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Heartbreak And Past Mistakes

Page 41

by Chenell Parker

  “What did she say?” Deuce asked once she was done talking.

  “She cooked gumbo. I need some containers,” Lyric replied.

  “Containers for what?” Deuce asked.

  “I need to take me some home after I eat,” Lyric replied, looking at him like he should have known that.

  Deuce laughed but he went to the dollar store and got her some containers before going to spend some time with his other favorite girl.

  Chapter 41

  Just like it was before, the concert was boring as hell to Deuce. Lyric was enjoying herself and that was good enough for him. She was excited when it was over because she got to take a few pictures with the band. She was all smiles when they left and that made him happy.

  “I can’t wait to show my mama my pictures,” Lyric beamed as she looked through her phone at the pictures that Deuce took.

  “Did you have fun?” he asked as he looked over at her.

  “Thank you, baby. I enjoyed everything. This was one of the best concerts that I’ve ever been to,” Lyric replied.

  “That’s all that matters,” Deuce replied, right as his phone rang.

  Lyric didn’t want to seem insecure but his phone had been ringing just about all night. If he wasn’t talking to someone, he was texting when he thought she wasn’t paying attention. Instead of answering the phone, he declined the call and sent a text message to someone. Lyric started to speak on it but she decided to see how things would play out for the rest of the night.

  “Are we going to get something to eat? I’m starving,” Lyric spoke up after a while.

  “I really don’t feel like it but maybe we can order something,” Deuce replied.

  “I don’t want pizza,” Lyric said, right as his phone rang again.

  Instead of ignoring it like he did before, Deuce picked up and started talking.

  “I’ll call you when I get home. I’m like ten minutes away,” he said before disconnecting the call.

  Even though she was pissed, Lyric still didn’t speak up or voice her opinion. She didn’t know what was up with him and she didn’t want to jump to conclusions. He already knew what was up with her, so she didn’t need to remind him. It was understood and she didn’t need to explain it.

  By the time they pulled up to the house, Lyric was trying hard to hide her attitude. Bronx seemed to be in another world and he never even bothered to ask her what she wanted to eat. Instead of waiting for him to open her door, Lyric jumped out of the truck as soon as he parked. She was pissed that she still had to wait for him because she didn’t have her house keys.

  “What’s up? You good?” Deuce asked as he looked over at her.

  “I’m straight,” Lyric replied, trying to keep her face neutral.

  Deuce laughed because he already knew what was up with her. Lyric tried to seem unaffected but he could tell that she was upset. Her arms were folded across her belly as she waited for him to open the door.

  “Are you sure that you’re okay?” Deuce asked again.

  “Can you open the door before the mosquitos eat me up?” Lyric snapped as he unlocked the door.

  The alarm started beeping, but he opened the door wide and let Lyric walk in first. She stopped right there in the doorway and covered her mouth in shock. Her coffee table had been moved out of the living room and replaced with a small folding table. The table was covered in a black cloth with candles lit on top of it. There were two covered dishes along with a bottle of wine chilling in a bucket of ice. Chocolate covered strawberries were on a tray and a heart shaped strawberry cheesecake was right next to it. Rose petals littered the floor and a few were sprinkled on the table.

  “Are you gonna turn off the alarm or do you want the police to come?” Deuce smirked since Lyric never made a move to disarm the system.

  She rushed to put in her code before walking over and wrapping her arms around his neck. Besides Bronx, her parents were the only other people who had access to her home and the code to her alarm. She knew that they had to have played a part in it and she was overcome with emotions.

  “Aww baby, this is so sweet. How did you do all of this?” Lyric asked as she wiped tears from her eyes.

  “Your mama and daddy hooked me up. And before you ask, it was your mother who was calling and texting me all night. Don’t even lie and say you don’t care because I saw that lil funky ass attitude from a mile away,” he laughed.

  He knew Lyric better than she thought and he was absolutely right.

