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Heartbreak And Past Mistakes

Page 36

by Chenell Parker

“Yeah, I agree. She hasn’t been dressing up lately because she’s been so tired,” Sabrina replied.

  Jena hadn’t been in the best mood lately. Sabrina noticed that her and Spencer weren’t speaking to each other anymore. He was back with his bitch of a girlfriend and she had been coming around again. She always looked at Jena in disgust like she got herself pregnant. Jena hadn’t told Sabrina anything about what happened between her and Spencer but she didn’t have to. She tried to tell her that Spencer was full of shit but Jena had obviously found that out the hard way.

  “That’s fine with me. I’ll go send out the email when I get back to my desk,” Lyric said.

  “Okay, I’ll talk to her when we go to lunch. Thanks for everything ladies. I’m sure Jena will appreciate it.” Sabrina smiled before she walked away and went back to her work area.

  Jena was making booklets for one of the attorneys and she looked so sad. Sabrina wanted to make her feel better, so she decided to tell her the good news before lunch.

  “What are you smiling so hard for?” Jena asked as she looked over at Sabrina.

  “Just thinking about my Goddaughter,” Sabrina replied.

  “At least somebody is claiming her,” Jena spat bitterly.

  “Don’t do that Jena. Fuck Spencer and his pencil thin, man looking girlfriend. I don’t know nor do I care about what happened between the two of you. What I do know is this baby is going to be loved and I’m going to be one of the people who will love her. You have a good heart and you’re going to be a great mother,” Sabrina assured her, making Jena smile.

  “Thank you, Sabrina. You don’t know how much that means to me. I know I’ve been in a fucked up mood lately and I apologize. This pregnancy has my emotions all over the place,” Jena replied.

  “It’s okay boo. I have some more good news for you.” Sabrina smiled.

  “Unless you’re going to tell me that Spencer died in a head on collision, it’s not good enough,” Jena said with a roll of her eyes.

  “I wish but, no, that’s not my good news. You’re having a baby shower at the office next week,” Sabrina said excitedly.

  “You’re joking, right?” Jena asked as she looked at her.

  “No, I’m not,” Sabina replied.

  “God Sabrina! Who’s idea was this?” Jena asked with a frown.

  “Me, Lyric, and Nova are putting it together,” Sabrina replied.

  “I should have known that bitch had her hand in it. I’m sure she’s having a top of the line, lavish shower, and she wants to throw me a pity work shower just to further prove that she’s better than me.”

  “Calm down Jena. It wasn’t even her idea, it was mine. I don’t know what’s up with you and Lyric, but you need to let that shit go. Like it or not, she’s our supervisor. You could at least pretend to be thankful,” Sabrina fussed.

  Jena was being too ungrateful and she didn’t know what was up with her attitude. Instead of being happy like Sabrina thought she’d be, she seemed to have gotten upset.

  “I’m sorry Sabrina. I really do appreciate everything and I’m sorry for my attitude. I just don’t have any room to store a bunch of gifts at my mother’s house. We barely have enough room for us and my stupid ass had to go get pregnant,” Jena said as she shook her head.

  “Don’t worry about that boo. I’ll spread the word and ask everybody to bring gift cards and monetary gifts. That’s easier anyway since a lot of people might not feel like shopping for a gift,” Sabrina replied.

  “Thank you so much Sabrina. Thank you for putting up with my fucked up attitude and constant mood swings,” Jena said as she walked over and gave her a hug.

  “That’s what friends are for,” Sabrina replied with a smile.

  Jena felt a little better than she’d felt in a while. Despite what she said about having a baby shower, truth was, she really needed one. Spencer wasn’t shit, so she needed all the help she could get. After finishing up with the booklets that she was working on, Jena gathered them up and took them to the attorney who asked her to make them. When she was on her way back to her work area, Spencer stepped out of his office and stopped her.

  “I got Lyric’s email not too long ago. What do you need me to get for the baby?” Spencer asked, surprising her with his offer.

  “You can start with a house. She’ll definitely need one of those,” Jena replied sarcastically.

  “Can we please not do this Jena? I’m trying to do my part,” Spencer sighed in aggravation.

