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King Daddy

Page 4

by Dakota Rebel

  “You didn’t,” she assured me. “Really. I just…wow. I mean, another thirty seconds and I would have been begging for…um, something I’m not quite ready for.” Her breath was coming in heaving pants and her face was flushed and she looked good enough to eat.

  “I forgot myself,” I told her.

  “It was wonderful,” she said, smiling shyly. “I just…I’m not ready. But Percy, I do want you. It’s probably insane, but I’m actually really happy you’re going to be my first. My only. Thank you.”

  “For what?” I asked, looking down at her with a mixture of confusion and admiration.

  “For choosing me.” She shrugged.

  It was that moment. For the rest of my life, I knew, that when our kids asked me when I fell in love their mom, I would tell them it was when she thanked me for choosing her, when she was the one who was saving me.

  Chapter Seven

  ~ Cora ~

  “You’re going to be fine,” Shannon Verlander assured me as she shook my hand.

  We were in the green room, about to go on set to do our live interview, and I was a nervous wreck. Though, I looked fantastic. The studio had done a complete hair and make up job on me, and I was wearing a green and black dress that had made Percy’s jaw drop when he saw me in it. It had spaghetti straps, which showed off my tattoo, but I had a jacket to put over it, at his mother’s request.

  He looked amazing, too. He was wearing a black suit with a green tie, his hair was artfully arranged and he couldn’t stop smiling at me.

  “Are you kids ready?” Shannon asked, motioning toward the door.

  Percy helped me slide my jacket on, then took my hand and we followed her out. My grip on his fingers was probably tighter than it needed to be, but I was afraid if I let go everyone would see my hands shaking.

  When we got on set, people rushed over, attaching microphones, inserting earpieces in our ears and clipping sound boxes behind us before we sat down.

  “Okay, we’re live in two minutes. Just relax and have fun,” Shannon said, reaching over to pat my knee.

  All of the questions had been vetted through the palace staff, so we shouldn’t have any surprises. We were both well coached, but I worried that everything would sound forced and rehearsed.

  Percy seemed just as nervous as I was, and I knew if we didn’t relax, I might barf on live television. I don’t know what possessed me, but I had to say something to relieve some of the tension.

  “Hey.” I leaned over and whispered in his ear. “Don’t worry King Daddy, you’re gonna do great.”

  His gaze snapped to mine, and the heat in his eyes made my panties dampen. Damn it, that was not the reaction I’d expected. I was going for humor.

  “Five, four…” The producer counted down the last three silently then pointed to Shannon, and we were live.

  “Good evening,” Shannon said. “I’m here with the crown prince of Gorgonia, Percy Shire, and his bride to be, Miss Cora Jones. Welcome, both of you.”

  “Thank you for having us,” Percy said smoothly. “It’s an honor.”

  “The honor is mine, your highness,” she simpered. “Congratulations to you both. I know the whole country is excited for the wedding this Friday. Tell me, how did you two meet?”

  Percy took control of the interview as planned. I wanted to just be the arm candy on this one. I’d speak when spoken to, but he was about to be their king, and the people wanted to hear from him.

  “Miss Jones, were you surprised when Prince Percy proposed to you so quickly?” Shannon asked.

  “Not really,” I lied. “I think we both knew as soon as we met that we were destined to be together. Fate brought me to that party, to this country, honestly. I love him so much, and I’m so thrilled that I’m about to be his wife.”

  “Some people are speculating that King Edward had a clause in his will, stating that Percy had to be married in order to accept the crown. Prince Percy, I wonder if you can speak to that at all.”

  “I’m not sure where you get your information,” Percy said with a forced laugh. His grip had tightened on mine and I fought to keep my expression neutral. “That’s quite a story.”

  “Quite the scoop if it’s true,” Shannon said. “Are you saying that this information is false? That you’re not marrying Cora in an attempt to keep control of Gorgonia?”

  “I don’t appreciate what your implying,” I said. “Percy and I are in love. It may not be conventional, but that doesn’t make it less real. The man’s father just died, and you think it’s appropriate to attack my fiancée on live television?”