  “You got me. I was about to snap on your ass. And I’m hungry, so it would have been ten times worse,” Lyric replied.

  “I got you covered on the food though,” Deuce said as he walked her over to the table and pulled out her chair.

  Once he removed the lid from the food, Lyric could tell that it was her parents who prepared the food. She knew Melody’s cooking from anywhere and she was ready to dig in.

  “You got wine and everything,” Lyric noted as she pointed to the bottle.

  “You know damn well you ain’t drinking while you’re pregnant with my son. That’s some kind of sparkling juice that I found. I just needed to give off that wine effect,” Deuce laughed.

  He and Lyric talked and enjoyed their candlelight meal. Her parents had hooked it up and he had to call and thank them. Their day was perfect and it was only going to get better.

  “I’m so full. As much as I love cheesecake, I can’t even do it to myself,” Lyric said as she held her stomach.

  “Don’t tap out on me yet. I have one more surprise for you,” Deuce said as he stood up and walked around the table to her.

  “You’re just full of surprises tonight,” Lyric smiled.

  When he dropped down to one knee and pulled a ring box from his pocket, Lyric’s smile faded and her heart started beating rapidly in her chest. Deuce was saying something to her but she was barely paying attention. Her eyes remined focused on the huge diamond engagement ring that he opened the box to reveal instead.

  “I can’t remember a time in my life that I’ve ever been happier than I am right now. I want to spend the rest of my life loving you and my son and making you feel the same happiness in return. Will you marry me, baby?” Deuce asked as he looked at her and awaited an answer.

  “No,” Lyric whispered, shocking even herself with her answer.

  She was thinking it but she wasn’t ready to verbally express it. The answer slipped out before she was ready, but it was too late to take it back. The look of hurt and devastation that crossed Bronx’s face was one that she would never forget. She didn’t mean it and she wanted to take it back. She wanted to tell him how she really felt but he was enraged when he stood to his feet.

  “Fuck it. I’m done,” Deuce said as he snapped the ring box close and walked down the hall to the bedroom.

  “Can we talk Bronx? At least hear what I have to say,” Lyric pleaded.

  “What more can I say Lyric? What more can I do to make you see just how fucking much I love you? I bend over backwards to prove myself to you, but it’s never enough. I sometimes wonder why you’re even with me,” Deuce fumed.

  “I’m with you because I love you,” Lyric replied.

  “But not enough to marry me though,” he countered.

  “Your divorce just got finalized yesterday,” Lyric pointed out.

  “You’re talking like I’m asking you to walk down the aisle tomorrow,” Deuce argued.

  “I just don’t know if I’m ready,” Lyric said.

  “It’s cool Lyric but I’m done trying. I can’t even be mad at you for always hurting me like this. I need to be mad at myself for always allowing you to.”

  “I’m not trying to hurt you but you know my past experiences,” Lyric cried.

  “I’m not them other niggas!” Bronx yelled, making her jump in fear.

  “You had a wife, so you were even worse,” Lyric noted.

  “I’m trying to improve the future, but you can’t stop bringing up the past. It was a lesson but you t
urned it into a life sentence. I can’t keep doing this Lyric. I can’t keep loving you more than I love myself. I’ll always be here for you and my son but I have to go. This shit is draining the life out of me,” Deuce said sadly.

  “Bronx no. Don’t leave, please,” Lyric begged as she cried silent tears.

  “You’re not giving me a reason to stay. I really thought you were healing me, when all along, you broke me even more,” he replied, making Lyric cry even harder.

  She loved him but, more than that, she needed him. It was fucked up how they got together but that didn’t stop her from loving him unconditionally. He was the missing piece to the puzzle that she was scared to complete.

  “I’ll try harder, I promise,” Lyric swore, hoping that her words were enough to make him stay.

