.” Rain’s voice was almost a dare, and Garrick had to wonder if he was actually overheated or if he wanted the excuse to show off.
“That’s not what I’m worried about.” Garrick made himself look at Rain’s sweaty, glowing, mischievous face, which honestly was as arousing as the underwear and anything underneath it.
“I think you like watching. And that’s quite all right because I like showing off.”
“That much is a given.” Garrick snorted. “But I’m not sure where you get that I like watching. I’m not like...a perv.” At least he hoped he wasn’t. It was true that Rain sort of grabbed his attention and didn’t let go, but he’d tried to not be too obvious in checking him out over the past week.
“That’s not the kind of watching I mean and you know it.” Rain sucked on his index finger before trailing it down his sternum, proving his point, damn it, because Garrick was fucking riveted. “You...enjoy me. I see you. When we’re working out or whatever. And it’s not pervy. It’s a massive turn-on, the way you watch me.”
“Maybe it’s just me...restless. Bored,” Garrick countered, eyes still locked on Rain’s fingers. “And I like doing. I’m a guy of action. All this waiting around as part of my recovery, it makes me punchy.”
“Oh, you can do. Feel free to do all you want.” Rain circled his finger around one of his nipples, the barest graze, an almost idle touch except Garrick knew damn well it was calculated. “But, I’m simply saying...if you like to look, then you can look. All you want. At anything you might like.”
“Anything?” Garrick almost didn’t recognize his own husky whisper.
“Anything,” Rain confirmed, more of that dare in his voice. “I even take requests.”
“That so?” This was a dangerous game they were playing, and he knew it. But there was also safety in it. This was flirting. Nothing more. Not making out where there might be...expectations. And damn it, it felt good. Warmer than the water, more relaxing than the bubbles. Simply good.
“Yeah. Got any?” Rain ran a finger under the waistband of his lacy briefs, stopping right before he reached the erection pushing at the wet fabric. “I’ve seen you around other people. You don’t look at them like you look at me. It’s fucking addictive and I want more of it.”
“Tell me how the underwear feels on your skin,” Garrick asked in hushed tones.
“Yessss,” Rain hissed out a breath. “I’d tell you to come find out... But I’ll let you stay all comfy over there. They feel silky. Clingy, but not in a bad way. You looking at me has me hard, and they’re stretchy, pulling against my cock but not constricting.”
Rain ran his fingers up and down the length of his covered cock, deliberately pulling on the material, but not freeing it either.
“What makes you like that style so much?” Garrick liked listening to Rain almost as much as he was enjoying the show. Also, conversation made it easier to ignore what they were sliding toward.
“They’re mine.”
“Uh-huh.” It was a more serious answer than Garrick had expected, so he leaned forward, waiting to see if Rain would continue.
“It’s my thing. Not my family’s or my friends’ but mine. I don’t have to share it with anyone else. It’s something I can do just for me, my own little sexy secret under my clothes that I get to choose who sees.”
“I like that. Thank you for letting me see.”
“Mmm. I like you seeing.” Rain stretched, resuming his touching. “And that’s the other part of it—it’s simply sexy. I saw some show in my teens, some reality TV thing, and there was a dude wearing sexy panties as a joke, but all I could think was that I wanted that to be me. So I bought some, discovered that jerking off in them was a huge rush, and kept on buying when I could.”
Garrick groaned at the mention of Rain jerking off and all the images that inspired. “You have a collection? Different styles?”
“Let’s just say that I do my own laundry for a reason.” Rain’s laugh echoed through the still night before he dropped his voice again. “And if you’re nice, I’ll show you more of my favorites.”
Ran had continued stroking through the fabric, breath hitching every now and then in the sexiest sound Garrick had ever heard.
“I’d like that.” Clearly, Garrick’s tongue had divorced itself from his brain, but damn did he ever want to see what else Rain owned.
“Can I slide them off? Wanna show you something else I like...”
“Yeah. Do it.” That Rain was asking for permission short-circuited what was left of Garrick’s brain. Even as he played at being the show-off siren, he still seemed to want Garrick in charge, which was heady stuff.
“I like to do this.” Rain wiggled out of the briefs, then wrapped them around his fist, a sexy little cocoon for his cock, which was indeed a nice size, uncut with an oval head and thick shaft.
“Show me. More.” At this point, no way was Garrick backing off this game, not now, not with desire curling low in his belly, the potent hum of arousal in his veins that only increased as Rain began to stroke himself with the silky fabric.
“Good. So good.” Garrick offered praise, both because he knew now that Rain liked that and because it came naturally, encouraging Rain, directing him. “Slow down now. Make it last.”
“Please.” Rain made a needy sound, somewhere between gasp and moan, and even though it was soft, it still made Garrick’s nerve endings sizzle with new awareness.
“Not yet.” Sternness came easier now, a desire to maximize Rain’s enjoyment boiling deep inside him.
“It’s too much.” Rain’s fast breathing said it was anything but, said he was enjoying this every bit as much as Garrick.
“You can do it,” Garrick encouraged, keeping his voice soft but steady. “Gonna feel so good for waiting.”
“Need it.” Begging seemed to come easy to Rain as his eyes fluttered shut, face tensing along with his shoulders and arms. The tension vibrating off him was as sexy as his stroking, which he kept speeding up, then slowing down, like he was trying hard to follow directions.
“I know. Show me.” Garrick scooted slightly closer, not close enough to touch, but wanting more of that delicious energy rolling off Rain.
“God. Now.” Head falling back, Rain’s whole body strained as he stroked with the fabric, dick peeking out of the silky folds.
“Not yet. Tell me how it feels
.” Yeah, he was being pushy, but Rain’s voice all strung out like this was even better than the sight of him jerking off.
“Good. So good. Like I’m going to die from it, but also like I never want it to end. Like...it’s a blizzard of pleasure, and I’m trying to soak it all up, but it’s almost too much. So much.” Rain managed a lot more coherence than Garrick could have had the situation been reversed.
“Keep soaking it up. As much as you can. Draw it out.”
“Yeah.” Rain’s face squished up as he bit his lower lip. The thrum under Garrick’s skin was louder now, a deep buzzing, and he stroked his own stomach and thighs, letting the good feelings build in him too.
“That’s it.”
“Please. Please.” More of Rain’s hair tumbled loose, damp tendrils clinging to his face and neck as he panted.
“You’re doing so well. So hot. Hottest thing I’ve ever seen.”
“Can’t. Hold. Back.” Rain sounded almost alarmed at the prospect, so much so that Garrick couldn’t help reaching out and touching one of Rain’s feet under the water, needing that contact.
“Go ahead. Come for me, baby,” he urged right as Rain shot all over his fist and the fabric, not shouting but breathing hard, whole body twitching.
“Oh my god.” Cleaning off his hand and stomach, Rain threw the underwear to the ground and flopped back against the deck, dreamy grin on his face. “Wowza. Did we really just do that?”
“Uh. Think so.” Damn. This was probably when he needed to be regretting things, but it was pretty hard to regret something so hot. And fun. So much fun. Giving Rain orders and praise might be his new favorite thing, watching how he responded.
“And now for your turn.” Rain slid smoothly back into the water, advancing on Garrick with a gleam in his eye that had Garrick both anticipating and dreading in equal measure.