  “Let’s take a break,” Shannon said, turning to look into the camera. “We’ll be back in a moment.”

  “We’re out,” the producer called.

  “What the fuck was that?” Percy asked, jumping to his feet and glaring at Shannon. “That was not an approved question and you ambushed me on live television.”

  “I’m a journalist,” Shannon shot back, standing up as well. “It’s my job to report the truth to my viewers.”

  “What makes you think that’s the truth?” Percy asked.

  “We have sources, that we do not have to divulge, by the way, that have confirmed that you have to marry before your coronation on Saturday. If that’s true, then it would be difficult to believe this love at first sight story you’re trying to sell the country.”

  “Back in one minute,” the producer said. He walked over to us and pulled Shannon aside.

  I took the opportunity to do the same with Percy, actually walking him off the set and down the corridor. We wouldn’t be there when the show went back live, but that was Shannon’s problem.

  “Hey,” I said, pushing him against the wall in the hallway. “It’s okay. Fuck them. They don’t get to do this to you. You’re about to be the King of Gorgonia. If they want to play dirty, then let’s give them some mud.”

  “What do you mean?” he asked.

  “I mean, fuck the script. Let’s just go out there and be us.” I heard the producer counting down in my earpiece then Shannon stalling as the show went back on the air. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too,” Percy said.

  “It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks, then.” I leaned forward and kissed him. “We know the truth. Friday, I’m going to be your wife. And Saturday, you’re going to be king. Then we’ll spend the rest of our lives proving everyone else wrong.”

  “I don’t know how I got so lucky,” he said, hugging me tightly.

  “Yeah, I don’t know how you got so lucky, either,” I agreed. “We’d better get back out there. She’s stalling as best she can.”

  We walked back out onto the set and settled down in our seats, as if it were completely natural that we’d walked out in the middle of the interview.

  “Well,” Shannon said, turning her fake smile back to us. “Obviously we got some bad information, and I’d like to personally apologize to both of you, as well as our audience, if it seemed like I was accusing you of anything untoward.”

  “Apology accepted,” Percy said, confusion plain in his tone.

  But I knew. Our mics had been on when they’d come back from commercial, and Shannon, the producer, and everyone watching had heard us talking. We’d gone off camera and professed our love for each other.

  No one was going to doubt this marriage was genuine. Including me and Percy. I did love him. And I really did want to be his wife. And my God I wanted to have sex with him.

  When he’d rolled on top of me, and I felt his erection rubbing against my center, I thought I was going to hyperventilate. I’d never in my life felt so turned on. Sex had never really interested me. I wasn’t against it or anything, but I’d always been more interested in books and Netflix. I mean, granted, I’d never really had a boyfriend, unless you counted Danny Griss in third grade, which…I’m pretty sure never counted. I’d never had a guy grind on me before. But I never imagined it would feel so fucking good. And if that little bit of contact felt that am
azing, what was sex with him going to be like?

  “I’m sorry?” I looked up, realizing that Shannon was waiting for me to answer something.

  “I asked if your dress would be ready by Friday,” she repeated. “With such a whirlwind romance, it must be stressful to get everything prepared.”

  “Oh,” I said. “Yeah. I’ll just be wearing off the rack, probably.” Shannon looked horrified and I had to stifle a laugh. “Honestly, I don’t care about the wedding that much. I’m way more interested in the marriage.”

  Percy pulled my hand to his lips, kissing my knuckles softly.

  “Well, I’d like to thank you both for taking the time to speak with me tonight,” Shannon said, turning to face the camera again. “I’m Shannon Verlander. Good night.”

  “We’re out,” the producer called.

  “That went well,” Shannon said, smiling widely at us.

  “You’re a bitch,” I snapped getting to my feet before yanking my microphone off and dropping it with the sound box and earpiece onto the chair. “You had no right to attack him like that on live T.V.”