  He should have walked away and his first mind told him to do just that. Feeling sympathy for her after she turned down his marriage proposal showed just how much he really loved her. Thankfully, no one knew what he was going to do except her parents. It would have been too embarrassing for people to know the outcome. He should have packed up his clothes and left her in tears, but he couldn’t. It was magnetic and he was drawn to her. It could take ten years for Lyric to make up her mind and he knew that he would be right there waiting with open arms.

  “I love you so much Lyric. This shit is unreal,” Deuce said as he wrapped his arms around her.

  “I love you too,” Lyric mumbled while hugging him back.

  They stood in the middle of the floor and quietly embraced for what felt like forever. After a while, Bronx led her to the bed and removed her shoes. Lyric laid down on her side and he got in and laid behind her. He rubbed her stomach in a circular motion and she dozed off a short time later. Leaving her was out of the question and he already knew that. He wasn’t even sure if he could leave for a few days without losing his mind from missing her so much. Lyric snored lightly as Deuce laid there deep in thought. When his phone rang, he hurriedly grabbed it before it woke her up.

  “What’s up cuz?” he whispered when he answered for Darnell.

  “Man, Wanda is about to be mad as fuck with me in a few minutes. Your uncle is two seconds away from getting knocked the fuck out,” Darnell fumed.

  “Why? What happened?” Deuce questioned.

  “That nigga is drunk and he’s acting stupid. I’m trying to stop the paid detail from locking his ass up, but he better chill out. I cut him off and I’m not serving him no more drinks. I took his car keys so he wouldn’t leave. I’m trying to stop him from killing himself and somebody else too,” Darnell said.

  “Man, fuck. I swear on my unborn son, that nigga better not step foot in Ace’s again after tonight. I’m sick of him and his shit. I’m not my mama,” Deuce raged.

  “What you want me to do bruh? I don’t have time to be babysitting his stupid ass all night. I’m happy Sanai came through here. I told her to sit with him until I called you,” Darnell said.

  “I’m on my way man,” Deuce replied before he disconnected the call.

  Lyric was sleeping so peacefully and he hated to wake her up. He tried to ease out of the bed without her knowing but she sat up as soon as he moved.

  “Where are you going?” Lyric asked as she wiped the sleep from her eyes.

  “I need to run to Ace’s right quick. Warren is drunk and acting a fool. Darnell is holding him down until I get there,” Deuce replied as he put his shoes back on.

  “You want me to come with you?” Lyric asked.

  “No baby. I would never bring you in there, especially while you’re pregnant. I need to go make sure he gets home in one piece. Lay down until I come back. I’ll lock up behind myself,” Deuce said as he kissed her cheek.

  As soon as she heard him reset the alarm and lock up, Lyric got depressed. She grabbed her phone and called her mother to vent to her for a while.

  “Hey mommy’s baby. Do you have something to tell me?” Melody asked excitedly.

  “No,” Lyric said as she burst out crying.

  “Oh hell no! What did that pretty ass nigga do to my baby?” Melody argued.

  “He didn’t do anything. It’s all my fault. What is wrong with me? It’s like I want to be happy but I chase away the only man who tries to give me happiness,” Lyric sobbed.

  “What happened baby? Do I need to come over?” Melody asked.

  “No, I’m okay,” Lyric sniffled.

  “Where is Bronx?” Melody inquired.

  “He’s not here. He made up some lame ass excuse about having to go to Ace’s. He never goes to that club and now he wants me to believe that he’s going there to get his drunk uncle. I must look like a damn fool,” Lyric fumed.

  “I’m confused baby. All I know is that he wanted to propose. He asked me and your daddy to help him out and we did. What happened? Did he change his mind?” Melody asked.

  “No, he did it,” Lyric answered.

  “And?” Melody inquired, encouraging her to go on.

  “I said no,” Lyric admitted as she started crying again.

  “Why Lyric? You don’t love him or something?” Melody questioned.

  “Yes, I do love him. I love him more than I’ve ever loved anybody else. I’m just scared ma. I don’t want him to do me the same way he did Zina. I want to be able to trust him when he walks out the door without second guessing what he’s saying.”