  He still hadn’t told his family about Jena’s pregnancy and that was something else that he had to do. His mother raised him and his siblings all by herself, so he knew that she wasn’t going to be happy about how he handled the entire situation.

  “She needs everything Spencer. My family and I have been buying clothes and diapers here and there, but that’s about it,” Jena replied.

  “What about the big stuff like a stroller and baby bed?” he asked.

  “I’m not getting a baby bed. I don’t have enough room for that,” Jena replied embarrassingly.

  “We might have to discuss your living arrangements too,” Spencer said, making her smile.

  “Uh hmm. Am I interrupting something?” Spencer’s girlfriend Michelle asked when she walked up and cleared her throat.

  She scowled at Jena as she stood next to Spencer and grabbed his arm. Jena just shook her head at how stupid the other woman looked. She was thinking that she must have looked just as foolish to Lyric when she used to do the same thing.

  “Bye Spencer. We’ll talk later,” Jena said as she walked away.

  She heard Michelle questioning him as she walked away and she remembered doing the exact same thing. Just like Jena, Michelle was a fool to think that she would have him all to herself. It took Jena long enough but she finally got it. If it wasn’t about their daughter, she was good on Spencer and anything that he had to offer.


  It was the day of her shower and Jena wanted to make sure she looked better than she felt. She found a cute pink maternity dress to wear and she paired it with her gold Michael Kors flats. She put on a little light makeup and prepared for her co-workers to shower her baby with gifts. She seriously doubted that her family would give her one, so she was appreciative for everything. When Jena pulled up to the office, she was surprised to see Sabrina, Tremaine, and another woman out front arguing. They were loud and things seemed to be escalating. Jena parked her car and hurriedly got out and rushed over to her girl.

  “Bitch, you can have that nigga. I wish the fuck I would fight over a broke ass nigga who makes less than I do!” Sabrina yelled.

  “But, you fucking him though! He can’t be too broke!” the other woman yelled back.

  Tremaine was standing in between them making sure no licks were thrown. Jena looked at him, trying her best to see what her girl saw in him. Tremaine looked like a low budget D’Angelo whose braids were struggling to grow. Admittedly, he had a nice body but that was about all that he had to offer. He didn’t even own a car and Sabrina said that a bed was the only furniture that he had in his small apartment. Still, he must have been a beast in the bedroom to have two women standing there arguing over him.

  “Are you okay Sabrina?” Jena asked.

  “I’m fine. This bitch is the one with the problem. Stupid ass hoe followed me all the way from Tremaine’s house to my job. What kind of desperate stalker shit is that?” Sabrina questioned out loud.

  “I was just in the same bed that you slept in two nights ago. You ain’t special boo. That dick is for everybody,” the woman chuckled in response.

  “But, it was mine last night and this morning. Stop being salty and wait your turn,” Sabrina said, angering the other woman.

  When she lunged at her, Tremaine blocked her lick and pushed her away.

  “You feeling that hoe that much Tremaine. You putting your hands on me behind the next bitch,” the woman fumed.

  “Man, get the fuck from around my job with that dumb shit!” Tremaine

  “Come on Sabrina. The last thing you need is for Lyric or Mr. Malone to pull up and see all this,” Jena said as she grabbed her friend’s arm.

  “Fuck that bitch! I’m not running from nobody. She came to my job,” Sabrina pointed out.

  “You better warn her about me, Tremaine. I’ve done hoes dirty for way less,” the woman said.

  “Is that weak ass threat supposed to scare me?” Sabrina questioned.

  “Sabrina please. Are you trying to lose your job before you can find another one? Let’s go,” Jena whispered, trying to talk some sense into her.

  Sabrina knew that she was right, so she grabbed her purse from her car and locked her doors.

  “You need to leave Tia,” Tremaine said, referring to his ex-girlfriend.

  “You already know this shit ain’t over Tremaine. I got something for you and that bitch. And you know I don’t make idle threats,” Tia snapped as she got into her car and sped away.

  “Sabrina! Hold up!” Tremaine yelled as he ran after her.