  “You knew that mic was hot,” Shannon said. “Well played. Every bleeding-heart woman out there just accepted you as their queen tonight. Congratulations. The country is about to be led by a nerd and a freak with a cartoon monster tattooed on her shoulder.”

  “It’s Gossamer, you uncultured swine,” Percy told Shannon. He turned to the producer. “And your station’s coverage invitation to the wedding has been revoked. Congratulations to you on being the only network that won’t be covering the royal wedding.” He took my hand and squeezed it softly. “You ready, babe?”

  “I’ve been ready since we got here,” I told him. “Later, bitches.”

  We walked out of the studio and got into the car Donovan had waiting outside. As we pulled away from the curb and out into traffic, Percy shifted in his seat to look at me.

  “Did you know the mic was on?”

  “I did,” I admitted. “But I meant everything I said.” I shrugged as I blinked back tears. “I am in love with you. And I don’t care how weird or unconventional it is. I love you, Percy Shire. My King Daddy.”

  “You have to stop calling me that,” he growled.

  “Why? Don’t you like it when I call you daddy?” I licked my lower lip. “Or do you like it a little too much?”

  “There’s not a privacy window in this car,” Percy said. “And while Donovan is the most discreet man on the planet, I will not be dignifying that question with an answer while anyone is around.”

  I felt my cheeks heat in embarrassment and I dropped my gaze to my hands in my lap. I hadn’t even thought about Donovan being in the car. I’d been so caught up in flirting with Percy everything else had disappeared.

  “Hey,” Percy said, lifting my chin. “I love you, too.”

  “I think we should get a dog,” I said suddenly. “I mean, I know Donovan hates them but— “

  “I don’t hate dogs!” Donovan snapped, slapping the steering wheel.

  “You shouldn’t be listening to our private conversations,” I scolded him.

  “Oh my God,” Percy said. “Have you been torturing Donovan?”

  “Of course not!” I lied. “I’ve just been treating him like he’s my bestie. Because he is.”

  “Donovan?” Percy met Donovan’s gaze in the rearview.

  “Miss Jones has been perfectly herself with me, sir,” Donovan answered.

  “Babe.” Percy looked at me and smirked. “Don’t do that to him.”

  “Hey!” I punched Percy’s shoulder. “I was going to make up a special handshake and everything, Donovan. Like a Fresh Prince and DJ Jazzy Jeff thing. It was going to be awesome.”

  “I can’t wait, ma’am,” Donovan deadpanned.

  “I think I’m growing on him,” I told Percy. “Just like I grew on you. I mean hell, it only took you five minutes to want to marry me. He’ll be my maid of honor by Friday, just wait and see.”

  “Jesus Christ,” Donovan muttered.

  I smiled as I slid across the backseat and laid my back against Percy’s chest. His arms wrapped around me and I snuggled closer, closing my eyes and listening to the soft sound of him breathing. Yeah, I could spend the rest of my life like this. No problem.

  Chapter Eight

  ~ Cora ~

  I couldn’t sleep.

  I mean, I was exhausted, but my body just wouldn’t give in and my brain wouldn’t shut off. I was getting married tomorrow. Tomorrow!

  After the interview on Tuesday, we’d been so busy with fittings and meetings and floral arrangements that before I knew it, it was Thursday and my mother was bursting through the door yelling my name.

  She’d been angry for all of ten minutes, but the moment she met Percy, all of her arguments died. She told me before I’d headed to bed, that if she’d seen him in a crowd, she could have picked him out as perfect for me and that she’d not argue with me again.

  Dad had hit it off with him as well, and they’d both adored Denise. Tatiana was back with her family and they’d be coming to the wedding. Everything was set and perfect…so why the hell couldn’t I sleep?

  Actually, I knew exactly what was keeping me up. And he was probably sleeping like a baby across the hall.

  Percy Fucking Shire, who somehow managed to become even sexier every day since I met him, was driving me insane. We’d had several mini make-out sessions over the last few days, neither of us allowing it to go beyond some light grinding, clothes on.