  She took a few minutes and ran everything down to her mother. She needed advice and Melody always kept it real with her.

  “If you don’t trust him, let him go,” Melody replied.

  “Seriously ma? I just told you how much I love him and you’re telling me to leave him. That is not what I want to hear right now,” Lyric argued.

  “Good, because I’m not telling you what you want to hear. I’m telling you what you need to hear. You don’t drown by falling in the water, Lyric. You drown by staying there. Let the past go and move on. If you love him enough to stay with him, you should love him enough to forgive him. If not, let him go and move on. You’re not being fair to him and you’re not being fair to yourself. I know I wasn’t the best example for you to follow because I have a problem with forgiving people too. But starting today, I promise to try to do better and you need to do the same,” Melody advised.

  As usual, her mother gave it to her real without cutting corners. Melody was right and she gave Lyric a lot to think about. She got up and looked on the dresser at the ring that Bronx had purchased her. Lyric never really noticed how beautiful it was but she loved it. She took it out of the box and put it on her finger, admiring the way it sparkled and shined.

  “Okay, I know what I have to do,” Lyric said as she took the ring off and put it back where it was before.

  “What’s that?” Melody questioned.

  “I’m about to call my man to come home, so we can talk. You can start looking for us a house too. We’re ready,” Lyric replied.

  “Aww shit nah. That’s what I’m talking about. Go get your man boo,” Melody said, cheering her on.

  “I’m on it,” Lyric replied before she hung up with her mother and called her man.

  Chapter 42

  Deuce pulled up to the club and doubled parked right in front. He didn’t plan to be there long, so he wasn’t about to look for a parking spot. Darnell used his assigned parking spot out front because he didn’t have any use for it. Deuce got out and talked to the two paid policemen out front before he headed inside. The club was pack just like always but he went straight up to the bar. A few people spoke to him along the way, shocked to see him in there.

  “Where that stupid ass nigga at?” Deuce asked Darnell as he took a seat on one of the bar stools.

  “He’s sitting over there somewhere with Sanai,” Darnell replied as he pointed towards the back.

  “Fix me something bruh and make it strong,” Deuce requested with a sigh.

  “Damn cuz. What’s going on like that?” Darnell questioned.

  “My day went from sugar to shit in
no time,” Deuce replied.

  “Aww shit, not the concert again,” Darnell said as he poured him a glass of Hennessy and slid it to him.

  “Nah, the concert was straight. It was everything that happened after that. But it’s nothing that I can’t handle,” Deuce replied as he downed the strong liquid with one gulp and frowned.

  “Damn boy. It must really be bad. You murdered that drink,” Darnell laughed.

  “You have no idea,” Deuce replied as he pulled out his phone.

  He dialed his mother’s number and waited for her to pick up. Once she did, he talked over the loud music to let her know that he was about to bring her drunk, freeloading ass brother home. As soon as he hung up the phone, Sanai came rushing over with a panicked expression on her face.

  “You better go get your uncle Deuce. He’s about to get jumped,” Sanai said as she pointed to the three men who were surrounding Warren.

  Deuce could tell that he was talking shit, but it wasn’t hard to see that he was drunk. If it weren’t for his mother, Deuce would have probably left Warren there to fend for himself. He was a nuisance and he wasn’t in the mood to be dealing with him.

  “Fuck!” Deuce yelled as he jumped up from his stool and ran over to where his uncle was.

  Darnell hopped over the bar and ran over to help him. Sanai stood by and watched the bar while her brother was away. She knew that he was going to give her a free drink for looking out and she looked forward to it. When she felt vibration on the bar, she looked in the spot were Deuce was just sitting and saw that he’d left his phone behind. Lyric’s smiling face popped up on the screen and Sanai smiled devilishly. She looked over at Deuce and her brother to make sure they weren’t watching before she picked up.

  “Hello,” Sanai answered loudly to make sure she could be heard over the music.

  “Who is this?” Lyric snapped angrily.


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