  “Nigga, fuck you!” Sabrina snapped angrily.

  Jena felt awkward getting on the elevator with the two of them while they argued.

  “It’s not even like that with us. Tia is my ex and I already told you about her,” Tremaine said.

  “Yeah but you forgot to tell me that y’all were still fucking. Miss me with the bullshit nigga. The dick is good but not good enough for me to share it. I’d rather play with my own pussy than to get played by you. It ain’t even worth it,” Sabrina spat right before she and Jena got off the elevators.

  Tremaine was about to reply until he saw Lyric and her man standing there talking. They were all surprised to see her there because her car wasn’t parked out front. More than likely, she got dropped off by her boyfriend. He’d been at the office just as much as Lyric lately. Tremaine spoke to them and kept going while Jena and Sabrina went over to their work area. Jena smiled when she saw the empty corner in the room decorated with different shades of pink. Lyric’s boyfriend went into her office and came out with a beautiful two-tier cake that he sat on the table.

  “Girl, I didn’t expect so much but it’s beautiful,” Jena whispered to Sabrina.

  “Yeah, that’s why I stayed behind yesterday. Me, Lyric and Nova did all of this once everybody left,” Sabrina replied.

  “That was so sweet of y’all,” Jena noted.

  “Damn, that nigga seems to look better every time I see him,” Sabrina said when Bronx passed by them again.

  Jena tried to look at him discreetly, but Sabrina just didn’t give a damn. She watched as he carried things in and out of Lyric’s office and put them in the area where the shower was being held. She was licking her lips like Lyric’s man was a piece of meat and she didn’t care how disrespectful she was being.

  “You good baby or do you need me to do anything else?” Bronx asked Lyric as they walked out of her office.

  “No, I’m good boo. I’m trying to remain professional and not curse that bitch out for staring like she got a problem,” Lyric snapped as they stepped onto the elevator.

  “You’re a boss now baby. You can’t move the same way that you did before. Don’t even waste major time on minor things. I’m still not understanding why you’re throwing ole girl a baby shower at all. After what she did, I feel like fuck her and that nigga that got her pregnant,” Bronx replied.

  He and Lyric had several late night talks, so he knew all about her past relationships. Bronx also told her when the trouble in his marriage started and why he wanted a divorce. Lyric still didn’t agree with him cheating on his wife and he felt like shit for causing her even more pain. Still, them being together was meant to be and her having his first son was proof of that.

  “I feel the same way, but throwing her a baby shower wasn’t my idea. Truthfully, I probably would have gotten her a gift anyway. It’s not the baby’s fault that the mama and daddy are hoes.” Lyric shrugged.

  “I guess I’m the only one that doesn’t get a pass with you,” Bronx replied.

  “Don’t even go there with me, Bronx. The fact that we’re still together says a lot. I’ve left niggas alone for less,” Lyric pointed out as she walked him to the door.

  “I don’t take you giving me another chance for granted. That’s why I’m doing everything in my power to show you that I really deserve it. I love you, baby,” Bronx said as he pulled her close.

  “Aww boo, I love you too.” Lyric smiled as they kissed.

  “I’ll be back to get you at five. Call me if you need me to come before then. I’m going do a few things for my grandma,” Bronx said as he kissed her again.

  “No, five is fine. Tell your grandma that I said hello. I’ll call you when I have some free time,” Lyric promised right before he walked away.

  As soon as she turned around, Javier was standing there staring at her. She thought that he was going to keep walking out the door, but he got on the elevator with her instead.

  “You’re still as beautiful as ever. I only wish that it was my child that you were carrying instead of that thug’s,” Javier said as he looked over at her.

  “Thugs wear suits too and you’re proof of that. You’ve been doing great at keeping your distance. Don’t stop now,” Lyric replied, right as the elevator doors opened.

  Javier kept his eyes on her until she was out of sight. He had started dating again, but that didn’t stop him from being in love with Lyric. His mother had hooked him up with the daughter of another judge and they all loved her. Javier thought that she was okay, but he couldn’t stop comparing her to the woman who came before her. He didn’t care what anyone said. Pregnant and all, he still would have put a ring on Lyric’s finger and took care of her baby like it was his own. He’d never felt like that about a woman before, so he knew that it had to be real.