  But I was on fire for him. It felt like I was wound up like a spring and if I didn’t find some release soon I was going to explode. For a moment, I considered just taking my frustration into my own hands…as it were. But then, a much better thought occurred to me.

  I got out of bed and tip toed across the room, opening my door softly and stepping out into the hall. Rushing over the cold floor, I cracked open the door to Percy’s suite and slipped inside.

  “Cora?” he whispered. “Is that you?”

  “Who the hell else would sneak into your room in the middle of the night?” I asked.

  “No one,” he said. “What are you doing here?”

  He was sitting up in bed reading, though he put the book down as soon as I came into the bedroom. I walked over and climbed up onto the mattress.


  “Shh,” I whispered, straddling his lap and taking his face in my hands. “I solemnly swear that I’m up to no good.”

  I leaned down and kissed him. His arms wrapped around me and he pulled me down to lay completely on top of him. My body responded immediately, heat and moisture spreading between my thighs.

  “We’re getting married tomorrow,” he whispered against my lips. “Don’t you think we should wait?”

  “We practiced everything else,” I reminded him. “If we needed a rehearsal dinner and a run through on the ceremony, it just makes sense that we practice this, too. Besides, I can’t. I can’t wait anymore, Percy. I need you.”

  He flipped us over, his hips resting between my legs as his lips captured mine again. I moaned into his mouth, my fingers gripping tightly into his shoulders. He felt so strong, the muscles in his back rippling under my palms.

  “Are you sure?” he asked, leaning up to look down at me. “We only get one first time.”

  “True,” I agreed. “But since every time will be with you, I think we can risk it.”

  He sat up, pulling me with him. His hands gripped the hem of my shirt and he urged it up until I raised my arms so he could remove it and toss it away. His fingers fumbled with my bra clasp for a moment, before it finally popped open and he discarded that as well.

  For a moment he stared at my body, his gaze making me shiver. Gently, he pushed me back down on to the mattress, before sliding down my body, trailing kisses over my collarbone and chest until he captured one of my nipples between his teeth.

  My back arched up as electricity shot straight from my breasts to my pussy. I gaspe
d in surprise as my fingers threaded into his hair and my hips canted upward, my body seeking some kind of friction between my legs.

  “My God, you’re beautiful,” he said, raising up to look at me again. “I can’t believe you’re going to marry me.”

  “I can’t believe you’re not naked,” I said, heat creeping up my neck in embarrassment at the compliment.

  He smiled, swooping low to kiss me before pulling off his boxer briefs. His hands slid up my thighs, under my shorts before gripping the hem and dragging them down my legs with my panties.

  We both lay there, just staring at each other for a moment. This was the first time any man had seen me naked. And while I was nervous, I was also really glad it was him.

  “I do love you,” I told him, reaching up to brush a chunk of hair out of his eyes. “You know that, right?”

  “I know.” He picked up my hand and brushed a kiss over my knuckles before pressing it over his heart. “I love you, too, Cora.”

  “I know.” Tears welled in my eyes and I blinked them back. I didn’t want to cry, but this moment felt so big. So special. We were two people about to experience something together that we’d never forget, that we’d never have with anyone else. It was just overwhelming.

  Percy lowered himself over me again, his tongue sliding against my lips until I opened to him, my mouth and my legs. As his tip probed my opening, I lifted my hips, encouraging him.

  He pressed forward slowly, the soft pinch of him breaking through my virginity not at all as painful as romance novels made it sound, until he was completely sheathed inside me.

  Our gazes locked, and we were both smiling. Then he moved and I had to close my eyes against the rush of sensations that poured over me. His hips rocked, his shaft sliding in and out of me as I trembled beneath him. My muscles were coiled like a spring and it felt as if he were a quarter inch from blowing my body apart. Something that was half pain-half pleasure tugged at me, and I reached for it, trying so hard to find release.

  Percy cried out over me, his cock jerking as warmth flooded through me. I clenched my pussy around him, still aching for the orgasm that was almost there.


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