  “What time do you want to start the shower, Lyric?” Sabrina asked when she saw her supervisor get off the elevator.

  “Noon should be good. My aunt and uncle said that the food will be here by eleven,” Lyric replied.

  “Okay, thanks,” Sabrina said as she walked away to tell Jena.

  Both women worked up until Nova’s parents came in with the food and set everything up. Sabrina was happy to see that everyone listened and didn’t bring in any gift. The table had about thirty greeting cards on it that she knew were filled with money and gift cards.

  “I need to go freshen up my makeup. I’m sure I’ll be taking a lot of pictures,” Jena said as she stood up from her desk.

  “Come on friend, I got you,” Sabrina said as she grabbed her makeup bag from her purse and led the way to the bathroom.

  She and Jena were almost the same complexion, so her foundation matched her tone perfectly. After putting on eyeliner and mascara, Jena added her own gloss to her lips and was ready to go.

  About an hour later, her baby shower started and she was pleased to see that everyone in the office was there, including Spencer. The food was great and the cake was even better. Once it was over, Jena thanked everyone for everything because she really appreciated it all. She sat at her desk and opened all the card and smiled when she counted over two thousand dollars in monetary gifts. She also had a few gift cards and she could use it all.

  “Girl, this was truly a blessing. I’m so grateful,” Jena said to Sabrina when she walked up to her desk a little while later.

  Sabrina and two of the other receptionists cleaned up the office and put everything back in place.

  “You know it’s all love friend. And the nerve of Spencer to give you two hundred dollars in a card like he’s not half responsible for making the baby. Javier gave more than he did,” Sabrina fussed.

  “I’m over begging Spencer to do right by his daughter. He be talking all that shit, but I don’t buy any of it. I’m prepared to take this to court and let them figure it out,” Jena replied.

  “I know that’s right. Fuck these niggas and that goes double for Tremaine,” Sabrina snapped.
/>   “I guess y’all haven’t made up yet,” Jena said.

  “Nope and I don’t want to. That bitch can have his broke ass. She better not let me see her on the streets since she wants to make idle threats,” Sabrina fussed.

  “I hope they were idle. You can’t put nothing past nobody these days,” Jena replied.

  “I really don’t care. Let me get my ass back to work. I can’t wait until five. I need a few glasses of wine,” Sabrina noted as she walked away.

  Jena really didn’t have much to do, so she surfed the web looking at baby items until it was time for them to clock out. She had already shut her computer off and was ready to go when Sabrina walked over to her. She was surprised to see that Lyric was still there, but she was sure that she wouldn’t be much longer.

  “Dirty, no furniture having muthafucker,” Sabrina spat when they walked past Tremaine.

  He had been trying to get Sabrina to talk to him, but all she did was curse him out every time she opened her mouth. It pissed him off that she was doing it in front of Jena but that was nothing new. She always swore that she was done with him and would be right back in his bed a few days later.

  “You are evil,” Jena laughed as they got on the elevator and rode down to the first floor.

  “Fuck him with them small ass braids,” Sabrina said, making Jena laugh louder.

  She was still going in on Tremaine when they got off the elevator and walked outside. Jena was so busy laughing at her friend that neither of them paid attention to the car that came speeding towards them until it was too late. Sabrina was the first to notice and she tried her best to move and pull Jena along with her. Since she was pregnant, she was too slow. The car hit Sabrina’s leg, but Jena got it much worse.

  “Jena!” Sabrina screamed when she saw the car plow into her friend and send her flying into the air. Jena hit the ground with a loud thud, but that wasn’t the worst part of it all. She landed on her face and her very pregnant belly.

  “Oh, my God! Please! No!” Sabrina screamed as she tried to rush over to her.

  The pain in her leg stopped her, making her look down at the damage. Sabrina’s knee looked like it was turned to the side and her ankle looked disfigured. She was screaming and crying as she slid her body closer to where Jena was laid out. The car screeched out of the parking lot, but she was too distraught to even get a description or the license plate info.


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